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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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Parents who do not control their kids,  like letting them run around and make a HUGE mess and than do nothing to clean it up.

  • Brohoof 3


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When my internet connection goes out right before clicking "submit post".

Absolutely this! This and all other computer problems. They seem to be without end. I hate it when my computer freezes up when I'm in the middle of a conversation in my PMs and it makes me look rude when I can't send my replies.  :angry:

  • Brohoof 1
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where and in what context do people say "autistic"? im not having a go at you im just use to it being "reatarded" well.. that's what it is in Australia

like... your friend would say "lets jump off this bridge into the water" and you would respond with "dude no! what are you retarded?!" "autistic" doesn't seem like the word of best fit :/

either way tho it is super bad and unthoughtful 

You get it a lot in the Army. 


"there's so much Autism around here"

"The diggers are being Autistic again" 


you also get others like 


"gay as AIDs"

"Speed of a thousand raped apes" 

"have you legit got an extra chromosome or something?


and one that we're told not to say because its apparently offensive is "stick your wanking spanner in the air loud and proud" (saying raise your hand its usually used when some ones in trouble and they want the person to be honest)


that being said i believe people need to get a thicker skin i know a gay person who frequently says "gay as AIDs" 



also more recently SJW phrases have become joke saying or what ever e.g


"Private go clean the cage"


"excuse me!? i sexually Identify as a US Marine check your privilege sarge" 


however its mostly used to confuse older soldiers who aren't pop culture or internet savvy 


Edited by idunnomaybe
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Losing symmetry is one of my biggest pet peeves ever. It happened today once again because my other ear is clogged so my hearing is asymmetrical which irritates me way too much and even makes me aggressive. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quite a few:


People who don't know their wrench sizes when I ask for one

​Dive tenders

When someone doesn't write their signatures on paperwork, especially when it's regarding work equipment

Dive tenders

Power outages from something small like a squirrel

Dive tenders!

Driving in cramped parking lots

Dive tenders!!

Changing out comm cables on diving umbilicals after a saltwater dive. Every...Single...TIME!!!

Damn dive tenders!!!

Whenever I order a straight shot of whisky at a bar and they ask "With ice?" :wat:

The Coast Guard checking up on us while we're working. You're slowing down our work dammit! (Also talking to you EPA!)

Dive tenders man....


Basically, to take away from all this, dive tenders are the root of all complacency and evil in this world. Can't even get my coffee right!

Edited by The Diver

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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New pet peeve with general audience people when it comes to Jurassic Park: when they say that all 4 movies are the same story of dinosaurs breaking out and eating people over and over. "Why do they keep making theme parks over and over". Yeah. Screw you people.

Edited by Dinos4Ever
  • Brohoof 1


Love is a most potent magic

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  • 1 month later...

Basically this thread is for venting anything you hate or get annoyed by. For example;


I hate spoilt children. All they do is moan and they don't realise how good they have got in life and thye only care about what they want. All i can think is   QUIET!  :=:  lol


Another thing I hate is loud sounds which appear out of no where, it scares me sometimes and i don't know what to do about it.


Feel free to share you're opinions but please.... keep it as civil as you can (no unnecessary swearing)  :derp:  Thanks guys.


Look at all these posts Sugar-cube !




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I'm active on DeviantArt and there are two types of people there that really grind my gears.


First, the delicate flowers who are all "No critique!!! If you have nothing nice to say don't comment!!" And then you look at their art and the only comments that haven't been hidden are "Cool!" or "Looks great!" and a bunch of smileys and hearts. ... Really, if someone writes a long, thought-out comment about the flaws in your art, that's usually because they want you to get better. But oh well, if they want to tell everyone not to say anything remotely helpful, that's their call.


Second, there's the people who just flat out tear down anything they don't like, for whatever reason. "This sucks." Just like that, bombed to the ground. No explanation what they don't like about it, just straight for the KO. What are they hoping to achieve, that the artist who produced something that doesn't meet their approval will, after such a devastating attack, spend the rest of their life curled into a fetal position and never offend the hater's sight with their creations again? Yeah, let's hope they're holding their breath while they wait for that to happen. :dry:

  • Brohoof 7
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One thing I absolutely despise about Reddit is that if you go against whatever the circlejerk is on any subreddit, (and every one that I've seen does) you get downvoted into oblivion just for having a different opinion.

Edited by Vulon Bii



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God-botherers who walk around town handing out fliers. For some reason, they attract to me >.> I wish they'd leave me alone.


It's like me walking around handing out Richard Dawkins and Atheist quotes. 

  • Brohoof 1

- Kayleigh

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People who talk,, text or play around during movies.

People who expect unrealistic things and then explode when those expectations are not met.

Hipsters and their equally irritating brethren, the anti-hipster

Bigotry in general

The phrase "I'm so random"

People who can't accept when they are the cause of their own problems

Enablers of said people

Black licorice

Smacking your food

Eyeball scenes in any film


Pool-tinklers and their more horrific counterparts pool-doodlers

Peanut butter crackers


and many more i am sure.

  • Brohoof 2


~No profound statement needed~

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Oh there's a pretty long list of them:

  • Bigots.
  • People who talk too loudly. Or do most anything to loudly honestly.
  • People who can't stop talking.
  • Hypocrites.
  • People who have absurdly bad grammatical skills.
  • People who have completely unjustified opinions.
  • The sound of a dog licking something.... Absolutely nasty :/...
  • People with constant drama.
  • Stubborn people.
  • People that deliberately try to be aggravating.
  • When I'm playing LoL on a team with people who have no map awareness whatsoever and constantly ask for MIAs instead off actually paying attention to the map.
  • When I'm playing LoL and people ban a pick just because it got reworked or is brand new. Particularly if it's win rate is absurdly low.
  • When I'm playing TF2 and somebody complains about bodyshots.
  • Small children, in general. Some are fine, but most are ridiculously annoying.
  • Probably more, but this list is getting pretty long.
Edited by TwillyFSniper


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Little kids crying, if it's someone older I'll offer my shoulder to them but ooohhhh my freaking God. I hate it when little kids cry!! It is by far the most annoying thing to me besides vocal rights activists (I agree with them but I just want them to shut up)

  • Brohoof 1


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1. Third Wave Feminism

2. Exaggerating problems 

3. Gaming elitists who constantly complain and insult newer players

4. Overly nostalgic people who always complain how "the first season/ game/ generation" was better

5. Obtrusive paywalls 

  • Brohoof 1
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My moms bird for one thing. It's a cockatiel and loves to make high ptched screeches. Don't get me wrong, I love animals; but like humans they can annoy me the worst at times.


I also hate pretenders. People who act like they've been through hell. People who find the dumbest reasons to be sad. 'Waaah, I'm a waste of space who doesn't want to go to college and follow his dreams as a pilot' 'waaaah, my mom won't let my friends over so we can party.'

Come back to me when they're gone, then I'll remind you how much you hated them and wanted them dead.


Also hate Bandwagoners. People who follow. Those people who are classified as basic. Those who can't think for themselves. They always have to be part of the fad, never setting one. They are the people who have no loyalty. These people are toxic; they tell you who you should love and follow.


Another thing I hate, anti-tobacco movements. They have been outed for makes up BS statistics. They also blame a third party INSTEAD OF THE PARENTS when kids are caught smoking. When I was kid and I saw my sister smoking I was outright disgusted. Now, my sister wasn't a toy for the tobacco company. At the time our mom was in hospital and couldn't keep an eye on her. Just because Swisher Sweets has flavours like Grape, Cherry, Coffee, and cotton candy, doesn't mean they were targeting kids. They were targeting KIDULTS, aka adults that free their inner adult all the time....like me lol.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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1. Getting bodied by sword characters in Smash 4

2. People coming into my room (They don't even knock)

3. Being near individuals seemingly ages 4 to 10 that I don't know

4. My younger self

5. Being in a family picture

6. Those family pictures being posted

7. My smile

8. Being told to join the family

9. My door open

10. 13 year olds making lip syncing Vines with a mainstream 2016 song sped up with the angle changing constantly

11. The Snapchat filters

12. Past memories

13. When people are mean to me and I'm in a bad mood

14. Being told to go to bed when I'm not tired

15. Waiting for the next MLP episode

16. When a tasty snack in the pantry is being used for a party that I'm not invited to

17. When I'm playing a game on my tablet or 3DS and someone says "let me try"

18. Being unable to sleep when I want to

19. Waking up realizing that that was a dream and I could've done something that I wished was possible

20. When there's no more coffee creamer

21. Waking up early for school

22. Exercising

23. History lessons

24. Playing competitive Smash when I forgot I had items on


I'm sure there's more.

  • Brohoof 2

Pennutoh has a gun

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1. Oversensitive people (I don't hate them, I just find them irritating)

2. Loud, sudden noises

3. A good portion of Millennial culture

4. Illogical people (again--don't hate them, just don't like them very much sometimes)

5. Bigotry 

6. Censorship

7. Most "reality" television

8. Cats! Freakin' cats, man... :okiedokieloki:

9. Lies. There is no such thing as a "white lie"; all lies have the potential to kill relationships

10. Hypocrites 

11. Tyranny (duh)

12. Meat. I don't think it's immoral to eat meat--I just don't care for the tastes/textures

13. When people try to shove their opinions down my throat

14. Impoliteness 

15. BuzzFeed

16. Math

17. Myself (sometimes) :lol:

18. Being overheated. I would much rather be too cold than too hot

19. Mint 

20. Dark chocolate

21. When someone claims to belong to belong to a religion yet constantly spits in the face of everything that religion stands for (uncharitable, selfish Christians, etc.)  

The Brony Code:

Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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