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My bad xP I would of thought that her parents would of showed up at the Apple Family Reunion. I'm guessing she's and orphan and Granny Smith had to take care of their children.


Lol its alright. xD


I just hope that gets explained later on (although seeing baby applejack made me go 'HNNNNG' *Ded* but still it made me confused as to how Applejack, Applebloom, and big mac are related, and who is the mother and father?


For all we know those three are not even related at all.

  • Brohoof 1

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"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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The obvious answer that nobody seems to have touched on is that Pegasus ponies generally live in the sky. we haven't seen them because they don't live on the ground where the show is set.


However, you'd have thought RDs parents would have showed up to watch her in the young flyers competition. She has just always struck me as being very independent.


Fluttershy seems self reliant too, though in a much quieter way. This is one of the reasons I relate to her so much. She moved away from any potential family she had at an early age and felt uncomfortable around other ponies so surrounded herself with animals. To be honest that long, amazing post about Fluttershys potential background explains it perfectly.


And Scootaloo does actually seem to be an orphan. She lives on the ground, seemingly alone, and she is so, so young. The fact that she seeks out an older pony to look up to in RD pretty much seals the deal for me.


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What I really think is that Scootorphan might be true, as this is why she looks up to Rainbow Dash so much. Rainbow Dash probably wanted to live on her own and ran away, and Fluttershy was possibly left at Flight Camp. But when she fell from the race (Cutie Mark Chronicles Episode), her parents probably couldn't find her, and called off the search.



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My headcanon is that Fluttershy grew up in a large family with many children, and was somewhat ignored due to her quiet and gentle nature compared to her rowdy siblings. 

Canon? I have no idea. They are probably in Cloudsdale, though.

Edited by Stellafera
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Fluttershy and RD's parents, like you said, are both probably in Cloudsdale, and I'm sure that both are aware that their children are in Ponyville.  As Lauren Faust has even been on record for saying, the Mane 6 are all 18-22 or so, so they're young adults at this point, beginning to live their own independent lives.  Now, as for the rest of their adolescence (i.e. after the recalled events of "Cutie Mark Chronicles"), I imagine that RD continued to live in Cloudsdale until she was older.


However, Fluttershy's a little more difficult: either (1) she was brought back to Cloudsdale to her parents with her heart set on moving to Ponyville when she was older, which she finally did (likely, but not necessarily most likely, considering her special talent), or (2) she lived with somepony else that she met or became acquainted with through an adult, such as her parents or a family friend, after informing and getting her parent's consent for the move upon revelation of her cutie mark and, by extension, special talent with animals.  This pony was most likely Applejack and the Apple Family at Sweet Apple Acres, since AJ's always been quite patient with Fluttershy, and so must have had previous experience with being around her.  She could have possibly stayed with the Cakes at Sugarcube Corner as well, but my money's on Sweet Apple Acres, since it would've given her some more opportunities to be around and work with animals, and also get acquainted with the nearby Everfree Forest.  Eventually, she probably either built (with the Apples help) her house, or just bought a house with some saved up money near the Everfree Forest on the outskirts of Ponyville.  Well, that's my theory anyway.

Edited by Batbrony
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"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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just hope that gets explained later on (although seeing baby applejack made me go 'HNNNNG' *Ded* but still it made me confused as to how Applejack, Applebloom, and big mac are related, and who is the mother and father?


Well, I think AJ's parents are simply dead, but it cannot be said, because it's a cartoon for children after all, so they need to avoid serious topics. In Apple Family Reunion we can see 2 shooting stars which represent AJ's parents:

  • Brohoof 3

"When all the truth does

is make your heart ache

sometimes a lie

is easier to take"

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found this in my travels today and felt it was fitting for this thread. it really makes you wonder what might have happened between that moment in her life, and how she turned out. 



  • Brohoof 1

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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I haven't given it much thought until recently, but there may be something to the fan based conjecture that pegasi don't live as long as unicorns or earth ponies.  Maybe they age at the same rate but have a propensity to drop dead sooner?


Have we ever SEEN an elderly pegasus in the cartoon?  :huh:


It seems slightly grimdark, but let's just say that the ability to fly naturally comes with a price.  Flying takes a lot of energy and it probably puts a lot of strain on the heart.  So, why not live longer by not flying?  Because pegasi have been flying for so long, they're born with an enlarged heart to begin with.  A lot of athletes who overtrain and use drugs like human growth hormone have died in their 40s from enlarged heart complications.  Equestria's conventional medicine isn't advanced enough to treat or cure anything like this.  Magic based medicine should be able to treat this condition but it might not be the kind of magic that can be practiced on a widespread basis. 


Again, this is all just speculation on my part.  Is a short life expectancy popular headcanon?  If so, where did it originate?  I've never heard of it before.  FWIW, I don't think I've seen elderly unicorns either, although Starswirl looks like a ponified Merlin. 


Before anyone asks, alicorns are perfectly evolved ponies and are seemingly not affected by this or any other conventional form of disease. 

Actually we have seen a very old pegasus, if you go to the weather factory scene in Sonic Rainboom then you can see one compliment Rarity's wings, she looks like she could be as old as Granny Smith.


Right here at 12:38

Edited by DashForever
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Actually we have seen a very old pegasus, if you go to the weather factory scene in Sonic Rainboom then you can see one compliment Rarity's wings, she looks like she could be as old as Granny Smith.

Hurray, it's a relief to see they can live to a ripe old age after all.  :D


I'm still curious to know where the idea of a shortened life span originated...probably some speculation in a blog at Equestria Daily or something. 

Edited by Wingnut
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Considering the show's habit of keeping parental interaction to a minimum, it isn't exactly surprising.

In both seasons combined, you could fit all of the parent dialogue into a single page, consisting of only two lines by Pinkie Pie's parents combined, and a few snippets from Rarity's parents. Also take note that Twilight Sparkle's parents have yet to get any lines.


If I wanted to be crazy (and I feel like being crazy right now) that might be a projection of Lauren Faust's family history of not having good parents. But that's crazy.


The show is designed to speak into the lives of children, and not all children have the same parental situation. They wouldn't want to unnecessarily designate characters because children might read into that in the wrong way. For example, let's assume Rainbow Dash lives apart from dedicated and loving but very busy parents. Children might assume that they should the associate or disassociate from Rainbow Dash based upon that new characterization because their personal familial situation is not the same, even though their personality is. It would go the same for if any character had divorced parents, dead parents or abandoning parents. This is why Applejack's reference is only given a subtle hint for attentive viewers at the very loudest.

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Apple Jack's parents must have done something serious to anger Celestia. She banished them from Ponyville, but did not send them to the moon. She set them on a long elliptical orbit that intersects their world every one hundred moons. Some day they will impact, and the energy released will rival a Sonic Rainboom!  As for Fluttershy's parents, dare we sneak over and take a peek in Fluttershy's shed?

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Lol its alright. xD


I just hope that gets explained later on (although seeing baby applejack made me go 'HNNNNG' *Ded* but still it made me confused as to how Applejack, Applebloom, and big mac are related, and who is the mother and father?


For all we know those three are not even related at all.

In the Apple Family Reunion, we see two shooting stars to represent Applejack's parents.

It has been confirmed that her parents, have in fact, passed away.

  • Brohoof 3



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scotaloo might be a orphan but I wont buy into it till i see where she lives....if its a orpange she could say oh I vist there alot... or somthing we know she lives somewhere someone suggested the cmc club house but scince theres no bed and the clubhouse was introduced and scotalloo seemed genrally suprised that it would be the clubhouse I doubt it ive always thought rd was orphans has rough parents our fru fru parents which made her rebel or be a tomboy or she was rasised by her dad fluttershy i actually think she had a mom or dad just not very attentive parents the type that are to self asorbed and proably had some type of flying talent....

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

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I know this is something that has been spoken a lot and such but...I just thought...maybe the pegasi race tend to be more independant with each other in the family sense? :huh:


Either that or the long explanation for each character of to why their families haven't shown yet, IMO.

  • Brohoof 2
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Why? Well, it's simple really. Their parents all took off.




OMG, why am I laughing at that? Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep. My real answer: I think as far as the writing goes, it's just a coincidence. The staff may decide at some point that there's a reason for it and incorporate that into later episodes, because that's what they do: they develop Equestria as they go along, and we've seen that they occasionally take inspiration from us. It wouldn't surprise me if at least one writer will see this thread before it's all said and done. (Rogers and Larson, YOU RULE! :wub: )


So yeah, I think it will be addressed sooner or later. Whether they look at the pegasi individually or as a species (most likely the former).

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They are dead. Or they abandoned Fluttershy when she was young. I would do that, Fluttershy is.. Unlikable. Or they're just dead.


FS is my least favourite pony.

I cannot understand why people like her.

  • Brohoof 1

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An evil unicorn, perhaps Trixie's grandmother, cast a poly morph spell on Fluttershy's parents, turning Fluttershy's father into the bunny we all love, angel bunny, and turning her mother into a bear, named bear. That's why Angel bunny is so bossy and bear is so gentle.


In all seriousness though, how can we tell? There is not enough evidence. Same thing with Rainbow Dash's parents.

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What if Fluttershy's parents were... tough? Or maybe they're just on a long, long vacation away from Equestria. It would be cool if they were the complete opposite of her. On second thought, maybe a sibling would work more in that situation being tough.

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So we know that AJ is waiting for her two parents due to the two shooting stars in "The Apple family Reunion," I forgot that Rainbow Dash's parents are also never seen, and Fluttershy seems to have moved to Ponyville before we could ever see her parents.



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We haven't met Rainbow Dash's or Scootaloo's family either. I really want to see them, though. Oh well, they'll probably be shown eventually (I hope.)



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well we dont know any of the main pegasus' relatives, so we're just going to see what happens later in season 3, but i am very excited to see Fluttershy's family and Rainbow Dash's

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My headcanon is that Fluttershy grew up in a large family with many children, and was somewhat ignored due to her quiet and gentle nature compared to her rowdy siblings. 


Canon? I have no idea. They are probably in Cloudsdale, though.

I know this sounds crazy, but if according to what you said, could Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy be related????  :huh:  Okay, most likely not. Just a thought though.

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Ummm, of course she does not have parents! She was born.....of the clouds! Yeah! In all seriousness, I really don't know. Who knows? We could have a Fluttershy Episode...again. Or perhaps RD and Fluttershy are really long lost sisters! Think about it, RD has every color except for pink. Pink is not exclusive to Fluttershy, but Fluttershy a pegasus that knows Dashie well. I really don't know. I just came up with that just now. I could be horribly wrong. No, I am horribly wrong.  ^_^ , In conclusion, I don't know, therefore, Trollestia.

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Unfortunately, i think Applejack parents are finally dead :( if not they should have appeared in the Apple's family meeting.

Spatsi's theory about the shooting stars is possible.

It's said, i really wanted to see them on the show.

About Fluttershy's and Ranbow's parents is still a mistery, i hope to see them in later episodes! :)


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