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Your last words


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What would be your last words? What would you say when you can almost literally see the Death himself knocking at your soul?


I know there is a lot of possibilities on how we will meet our demise, but for this thread, let's just limit it to four scenario here


1. You are dying of old age. All of your families and your beloved stand around your bed, their attention are yours. You have about ten minutes.


2. You are alone with your soul mate in your house. The ambulance won't arrive in time, five minutes before you meet your creator.


3. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere, no one is around you but a single voice recorder. The gunshot wound on your chest leave you with only one minute.


4. You are surrounded by your enemies in a hospital room. You only have enough time to deliver a single sentence.

  • Brohoof 2


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With number three, I'd tell my family that I love them dearly and wish them the best, then I would use the remaining time to sing the song that is closest to my heart; Piano Man, by Billy Joel. I'm serious, that's the most important song of my life. The reason I started playing piano at a young age.

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"I think I left the oven on."

This would cause intruige in everyone. What oven did he leave on? What temperature? They'd have to live with the fact that somewhere, this an oven running un-supervised.


  • Brohoof 10


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I honestly have thought of this before, but it's very hard. I always think of George Harrison's "Love one another" for some reason. A simple "I love you" would be boring in my opinion.


1) Give a spiel about all good memories, and not to grieve extremely. I just can't live forever.


2) "Thank you for everything. You tried, but it's not going to work out. I'm not meant to live any longer." I can't think of a good final sentence.


I honestly don't know about the last 2.

Edited by Dίsмαjo
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1. I love you all, may my your lives be better than mine, praise the Lord.


2. Idk here, i am too young to think about that lol.






My last motions would most likely be the sign of the cross for all of the sequences.

Edited by caesar15

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1. Yeah, I'm gonna die. Can you have my money? Of course, but you'll have to find it first. Also, (to my presumed wife) don't cheat on me. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I won't know. Well, that's time, anyways cya, and don't you dare replace my prearranged funeral mix with some sappy funeral music, or I will haunt your ass!

2. I love you. Since we still have 5 minutes, lets *NSFW* till I kick the can.

3. Bullet too OP. Also I can't be murdered! Who do you think you're murdering! I'll fucking murder YOU! Heh! I'll kil- *dead



Something like that. May or may not be dramaticized.

  • Brohoof 1

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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1. So... they do exist! *Dead-troll face*

2. Smack Timmy for me.

3. They took it, damn them! They could only be headed to one place, it must be- *bzzt*

4. Mine is bigger.

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1. You are dying of old age. All of your families and your beloved stand around your bed, their attention are yours. You have about ten minutes.


I never thought I would have this. Are you all a beautful dream that I don't deserve?


I would feel very lucky in that situation. So lucky that I just wouldn't believe it.


2. You are alone with your soul mate in your house. The ambulance won't arrive in time, five minutes before you meet your creator.


I'm sorry. Goodbye


What else could I say? I don't know what awaits me. I can only ask that she forgives me for leaving, and understands that I'm gone so that she could leave her old life.


3. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere, no one is around you but a single voice recorder. The gunshot wound on your chest leave you with only one minute.


Heh heh, if you are listening to this message, be aware that I'll haunt your dreams


Just messing with the first person who finds it. If it starts an urban legend or a trashy horror movie, I'd say it were a job well done.


4. You are surrounded by your enemies in a hospital room. You only have enough time to deliver a single sentence.


Memento Mori motherfuckers!


It means "Remember thy death" or "Remember you die". I'd say it with spite, malice and a sadistic grin. What I'd mean is "This is it for me, but you get to look forward to this moment!". I'd also like to insinuate that I'll be waiting for them beyond the pale.

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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1. *Grabs the closest person by the collar and pulls them face to face* "You're a fat stinking drunk!" *Flatline*


2. Make sure nopony touches my stuff! *Keel over*


3. *Speaking into the recorder* So.. this is what it's like to die.. it's not so bad after all.. HONK HONK! *Excessively drawn out dying gasp*


4. As I leave this world, I leave with a smile knowing I bucked all your mothers! *Flatline*

Edited by Demi
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1. You are dying of old age. All of your families and your beloved stand around your bed, their attention are yours. You have about ten minutes.


"Anyone have a computer with internet access? I wish to depart life's stage with humour rather than tragedy."


2. You are alone with your soul mate in your house. The ambulance won't arrive in time, five minutes before you meet your creator.


"So long, and thanks for all the fish."


3. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere, no one is around you but a single voice recorder. The gunshot wound on your chest leave you with only one minute.



"So... this is what it's like to be dead... Well, time to go... visit... a few old friends... hahahahaha..."


4. You are surrounded by your enemies in a hospital room. You only have enough time to deliver a single sentence.


*quickly rises out of hospital bed facing enemies with fist raised to the heavens, shaking with rage*

"A plague on ALL your houses!"

*collapse dead*

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1) Why are you guys here? Oh my god. Am I going to die? Is that why you're here? FUCK! I mean, the only time we get together is when someone dies. Shit.


2) Why did you cut my leg off and let me bleed out! You're my god damn soul mate!


3) Man, am I amazing. I could get rid of that gunman even I after I was shot. I'm awesome.



  • Brohoof 1


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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I'll take #4 and say: "What took you so long?"


... I've actually wanted to say that to Death itself, especially if my death is kinda painful and I've been alive for at least a minute.

  • Brohoof 1

Get through the unknown like your life depended on it.

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1. You are dying of old age. All of your families and your beloved stand around your bed, their attention are yours. You have about ten minutes.

Good bye... I love all of you.

2. You are alone with your soul mate in your house. The ambulance won't arrive in time, five minutes before you meet your creator.

Good bye...

3. You are stranded in the middle of nowhere, no one is around you but a single voice recorder. The gunshot wound on your chest leave you with only one minute.

Well... Good night everyone!

4. You are surrounded by your enemies in a hospital room. You only have enough time to deliver a single sentence.

haha, You guys suck...


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1. No no, guys, guys. Seriously. Guys. Like, I'm old. *dies*


2. I love you. *dies*


3. Hello once again audience! When we left off, I was being shot in the chest. Now I only have one minute to talk. I would say a bunch of cheesy crap, but that's not me. *Silence* Bye. *dies*


4. You're gonna lose. It's in your nature. You lack conviction. *Shoots worst enemy with gun and dies*


This is a joke.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"I've been waiting for this...."


"This is it."




"Well boys, who's it gonna be? You? You? You?!"

"Oh come on already you CIA bastards! Shoot, coward. You are only going to kill a man."

In the words of El Che.

  • Brohoof 1


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1. Soon, I'll be there with you all...


2. I feel bad leaving you here all by yourself. I hope we meet again in a happier place.


3. Hahaha. I congratulate the one who could finally kill me. I'll save you a spot in Hell.


4. Heh. Lets hope the reaper has enough room for all of us *evil laugh* *removes shirt to revile explosives* *suicide bombs everyone*

Just another background cat. Move along.

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My last words: *Goes to bronycon*

"So... Is the rainbow one gay?"


But really:

4th case: Probably something very confusing, such as: "you are never going to find where I hid it..."

That would make them either confused or better they would spare me thus giving me time to split.

Edited by thegoodhen
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1 and 2. Ideally, I'd probably say "I'll see you on the other side", but realistically I'd probably just tell that that I loved them and just wait out the last few minutes in peace.


3. I'd probably just recall all of my hopes and dreams in life before saying that I loved my family and then by that time I'd probably have passed away already.


4. I honestly don't know.

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Option one -- "I knew I should have went to a trip in a rollercoaster earlier!!"

Option two -- "Never put the soup in the microwaves for more than five minutes! You melted my throath!" And then I try to strangle my soul mate.

Option three -- "Tell Honey Puff I love her! I probably wouldn't die from this one because I have a nokia 3310 armor that is impenetrable.

Option four -- "See you in the afterlife." And then I openned my jacket and blew up my enemies with my belly button's hair.

Support Apocalyptica!!! Visit the official Apocalyptica website: http://www.apocalyptica.com/us


Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/metalic-strings-r1553

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Option 1: Hasta la vista!


Option 2: Hasta la vista!


Option 3: Well, this sucks.


Option 4: Okay I really hate you guys.


In all honesty I don't expect me to be mature with my death when it happens. It's like my last time to have any fun, so why not have some fun with it?

Edited by Not Lord Bababa

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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Knowing me, my last words could be just about anything from "I regret nothing" or "Death is only the beginning", to something like "Oops...." or "Ooh, what a lovely knife you've got there!"


....I'd like to say I'm only kidding, but.....no. :huh:

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Let's hope that the Christians aren't right.



Jokes aside I would in the first three situations tell everyone that I loved them and that they shouldn't cry too much over my death.


I don't really know on the last one... Probably just: "Bye".


Signature made by Midnightive

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1. I regret nothing.

2. i regret nothing.

3. I regret nothing.

4. Heh heh.. I can see your balls from down here :D


Yep. That's it, nothing more to say

"No matter what. We have to live our lives with no regrets."

- Portgas D. Ace

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