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Overrated/Underrated Characters?


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Exactly...southern stereotypes. Racist much, people... :huh:

And even the writers don't explore Applejack much. Everyone on the crew is like, a Rainbow Dash fan except for Daniel Ingram.


I dunno bout anyone else. But I'd hit on an AJ cosplayer any con of the year over other mane 6.


I mean those short denin shorts to show off dat ass, dat pony tail, dat blonde hair, cute freckles, tied midriff shirt with sports bra.... dat accent that speaks to me of fun times in the farm without the city grrl materialistic chick hassle.



ooooh doggy... I dun care if that's an uninspired character design. Dat shit is hot yo.

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I agree i LOVE Applejack and for some reason shes just so underated.

although i dont see the big hype over RainbowDash shes my second or third favorite but seems to be the main icon of the show


I dunno about that Of course the love for Applejack needs to be double... no TRIPLED and as for Rainbow Dash i think she is the main icon for MLP despite Twilight supposedly being the most popular.

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Overrated: Probably Derpy, I fail to see the obsession with this character, though she is a cutie. And maybe Fluttershy a little.


Thank yu!!! Sum1 who agrees!!! Derpy is totally overrated!!!

Yea I think AJ is underrated 2 ;( but most of all... Pinkie Pue is underrated... LOLZ can yu imagine sum1 saying that and meaning it xD. The show's practically hers :P

The "strangely obsessed with jelly" pony from hearts and hooves song is underrated!!! Even tho he only came on screen at that moment... I C so much potential in him xD

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I don't want to get attacked but

Overrated: Trixie and Derpy

Underrated: definately Applejack also by some people Rarity

Fluttershy isn't overrated even though most people like her a lot more than I do. She is pretty amazing

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The terms overrated and underrated are overrated. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Overused as well.

Rarity seems to get the cold shoulder from some people, but she's a great pony. She's one of the most stereotypically feminine characters, but somehow she pulls it off without becoming a cliche. She's my least favorite of the Mane 6 and I still love her, so I think that says a lot.


I won't nitpick about fandoms I don't totally understand, like that one-hit snake oil magician Trixie or Fluttershy, because she is wonderful after all. The one I must linger on for a moment is Derpy...why the obsession? I barely notice her.

Edited by TailsAlone
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I love Applejack, though it saddens me that when she finally does get an opportunity to sing the only words that come out of her mouth are, "apple treats, apple fritters, drum up business for the farm."


I mean, she's great and all, and her big green eyes are beautiful, but, c'mon, give this character a little more depth. :mellow:

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Exactly! Applejack has only two episodes both stolen by Derpy, while the others have 5 or more, or 10 or more in Twi's case. I tell myself that even though AJ's least favorite in fandom, she only has two episodes and there are people who are fans of her just because of them, and if she gets more, she would get more love.

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I don't want to really say those who are underrated or overrated because we all love ponies here and others' opinions might just anger those who are just full blown fans of those characters but here we go.


From what I observed:

Overrated: Derpy- Yes she is just absolutely adorable :wub: but the fans have named her, and even got her a speaking part in the show and the reaction to her speaking just got some people outraged. Dunno why :huh:


Underrated: Princess Celestia- She had got to be one of the most un-loved ponies in the series. Mainly because of all the 'Trollestia' and 'Molestia' thing but yeah that's my opinion. She now seems like a dictator, troll, and molestor in peoples minds. :mellow:

Theres my opinion :)

(I'll probably get hate for this : but oh wellz!)

Edited by Stary Dreams
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Overrated: Rainbow Dash. Plain and simple, I know I'll get some glares but RD is way too overrated and I mean her element may be loyalty but she's mean. Especially to Fluttershy.


Underrated: Apple Jack. I don't like her much but it seems like everyone focuses on her family members and not her.

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  • 2 months later...

Overated: RD, Derpy, Luna(as much as I love her , the fandom is way too obsessed with her), All of the background ponies.


Underrated: hard to say, but I'd have to say Scootaloo. seriously, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle get thier own episodes but Scoots gets none? I'm starting to get the feeling that the writers don't like orange that much.

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Overrated: Perhaps Vinyl Scratch or Derpy

Man, I'm just begging for haters aren't I?


Underrated: Considering how many of you pick Applejack for this, she is no long underrated!

I would pick one of the background ponies. Perhaps Symphony or Blossom Forth.

If you don't know them, thats the point!

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Underrated: Celestia, Zecora, Maybe AJ and Rarity a bit

Celestia is a good character in my opinion and I dislike her fanon versions a bit. Sure Trollestia is funny sometimes, but the joke is overdone.

Zecora is awesome in my opinion. One of the most interesting side-characters :D

AJ and Rarity need another episode like "Look before you sleep". I like them as a duo and they both have very strong moments in the show. Rarity is even one of the deepest characters in my opinion.


Overrated: Derpy, Luna and Fluttershy

I like all 3 ponies, but I don't get why especially Luna and Derpy are so extremely popular. Plus that #savederpy, New Lunar Republic stuff is annoying as hell. Why should Luna make Equestria a Republic. She's a bucking princess, for Pete's sake!(plus she already rules the country together with Celestia) xP

Edited by Wildcard
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For underrated characters, I would have to say Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. I mean, we see Sugarcube Corner so many, but we don't get to see them that much. They could show how Mr. and Mrs. Cake are struggling with having twins. Just maybe.

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I don't think that there's a character that's blown out of proportion, but I do think that Celestia could use a little more love. Ever since "Trollestia" came about, everyone seems to have a bit of fun picking on her as the stereotypical "motherly" type who's only job is to rule Equestria and who can't have fun.


While she might not be my favorite character of all time (that probably goes to Luna or Fluttershy), I like her a lot - and I think it would be awesome to spend a few hours hanging out with her and seeing what her likes/dislikes are, etc.

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Over rated: Derpy. I mean, I love her, but when I watch an episode on Youtube and I see a bunch of comments saying 'Derpy spotted at 1:58' or whatever, it kinda erks me because its almost like they're ignoring everything else in the episode just to point out that Derpy was in fact in the episode. >_>


Underated: Applejack. I can actually understand why she is the least favorited of the mane 6. She is the least overtly flawed of the 6 and thus on the surface her character seems a little two dimensional. But Applejack does have a flaw, and to me its one of the more interesting and hard to portray flaws... she has the flaw of pride. It is very, VERY, hard to portray the flaw of pride well, and I don't expect FiM to do it, for me its just interesting enough to know that that is her flaw.

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Overrated: TRIXIE. And Fluttershy


Underrated: Dashie (she's freakin' cool, I dunno what y'all are sayin' 'bout her!), Twilight Sparkle, and of course Rarity. I also find Lyra to be quite underrated. I personally really like her design.

Edited by letterONE
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Trixy and Derpy for me are overrated.


And I agree that Applejack is unnderrated. And poor Cheerilee! I think she's lovely but she doesn't get enough love from fans. I also think Celestia is massively underrated. I think she has some really great funny moments, things that make you laugh but are only on for a second. And it doesn't happen often (because she doesn't get much screentime) which makes it all the more special, and I don't think as many people recognise it as they should.


Trixy and Derpy for me are overrated.


And I agree that Applejack is unnderrated. And poor Cheerilee! I think she's lovely but she doesn't get enough love from fans. I also think Celestia is massively underrated. I think she has some really great funny moments, things that make you laugh but are only on for a second. And it doesn't happen often (because she doesn't get much screentime) which makes it all the more special, and I don't think as many people recognise it as they should.

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Overrated: Luna. Seriously I cannot tell you how many rabid Luna fanboys I have seen out there. I get it, she is the dark one and used be a villain and meow meow meow meow... Luna is a good character, but just the level of fanboyism I have seen around her has just been astounding.


Underrated: Celestia. Mostly because the Luna fanboyism sucks all the life and attention from Celestia in my opinion. She is supposed to be the good benevolent leader and yet she gets stuck with names like "Trollestia" and "Molestia" and being seen as a tyrant leader. I don't get it honestly hehe.


I do...


overrated; DJ Pon3, Octavia

these two have like less then a minute of screentime combined and say nothing but have rather large fanbases, I mean ponies like Derpy at least talked and and was seen in a ton of episodes


underrated; Lyra, Photo Finish, Applejack

Lyra deserves more love, Photo Finish was a lot of fun, had her own episode, but try to find much fan art of her...

Applejack obviously deserves more attention, but she is the most level headed and sane out of the mane 6 so I can understand why she is a tad harder to write for

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Overrated: Definitely Princess Celestia. Everypony looks up to her and raves about her on the show but I don't see whats special about her. Also Trixie.

Underrated: Yea. I'm going to have to agree with all of you that Applejack needs more screen time.

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