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Oh, how could I forget? I forgot something, I knew my post was too short. @_@

  • I basically have almost zero ability to mentally visualize anything. When I read text, I don't get mental images. I just see words and feel feelings on them.

That's kind of a bummer. If I had that problem, I would never read. It sounds like an awful curse > ^ <

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That's kind of a bummer. If I had that problem, I would never read. It sounds like an awful curse > ^ <

For the most part, I don't read books or any sort of written fiction that isn't a comic book, so awesome that I must read it, or roleplays. But it makes it a bit hard to know what the hell people are talking about when they describe what something looks like. XD I'm used to it, and don't really know of a life where you CAN visualize things, so it isn't a terrible curse to me as I never had it to begin with. I presume it's a nice perk to be able to do that? Though again, if it weren't for that problem, I probably wouldn't be an artist or have skill at writing. 

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Let's try this.

-I talk to myself a LOT.

-I clop.

-I'm into bondage.

-I'm a janitor.

-I prefer darkness to light.

-At 18, I still don't have a license.

-I possibly lack the ability to feel shame.

-I'm bisexual, leaning towards men.

-I use women's shampoo on by beard.

-I used to be a Lutheran, now I'm a Satanist. Complete 180, eh?

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I'm one of the weirdest people you can meet, so don't judge me please. :P

  • I'm obsessed with the weather. I even find clouds fascinating and if I'm out somewhere, I like to idenify the cloud types, and predict what weather will come based on the cloud type. 
  • I only eat about 8 different foods (this might change soon though).
  • I love sappy stuff haha.
  • I tend to shy away from popular things. I'm not a hipster or anything, I just find a lot of popular things stupid. There are exceptions like MLP:FIM though.
  • My life was saved by cartoons.
  • I hate cussing and have never said a cuss word in my life.
  • I fangirl way too much.

See what I mean? I'm weird.

Edited by Rough Pathway
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I've got dyscalculia. It's basically like dyslexia, but for numbers and math.



I have Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type, which means I'm "double jointed" everywhere

I've had two surgeries where they opened my abdomen

I went into anaphylactic shock because of grass (twice)

I was once chased by an emu

I did a ridiculously small amount of professional voice acting

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Hmm...  Okay, why not?


- People tell me that I have a pretty good impression of the Andy Serkis Smeagol voice.  I don't think that it's terribly excellent, but I'll agree that it's better than most people's.


- I've completed writing two separate comedic short novels (60-80 pages each) that should never see the light of day.  Some people have seen them and they apparently enjoyed them, but still...


- I enjoy talking to inanimate objects, usually either getting mad at them, thanking them, or pleading with them.  I will do the same with computer code that I have written.


- In a family plagued by poor vision, I have virtually perfect eyesight.  I got very lucky with the genetics on that one.


- Speaking of luck, I consider myself to be relatively unlucky unless I really need the luck.  For example, last year, I ordered a textbook for a class.  I didn't realize that this textbook was being shipped from Europe, and wouldn't arrive for weeks.  Then comes the midterm exam, which just happens to be open-book.  Miraculously, the textbook arrived that day, which was also a week earlier than expected.  I can think of several other examples where this necessary luck came into play, one of which literally saved my life.

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- I never bite my nails.

- I work at a cake shop owned by my mum.

- I suck at Science.

- English is my best subject.

- I play the flute.

- I hardly ever tell anyone about my talents in fear I'll seem like I'm showing off :blush:

- I write poems.

- My nails grow incredibly fast.

- I have really thick hair.

- I'm really shy irl.

- Pink is my least favourite colour.

- Never had a boyfriend before.

- I'm not a very interesting person.

- I hardly ever show my teeth in a smile in pictures because I hate my teeth... :(

- Theatre sports is my favourite thing ever. Forever. :P

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Let's see some interesting facts about me:


  • I read and watch The Lord of the Rings way too often and reference it frequently
  • I've lived with my grandparents since I was four years old
  • I count everything. Literally everything. Steps, seconds, pieces of paper, words, everything.
  • I'm a vegetarian
  • I'm a Pagan, but since most of my family is Christian, I celebrate both Pagan and Christian holidays
  • I've attempted suicide twice, but no longer think about it, thankfully
  • I always have a book on my person and make sure to carry a bag that can fit a book inside
  • I identify as lesbian but I do have a boyfriend (don't ask, it's complicated)
  • I'm cynical and probably one of the most miserable people, but I always wear a smile around the people I care about because their happiness means everything to me and I don't want to bring them down

And that's really all I can think of at the moment :P

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Here are some fun facts about me.


  • I'm a triple A average kind of guy, with the A's standing for anti social, asexual, and athiest.
  • I adapt to pretty much anything to games and learning.
  • Despite my looks, I am very different from what you think.  ;)
  • I rarely show emotion.
  • I consider myself an MLG in gaming.
  • One of the few people who likes Littlest pet shop.
  • I'm about to be nineteen, yet I look like 15.

And there's your quick facts about me. :)

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Oh here we go XD       


1.I'm fairly big into philosophy and psychology.

2.I have a very existential/somewhat nihilistic view on the world.

3.I have OCD(sadly)

4.I love reading books that are non- fiction   


5.I use logic rather than emotions(even though I will still slip up and like them run somewhat wild) 


I thinks that about it.

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Let's see:


  • I purr when I'm happy
  • I'm incredibly animalistic and strange, like a feral child
  • I have a very good heart
  • I've never broken a bone
  • I've spent about four fifths of my life barefoot
  • I often have the urge to climb things
  • I look disturbingly like Matt Smith
  • When I come across something new, or interesting, it almost always winds up in my mouth (it kinda weirds me out too)
  • I'm very romantic
  • I swallowed a lego when I was thirteen
  • I only have one and a half eyebrows
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My first one sucked, so I'm going to do this again:

  • I was raised to be a writer, like a coach raises his son to be a football player.
  • I have light masochistic preferences when it comes to...that stuff, but nothing extreme. I just kinda like having less power in bed, that's all.
  • I've been a guitar player since I was 12.
  • I played the flute in band, only because I thought I'd get to sit by girls. I was right :D
  • I'm 5'61/2 and I weigh around 145 pounds, but I spend around $300 dollars a month on fast food.
  • I have a very weak myocardium, or the muscle that makes your heart pump, and I react very poorly to stress because of this, because it makes my heart beat faster, and since its so weak, much harder...and it hurts physically if it gets bad enough.
  • I played select baseball my 8th grade and Freshman years, but I got tired and lazy when it came to the sport and I lost my edge sophomore year, and failed to make the cut.
  • I take 3 pills daily; a blood thinner, ADHD pills, and a Flintstones vitamin, because those things are the shizz, yo.
  • I've won a class favorite during my first 2 years in high school, but we haven't voted yet this year.
  • I'm not afraid to admit I'm a clopper.
  • I'm considered to be very feminine for a straight guy, and I've been confused as being gay several times throughout my teenage years.
  • I work in an autoshop part time.
  • I have a Rarity-theme for my Google Chrome, a Rarity wallpaper, a Rarity screen saver, Rarity posters, a Rarity dog tag, and a plethora of Rarity toys, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Fluttershy, and she's just as cemented in the spot behind Rarity as Rarity is in being my best pony :D:squee: 
  • I had a lot of success writing Shipfics on Fanfiction.net, but I got lazy and stopped.


Eeyup. That's it, pretty much :D

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

If you want to tell us facts about yourself 


It can be any number of facts so just go crazy :P


There not a lot to say about this but just tell us facts about yourself that you would want people to know


Facts about myself:

1) I have Histrionic personality disorder


2) I have rapid mood swings but only when i'm listening to music for some reason, I listen to a song that i like and is cheerful and i am happy for the whole day, I listen to a song that sad and i get depressed. Music affects me a lot but i don't really know why... I'm still working that out (It might not be Rapid mood swings)


3) I am a big fan of Code lyoko if you did not know (Username...)


4) I have a personality close to rainbow dash's


5) I am super shy when it comes to face to face conversations with people i've never spoken to


Ok if i can think of any more facts i will add them but tell us what facts you have about yourself. They can be about anything even just stuff that random

Edited by Codelyoko373
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- I'm a human being, I think

- I enjoy eating, sleeping and breathing

- I'm a fan of both Applejack and Metal Gear

- I'm one of the only people I know who doesn't enjoy the smell of their 'own brew'

- I can do impressions of fictional characters, just not very well


Is that enough for now? :P

  • Brohoof 2
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- I'm a human being, I think

- I enjoy eating, sleeping and breathing

- I'm a fan of both Applejack and Metal Gear

- I'm one of the only people I know who doesn't enjoy the smell of their 'own brew'

- I can do impressions of fictional characters, just not very well


Is that enough for now? :P

Well you can add more if you want too :P

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I have post traumatic stress disorder, from my days in the military, plus I'm prone to mood swings and depression.


I can play my own music, with a psaltery, Irish tin whistle, clarinet and acrostic guitar.


I love animated films and television series.


I am a huge fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and I am an MStie.


I love My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.


My personality is similar to Rainbow Dash and Applejack.  

  • Brohoof 1
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