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Best Moments and Worst Moments Of This Year For You?

Feather Gem

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Title says it all.


Here Are Mine:



  • Finding MLP Forums! :D
  • Discovering MLP: FiM
  • Writing my story The Darkest Sunset (it really showed me that I am a good writer and maybe someday I can achieve more)
  • Going on a school trip for the first time (two whole days it rocked)
  • Getting my adorable and lovely Mr. Kitty!
  • Pushing past my shyness and expressing myself more
  • Laughing with a friend I've finally made over something hilarious (I had to add that)
  • Deciding to publish my book soon.
  • Entering a Choral Speaking competition (we got third place!)
  • Playing with my darling cousin



  • Just this one something.  Not telling.
  • Knowing I won't see my classmate again. (she really accepted me)
  • My kitten dying after five days (i truly loved him)
  • Not getting to go on this little trip thing
  • Feeling alone and unaccepted (the usual)

It was a good year though.

And it isn't over yet!

Edited by Feather Gem
  • Brohoof 3



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Best moments of this year, huh?

Pardon some of these making me look like a huge nerd, lol.

  • Getting my dog (She's so cuuuute)
  • Completing the Mass Effect trilogy after 4 years
  • Graduating 8th grade
  • Finding a good pony community (this one)
  • Summer in general
  • Halo 4
  • Started high school football
  • Started high school
  • State Champions in football (I played 2 plays of varsity, therefore I get a ring) ^_^

Worst moments:

  • Depressed stage, which lasted for a long, long time
  • Uncle died (RIP)
  • Good friend of mine moved to China
  • Mass Effect 3's ending -_-
  • Fractured wrist from skateboarding

That's about it. Most of my year is pretty neutral to me.

Edited by Twiliscael
  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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First I was going to say "When I joined MLP Forums" but then I realized, I didn't even give a damn about the forums the day I joined. I was like "I'll join a couple of forums and see which one I'll stick to.."




  • Every single movie night I have had with my friends.
  • Starting my new school.

  • Pinkazoid, nuff said.

Edited by Jokuc


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My best moments of this year would definitely have to be when I went to Decibel Outdoor Festival 2012, where I met one of my dutch friends. Too much epicness. And Sensation White: Source of Light, in Copenhagen. :DD



For the worst things... that I wasn't able to go to Qlimax 2012, which I really wanted to so badly... but tickets go like within 25 minutes, and they are pretty expensive. Other than that, there's nothing really. I tend to just forget about the bad things and move on. x)


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Best Moment for me this year was my birthday and the plushie I got is gonna be with me for as long as i take care of it.


The worst moment I have had during this year .... strange... I can't remember a bad moment... I guess that is a good thing.

Edited by XrosOver

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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-The death of my last dog, Yoshi.  I wasn't there when he died but I still felt pretty sad about it.  It was almost like when I lost my absolute favorite dog several years ago, only nowhere near as painful.  



-The Aftermath of Summer Bronycon 2012.  I still dont' know how or why, but somehow something changed inside me after I got back from Bronycon.  I had a great deal of negative emotions bottled up in me from various issues I had been facing over the past few years.  When I got back... all of that was inexpecliably gone. 


- Various stuff I've done in WoW was pretty awesome. 


- Got to show off an old map I made in Halo 3 to some of my friends at college and they loved it.  We've played countless hours on that map, have some good memories from that. ^_^

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I would have to say the best moment of this year would have to be discovering this place,

You guys have made me feel so welcome and everyone here is so nice, I LOVE it :wub:


my worst moment of this year would have to be when I was living with my used-to-be stepmother,

She just made my life a living hell...

Not only that, but I think she enjoyed it :/

  • Brohoof 3


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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  • Getting to hang with fellow Bronies in livestream and in games.
  • Season 3 coming out.
  • Getting every piece of equipment I needed for my gaming setup without any problems.
  • Finding the MLP Forums. :P


  • Dealing with haters.
  • Not having enough posts yet to help build Equestria in the Minecraft server.
  • Sibling managing to break game console, then having to spend a month taking it apart, ordering the right pieces, waiting for the pieces to come, fixing it, having it work for a month, then having it red ring. (At least I was able to sell it for parts and almost was able to buy a new console with the money from parts.)


Arcus Wind made this awesome sig, check his art out: http://rocketrewster.deviantart.com/

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  • finding MLP forums
  • starting to draw 
  • starting to vector
  • all my friends on the forums 
  • season 2 finally 
  • my BF becoming a brony on his own terms
  • my surgury on my right shoulder 


  • the threat and death theats i got from bronies 
  • being diagnosed as bipolar 
  • getting fired from my job
  • not being able to find another job yet 
  • my right arm becoming immobile
  • Nov 1st on the forums
  • getting banned 3 times in one week 

thats just a small list

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Discovering the greatest show ever on television


Finding the forums


Learning to vector, use GIMP better, that I love music more than I thought I did, and want to start making my own, and how to ride a motorcycle


made new friends




Grew apart form friends that use to be close.


Car died, had to get a new one


Computer died, had to get a new motherboard


Over all it's been an O K year.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Hmm, mine would be




- Passing last year against all odds (for the 4th time, I'm just that lazy)

- Picking up an old hobby (drawing)

- Giving MLP a try

- Finding this awesome community

- Started doing all sorts of dances

- My flame for playing guitar got relit




- Really, really annoying parents

- Someone I know died

- Someone went to prison


Well, aside from the last two bad things it could've been worse, 'twas a pretty decent year.

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- Discovering MLP

- Pinkeh Pie

- Finding MLP Forums

- Stopping over 15 political assassinations

- Got my car

- Got my license

- Got a job

- Created a cure for all diseases





- Every Monday

- Hit my head, and forgot the cure for all diseases (Oops)

- Got a job

- Still don't have a mech-suit

- Horrible grades

Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
  • Brohoof 2
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-having one good week with my parents with no fights; score!

-Winston, Olivia, Carullo, Damien, Julian, Charles, and Manny...aka the seven best tulpa ever. Hoping for my eighth.

-meeting some of the best people ever.



-losing all of said people.

-the rest of the year, especially August.


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-Getting into MLP

-Getting into the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series

-The 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series



-My Dad dying

-Getting suspended from and almost fired from work for a BS technicality

-Dealing with stress and burnout from said job I almost lost

  • Brohoof 1
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  • Finding MLP: FIM
  • going to NY Comic con 
  • got my drivers license 
  • Finding MLP Forums 
  • Getting a pinkie pie pin [First piece of MLP merchandise I've got] 



  • Still not being able to find a job 
  • I wasted money on Black Ops 2
  • Failing one of my major projects needed to graduate High school  :(
  • Phone broke, had to get a new one 

Uhh pretty basic bad stuff for me, I guess i'm glad that it wasn't worse. 

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  • discovering mlp
  • discovering mlp foru
  • getting new laptop
  • getting minor popularity at school


  • accidentally giving my friend a concussion 
  • changing said friends personality
  • nearly getting raped by my 9 year old cousin multiple times( he tries to shove his crotch in my face and grab my older cousins *****)
  • getting my ear damaged from said younger cousin
  • get my eye poke and cut from psycho friend (its better)
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Well... It's been a pretty uneventful year, actually. The worst part of it happened just a little over a week and half ago - blew my head gasket and probably warped the heads in my truck, leaving me to walk and bike everywhere and a repair bill I can't possibly afford.


The best? All the knowledge I've gained and the places I've been. Really.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Best moments of this year:

- Renewing a great friendship with someone I haven't spoken with in 6 years.

- Joining the gym and actually taking care of myself

- Getting a camera and keyboard (to seriously get back into photography and music)

- Helping one friend through their depressiond and helped another clean up their life.

- Discovering MLP FiM (has helped me stay positive)


Worst moments of this year:

- Having to leave my job of 3 years (job shut down)

- Lost connection with people from said job (we were like a second family)

- Death of a friend.

- Struggling through my own depression.


The worst moment of this year is when I completely lost touch with myself and my life. I'm hoping this will actually become one of the best moments of my life, because having "lost myself" I now get to discover who I am. Sounds kinda cheesy, but at the end of this "self discovery journey" I'm hoping things will start looking up.

  • Brohoof 2


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Best moment? Oh, man.

Probably like once a week since July 22nd, when I became a brony!!!!!! :D Occasionally in the night, with you all, I feel so much joy that I just can't even explain it :)



Still, a couple ones:

-July 22nd: Became a brony and discovered that with all of you nice bronies, friendship really IS magic :3

-August 13th: Went outside and watched the Perseid meteor shower; discovered that stargazing and the night is the thing that makes me really special. :D Hence the name and cutie mark ;)

-November 10th: Stayed up all night for the first time to watch Season 3. Got the incredible, indescribable experience of being with you guys all night long and watching ponies! Refer to above image :P



Worst moment....then...

-This weekend, when I went to my school ski team's winter camp. For the first time, I hadn't watched ponies for several days, and also the people that I was around were complete jerks. Y'know, stereotypical teenagers, pretty much. Except for an hour on one night when I skiied under the stars and I felt really happy, i spent the entire time depressed D: BUT THAT'S WHY I HAVE PONIES! :D

-In June, when I was not yet a brony, my life felt completely empty. My friends who shared my Minecraft addiction all left the server we were on, and Minecraft had destroyed all my other creativity. I realized that i needed something else in my life, so i decided to quit my MLP interest suppression and give in to the happy! :)



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Best moments of this year:

- When I got my first real job in years. Thanks to that now I can feed myself.

- I found an old friend that I thought dead for a long time. Tearful reunion were had.


Worst moments of this year:

- My motorcycle died kilometres away from civilization. I had to drag it for more than four hours across the wilderness.

- Lost contact to someone wonderful. We never shared anything more than just facebook account. Now he's gone i don't have any real methods to check if he's fine or not.


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Working my summer job, and being able to finally upgrade to a better computer.

Being let go from my job... although that was inevitable.

Finding this place.

Getting back into drawing and digital art.




Having to make the decision to put down my cat after being with us for almost 15 years.

Not making enough money from my summer job to accomplish everything I wanted to.

Having to sell my car earlier this year due to lack of funds.

Sub par grades in some college courses.


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Let's see:



-AC3's release

-New expansion packs for BF3

-Discovering the magic of friendship (finding this show and these forums)

-Still being alive

-Pissing someone off because I kept calling his OC gay, when in fact it was a picture of his tulpa and it wasn't gay



-Death of RuneScape (Game died awhile back, but slightly redeemed itself, now it's just dead...)

-That bicycle crash I got into around the time I joined this forum that made it difficult to move for awhile and has left some pretty big scars

-Spranging my ankle in track and ignoring it for over a week (I continued to run) until the point where I couldn't walk and finally went to the E.R.

-Having hundreds of dollars stolen from me (that money was going towards a better computer, I'm sick of using ones that I find for free)

This is a signature.

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Best moments of this year.

- Joining band in highschool

- winning reserve championships in marching season

- becoming a brony :)

- Season 3 airing.


Worst moments

- Not getting into top 10 placements for one of our qualifier competitions. in marching band.

- Well I had a couple times where the heat of practicing for marching band got to me, but I had one time where I almost cried from being so frustrated.

- Having to sell my old house.


Overall I think this years been better then last year, and much better then most of the other years.

Its been up and down so far, but I think its been a pretty good year for me.

Theres probably more I could put on this list, but I can't think of any of it right now, maybe I'll remember latter :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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