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Say Something Nice About Your Least Favorite Mane 6 Character


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I don't hate Rainbow Dash, but I'm not a big fan of her overly aggressive approach to certain situations.  That said, she really is the Element of Loyalty.  Dash is one pony that will never, *ever* give up on a friend.


"This year I'm gonna get there before sunrise, so I can drink all the cider I want, and laugh when she doesn't get any! It's the perfect plan. Y'know, I might even buy some cider and hold onto it for a while, drinking it drop by drop in front of her-"


Just kidding, of course, Dash is great.


I have more things to say about Rarity - has anyone noticed her sweet kick boxing skills? And we know she's very resourceful. Oh, and she looked great at the Gala.

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As much as I love the Mane 6, I have to say my least favourite is Applejack.

But what I do like a lot about Applejack is her hardworking ability and her applebucking abilities, I also like the amount of effort she puts into making things extra special.


Credit to Lunia :)

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Okay, I love them all, including my least favorite, but my least favorite is Rainbowdash (mostly for her being so cocky)


Things I like about her

-adorable voice

-her laziness

-her loyalty

-her silliness

-her sarcasm

  • Brohoof 1


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Hah! I don't have a least favorite!



Really, I don't. There are two that almost tie for first place in my heart but there's no order to them beyond that. I appreciate Rarity's willingness to forfeit her comforts (and safety) for the sake of her friends' happiness and well-being despite being overly attached to luxury. Fluttershy has something similar going on by being brave for the same reasons despite normally being the world's most cowardly and non-confrontational pony. Rainbow's iron will is impressive and inspirational, as is her lack of hesitance to sacrifice her one goal in life in respect for her friends. Applejack's... well... honesty, and her commitment to quality over expediency is something I wish more people and companies these days would emulate. One might expect Twilight to be forever lost in her own little world, but she has a way of providing a levelheaded analysis of some situations, unshakable courage in others, and sometimes she has no idea what to do; she hasn't been pigeonholed into a single role or even a duality — she always has something to contribute.


Imagine me, an IT guy, going into work and being asked by the brass to patch up some drywall despite having none of the materials or tools I need to do it (it happens). If there's ever been a time in which I didn't like one of the Mane 6 it's because they weren't given an opportunity to do whatever it is they do best, and I can't fault a pony/person for that.

Edited by Artemis
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Twilight.......you have great magic potential and you have your funny moments where I just think you are awesome and I love you. Then I think about Dash. :wub: Just kidding! While Twilight Sparkle is my least favorite character, I happen to like all of the mane six because they all have somethin gto offer to their fab group. They're all amazing, which is a huge part of the reason why MLP is one of my favorite shows. Mu favorite show in fact. The magic of friendship is just too good to be true sometimes. :D

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A bizarre hybrid of a Forum Game and a discussion topic, this is.


Rarity is one of the very best at displaying feminine charm, in fact she pretty much emulates it. I like the small inputs she gives to situations. Her reaction to one of my favorite scenes in the latest episode made the scene all the cuter, for example. The hoof on her chest. The way her VA does the reaction, it's all perfect. She's fairly good at that.





>Good topic idea. Tie down all the die-hard character haters in here for a few hours and let's see if they stop being so bitter.


Alas, Rarity is no longer my least favorite. Time for a new post.


Fluttershy is somehow capable of dealing with the bitchiest pet in existence, and reforming Discord. Clearly her patience is one of the longest of the Mane Six.

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I thought that now would be a good time to rez this thread, Wingnut has offered a rather unique "extra credit" challenge to each of us in this recent blog post




the challenge is to



Please write out a detailed overview of your least favorite Mane 6 pony and post it to the appropriate fan club thread.


So I plan on posting this character analysis I wrote a while back in the Rarity fanclub thread



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Hmmm... least favorite pony, huh? That's a toughy, since they are all so cute in their own unique way!


However, I would deem Pinkie Pie as the most "annoying"


Good traits that I see from her include;

- Great singing voice!

- Peppy and happy

- Always throws out good jokes

- Adds to the 'random' factor

- I really like her... mane?

  • Brohoof 1

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I thought that now would be a good time to rez this thread, Wingnut has offered a rather unique "extra credit" challenge to each of us in this recent blog post


Ah, I was wondering why this thread was revived all of a sudden.  :)


I bristle at the term “least favorite” because many take it to mean I dislike my sixth favorite pony. Pinkie Pie is my number six pony but I still like her. And instead of just giving one nice thing about her, I'm going to say five!


1.  Pinkie Pie is the joy and the laughter.


2. But she is serious when she needs to be. 


3.  Her bizarre cartoonish powers are limited only by her imagination


4. Pinkie Pie’s greatest gift of all is her ability to bring out the best in others.


5. Pinkie Pie understands that life without at least some happiness isn’t living at all. 


If anybody would like elaboration on these points, go here:



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Pinkie Pie always finds a way to make me smile, even though her character i unbalanced personality wise


Her voice is better than razorblades being shoved into my ear

that's definitely how i feel too... there are worse sounds in the world

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I bristle at the term “least favorite” because many take it to mean I dislike my sixth favorite pony. Pinkie Pie is my number six pony but I still like her. And instead of just giving one nice thing about her, I'm going to say five!

That of course is not my intention but there are some people out there who do dislike or even hate one of the mane 6 and I want those people to think a bit about more about that pony's positive traits and perhaps make them realize that that pony might not be as bad as they originally thought.

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Rainbow Dash is, of course, extremely loyal. But she is also willing to give up her dream if attaining it means compromising her moral beliefs. Just look at all that

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Fluttershy, because she's a doormat.  However, I really like her...mane?


But seriously, she has a rather impressive mane.  Especially since she doesn't seem to put a ton of work into it (like Rarity).



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My least favorite has been changing between two ponies. For the longest time it's been Rarity, but after reading The Sweetest Gem, she may have been bumped up to my 5th favorite with Pinkie Pie being my least favorite, but I'm not sure yet.


Rarity: I do like how she is there for her sister *most of the time* and is willing to put her neatness away for her and do the relay with Sweetie Belle. Another is that she knows how to handle herself with the Diamond Dogs. Twilight would have just teleported out of there, Applejack would just kick herself out the doors, Pinkie Pie would have made some sort of party (or been kicked out way sooner by her energy levels) Rainbow Dash would have fought them all, and Fluttershy would be huddled into a corner until I came and beat the snot of the Diamond Dogs. (NOPONY BUCKS WITH FLUTTERSHY) But Rarity was able to get them to do the work for her so she could get the gems.


Pinkie Pie: I like how she can make anypony (or donkey) smile. She has brought a smile to my face before, but it's her overall hyper activeness that just sends her towards the bottom for me. She is funny and random, but I feel she is really annoying at times. 


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I really hate to call Rarity my least favorite. I feel like that implies that I don't like her. I do like her. It's just that of the mane 6, she just happens to fall lowest on the list of whom I like.


That being said, I guess I'll say the nice things, then.

-I think that in spite of the fact that she tends to stray from her Element more than the other 5, she does display a lot of generosity, making dresses for her friends and overall being very hospitable.

-She's hardworking. She owns her own boutique. What other pony of the mane 6 owns her own business?

-I like her design. I think she's the only one of the mane 6 that has that kind of gradient effect in her design. (I really like her mane!)

-Though she can be a little immature at times, she displays a lot of refinement and elegance, which I admire.


That's all I can think of for the moment. I really don't dislike Rarity, like I said before, so it really wasn't hard to come up with positive things about her :)

  • Brohoof 1

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Rarity is my fifth favorite pony and I'm going to say something nice about her right now.  smile.png


You know what irks me about people who hate a particular Mane 6 pony?  It is almost always based on misconceptions or an incomplete understanding of that character.  I’m currently working on a five point profile for Rarity and one of my statements addresses the misconceived notion that she always hates physical effort and getting her hooves dirty.  It’s particularly galling because all they have to do is WATCH THE FREAKING SHOW to know this isn’t entirely the case!  My Rarity review is still under construction, but I will give you a sneak peek of one of the major points.



Watch out, this unicorn can kick your ass!  You need to look no farther than A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 to see this.  Rarity didn’t have the firepower or superior strength her comrades did for fighting the Changelings.  So how was she able to knock out several well-trained enemy soldiers and emerge relatively unscathed?  Skill.  Rarity holds a black belt in Kung Hoof.  Ponder that for a moment.  This prissy prima donna who detests perspiration, dirt, and physical labor went through years of sweat, grueling training, and pain to master a major martial art. 


Rarity could have REALLY told Applejack off in Look Before You Sleep if she wanted to. But it's not her style to brag about physical accomplishments.  wink.png

Edited by Wingnut
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Don't dislike disclaimer: I like all of them. That being said, I like some of them more.


Rainbow Dash fits the traditional superhero mold more than any of the Mane Six. With her speed, agility, martial skills, and confidence; she's a definite action hero and more than worthy to join a military unit like the Wonderbolts!

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I don't necessarily hate twilight sparkle, but she isn't my favorite. Some of her good features are......

- Like EXTREMELY smart

- Good advice giver

- Usually most of the time is Even- tempered

- She is Magical xD

- Very organized

Yeah that's it xD


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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AJ, probably.

I don't actually dislike her. Something nice about her ... Well, most of her traits and actions are actually nice, I'm just rather irritated by those "redneck" moments she and her family have here and there.


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I like all the mane 6 and the rest of the cast.  At the end of the day my least favorite would definitely go to Applejack.  My reasoning being that she just does not feel as fleshed out as the rest of the cast and she seems to have less characterization than her sister who is only a supporting role.


However, I have to say something nice now.  She always works so hard and does everything to the best of her ability.  In fact her desire to please her family was so great that she created an awful reunion, and was unable to see that they weren't enjoying it for the simple fact that in her mind she had done the logical thing of taking what they wanted to do and working harder at it.  This is in essence her core trait, not honesty, but rather diligence.  She takes everything she is doing and does 134%.  At the end of the day she has her faults like all the rest, but she will keep on trucking simply because she feels the need to.  The best example of this was Applebuck Season, where she was destroying her body to keep a promise to her brother.  Initially I viewed her lack of willingness to accept help as a matter of pride, but looking on it in a different light I see it that if she accepted help she wouldn't be keeping her promise.  She isn't a liar and that is something deeply tied to her character as seen by her element.

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