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Are children spoiled these days?

Sugar Pea

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Parents are stupid. Stupid parents teach their children stupid things. Kids are surrounded by stupid outside their home.

Alright, let's be real here. I hear this argument or complaint over and over again. Let's not generalize all the children in the world just because a few children you happen to see personally appear to be spoiled. That mentality is stupid and irrational. It seems like everyone who witness a child who happens to be a little more fortunate than you were at their age, the finger is automatically pointed and prodded into their soft flesh.

First of all, what's wrong with being spoiled? Absolutely nothing. Sure, it can eventually lead to an array of inferiority complexes, but there are still the minority that take their spoiled nature and channel it into becoming overly ambitious and near sociopathic range. This usually yields to a ridiculous level of success, which would promote economic growth. We need more people with backbone and are not afraid to take what they want out of life. These are some of the people who make changes in the world around us.

I- You know, I'm retiring. Just. Spoiled kids are not as plentiful as you would think. Look at Detroit. Look at downtown Houston, Texas. Look at Thomasville or Dixie, Ga. It's . . . Oops, gotta go.

"Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils;  they differ enormously on what evils they will call excusable."

"The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary."

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Parents are stupid. Stupid parents teach their children stupid things. Kids are surrounded by stupid outside their home.


Alright, let's be real here. I hear this argument or complaint over and over again. Let's not generalize all the children in the world just because a few children you happen to see personally appear to be spoiled. That mentality is stupid and irrational. It seems like everyone who witness a child who happens to be a little more fortunate than you were at their age, the finger is automatically pointed and prodded into their soft flesh.


First of all, what's wrong with being spoiled? Absolutely nothing. Sure, it can eventually lead to an array of inferiority complexes, but there are still the minority that take their spoiled nature and channel it into becoming overly ambitious and near sociopathic range. This usually yields to a ridiculous level of success, which would promote economic growth. We need more people with backbone and are not afraid to take what they want out of life. These are some of the people who make changes in the world around us.


I- You know, I'm retiring. Just. Spoiled kids are not as plentiful as you would think. Look at Detroit. Look at downtown Houston, Texas. Look at Thomasville or Dixie, Ga. It's . . . Oops, gotta go.

In a way, I agree.


Things beig bad about being spoiled:What you said was kinda correct, but, being spoiled usually leads to alot of bad stuff, about not knowing what diciplin is, not knowing how to take care of yourself, and expecting others to do stuff for you.

I dont know if thats just me, but thats what I think


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Yes children really are spoiled (well most of them). Most of the kids in this generation was never beaten like the way my parents were as I hear from their stories. As I saw this topic, I thought of this scene from the Boondocks. And it always seems like the worst is at stores.


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No and yes. They are only as spoiled as their parents make them. I am not spoiled as I was given very little other than what was required "Food, clothes, etc". The only time I ever got anything extra was if I did something good like get 100% on my report cards (Which never happened). So I never had the chance of being spoiled.


I was however not taught discipline, and that caused me to not work towards things. Like grades, friends, and anything else in between. I only caught that I need to work for the things I want at a later age of 17. I could of learned that 11 years ago.


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I don't even have a smartphone and 5 year olds are jammin on them left and right dude! 
All I have is a portable CD player.... TT^TT mfg

The Original pegasisters /)

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Edit: Something I'd like to add is this:


The most disrespectful child I've ever seen isn't a child at all, it's a woman about my age. (Not 98, but think college-age.)


Is that a typo, or is your last name McLeod XD.



On topic, I think some are to a certain extent(and talk about having to much freedom, one of my neighbors has a boy that's like 10 and he already has a pierced ear and a Mohawk). I remember being 16 before I even had a cheap track-phone, and now I see elementary school kids with fully functional smart phones.  

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Children being spoiled!!?? Have you seen some of the children in Africa, or the Favela's in India? They are starving to death, and ding from aids. If you re talking america, that is totally based off family wealth, this generation has an absurd amount of technology easily available to anyone, including kids. I think the quality of character from kids now a days in America is bucked. My little brother wont even touch a worm, he is 5, when i was 5 i was either in the woods catching snakes or riding my bike or playing Pokemon. Now they sit and attend to social media all day.


1. Favelas are specifically a term that relates to South America, Brazil especially. 

1.5. There are poor and starving people everywhere, including the United States. My family and myself have been financially challenged since I was born. I know many destitute people.


2. Are children more spoiled than they ever were before? Actually, no. I would argue that it's pretty much the same, for the most part. There will always be parents who lack character and thus give their children too much, and parents who lack character and give their children too little, and the percentage of those in society probably don't change all that much, like most other parenting demographics.


I would argue that what we perceive as children receiving copious amounts of allegedly expensive technology is not actually what it seems.


First and foremost, electronics go down in price. They are the only commodity in the market at large that become outdated or outspeced in less than two years by factors greater than 1.5. That is just a fact.


What does this mean? 


Electronics are handed down, swapped, sold, traded, pawned, and sold far below market price! My family struggles to make $30,000 a year but we still have LCD televisions, several computers, an ipad, a few ipods, a few phones, etc., because these devices are so ubiquitous that it is easy to not pay market price. 


Secondly, once these devices are replaced, where do they go? Well, if it's not broken, it will probably be passed to the younger elements of the family if they're present. 


As far as behavior goes, every generation always argues that the new generation is degrading. Whether or not that is true has yet to be seen because we can only have qualitative and quantitative data on the behavior of society at large reaching back only 100 years, which is a small portion of the time humanity has existed.


Personally, I think it has, but not in any great amount. I have still encountered children that obey their elders and are eager to learn, and I have encountered little walking terrors that need great discipline. I myself was a bit spoiled, even in being poor, and had to build my own diligence, so I would also not consider any generation as a whole or even a large fraction thereof as a lost cause.

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"I remember back in my day we kids didn't get MP3 Players, Xbox or PS3 games, or new clothes when we asked for it. We just got the newest CD players, Nintendo 64 and Gamecube games, and the kinds of new clothes kids wore in the late 90's/early 2000's when we asked for them. We also got hundreds of dollars worth of Pokemon and Yugioh cards for no god damn reason. Oh yeah, hopefully you'll give a shit (doubtful) about how not spoiled I was, cause, uh, y'know, I had fucking good parents, man. I'm also gonna blame parents these days because I totally have kids and know what it's like to be a parent."




Yeah, no. No matter what age you're living in, there's always going to be spoiled kids. With today's technology, it may seem like kids these days are spoiled, when really, at one point, all of the technology, clothes, cars, etc. which are considered obsolete or unfashionable today, were once the next best things, and there were plenty of kids that got them. The "past was better" argument almost never works, it certainly doesn't work here, and it's certainly no reason to make assumptions of today's kids and parents.

Edited by Modphazon
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As a near 15-year old "child", I can say that many children are far from spoiled. Here we go, example: me.


I'm here on an old 2009 MacBook Pro, which is slowly dying, and extremely out of date, seeing as I'm a gamer. The average 15-year old gets about 6X more pocket money than me. Do I complain much? Nah. I even let my mom borrow €900,- from my allowance (gotta love insurance companies when a car scoops you) to buy glasses for the family. Even though I don't beg for stuff, I do hope our finances get a bit more stable because my USB audio card is broken, and my MacBook is about to break...


My current plan is to play some older games on YouTube, get a solid audience, partner with a network, then make money to buy a new MacBook Pro, so I can finally play newer stuff.


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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Yes, in my town kids are spoiled....as are some of my cousins.


I see 12 year olds and such with iPhones.....like what 12 year old needs a phone?


Like it's not just younger kids either....I worked with someone and she was 19-20 and her parents bought her a brand new Nissan. She then remarks about how I should get a car. Well sorry princess, but mommy and daddy don't buy me everything. I actually WORK for all the stuff I own. I could care less about owning a car.I bike everywhere. People think I"m crazy riding my bike in a snow storm....nope. I see it as being normal. People tellme I need a car.why? The only time I've ever wanted/needed a car was to go out of town to visit friends....and for the cost of insurance+ gas+car....not worth it.



I was NEVER handed anything as a kid....if I wanted it, I had to work for it....The only time I got stuff was at Christmas, my B-Day(sometimes) and when my parents came back from the states.


Spoiled brats are one thing that really grinds my gears.

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Okay, after this next sentence I'm gonna lose a lot of you...

I was born in 1996 so that makes me 17


My parents told me whenever we went into ANY store not to ask for ANYTHING

and if I did, my dad spanked me or my siblings

And my dad still doesnt care that scientists say its abuse, sometimes a child needs a good spank.


Im 17 and I still haven't got a fucking phone...

I got a tablet for Christmas fir my behavior when my dad was working over seas, im a daddies girl, so I threw a bit of pent up emotion in fits, but they were far apart.


I worked for my Photoshop, Flash, AE, Pinnacle Studio. ?.let alone new blankets, pillows, and supplies for my art...



What really makes my stomach queasy is hearing 9 to 14 year olds drinking, smoking, dealing drugs,joining gangs, holding weapons,thinking "they rule" cause of their weakminded human garbage parents, thinking that their awesome and should have instant respect from everyone, whilst giving none to others, gettin pregnant, having sex...I could go on


But recently, I was awoken to the state of the children of my neighbourhood. My 9 year old brother, was BEATEN with tree branches cuase he wouldn't bow down to the "leaders" who are 12, 13, 14 and 15! Ugh, im sick of these wastes of skin and bone, they need to be taught lessons, cause they wont get far in real like.

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I'm sure there are as many children that are being spoiled now as there was 40 years ago.  The problem is that people are inconsiderate or short-sighted.  Obnoxious people tend to stick out more anyways because they are loud so it might seem like there are more selfish people than there were a few generations back and some see being obnoxious as being selfish.  Part of the problem is that people allowed their child to be selfish by not reprimanding them or teaching them that there is a better way of earning things(or the parents themselves are selfish, kids learning by example and all that...)  I wasn't allowed to have a cellphone until my mum thought that I was old enough and mature enough to handle a phone or a computer for that matter...  I wouldn't blame technology so much as how people are acting and the way they are raising children.  Allowing kids to behave poorly only lets them get away with things that they shouldn't be, for the most part.  

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A kid is 7 years old wanders around with an iPad and an iPhone, i guess the answer is pretty clear.

"MOOOOOOOOOOM, GET ME A PS4"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

"sure honey..."kids these days....

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In my POV, it's not only children being spoiled, but parents not being able to keep up with advancing technology.


We create more and more new toys for ourselves which side effects we don't necessarily understand or predict. And in barely two years, there's a new version which is faster, better, harder, stronger. If we cannot fully understand influence which technology has on us, how can we counteract it?


Of course, I'm not saying technology is wrong thing, dear God, no! I'm not its opponent. Still, I think that things are moving so fast now, that humanity simply cannot keep up anymore. Thus, spoiled kids are one of side effects.


The more you give, the more they'll want. If you can't say no, you cannot expect that you won't hear even more ridiculous demands coming from a child. It's all about parents raising their kids, so the question would be not "If children are more spoiled?", but rather "Are parents raising them differently these days?" I guess.

  • Brohoof 3


𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝖂𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖜𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕴 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖎𝖙, 𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖎𝖙, 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖜𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘! 𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖌𝖔 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊! 𝕲𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊!

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I don't think I have any right to say what I'm about to say, since I myself am rather spoiled, but I'll give my two (or more) cents.


This is a critique/essay/whatever about spoiled people from the point of view of a spoiled guy. Interesting. All right.


Growing up, yes, I was spoiled. I got what I wanted (almost) when I wanted it, with a tiny price; grades. They'd expect high grades from me and give me something that I want as a reward.


This was actually pretty easy, since studying was really simple, and the topics weren't that hard anyway. Because of this, my grades would normally be really high. 


So yeah, I got what I want.


Until 5th grade, when my parents taught me to save up for what I want (though they'd pay for me, since I have severe social anxiety, I guess developed from too much time alone with my teddies).


But then, some people I know still even admit they get stuff on a silver platter.


My former classmate's 8 year old brother has an iPhone 5, and it's kinda odd seeing a kid that age not, I dunno, roleplaying with himself.


Then, there are those classmates of mine posting selfies with their iPad minis, and then a week later, with their new Galaxy Tab.


I developed this no-pain-no-gain attitude, so this would really peeve me.


I tend to get envious and annoyed, but then I remember who I am/was/could be, and I feel so hypocritical it hurts.


So, yeah, I got my thoughts out. 

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  • 1 year later...

I would say they very well are spoiled to the brink. It's discipline and respect for other people is the main issue to me though. I believe I'm the only person my age (where I live) that actually says "Thank you" or "You're welcome". Meanwhile, I get picked on by other people my age, because they lack respect and have such a freedom to speak whatever they want without considering one's feelings. The internet shows this attribute to it's highest from my experience.


I grew up in very tough neighborhoods, not knowing who my parents were and lived in near-poverty. I was constantly pulled out of school and moving to different places that I never settled down with being friends with someone. That, including abuse (mostly drugs). That made me feel alone (I still do to this very day), and people only point and laugh because they are filled with love or spoiled with whatever they want.


That is why I would give up everything I have, all the materials, even my beloved music, to move somewhere that doesn't have these things and hopefully I would find more kindness. That's just a theory of mine that, people who don't have things given to them freely on birth, would see how hard it is to obtain them (even food). Being respectful would mean being rewarded with these things, not just cursing total strangers and then asking "Can I have this mom?" and getting it for nothing.


It's hard to go anywhere in public without running into a jerk, but I still feel I have a right to my freedom regardless of how people feel about me. I mean even now, typing this, I have the feeling in the back of my mind that tells me someone's going to give me meaningless input on my opinion in total disrespect. But you know, I simply deal with these types by adding them to my eternal block list. 



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The worst part of it is when the child is said to have autism or ADHD. When they child acts out or throws a tantrum, parents will blame it on the child's condition. It makes those of us who really struggle with it look bad. I mean, I was spoiled quite a bit as a child myself growing up. i had the worst tantrums ever. However, this was due to the lack of understanding for me. I didn't understand the concept of 'no' or why my parents wouldn't get me what I wanted. That's usually why they would give in after a while. I'm a lot better at this now that I'm older though. The difference with a meltdown and a tantrum is that if the child or adult has a meltdown... they don't care what is going on around them or who's reacting to them. I think for me, my emotions had become so overloaded that I would often shut down during my 'tantrums'. I still do when something doesn't go as I had planned it to.


However, I do agree that parents are getting carried away. However, if I was to say anything about this, it'd be hard since I am still spoiled. I'm also the only baby in the family as well. My dad grew up poor and didn't have any of the things I did today. That's one reason why he's always spoiling me all of the time. He usually gives in long before I start throwing a tantrum over it though,

Edited by AdorbzFangirl
  • Brohoof 1

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Are children spoiled these days? No. They aren't. And I'll tell you exactly why they aren't spoiled.


My stepfather and mother are both doctors and with their combined salary I guess you could say we're high class. I won't tell you exactly how much they earn, but let me just tell you it's above 50k a month. So you can kinda guess when I was a kid, I got a ton of stuff for my birthday and Christmas. I also got a lot of random gifts when I would ask nicely. Does that make me spoiled? Yes and no. Yes in the sense that my parents gave me a ton of things, and for that I'll always be grateful no matter how old I am. But it also doesn't make me spoiled. Why? Because I wasn't flaunting with the things I got, I never acted arrogant about it. In fact, my entire elementary and middle school "career", most people didn't even know my parents were rich or would ever remember me. I always acted reserved, calm. I never provoked stress or laughed at someone just because they weren't earning as much as others. And that's what I'm trying to say. In my opinion, you're only spoiled when your parents do a ton for you and give you a ton of things while you, well quite frankly, act like a cunt about it to others.


So are kids spoiled these days? No. Not really. Because if there are a lot of kids spoiled, then why are also plenty of 10-16 year olds complaining about these spoiled children? Exactly, because there's about 50/50 of both. Don't forget, there's also a ton of middle-class or lower-class children that act like jerks and there's a ton of middle-class and high-class "spoiled" children that will act friendly and share their meal with even an obnoxious begging hobo. There're jerks and arrogant people in every class. Whether the family is rich, poor, big or small. Jerks exist in all of them.


And just because an 8-year old gets a phone doesn't mean they're spoiled. We lived in a different generation, so we would never understand why a young kid would want one. That doesn't mean they're spoiled, it just means they got a phone and the family was able to afford one for him/her. Be glad for a kid like that, don't loathe them. When they act like a piece of crap, then you're free to be pissed off at them. But otherwise, no, kids are not spoiled.

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I wouldn't say spoiled, more like the world is too easy for them, pretty much everything they have is given to them by their parents that had a succesful life, I do consider myself spoiled because of the things I have but I noticed and started to "sacrifice" something for the things I had, so for example I wouldn't take lunch or breakfast and I would use that money to buy something I like, everything requires some sort of sacrifice or tradeback, you get as much as you give.

I think parents should learn that if they don't have the time to show their children proper love because they are too busy getting money for them, then its better to have a simple life with love and not many comodities, if any of you plan to be a parent don't let money be a priority because you want to give your children everything you can, they'll be happy that you as a parent can love him and give him some comodities. I'm only 17 but that's how I see things

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A kid is 7 years old wanders around with an iPad and an iPhone, i guess the answer is pretty clear.

"MOOOOOOOOOOM, GET ME A PS4"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

"sure honey..."kids these days....


Don't pin this on the children, pin it on the parents, it's not up to a kid to choose whether or not they are used to getting things when they want it, it's the parents choice.

Edited by Lag Spike
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Children have always been spoiled. There's nothing new under the sun. We have the same problems as past generations, only the aesthetics have changed.


Is it a problem with parenting? Sure it is. Does that mean these particular generations of parents are doing something wrong universally? No. It will be fixed sooner or later. After all, those kids who don't learn gratitude now are going to get a ruuuuuude awakening when they "grow up" so to speak.


My mom said that her father said to her, "Either I will teach you, or the world will teach you."

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Growing up, my brother and I had it tough financially.  Xmas and birthdays meant something special; pricier gifts were few and far between because our mother simply couldn't afford to buy them.  Keeping the lights on and food in our bellies were the priorities.  But our mother still found a way to do something memorable when those days rolled around.  We appreciated everything that we received and had.  Even having what we needed was never a guarantee, but our mom went above and beyond to try to ensure that we didn't go without.


Yes.  Children nowadays are spoiled.  But you know what?  So were children back when my now thirty-two year old butt was a kid.  Many of them didn't know what it was like to struggle economically.  Some of them would outright mock the children who had less than they did.  Sometimes misfortune - even hardship - teaches you something more valuable than money or material possessions.  And any parent who spoils their child is only doing them a disservice in the long run.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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My personal feeling is that, yes, kids are spoiled these days. However, times change. I see kids these days (I'm 24, for reference) as rude, entitled little shits (no offense to any kids here, I have no doubt there are good ones) and I'm prone to thinking 'I wasn't like that when I was young' but the thing is, people always seem to have that sentiment. Times change. Maybe this is the new way of raising kids and we just think it odd because it's so different from how we were raised. Maybe we would have been the same, had all those things existed when we were younger.


Aren't the lines by 'the older generation' always the same? 'Kids have no respect', 'kids are spoiled' and of course the all time favorite 'In my time things were different'. Well, yes, they were. And with that, the way of raising children changes. I guess we should just accept that change and raise our own kids the best we can (for those who plan to have them, clearly)

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