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How do you take your Coffee or Tea?


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Hey there!



So I'm sitting here drinking my cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts with French Vanilla, Cream, and Extra Extra Sugar. I normally only get coffee on the rare occasion that I need to be pulling an all nighter and tonight was one of those nights!




How do you prefer your Coffee or Tea? Is it homebrewed? or do you go to a Starbucks,Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons, Etc.. to get it?



How often do you drink coffee?

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I don't really have coffee all that often, though I take it when I can get it, which often ends up being me mooching some from my church's kitchen. I add so much stuff to it that I don't know if you'd really call it "coffee" anymore though :blush:. What can I say, I like sweet things.

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I don't like either drinks to be honest...but there's only one type of coffee I will drink, and that is this delicious thing:











This had to be one of the best drinks I have ever tasted. It's by far my favorite coffee drink...and it's the only coffee drink I can actually drink without cringing. As for the location...anywhere that serves these will do. I got them for a small donut shop but I forget the actual name.


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I generally don't buy coffees because mine are the best around




Seriously though bought a coffee machine a while back so only buy coffee when I'm out generally from Hudson's. Other than that I make it and it varies depending on mood whether I'll sugar it or not but ALWAYS milk :P


And to answer frequency. generally a cup or two a day

Edited by QuirkyUsername
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Great question!  :D


For a typical 12 or 16 oz. cup of coffee I put two sugar packets and two creamers in it.  My favorite coffee to get when I'm out is Starbucks but I also like McDonald's and Wawa's (Wawa is a conveniene chain in the mid-Atlantic area).  I normally have three cups a day. 


When I first started drinking coffee, I had to put more cream and sugar in it.  :P


EDIT:  That's so weird how the spoiler line in Wonderbolt_Spitfire's post is causing all posts below it to be sqeezed to the right.  :blink:

Edited by Wingnut
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I go tim hortons 4 shots of Espresso Triple Triple with splenda(3 cream 3 splenda for those that dont know)i domt drink much regular coffee as i see it way too much

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Cute avatar. I take a tablespoon of instant coffee and a tablespoon of hot chocolate mix and add hot water, add creamer (usually white chocolate mocha or caramel flavor) and shake.

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well, one, i never drink coffee. i downright refuse to. two, if i do have tea, i put one or two spoonfuls of sugar and then some milk. i don't measure the milk. i wait until it looks like a mushroom cloud.


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Most of the time I make my coffee at home, and I put about four tablespoons of milk and about three scoops of sugar. I go through so much coffee that I drink about half a pot a day.


When I go out though, I try to get coffee from anyplace that is not Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or 7-11. My favorite places to get coffee are Wegman's, Wawa, and Caribou Coffee. Whenever I go to fancy restaurants, I always get coffee there. There is also a great coffee shop in Florida that is really good. I went there almost all the time during my vacation. The process there is about the same, leaving half an inch for cream and three Sugar In The Raw packets.

Edited by NothingIsEverything



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Tea is awful.


It looks like someone really dehydrated relieved himself and left it sitting there for a few weeks.


Besides, America bombs countries that drink tea.



Tea is awful.





I find it necessary to defend my beloved tea, with a GIF from my favorite Jane Austen movie (and incidentally, my favorite romantic movie of all time.) This is entirely too fitting.


Tea, in my mind, is not just a distinguished drink. It is above all, a quintessentially soothing beverage when paired with the perfect amount of sugar, a slice of lemon, or perhaps just a splash of cream. Tea is above all filled with cliche, since you only hear of mustached British people drinking such a thing, and there's a reason--tea has been the delicacy of royalty all around the world for centuries.


I would also like to add that the color of tea when you add cream is not a completely unappealing image. Soft and buttery-looking with a bit of beige undertones, like the color of a very soothing pillow. Drinking such a color is both an experience in sleeping and waking up.


There are literally thousands of different kinds of tea. Saying you don't like tea is like saying you don't like poetry--everyone has one poet (or in this case, on tea) that they like. There are exceptions to every rule. 


You could also look into the healthy benefits of tea, such as this http://www.ucl.ac.uk/media/library/tea'>study that proves tea can help lower stress levels. Or you could peruse http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/9/27/abstract'>this study which says that white tea has an extremely high levels of polyphenol, which can reduce your collagen and elastin depletion. 


The root of the matter is such: tea is a delightful beverage, taken in a multitude of different ways which lend dozens of different distinct flavors. It has several hidden health benefits, and besides being deliciously cliched to drink, it can also make you feel like a British dignitary.


By the way, I take my coffee with cream and sugar.

Edited by Miss Earl Grey
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I take my tea like anyone else should. Just normal hot tea, milk and no sugar, using PG, Tetley or Yorkshire tea bags! Not too much milk otherwise it just doesn't taste right.


Then of course you have a wide selection of perfectly matching biscuits to go with proper tea. There is the classic digestive or rich tea biscuit, both are good but fairly plain. You could then have, chocolate digestives, hobnobs, ginger nuts, nice biscuits or even malted milks. Or if you want to be a little more adventurous, custard creams, bourbons or the legendary Jammie Dodger! There are many more to choose from your local shop in which to partake in drinking tea.


Pip bloody pip, one is drinking proper tea!


Edited by Aaramus
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I enjoy both coffee and tea.  I usually brew my own coffee/ grind my own beans when I make coffee.  Should I get coffee from elsewhere, it would probably be from WaWa or Timmies.  I have a standard mr.coffee drip machine at home, nothing special about it.  I take my coffee with either french vanilla or hazelnut creamer.  For when I have tea, I prefer to have either green tea or white tea.  I prefer not to add anything to it since it's good enough as it is.  This one time I had lychee blossom tea and it was simply divine  :wub:...  I try not to have coffee and tea on the same day.  Depending on the size of the cup I'm using, I typically have 2-3 cups and try not to drink tea or coffee after a certain time. 

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I brew my own tea at home without sugar or milk. I use it as a replacement for soda, I realized how incredibly unhealthy it was for me to be drinking that stuff every day so I looked into tea. There are so many varieties that it's difficult to say you hate every type of tea. My personal favourite right now is a nice minty flavoured herbal tea I found the other day.


As for coffee, I can't stand the stuff. It's too bitter for me to enjoy and I don't see the point of drinking it if I'm just going to pile milk and sugar in it.

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I do not drink coffee that often, and for me it doesn't really matter where I get it from, whether it be homebrewed or from another location like a Starbucks or coffee shop, but when I drink it I like my brews dark and black.  No cream and sugar for me, no sir, just straight up black coffee, and dark roasts if I can get 'em.  The cream doesn't really add any flavor for me, so I don't really see the point of adding any, and neither does the sugar unless I add way too much, at which point it would be way too sweet and not really taste like coffee to me any more.  So yes, I do like a cup every now and then, but I always take my coffee black, and not decaf if I can avoid it.


Now, my mom and I do go every Saturday after our morning run to Starbucks, and while we're there on those days I usually get a Java Chip Frappuccino, but I don't really consider that an exception since I don't really consider that coffee, besides the fact that there is SOME coffee in it.  That's just a tasty treat for myself after a good morning workout.


As for tea, I don't really drink hot tea.  Nothing against it, it's just I've never developed a habit of drinking it regularly and probably won't any time soon.  From what I've heard it's rather tasty and there's all types of ways it can be brewed and prepared.  Plus, as Miss Earl said above, it sounds like a very healthy drink.


I do drink ice tea, and with that beverage I don't like adding any sugar to it either (like most of my fellow Northerners; you'll have to go down South here in the States if you want to find that the majority of people like sweet tea).

Edited by Batbrony
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I like my coffee like I like my women...


(In the kitchen)


Actually I don't like coffee much at all. A mostly drink tea, but not hot tea! A nice cold glass of sweet tea hits the spot, unless it's the sickly sweet type you get from Taco Bell or something.

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I take my tea with a little sugar and a couple lemon squeezes. I'm not a big tea drinker, but it's good stuff.


I take my coffee black, but I certainly don't like it. It tastes terrible. I guess I don't want to like coffee, I just want it to keep me awake, nothing else. I very rarely have coffee and the only place I do is at home.

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white, no sugar, if you're offering :P im always drinking coffee, i've got a pot on the go right now, in fact :D


i love tea as well, but recently i've become more of a coffee man. there's not enough caffeine in coffee to keep me awake though, if i really need to pull an all nighter i just go buy a couple cans of Relentless.


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I don't drink coffee or tea that much. Only when I crave it which is not often. When I do decide to drink one of the two, it's always homebrewed because I'm cheap like that. Not that it's a bad thing now.



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I'm not big on coffee.

However, being a stereotypical Brit, I love me a good cup of tea; Having about 3 to 4 a day.

I normally have a lightly brewed cup of tea, with milk and one teaspoon of sugar.

Pretty weak, but it's still tea nonetheless!

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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