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Looks VS Brains (Poll)

Sugar Pea


110 users have voted

  1. 1. What matters most to you?

    • Looks
    • Brains

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So, If you had the option to turn heads or break heads, which would you prefer?

Be honest.

Personally, I choose brains. Let's not kid ourselves, all of us are conceited one way or another, so let's not play Miss Goody-Two-Shoes. 

Anyways, I would choose to have brains over looks, and i'm not just saying that to make myself look good. I'm saying this because I feel that grades are a little more important to me than looks most of the time, and with me being a chick, yes I definitely do care about my looks as well. 

Having brains gets you somewhere in life, ya know. I'm not downing anyone who chooses looks, no judgement here. Just personal opinion.





  • Brohoof 8

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Definitely brain, no matter how good looking someone is, if he is retarded as buck, I could not stand being with him for any longer than 30 minutes. Also if I want to find my special somepony it should be somepony who can understand the chaos in my mind and lead conversations with me about topics that I like.

  • Brohoof 3


Sig by: Kyoshi

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Brains. Sigh... so much more helpful haha considering looks fade.


But I like my looks too :P

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Fairly easy choice. Brains. Looks are awesome, I won't pretend otherwise, but they lose their novelty value pretty quickly. Being able to make compelling observations and arguments will make you more memorable to me in the long run.


Mind you, I'd prefer to have both attributes, considering I have neither...

  • Brohoof 2
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I admit, what instantly attracts me to someone is looks, but if they are dumber than a brick, or a real jerk, then I have no need for them in my life. Period.


Thats pretty much how I feel.


Lets face the facts - everyone is going to choose 'brains' because thats what we're supposed to say: that looks aren't important and its whats on this inside that counts.


But when faced with real life, well, how many of you look across the room at a stranger and think 'Wow, they just finished Professor Layton without using any hints'? 


I'm not trying to judge anyone, but at the end of the day, I'm willing to accept that both traits are important in my eyes: I am proud of my intelligence - I'm a thinker. I like to have intelligent discussions with people. But if I was given the option to give up what few attractive features I have to make myself smarter? Not a chance.

  • Brohoof 4

Never quite forgotten.

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brains brains BRAINS oh wait that's a zombie.. but still brain... there are lot of good looking retard out here.. let them here.. don't make the count increase... well maybe not being ugly as a public toilet may help but still brains

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Easy for me, brains. I wanna be able to connect with the guy, and have conversations with him, not just stare at him. :P Besides, on a scale of what I find most important in a guy,

1. Sense of Humour

2. Smart

3. Loyal

Being good-looking doesn't come in until about number five. You know, just as long as he's not cringe-worthy... So brains. :3

  • Brohoof 3
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I prefer looks. Why?


It's not only that I don't like women with brain, I AM the brains. I just think I'd be happy with a no-so-smart girl with a beautiful face rather than a smart girl without one. Don't get me wrong though. I would still hit on smart ladies too (just as long as they're beautiful)


Plus, if I ever get into an arguement with a smart girl, chances are I would lose (I'm smart, but not that smart :V)

  • Brohoof 4
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Alright to be honest. In the situation of choosing a girlfriend or something.


It's looks for me. I care about brains but I would rather take looks honestly. Just not if they are dumb as buck. 

  • Brohoof 3


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Both. I choose both because they both are important at different times.


Looks are what attract you for a short term relationship-sometimes in the right conditions long term if it purely looks and personality as well, considering personality can actually be overtly expressed via looks if you aren't scared of being bullied by fashion fags and collective poopskulls-Looks fade though but I don't care since I don't plan to stick around that long and to be frank she probably dosen't either so we both win.


brains is what keeps you, as long a we are talking about brains in a personality sense. If we are talking about like...intelligence and skills then...frankly. I don't give a flying rat, its not like my partners college degree in communication skill and psychology- I know...SO MANY  girls in psychology...so god damn many-is going to honestly hold the relationship together, hell it might even screw the relationship, there nothing like someone who think their value has been up to a dude because they have some degree hanging from the wall, if that was the case I would be looking up pictures of sara palin for a quickie and fantasying about marrying some high end like her. Brains can even flush relationships to hell if they are applied incorrectly, its not like lawyer girls are swimming in dates from guys(may be rumors but I hear female lawyers specifically have it bad) or business majors are the queens of the dating scenes and frankly dating a psychologist sounds dubious at best the last thing you need in an argument is some psycho mumble jumbo tricks on you. Dudes got jobs, what exactly is new about your partner having a job, hell is damn near expected these days for everyone to be working soul destroying full time grind. Sure, you may get lucky, maybe she has a job in something you admire or both have a very specific major love for that field that brings you together but those aren't likely.



Even then, two people with brains are not always going to click even if everything else is great. You're a collectivist who enjoys the works of Karl Marx-To hell with you, you damn commie. You believe in the pro-choice-OMG how dare you....and so on. The personal isn't political but that doesn't mean that the political can tear apart personal relations, especially if the politics either side follow actually practice micro politics and "personal is political" approach within its very core. 






After much internal debate about which.



I choose alcohol, because it makes me feel smart and whoever there look pretty. Everyone wins.

Edited by MiStErUnMeRry
  • Brohoof 4

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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Brains definitely play a bigger role for me. I mean, my crush objectively isn't that pretty compared with other people, but her brain operates like mine in different ways, and her personality stems from her brain processes and her soul, which is why I love her in the first place. 


There was also this other girl who didn't actually look that ugly. In fact, you could argue she was prettier than my current crush. But her brains were just... fried in a way. They were much... dumber to say the least. Didn't enjoy talking with her at all now that I reflect on that experience. So brains definitely wins for me.

  • Brohoof 2
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Like North Aura...I'm being completely honest. I have to be physically attracted to someone to have feelings towards them as well as their personality. The only thing is though, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...so what I might find beautiful, others might not. That's what makes each and everyone of us special ;)

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Brains are certainly important, but I honestly value looks more. I mean, I wouldn't want a brainless beauty or a brainy but unattractive girl. I want a happy medium. But at the end of the day, there must be a spark of physical attraction for a relationship to work, and if that's not there, that girl could have all the brains in the world and it wouldn't matter worth a darn.

  • Brohoof 3
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Brains. Because to me, looks just honestly do not matter. I couldn't care less about looks, frankly. Sure, someone being nice to look at is nice, but honestly, I'm not attracted to just looks. It's the mind that matters to me.

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Why not both?

Even though I can view the votes I'm not going to. For those of you who voted for looks shame on you. Looks don't make that much money well they make alot of money but it's not the kind of money you want. Plus if you have someone with brains you can have a conversation with them. Sure you have good looks but I bet you can't properly make a verbal sentence. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Brains, easily. I also look for similar interests and personality types. I do like nice looks on a gf/bf but I just value brains, interests, and personality more.

  • Brohoof 3


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I'm not going to be a shit-faced liar and say Brains only, because that would be a lie. I do value looks. I mean, I'm not looking for a supermodel (wouldn't turn one down though, IF they weren't stupid), but then I wouldn't go out with someone who was morbidly obese either. Then again, I absolutely loathe stupidity, so I guess on the abstract scale of attraction, I find that brains are more important.


Not necessarily in regards to acedemicness, (that kind of stuff doesn't have any standing on me. In fact I find it cold and calculating, basing a relationship on money-earning potential) but someone who I can have a conversation and a laugh with. I hate the stereotype that boys are just in it for sex. Yes I'll admit I'm no saint; it is part of the deal, but then isn't it for both genders? I'll gladly discuss feelings with a girl. In that regard, I guess I'm a bit of a girl myself tongue.png

Edited by Spess

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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Looks. I don't want a guy who is a tasty piece of manmeat, but keeps putting the square peg in the round hole. However, to be completely honest, I'd rather have the hottie lunkhead over an ugly but brainy guy. In an ideal world, I want both, but that's not what the poll is asking. So yeah, I'm going with looks.


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I choose brains, it has gotten me far and hopefully farther.


Looks do matter to me, but I've never really cared too much about my looks.


When it comes to others, I have low standards. Looks don't matter to me at all, neither does the person's brain. All I care about is that the person is nice, I can be around mean people but they bring out the worst in me.. My worst is something I prefer hidden.


I think that maybe because I'm not really used to people being kind to me, so each time someone shows me kindness I value that a lot. So I don't care about brains or looks, I care about kindness. If that kindness is shown by someone who others would consider unattractive and/or stupid I can assure you that person would still be the perfect one in my eyes.

  • Brohoof 2
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Looks. Ignorance is bliss. With looks, people like you. With brains, people might like you. With looks, people will hire you without even caring if you are good for the job. With brains, you have to prove yourself.


If both is not an option, I'd rather go looks cuz right now what little brains I have is doing jack all for me. I'm an asshole, jobless and lack the motivation to rectify the situation and have no looks to fall back on.

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I think brains can be achieved, but beauty is something you are born with. That being said, I also value brains. I can't stand airheads, and I prefer to be around smarter people.

  • Brohoof 1


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