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Justin Bieber calls young fan a beached whale.


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I find it disgusting. I didn't like Justin Bieber in the first place, but the way he's been acting lately is just making my opinion of him sink lower and lower. He's an idiot, plain and simple. 

  • Brohoof 43
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My thoughts on this could be summed up as, no matter what Bieber does he will still try to keep his publicity even when he is an ignorant douche. The way he has been acting lately, is just questionable.

  • Brohoof 5
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This guy is the number one reason as to why Euthanasia should be legalised.


He's an ignorant, self-righteous prick who pumps out generic music and believes he's gods gift. He's a despicable human being and he disgusts me. I just wish that Justin Bieber was in the passenger seat of that Porsche instead of Paul Walker.

  • Brohoof 15
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I have always despised this little jerk. Not because of his music, even though I hate it, but because he believes he is at a godly status and everyone is below him. He is a disgrace to humanity, and I mean every word of that. Also, judging a girl on her looks instead of personality. Just disgusting. :angry:

Edited by SmartyPants
  • Brohoof 4
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I think it's really sad what he's become and that the people around him don't seem to think much of it or won't say anything because he's a star. He was probably a pretty normal kid at one point.

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That's horrible! How ignorant and shallow can a person be? It sickens me on how highly he thinks of himself, and thinks he can say whatever he wants because of that. He doesn't even know that girl, yet he automatically judges her off her appearance. Jerk...

  • Brohoof 5
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I mean, really? This kid needs to get smacked and learn to properly respect people. I'm sick of all of his ''I'm famous so I can do whatever I want'' bullshit.

  • Brohoof 4
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Jesus. Despite how awful his music is, I used to think he was just an unfair target for internet trolls. I'm not sure how to react to him actually turning out to be an insensitive prick.

Yeah, I used to feel kinda sorry for him as well since he had so many haters. But recently he's just been acting like a self-indulgent prick. I think that's just what happens when fame gets to people's heads. But even then, being famous isn't an excuse to think he can do whatever he wants.

  • Brohoof 6
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That's pretty mean of him, to be honest I've read a lot of things that he's done that I didn't believe but after seeing this I believe everything.


I don't want to say anything about this as such, he just needs to stop these shenanigans.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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fdfdsa fd d asd adf  23r2r r2

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For the record I never liked Beiber but this is beside the point.


Being a bully is just that, whether its verbal or physical, bullying is when you make someone else feel uncomfortable, sad or threaten. What he did was bullying... and the fact he's in the spot light only makes him look more like an idiot. Note to self people, whether your an ignorant pop star jerk, or a middle class hard worker like myself, bullying is STILL bullying... think before you speak or keep it to yourself GRR. I hate bullies.

  • Brohoof 6
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It seems Bieber has finally hit rock bottom. He has it all, he has money, fame and millions of fans, but he feels the need to insult some poor woman? What an awful person.

Not to mention, a size 14 is not a beached whale. I hate how society thinks anything above a size six is overweight. Not everyone needs to look like stick figures. This is just ridiculous.

  • Brohoof 7
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There are so many things wrong with this....for one it's just down right disrespectful to the person, being famous doesn't give you the right to be an asshole I didn't really like Justin Beiber to begin with but this is just...wrong? the worst part about it is that it was two insults, Calling the person a Beached whale then saying they should go on the biggest loser....

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