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mega thread Your favourite pony and why?

Twilight Sparkle ✨

Who is the Best pony  

224 users have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Main Pony

    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Fluttershy
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rarity
    • Starlight Glimmer
  2. 2. Favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Scootaloo
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Big Macintosh
    • Cheerilee
    • Braeburn
    • Granny Smith
    • Hoity Toity
    • Mayor
    • Photo Finish
    • Sapphire Shores
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin'
    • Pegasus Royal Guard
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Trixie
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Other
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Maud Pie
    • Marble Pie
    • Limestone Pie
    • Cranky Doodle
    • Matilda
    • Discord (as a non-villain)
    • Flurry Hearts
    • Sunburst
    • Prince Rutherford
    • Coco Pommel
    • Pear Butter
    • Bright Mac
    • Grand Pear
    • Autumn Blaze
  3. 3. Favorite Tertiary Background Character

    • Derpy Hooves
    • DJ P0N3
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Twist
    • Pipsqueak
    • Bon Bon
    • Lyra
    • Doctor Whooves
    • Octavia
    • Hayseed
    • Lotus
    • Aloe
    • Berry Punch
    • Seafoam
    • Ace
    • CHUNKY!!!
    • Other
  4. 4. Favorite Student Six Character

    • Smolder
    • Sandbar
    • Yona
    • Ocellus
    • Gallus
    • Silver Stream

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Princess Luna plain and simple.  With each episode that develops her character I feel more and more of a connection with her.  She's outrageously relatable for me and she's adorable and amazing and sweet and cute.

Awesome Nightmare Night Shirt benefits a Brony http://www.bonfirefunds.com/bummed-bronysig-34863.princess_luna_s2_button_by_pon

^Credit for signature art goes to PonyUniverse on deviantart.

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Fluttershy is and shall always be my favorite pony. Some people claim Fluttershy fans only like her for her adorable acts, and she is utterly useless. She has never been useless. In the earlier episodes of MLP, her shyness was over-exaggerated. We never see her afraid of her own shadow again :okiedokielokie:  Sooo I must say I like her for her kindness, willingness to help others (even Discord in the beginning), and loving nature towards animals. :kindness:


  • Brohoof 1


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~Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm

Luna All the Way!!!!!

I love her beause I can relate to her a lot. She has a dark and a Bright side to her

I think it's really cool. Luna is also very strong i think. Plus, I kinda perfer

the night better than day :)


Edited by MLPFanPony


Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect

Signature by Pucksterv | Luna is best Pony

Ask me anything >>>https://mlpforums.com/topic/135645-ask-random-mlpfanpony/



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Rarity. She was the first MLP:FiM character I ever saw, not to mention how I found the show was finding an Art Of The Dress Remix. She always has been my favourite pony since the start.

Edited by Januaree
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The results of this poll are funny. Dashie's the most voted, when a while ago, she was one of the most disliked out of the mane6. and Rares being the least voted, while she mop the floor the other mane6's fanclubs by having over a thousand pages  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Discords

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My both favorites are Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. I find myself in both characters again. I am love the nature, animals, science and study. Befor I was a brony, I was really shy and scared like fluttershy, and now, I am a more like Twilight. And that are the reasons why I like both in the same way. 



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Sunset Shimmer.


She reminds me of myself, to a disturbing degree. I can relate with her on a deep level.


What can I say... Sunset shimmer is Sunset Shimmer.



  • Brohoof 2

Sunset Shimmer                         -----*and*-----                        Princess Luna


Signature by Me, myself, and I

                               :wub: Redemption ponies are best ponies :wub:                                                                                        

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Fluttershy is my favorite pony! She's the cutest pony in all of existence, cuter than anything else! She's always nice to everypony, she's caring, kind, and drop dead adorable! 


So cute! :kindness:


She's also the most beautiful  ever! Those big blue eyes, the long pink hair, here coloring, everything! :fluttershy: post-34857-0-01683300-1440039595_thumb.jpg


She's just the best pony ever. I love her so much! <3<3<3  :squee:


  • Brohoof 1

Signature by Laika


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The results of this poll are funny. Dashie's the most voted, when a while ago, she was one of the most disliked out of the mane6. and Rares being the least voted, while she mop the floor the other mane6's fanclubs by having over a thousand pages  :lol:


Sadly that's because the poll is sadly HIGHLY innacurate currently :(

I'd love to be able to do a "Who is your favorite pony NOW" thread/poll, as this thread sadly contains lots of "Junk" data. That is to say, the majority of the votes are from the very, VERY early days of the fandom: As such, it includes lots of votes from people who no longer are bronies (having left the fandom or just got into it very briefly) or votes from people who changed their favorite pony to another pony.

During they early days of the fandom, Dash was BY FAR the most loved: A good number of dash votes are from the early fandom days before her popularity normalized. Additionally, twilight was average in popularity during S1 and S2



As for Rarity, bronies are very devoted to her, but she does truthfully have a very bad showing with the target audience :(, usually selling worse and being less liked amongst the children compared to bronies.

I think Rarity's good points tend to appeal more to adults than kids, as hasbro barely even focuses on her for advertising anymore: Rarity and applejack get left off half the posters and whatnot :(

  • Brohoof 1
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This has been a back and fourth kinda thing for a while with me but I decided on Vinyl Scratch. Reason being I love dubstep. And she's awesome.


§I Was Born Awesome, Not Perfect§

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  • 2 weeks later...


What can I say... Sunset shimmer is Sunset Shimmer.

That is ever so true my friend.

Daring do, if you mean mane 6 rainbow dash

People seem to really like RD, I don't see why

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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i can't remember if i ever posted in here, but after long meditation, i decided to make Twilight Sparkle my favorite pony for a while.


you could say that i decided to derank Rainbow Dash, which depresses me, because i know it's all Cindy Morrow's fault that i'm upset with RD.


Tanks For The Memories if taken literally implies that RD will not hesitate nor apologize for treating people like shit and destroying property, and let's remind everyone this was only because her tortoise was going to sleep for a couple months...  ~sigh~ this gives me a headache...


because of this crap, and Amending Fences becoming a contender for my future top 10 episode, i decided that TS deserves my love more, and as long as RD is being written like a wannabe Anakin Skywalker who might start murdering Jedi children to save her pet from perhaps an actual death, i decided to put RD down my favorites list until the MLP staff decide to stop making her "chaotic stupid".


i always liked TS, but i had a hard time picking a favorite because Pinkie was always so fun, though i honestly thought the bit of laughing at trees in the pilot episode was kinda stupid, and i was never very fond of her little sing bits at first, but there are some songs she did i found amusing, like the Evil Enchantress song.


Fluttershy also was a contender for being a favorite, not just because she can be sweet and adorable, but because i relate to her social anxiety issues and glossophobia.


i tried avoiding making TS my favorite because it felt like she was the "obvious" choice, since she is kinda like the leader of the group, but with each great episode with her as focus, i can't deny her being just wonderful for both her flaws and heroic traits.


but otherwise, RD was my favorite pony, for many reasons, i looked at her as an inspiration, and she had flaws that really made it obvious that even though just like the others in the mane six, who are supposed to be heroes, these heroes have issues, they aren't perfect, and RD is the most imperfect pony.


unfortunately, things got too far recently.


you see, it's okay to make mistakes, if you learn a lesson.


RD learned to deal with pet's hibernating... while learning nothing about treating friends like shit or destroying property.


when Fluttershy treated ponies like shit, she got put in her place, she learned a lesson.


and even something as trivial as the CMC going to look for Troublehooves showed a moral outcome for disobeying their chaperons, which was a step up considering how Scott Sonneborn handled the story for Somepony To Watch Over Me, i think even though Dave Polski didn't do the best job on Appleloosa's Most Wanted, it turned out more or less solid for moral (though, i have a debate about the actual moral premise of the entire episode, i will get into some other time).


why is TS my favorite pony and not RD?


to just put simply, season 5 has done so well for TS, and so bad for RD, and so i had put RD down to #4, and bumped up TS to #1, FS from #2 to #3, only because i loved PP's performance in Lost Treasure Of Griffonstone, that it outshined even FS's performance in The Cutie Map, and that was a tough call, i swear, PP and FS are pretty much neck to neck tied for 2nd place in my books.


but i love TS, and i want to love RD, but it feels like i had loved RD, and then she spat in my face and set my house on fire, and it's hard to love someone who does that.


TS would never go around breaking stuff on purpose, at least not if it's for the sake of a pet going to sleep through the winter, that premise sounds so stupid, it literally aggravates me more than the existence of the episodes Magical Mystery Cure and Party Pooped.


and since i'm mentioning it, i do not hold Party Pooped against PP, in fact, more or less, it didn't make PP look bad at all, it just make Nick Confalone appear to be a terrible writer period, and here i thought Scoot Sonneborn had a bad first episode with Somepony To Watch Over Me, but you see, there is actually moments in even that episode, as much as i hate AJ in that episode, i liked at least the whole chimera in the fire swamp, that was pretty cool, but Party Pooped has such a short list of positive things i got out of it, and they are buried by the mountains of nitpicks...


but no, i can't be angry at PP's character, because nothing that happened in that terrible episode made PP seem like a bad pony at all, it just pointed out that Nick has never actually seen a map of Equestria before he wrote the episode, but you would think mister encyclopedia Jayson Thiessen would have mentioned during production "hey Nick, um, i hate to bring this up but, Appleloosa is actually SOUTH of Ponyville, not NORTH, which is the direction she is travelling".


and we can't blame PP for that Family Guy wannabe cutaway about being in a spoof Beatles band for several years, oh, what was it? over the course of a day. let that sink in... Pinkie Pie, was in a band, for several years, over the course of a day. ha. so. funny. right? ... ... >.>  ... ...  <.<  ...  ... ~sigh~


and guess what, Twilight Sparkle is afraid of cheese, thank you Nick Confalone, i mean, no, i hate you, please quit the show, now , i want you demoted, fired, gone, leave now!!!


i'm all for spice and interesting character traits, weaknesses, but... fear of cheese? just why? that joke wasn't funny... at all... period.


i suspect Nick is secretly one of those fanfiction writers who makes those like 3,000 word short stories that maybe have 20 upvotes tops.


a drunk Mitch Larson could have made a better episode than Party Pooped was, and i suspect he was drunk for Magical Mystery Cure, which if half the songs were removed, MMC would be a better and more cohesive episode than Party Pooped.


rant over.


i take this show too seriously, why am i here still?  lol...


i just like Twilight Sparkle the most right now, she is very caring, but still has a bit of her quirks that make her somewhat interesting, a very solid likable character who has a bit of OCD tendencies, and i can relate to that a bit, i can be a bit OCD about certain things, like making sure all my CDs are organized based on how i feel about them, or like making sure that i only use black lion salvage kits on exotic items in GW2, etc.


one more outside bias i gotta say, there are more "weird bronies" who like RD than any other character, at least that i met, and i have nothing against them, but there is too much fan made stuff involving either viciously killing RD, or having weird sexual relationships, like RD/Scootaloo, and that is fine and all, but i'm not fond of this shit at all, so it's just disturbing and kinda makes me even more distanced to RD in some ways.


but yeah, i feel like making Twilight my favorite pony is a copout, but we'll see how i feel after S5 is finished up. there might even be a chance i bump up either Flutters or Pinkie to #1 slot someday, since i find that aside from a couple instances of them being portrayed in a negative way, they really touch me in one way or another, FS for her slow growth to becoming more assertive and comfortable in social situations and crowds, which i find myself is a hard slope for myself, and Pinkie just because she is almost always entertaining in some way or another, but she can be very smart and caring (when the writer's want her to be).

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I do not have a favorite character of MLP, Mane six or otherwise. Why? Because I relate to each of them in different ways. Each of them has a part that I like or wish to have or both. I used to have favorites when I entered the fandom, but then I started to like the other characters for different reasons and then when asked, I felt pressured to choose just one. That's like saying what is your favorite color? Guys? I'm an artist. I can lean towards a certain color, but telling me to choose just one is like telling me to say which is better: Cake or Pie? NOT HAPPENING! :angry:


Rainbow Dash: B)  She was the fan favorite at the start of the show it seems and among many fans, it still holds true. This was never quite the case with me. Dash was a lot like one of my friends with qualities I admired, but I don't necessarily have. For instance, I am not confident with my active skills. In fact, I'm not all that physically inclined at all. But that's just a small part. I admire her talent and the confidence she has in herself. However, I think she is a bit too rash and jumps into situations without fully thinking things through.


Fluttershy:  :kindness: I used to resent Fluttershy mostly because people wouldn't stop comparing a character I drew to her and then I got attacked for it. It took a Marine to get me to take a closer look at the show. Anyways, She was actually one of the first I related to. She was timid, shy, yet kind... this basically described me throughout high school. And even now, I am kind of similar. She lacks confidence in herself and I do too. I however, don't have it to her extreme (And Jerry Peet is right. She needs some help. She is getting better though.) 


Twilight Sparkle:  :wacko: I think I mostly have her talent to be organized. I love to make lists and arrange things to be just so regardless if two seconds later my room is a complete disaster again. She thinks with a head on her shoulders and can give out some Picard proud speeches. 


Pinkie Pie:  :pinkie: When the song "Smile" first appeared, I gasped and haven't stopped singing that song since (sorta). Anyways, I love to smile and do things for others so they smile. I like to do things and give things to the point of exhausting myself, which, I know, isn't good for me. Although, unlike Pinkie, I know what boundaries are and I do my best not to cross them.


Rarity: :proud: She became high on my list when I saw "Suited for Success". It really hooked me in because I was able to relate to her on a creative level. So many times I make something and I am told that it's not good enough and when I go back and try to rework it... it turned out worse than before. It also made me think that any one who wants to go onto Project Runway should watch that episode.


Applejack: :bedeyes: I love AJ for her family centered life which is something I want and I am still searching for. She cares so much for her family and does what she can to protect them. And it's not just her immediate family. She treats all her friends like family and I do the same.



So, you can see that I don't think one is above the other. I like and admire each and everyone of them for different reasons.

  • Brohoof 1
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My favourite main ponies are a complete tie between Rarity and Fluttershy, but I chose Rarity because Ive liked her longer. I like Rarity because I can relate to being the stylish pony out of her friends. I like Fluttershy because she's cute ^^

My favourite side characters are Luna, I can actually relate to her out of every character in the show, Celestia because I have respect for her. She had to go on for years with nobody with her, and she probably had to face some evil alone, too. Lauren Faust said Tia's character is a lot more deep then it appears to be in the show, which I believe.

By favourite background characters are Flitter and Octavia. Not even sure why I like Flitter so much, I just do, and I like Octavia because I like music.


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Daring Do. Read it and Weep was a better Indiana Jones story than the actual last Indiana Jones film and it's just so much to indulge in this kind of uncomplicated, straightforward adventuring once in a while. Sure Daring's character isn't especially deep, but it doesn't need to be. She's just fun, spunky, and kicks 12 different kinds of ass while dodging transparently gratuitous danger at every turn. Sometimes that's all you need...

I really think Indyhorse needs more love. She's not even an option in the poll for Celestia's sake!

EDIT: Daring desperately needs to be a secret character in The Curious Expedition.

Edited by Captain Trek


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My favorite Mane 6 is Rarity because I find her to be the funniest when she breaks character :P


Secondary is a no brainer, King Sombra. I find him to be very interesting and mysterious as well as very dark (also reminds me of Arthas, if I go by the comics as well). 


Tertiary Background character is Derpy because she is funny. 

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