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technology Yahoo Answers. Like it or hate it? Why?

Candy Blaze

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Most of the answers are pretty good, however, there are some that are just not enough.


I'm sure many of you are familiar with Yahoo Answers. What are your opinions on it?


Off topic, but love your avatar, :D

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I hate it because of all the dumb posts. At the same time, I love it because of all the dumb posts. It's a love/hate relationship... But seriously, if you want to find an answer to a question, do your own research. It's important to have that skill and the answer you'll find will typically come from a much more credible and reliable source than a random yahoo answer member.

Edited by Celtore
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I suppose it's alright, but I highly recommend not taking answers from that site if you actually need them, I'd recommend quizlet for that part. It's fun to read all the stupid answers and questions though. Some people are so sassy on there, I'll say that much.

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I love it. I don't directly search it - I search Google, and usually a Yahoo answers result shows up, so yeah - I click it.


Sometimes you'll get a silly question or answer, but eh well, it's a good laugh.

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I actually use Yahooanswers when I can't get a straight answer from someone or google.com


My favorite question I ever saw was "What is the phobia of chainsaws called?"

Someone replied "Common sense".

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I think that at this point Yahoo Answers's uselessness has become well known enough to the point where it really is just a joke. I'd prefer of course that every site and its members were unrelentingly competing to give the best information possible, but after all of this time the pathetic content on YA should not really be of a surprise to anyone.


I don't have any strong feelings for it. It is good for a laugh or for pet or phone questions, but outside of that it is a wasteland. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I used to spend a ridiculous amount of time on there when I was like 12. Needless to say, it's extremely unreliable and the answers are generally misinformed or flat out incorrect

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It can be useful, but far too many people give crap answers just so that they can get points. A lot of people ask stupid questions as well. However, it can be rather entertaining to read some of the crazy things people ask, and or answer.

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I don't really use JUST Yahoo Answers. It mostly pops up in Google searches when looking for answers. I hold no loyalty or grudge against it when they answer legit questions. Unless it's a question I want to know and none of the answers are even remotely useful. Then I hate the people who don't answer right. :lol:

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Yahoo itself is kind've a joke.


Yahoo answers allow for answers that are to be taken with a grain of salt for serious questions while all others either make you laugh or want to punch someone (along with every feeling in between)....


Yahoo focuses on news that is quite trite and superfluous while their real news articles are incomplete at best, and biased via the authors' views at worst. They are just a poor man's version of Google mixed with poorer versions Huffington Post/CNN/ABC/other news outlets,  celebrity Magazines, and Web MD, and just outright random stuff that really has no place.


Even their email services stink. I actually got rid of my yahoo account because the spam became unbearable and their filters really don't work.

Overall, Yahoo is just unimpressive and tries to do a bit of everything with mixed results, whereas you can get better, clearer information on websites that have a central focus. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't read them often, so they don't really bother me, but when I do read some, they're usually really funny and I enjoy reading them and sharing their ridiculousness with others XD

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