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Everything posted by WarGrowlmon1990

  1. YouTube. Not only are most people on there (minus the trolls, haters and "first" people) more intelligent, but facebook has the tendency to make people feel bad about not having many friends. Back when I did have a FB account I would find many games I liked but then there would be a catch - make more friends to level up. It's a stupid tactic. There are so many kids - actually even young adults are prone to this as well - who assume they're popular just because they have 1000 "friends" or more. Those people aren't even their real friends.
  2. I'd wish for an unlimited amount of wishes because there are so many things I would like. World peace, my fiancée's career in music to start, my anime series to truly get started, my baby to grow up in a world where he/she can actually BE a kid, no more war or bombings or other BS, no more birth defects, no more hatred or bullycides (kids committing suicide courtesy of bullying), the list could go on but I don't wanna start rambling here.
  3. I've always been fond of late spring, summer and early fall. Where I live we get extremely hot yet short summers and brutally long and painfully cold winters. Some years we don't even get spring per-say, which sucks. It just goes from winter to warmer summer temperatures. I enjoy spring and fall due to their milder temperatures. Summer's a blast cause there's all kinds of things you can do.
  4. I'm sorry to hear about that happening to you. My fiance went through a very similar situation. He and all of his siblings were beat by their dad while his mother just stood by and did nothing. It sickens me how one parent could let another parent do that to their children. My mom did spank me with a wooden spoon one time when I was four and she slapped me when I was eleven, and another time when I was nine and clogged the toilet my dad yelled at me that I was a "stupid fucking kid" and slapped me, but I don't count those as physical abuse. Those were nothing compared to the beatings my fiance got when he was a kid as well as what many of you on here went through. But as for emotional abuse... I got that pretty bad. My dad's got an explosive temper as well and he'd pick on me for being sensitive when I was little. I guess you could say that my family is an unexaggerated version of the Griffins on Family Guy. That's why Meg's always been my favorite character; I can just relate to her. Ever since I can remember my parents have been condescending towards me and basically everything that I do. One time when I was in grade eight some nasty girls spread a rumor about me cause they were jealous of me. I came home crying and right as I was explaining to my parents what happened, my dad cut me off by shouting, "You know why they make fun of you?! IT'S BECAUSE YOU CRY!!!" I went on to explain to him that that wasn't the reason - the girls spread a rumor that I stuffed my bra, which was a straight up lie - and my dad didn't even apologise. He just shrugged as if he did nothing wrong. Over the years I've learned that my parents are the type of people who believe that they're always the victims and they never do anything wrong. And that they'll never do the mature thing and apologise. Last year when I was feeling extremely suicidal, my mom told me to go ahead and kill myself. She never apologised (until I brought it up a year later... it was forced and not a real apology). When my mom told me to do that (over the phone of all things) my dad called me after that and demanded I apologise for making HER cry. The most recent stunt they've pulled is wanting nothing to do with me anymore just because I'm pregnant. My sister had her kid when she was only 16. I'm 22 and they're treating me as if I'm a child. My dad reacted by yelling, screaming and swearing at me, which put so much stress on me that I snapped. I started yelling back at him. I told him that I could flip him off just like he did to me, but I've got more respect to sink to his level. I did my best to tell my parents about what they've done wrong all these years but they just refused to listen to me. Needless to say, I've cut my parents out of my life because not only did they want me to kill my baby, they want nothing to do with my fiance anymore who has been far more supportive than they ever have. Not to mention, they're continuing the never ending cycle of emotional abuse. I refuse to have my baby around that. The last thing I want is for my child to be hurt like I was. I've learned from my parents mistakes simply by observing them. If my child ever suffers from suicidal thoughts, I'll NEVER tell them to go ahead and do it. I know that there will be times where I may get frustrated, I'm pretty sure all parents do, but I won't damage my child by screaming and swearing at them either. I know I haven't had the worst life, and there's been no physical abuse, but I believe that emotional abuse can be horrible in certain cases. Physical scars can heal in many cases. With emotional abuse, you're permanantly mind-fucked and scarred for the rest of your life. But physical abuse is most likely the worst though because in many cases, emotional abuse comes with it. I know for a fact that no child should ever have to endure any form of abuse. That could be the reason why there are so many people committing heinous crimes and murders these days. They're simply carrying on the patterns they learned from their families.
  5. My favorite meal has always been mashed potatoes and gravy with steak. Fried chicken is close in second. Lately because of my pregnancy cravings I've been eating a lot of things with honey mustard (chicken, perogies, potato wedges, fries) and I also have the stereotypical craving for pickles. Japanese and Italian food are really good too. My favorite dessert will always be cake though. ^-^ I actually just got a new craving - deep fried shitake mushrooms. After reading some posts regarding Japanese food, I got reminded of this meal I had at a Japanese restaurant. I haven't been giving into all of my cravings due to them being so unhealthy but those mushrooms were sooooo good.
  6. I didn't realise this sensation had a name til last year when I did some research on it. The earliest memories I have of getting ASMR triggers are of when Bob Ross was still on TV in the early '90s. Recently people have been calling Bob Ross the king of ASMR, which makes sense: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZ6dhLlEgI Another common trigger I used to get when I was little was whenever a teacher would start writing on the chalkboard. I ended up paying more attention to the trigger than the notes I was supposed to be copying: As I got older, foreign languages and accents became a major ASMR trigger for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4OohU3P_60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AufuFIH3iGs And recently I've discovered something. Andrea Libman's real voice gives me ASMR triggers. I was watching some interviews of hers a few months ago and nearly fell asleep cause her voice was so soothing. ^-^
  7. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Not just because it centered on Fluttershy, but Discord's reformation was well done. I agree that it would've been much better as a two-parter, which could've given us some information on Discord's past, but the episode was still good nonetheless. What I didn't like is how the other girls belittled Fluttershy's capabilities and automatically assumed that she needed rescuing. I'm still hoping to see an episode that reveals why Discord was the way he was in the first place. He clearly never experienced friendship beforehand. Maybe he was alone from birth (or at least as a young child) and was judged by ponies for how he looked, so he wanted to get back at ponies by pranking them and causing chaos. That's just a theory though.
  8. I ate beans and the gases enabled me to fly. Why do dogs sniff each-other's butts?
  9. The very first anime series I watched was Sailor Moon when I was five. When I was eighteen I started watching the original Japanese version... until all the episodes were taken down over copyright issues. =/
  10. Favorite sisters: Sweetie Belle & Luna Favorite pony with a sister: Rainbow Dash I'm hoping that season four has more episodes portraying Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's sisterlike relationship.
  11. Aww, the Japanese intro is so cute. It kinda reminds me of the intros you'd see in those magical girl animes. I might check out the Japanese version one of these days... that is, if they've aired any Japanese episodes yet.
  12. I find it hard to decide between pegasus and unicorn. Pegasi get the amazing ability to fly, but unicorns can learn all kinds of interesting magic spells. If I had to pick which one I would be, it would be... unicorn. As a unicorn I might be able to find a flying spell.
  13. I was very satisfied with season three. It's my favorite season so far and I'm looking forward to the upcoming fourth season.
  14. Season three has been my favorite so far, mainly because of the character development. It was short and there weren't any Rarity-centered episodes, but the writers still managed to make a very enjoyable season. Plus, we got to see a Scootaloo episode for once. Yay~. ^-^
  15. Discord is my favorite. I'm actually kinda curious about his origins and what made him the embodiment of chaos in the first place. In a way, he reminds me of Impmon/Beelzemon from Digimon Tamers. Both characters started out as villains and ended up redeeming themselves.
  16. I could picture myself getting along with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash the most. Fluttershy because she is the most like me in personality. And Rainbow Dash because we have some of the same interests. I could picture us having a horror movie/story marathon.
  17. It took just one episode to get me hooked. It was "Call Of The Cutie" and I was glad how they ended the episode. It sent a very positive message towards the younger viewers.
  18. Even though Fluttershy is my favorite character, I personally can't stand Angel. He's a spoiled little brat of a bunny and is far from being an angel. Tank is my favorite out of the pets. He's so adorable, loyal and kind, and I love how he was the only one to stop and help Rainbow Dash when she was stuck. The moments between RD and her pet are too cute. ^-^ Peewee was the baby phoenix that Spike looked after. He was first seen in Dragon Quest.
  19. Personally I've always liked Rainbow Dash. Some people do find her flaws irritating, but her confidence just reminds me of those hero main characters you see in a lot of different animes. I do share some of the same qualities as RD, which is why I like her so much; I like horror movies/stories and, although I am shy and timid, I do have an adventurous side like RD. She's always been my second favorite character, and I enjoy seeing episodes portraying her relationship with Fluttershy. I think the main reason Rainbow Dash gets frustrated with Fluttershy is because they've known each-other for so long and Rainbow just wants her friend to stick up for herself. It's kinda how my fiance is with me. Sometimes he can be harsh with words, but only when he wants me to learn to be more positive and stop being such a push over.
  20. +1 Fluttershy -1 Rarity Rainbow: 11 Pinkie: 10 Fluttershy: 11 Rarity: 8
  21. It's pretty obvious that Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Fluttershy are all expies of Buttercup, Blossom and Bubbles from PPG. Pinkie Pie actually reminds me a bit of Calumon from Digimon Tamers. They're both hyperactive, happy-go-lucky characters. And when they are being serious it's hard for the other characters to take them seriously at times.
  22. Because cows are land manatees. Why do bugs exist?
  23. Even though that is quite some time right now, it'll be worth the wait. I'd rather wait for something more than decent to come than have the writers rush and not take the time to make the episodes to their full potential.
  24. I definitely would've watched it as a kid. Even back then I liked watching shows where there was a character I could relate to. I was always very shy and sensitive, so I can picture Fluttershy as being my favorite even back then.
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