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Everything posted by WarGrowlmon1990

  1. I've always wondered what Digimon Tamers would be like if it were ponified. I agree with the idea of the Left 4 Dead intros being ponified. That sounds pretty cool.
  2. I'm the same age as you (born in 1990) and, although I've never met any bronies in real life, I did go through a similar situation when I was younger. It was similar in the aspect of people acting like rude spoiled brats, but the total opposite in terms of the ages. I was about 16 and this was back when I used the forum at southparkstudios.com. I was probably one of the youngest members involved in this MSN chat and yet all these 18 to 20-something-year-olds acted like immature trolls. I remember being ripped on for defending my favorite character as well as for liking anime and being from Canada. I kept leaving the chat only to have the idiots re-add me over and over again until I signed out of MSN. That was back in 2006 or early 2007. The MLP:FIM fanbase might have some idiots like the ones you dealt with, but the majority of fans here seem like very respectful people. I'm sorry to hear about you having to deal with bullshit like that. Hopefully you'll be able to meet more respectful bronies than that.
  3. I don't really know you, but going by some of the posts I've seen from you, you've been a very likeable person and you don't judge anybody. 8/10
  4. Allow. To the next poster: I'm not even sure how my avatar would use the bathroom...
  5. 8/10 That's gotta be one of the only hand drawn avatars I've seen here. I like it.
  6. Tomorrow will be exactly one month since I started using this forum. So I guess it was just a little less than a month to get to the parasprite rank for me. I can't help it. In my teen years I was addicted to forums and the addiction has sprung back. The only difference is I'm not being cyberbullied on this forum. I love how kind everyone is here.
  7. I've got Africa by Toto stuck in my head. I remember a long time ago it used to come on the radio and I always wondered who sang it. This bugged me for years until I saw that one episode of Family Guy where some characters stated the title and the artist. It just came on the weather channel a few minutes ago and I'm probably gonna listen to it again on YouTube. There are also some pretty good hip-hop remixes of that song.
  8. 1) I'm ashamed of many things. I'm ashamed of being immature, which tends to cause arguments between me and my fiance. My fiance can act immature at times too, but only when we're having fun and it's necessary. I've got a baby on the way so I've really gotta start maturing and making the right decisions. I'm also ashamed of being on assistance. Many people in our society would label me as "welfare scum" because of this. I'm pregnant and my doctor advised me not to work because of a painful bladder condition I have (I might have interstitial cystitis) but it still hurts when I browse the internet and see nasty things people say about others who are on welfare - especially pregnant women on welfare. I'm also ashamed of my tendency to procrastinate all the time. I've been working on an anime series (just the script writing for now) for a few years now. Unfortunately when me and my fiance had to move, we lost a huge number of our things including all of my scripts (except the very first one luckily). I guess I'm kinda stressed and depressed about starting from scratch, even though I needed to rewrite the majority of the episodes. I'm also ashamed of my tendency to act and say things before I think them through. My fiance tells me that he believes that I'm smart but tend to act stupid. I tend to doubt this a lot cause I've said some VERY dumb things before. I believe that many other people think I'm stupid... I also get depressed very easily and dwell on things. Insults regarding my intelligence affect me the most. 2) I'm proud of being a mother-to-be. Lately my son is all I ever talk about and I'm super excited about bringing him into the world. I'm actually kinda hoping he grows up to be a brony like me, but if not then that's okay too. I'm wondering if he'll take after me, my fiance or if he'll be his own unique person. He's gonna be born in early September so he'll be a Virgo so I know about a few potential traits that he may have. I'm also proud of being musically talented. I've been playing bass guitar since September of 2005...well, I actually haven't played it in a few years cause my bass was another thing we lost, but I still consider myself a musician. While I've been coping with not being able to afford a new bass yet, I've been making some instrumental beats on FL studio and have been getting the hang of it. And despite my procrastination, I am very proud of my anime series. Now, I don't wanna give too much away about it to keep on the safe side (and I don't wanna ruin it for anybody; I'm really hoping that I'll be able to make this an actual series). I first got the idea in the form of fanfiction. My anime series is actually the sequel to my favorite anime series I've watched since I was a kid (okay I guess that does give it away...but I won't give any details about the plot). I got the idea of making it into a real series when I found out that it is a possibility. Me and my fiance have to make lots of money so that I'll be able to either buy the original series or at least get a partnership with the creators of the original series. It's a very long shot, but anything is possible if you want it bad enough. 3) I'm proud of not being a hateful bigot or racist person. I'm far too nice for my own good but I'd rather be that way than a judgemental bitch.
  9. I don't find facial hair gross at all. I'm madly in love with my fiance and I think he looks very attractive with facial hair (he's the sexiest man alive in my humble opinion but I guess I'm a little biased cause I love him so much. And he's an r&b singer so I guess it's expected for him to take care of himself and look so good). But he's also just as attractive when he's clean shaven. He's gonna be turning 32 in November but when he shaves he looks like he's my age.
  10. I still have yet to play the first Amnesia game (due to not being able to afford the right type of computer) but I love watching the Let's Plays of it. I'm looking forward to finally being able to play the series. Machine For Pigs looks even more brutal and scarier, judging by the pictures and previews. Once I get these games I'm gonna try getting my fiance to play it with me. So far he hasn't been scared of any kind of game or horror movie. I'm looking forward to seeing his reaction to Amnesia, although I won't be surprised if he still isn't fazed by it.
  11. Although I prefer the older animation, this does sound very cool. This reboot of the Powerpuff Girls is yet another thing for me to look forward to in September.
  12. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm very happy about my little boy on the way. It's just that sometimes I worry if I annoy anybody on here cause I've been talking about it a lot. I even annoy my fiance sometimes. He has a daughter so he's been through it all. He wants me to be more chill and just take things as they come but I can't help it. This is my first baby, so at the moment I'm acting a little bit like Pinkie Pie (or Fluttershy when it comes to animals). Plus, it would be nice to talk to someone in the same situation. I don't have too many friends in real life, let alone any pregnant friends. I'm kinda bummed out that I have to keep a lot of things to myself. My fiance is great and very supportive but he's also very laid back. I tend to act too hyper sometimes. I'm also nine years younger than him, which could be a contributing factor.
  13. I'm a female member of this forum as well. I don't feel any different for my gender but I do feel different for being pregnant. Lately it seems as if I'm the only pregnant pegasister on here. Apparently another girl who used this forum recently had a baby but she's not on here any more.
  14. I feel absolutely horrible for Meg Griffin from Family Guy. In earlier seasons she was depicted as being the "normal" one of her family, regardless of the shit that happened to her. Thanks to basically every one else on that show, she's spiralled into insanity and tends to do extreme things. I don't blame her at all, seeing as she deals with so much crap in every episode she has some spotlight in. I also feel bad for Guilmon/(War)Growlmon from Digimon Tamers. He's a baby digimon. If he were a human, he'd probably be five or six years old at the oldest. It seems as if the other main characters, even his own tamer (who is supposed to be his best friend) make cracks at his supposed "unintelligence". Uh, hello? The digimon is still a baby. That'd be like telling a kindergardener that they're stupid when they're truly young, naive and acting their age. One example of this is when WarGrowlmon was pinned down by an attack during battle. As he is clearly in pain, one of his friends (another tamer) says, "He's still a bread snarfing doofus on the inside." His tamer just agrees with this rather than defend his digimon. It's too bad there weren't more episodes of Digimon Tamers. Guilmon/(War)Growlmon was a very sensitive character and he matured pretty quick in a short period of time (which is proof that he was a hell of a lot smarter than people gave him credit for). He could've started realising what was going on as he got older and confronted his "friends" about them belittling him.
  15. Ah yes, Gremlins. I'll never forget that one cause my parents let me watch it when I was four years old. The weird thing is, I've watched all kinds of horror movies alone in the dark and haven't been fazed by them. Gremlins isn't even scary and to this day, I can't watch it alone in the dark. Even though I love it. Brain Dead is great. It's amazing how Peter Jackson went from directing that to directing Lord Of The Rings. I've never seen this one but the craziest movie I've ever heard of is the disturbing Human Centipede. I've never seen it. Never will. The whole concept is disgusting and horrifying and BEYOND crazy. Another crazy movie I've heard of is Teeth. I haven't seen it but my sister said it's pretty cheesy and funny (although lots of guys might get super squeamish -- for obvious reasons).
  16. I think it'd be a good idea to show Cadence being pregnant, seeing as other kids' shows have had pregnant characters. Maybe I'm a little biased because I'm pregnant, but it'd be a cute idea. If the writers were to do that, they could add more character development on Cadence and Shining Armor.
  17. This was a little creepy, but also kinda cute cause my stepdaughter is so innocent. When she first found out that I'm having her baby brother, she asked me to cut open my tummy so she could see what he looks like. I think it's more cute than creepy though cause she's so young and doesn't understand things like this quite yet. she's only four years old.
  18. I'd say that in terms of scariness, the Rake and Slenderman are tied. Rake does look a bit scarier though due to his claws and black eyes. Slendy is scary in terms of the psychological mind fuck that he puts his victims through, but in terms of physical appearance, he isn't all that scary looking. I'd be more afraid of him possessing me and killing my fiance and baby than his overall appearance. Another creepypasta monster that scares me is Bubby the clown. http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Bubby_the_Clown
  19. I've never been popular. When I was in school, the other kids would make fun of me or avoid me because I was so "weird". After graduating I pretty much grew apart from all of my friends. I've gotten back in contact with some of them recently, but they always say that they're too busy to get together. Meanwhile when I look on facebook, they've got all the time in the world for all of their other friends. I used to want to be popular (and part of me still does) but lately, I just want at least one true friend to spend time with. I do have one friend, my fiance. He's my soul mate, my best friend and the father of my baby but I've been depending on him so often now that it's starting to become a little stressful for him. I wish I had some female friends to hang with but it's hard finding real friends these days...
  20. I was very gullible as a child. These are only a few of the many things I believed: ~One time in kindergarten I believed that if I used a toilet at school that a gremlin would pop out of the toilet and eat me. I ended up holding it in until I shit my pants that day. ~When I was little I was "friends" with this bossy little girl who lived next door to me. She thought it'd be fun to lie to me and say that she was a digidestined and had a digimon when we were ten years old. It didn't last long though cause that's when I just started smartening up. ~Another time she lied about hitting her head and losing her memory when we were eleven ~My sister used to scare me by saying that she was a monster that was going to eat me ~My sister also told me that the "kicker monster" was going to get me if I kept kicking her. (I never intentionally kicked her, we were just chilling on the couch watching Beast Wars and I kept accidentally kicking her by stretching my legs) ~One time my dad actually joined in my sister's antics and pretended he was a monster with her ~I used to think that Jerry Springer was real ~When I was thirteen I used to believe that marijuana was worse than cocaine/meth/etc. I was mislead into believing that it was the worst drug in the world and that thousands of people overdosed on it every day. I did more research on it when I was fourteen and found out I was horribly mislead.
  21. Wow... these parents who come up with this crap make me want to facepalm. I'm a parent myself (well, technically parent-to-be cause my baby won't be born until September) and I've never understood the logic of these extremist soccer moms. Their way of thinking actually pisses me off. There are far worse shows out there that kids could be watching. MLP:FIM is a brilliant family show, quite possibly the best family show ever made. It doesn't deserve to be shit all over like this.
  22. It's all good, you don't need to apologise. I wasn't mad or anything. I was just curious on whether you saw my post or not. By all means take your time. I'd hate to make you feel rushed or stressed over this. Your situation is completely understandable, seeing as you have very limited time. I'll be waiting patiently for the sig you're making and am looking forward to seeing it.
  23. Hey Incog, I was still wondering if you'd be willing to make a signature for me as well. I made a post about it back on the first page but I haven't heard anything from you yet. It's cool if you don't want to or don't have the time. I was just wondering is all.
  24. My results: 86% Musician 75% Literature 58% Drama 48% Gamer/Computer 40% Anime 39% Social 36% Artistic 6% Science/Math I thought I'd be more of an anime nerd, but I guess technically I'm a huge Digimon nerd. I don't make costumes or anything like that but I know the characters very well and am even planning to make a sequel for one of the series. The only issue with that is it'll take lots of money to get that dream accomplished. =/
  25. I've never really watched the 80s Transformers cartoon. Back in the 90s though I watched Beast Wars all the time. In case you don't know, Beast Wars is supposed to be the sequel to Transformers. Some of the BW characters are actually descendants of the original Transformers characters. Fun Fact: Ian Corlett who voiced Cheetor in Beast Wars is the father of Claire Corlett who voices Sweetie Belle. They're a very talented family of voice actors and it's so awesome how Ian helped his kids get into acting.
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