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Everything posted by idonotreallycare

  1. Well, Equestria Girls was okay. I couldn't really get used to the humans, but the songs were good, and it wasn't that bad. I might watch it again, but probably not.

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      I watched the movie at least 3 1/2 times. xD

  2. I'm very truthful on the internet. I don't think I've ever lied here, and I can't find a reason to why I would. However, I do lie in real life, but it's usually to protect myself or my friends.
  3. What's with all the horses on this site? Serious question.

  4. Best -Adventure Time -Regular Show -All of the classic shows Worst -Johnny Test -All of the live action shows -Annoying Orange -MAD All the others are just "meh".
  5. When you stare at the floor for about ten minutes thinking about absolutely nothing, then waking up and wondering where you are. When you go on the internet, and nothing is interesting. When you stare blankly at the computer, scrolling up and down a page. When you pace back and forth for ten minutes without realizing what you're doing.
  6. I'd be that one guy who no one really knows, and doesn't really have that many friends, but is still pretty funny and jokes around a lot. That's kinda how I am in real life, I'm just a bit more outgoing on the forums.
  7. I really don't think they want us gone. We make them a lot of money, and Hasbro likes money, so I see no reason they would want us gone. Besides, we discuss the topic of best pony all the time. One little poll, even one made by Hasbro, wouldn't be enough to break up the fandom. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.
  8. I join. Purple is not only best color, but our lord and savior too.
  9. I'd like a new male character with a fair amount of screen time that says more than "Eeyup" and "Nope". They could just expand on Shining Armor a bit, but no one really cares about him. Seriously though, I would like a new male character that interacts with the Mane 6 on a semi-regular basis. He wouldn't be a love interest to any of them, and would just be a non-close friend. He would also, of course, have character development, and be a strong, good character. I, however, don't want to see him in the Mane 6, which I find to be fine as it is. I would also like him to be an "extended background character" of sorts, with speaking appearances at about the same rate Zecora or maybe the CMC have. Probably won't happen like this, though.
  10. That is true, and I think it was a good idea to market to them, but I think it would've been a better idea to just market the 3D lock feature instead of making a new console. Also, does the shape of the 2DS look really uncomfortable to anyone else? If you're not using the shoulder buttons, the way it gets smaller towards the bottom looks like it would feel weird.
  11. I have a feeling that this will turn out like the Gameboy Micro and that mini-Wii thing; quickly forgotten, then sold on eBay for high prices. Seriously though, I don't get it. The 3DS' 3D feature can be locked so it can't be used at all, has a smaller, more compact design, lots of colors (Purple!), and has the same sized screen as the 2DS. I do like the design of the 2DS, and the price drop is pretty good. If I didn't already have a 3DS, I would probably get this version.
  12. I love your hair! I really like touching it when you're asleep.
  13. Being sick really sucks.

  14. I love coincidences like this! Are they actually going to start calling it Gallifrey, or will they keep calling it Keplar-47c? That being said, I honestly don't watch Dr. Who that much anymore; I only watch it if nothing else is on. I did watch it a lot a few years after the reboot aired, but the I only remember the basic plot of it.
  15. Limited edition Zelda Wii U! $350! American version!

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      With wind waker, I'll get it!

    2. idonotreallycare


      It has it as the pack-in instead of Nintendo Land.


      The only thing "special" about it is a gold, Zelda themed design on the controller. Still cool, though.

  16. Not going to lie, I lost it at "Dr whooves get it together man". This is really funny, and the friend seems like a really clever guy.
  17. This guy from Twilight Princess, if mini-bosses count. Besides from having a generic name (Death Sword), and having a very easy fight, he was terrifying. That face, man. Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid also looked creepy, but I liked his "powers", and thought they were pretty funny.
  18. I think the fandom will still be around, but have a lot less active members, have a lot of the members leave, and have a lot less new members. There would still be fanart, and probably a lot more animations and comics. I also think the quality of the final episode will have an effect on the amount of bronies that stay in the fandom; if it's bad, more people will leave, with less people leaving if it's good.
  19. This is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in my life. But seriously, I know I've seen pictures of real horses with bright coat colors and cutie marks photoshopped on them, but the only real untoon I've seen was the one that Mr. Dash posted above.
  20. Because they want their favorite console to seem superior than the others, simple as that. I don't get why people care so much, though. If the other people are happy with what they have, then let them be. People have different tastes, and if it doesn't effect you, why should you care? I think it's fine to support your favorite console and be open about it, but not shoving it down others throats.
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