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Everything posted by WindShear

  1. I think the Wii-U is a great console, and I love mine. Only problem is it doesn't have enough games.
  2. I am in it for both. To me the show and the fandom have a symbiotic relationship. The show provides ideas, and inspiration for the fandom who create numerous works of art, writings, and other things that I enjoy. Then all of the ideas, analysis, and headcanons made by the fandom have helped me to look at the show itself in different ways, and find more enjoyment in it.
  3. Well, I would say that Fullmetal Alchemist is always a good choice for someone who is trying to get into anime.
  4. I would have to agree that these are pretty terrible. Honestly I don't think I have ever even managed to get halfway through watching one before closing the tab.
  5. I don't mind the name. It sounds a little odd at first, but I think I would be alright with it if they did use it. Only problem is it kinda sounds like it could also be the name of some deadly heart condition.
  6. I would agree that if Hasbro actually stole the font they should have to pay something for it. Someone had to design, and make said font and they have the right to copyright it, and make people to use it if they wish. That being said the amount of money they are asking for is absurd, and I would think the fact that they are bragging about how it is used in MLP on their website would hurt their case.
  7. I never really finished my OC, but here is what I have. Name: Windshear Age: 22 Gender: Female Species: Unicorn Personality: Windshear is fairly shy and reclusive, preferring to spend her time alone reading or working on her next contraption rather than socializing. She has a lot of difficulty communicating with ponies she doesn't talk too often, but she is kind of a goofball around her close friends. She has a rather odd sense of humor that neither she nor anyone else really seem to understand. Windshear also has a fondness for sarcasm. Backstory: Windshear is a unicorn who was born into a family of pegasi living in Cloudsdale. Fortunately the clouds around the hospital she was born in were enchanted so unicorns and earth ponies can walk on them without falling through in case of the rare occurance of a non-pegasus pony being born in Cloudsdale Very soon after she was born, her family was forced to leave Cloudsdale, as it is not a safe place for a unicorn filly to grow up. Her family ended up settling down in Ponyville, and she has lived there ever since. Having grown up among a family of pegasi, Windshear has always had a fascination with flying, but as she is neither a pegasus, nor particularly gifted with magic she has always been grounded. Due to her inability to fly like the rest of her family, Windshear has become somewhat obsessed with the idea of developing a flying machine so that she too can take to the skies.
  8. I played EVE for several years. I would have to say that it is my favorite MMO that I have played, and is responsible for some of my favorite gaming memories. Haven't played it in a year or so though, you almost have to dedicate your life to the game in order to do certain things, and I haven't felt like comitting that much time to it lately.
  9. Here are the fandoms I am a part of that I can think of off the top of my head. MLP Undertale Star Wars Star Trek Anime Vocaloid Probably lots of gaming related fandoms
  10. I'm not very fashionable, I usually just wear some kind of fandom t-shirt and jeans.
  11. Why would she be punished? Celestia has never been shown to have intentionally done any thing malicious. You could maybe argue that she has been incompetent and made poor decisions from time to time, but that hardly merits banishment or other punishment. It seems like you are arguing that she should be literally banished to hell simply for not being perfect.
  12. Well the show says that she is a queen, and there really isn't enough information to go off of in order to challenge whether she should be called a queen or an empress. In order to determine her title we would have to know how many/what types of holdings she rules over. If Chrysalis rules over one independent state, then generally her nation would be referred to as a Kingdom, and thus she would be a queen (Whether or not there is a king is irrelevent). If Chrysalis rules over multiple countries/regions then her nation would be referred to as an empire, making her an empress. Then again, MLP isn't well known for accurately portraying feudal governments/monarchies.
  13. I think your models look really nice! I think the reason some are finding them creepy has to do with the teeth. There is something about the teeth that when they are showing they sort of cross the line into the uncanny valley to me. Aside from that though, I really like them
  14. Don't know if this is what you had in mind, but I gave it a shot. If there is something about it you want changed, let me know.
  15. I don't watch VHS unless I don't have a choice. Sure I grew up with them, but I'm not exactly filled with nostalgia. I just remember how annoying those things could be, and other forms of media have such a higher picture quality.
  16. I love Undertale, have been kinda obsessed with it since I played it. As far as my favorite characters, there is Papyrus, Alphys, Toriel, Sans, Undyne, Asgore, Mettaton, Temmie, Napstablook, Muffet, Annoying Dog... Yeah, Im really not good at deciding. The music is amazing too, I have been listening to the soundtrack over and over again and this image, it is made of nothing but pure unadulterated determination.
  17. I gave Undertale a shot a couple weeks ago. I had managed to stay away from most of the hype, so I went in with no real knowledge of the game, and no expectations. It didn't take me very long to realise why this game was popular, and I was genuinely depressed when I finished the game, simply because I knew I could never play it through and have the same experience with it again. I really love everything about it, the characters, the story, the gameplay, the music. The soundtrack is fantastic, It has been almost all I have listened too since I played the game. Playing this game has filled me with detemmienation
  18. I suppose I'll request something since you are open again. OC's Name: Windshear References for color or color you want OC to be: Extras: Glasses Pose: I don't have anything in particular in mind right now, so I'll leave that up to you
  19. I don't think it means anything, we have seen a lot of things pop up in toys that have never been reflected in the show. Also, while I personally feel that twilight has become a little less interesting as a character since becoming an alicorn, simply cutting her wings off isn't going to instantly fix any problems with her character. It would be much better if they simply do a better job of writing her, and making her more interesting as an alicorn moving forward.
  20. Didn't think I was subbed to a ton of channels, but it looks like a lot when I write it out like this.
  21. I much prefer my Desktop, but then again its my lovingly crafted gaming PC versus a mediocre laptop so not really a fair fight. That and I don't tend to go anywhere with my computers so portability isn't much of an issue.
  22. I was planning on getting one for flight sims, and just for the novelty of having one, but wow I was assuming it would be around $250 - $300 like the dev kits. No way am I paying $600 for it.
  23. Welcome to the forums! MLP Forums is a great community and I hope you have a great time here! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
  24. I do not, and honestly I've never really had any interest in getting one.
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