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Stick Shift

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Everything posted by Stick Shift

  1. I'd be totally up for this as everyone I knew that played the game has moved on. I'm on 360, GT is COMANDERSHEPRD
  2. The ones that jump to the front of my mind right away Teen Titans Spongebob (OOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhh, who lives in a ...eh you know the rest) The Fairly Odd Parents Jimmy Neutron And stretching waaaayyyyy back to when I was a little kid, Thomas the Tank Engine. Can still hear than dang tune in my head almost 20 years later I use to watch the heck out of Danny Phantom and MLATR so bravo on watching them. Was really surprising how many popped in my head once I thought about it.
  3. (Divert all power to barriers) There are some glaring holes in my library including but not limited to: Game of Thrones Harry Potter The Sopranos Star Trek TOS Pulp Fiction The Big Lebowski Any show on MTV The Big Bang Theory Pokemon Dexter I've just been to busy watching other shows, finishing up my last semester, or playing games (Mostly games). Agreed, it's nice to see that there are others who are behind the curve like me! I see you mentioned The Lego movie and Sherlock, the funny thing is on Sunday I went and saw T.L.M. and just last night I was bingeing Sherlock on Netflix If I hear a lot of hype about a show/movie it means it either is really good or really bad with a few that fall in between.
  4. This past November i bought a new laptop, a ASUS ROG G750JW Intel Core i7 4700HQ Processor NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M 16GB DDR3 1600 750GB HD Windows 7 So far I'm loving it and I can render videos without any issues now compared to my old tower. Only thing that sucks is that with the battery it's around 8 pounds so portability is not great. (Back to Minecraft)
  5. For speakers, I use my Klipsch Promedia 2.1 set But most of the time i'm on my headphones, Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Love both of them!
  6. Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Damn you Lego movie! Spaceship?.....SPACESHIP!
  7. @PartyW/Pinky - Well have a good flight, I just took a trip to Boston and United kept giving us trouble on the way there! Otherwise, see you in Baltimore! @Scootalove - I hope so too, the more the merrier! As for everyone else, I haven't put up a whole lot of info yet as I'm still gathering interest from people. The convoy is still a go, I just have a busy semester (18 Credits and it's my final semester) so my updates from now to May might be few and far between. All I ask if if you are interested in joining please fill out the Google forum as it will help me find matches for those looking for rides with those willing to give them, also it will help me figure out where to setup meeting points along the route and plan the timing of the whole trip. Once May gets here I will post the times, meeting points, and any other essential info for the trip and at the end of June I hope to have everything all ready so we have a one month window in-case of any last minute sign-ups, drop-outs, or any other issues. I look forward top hearing from you all and it's only about 5 months till the con! Have a fun and safe spring break!
  8. Sad, sad news..http://kotaku.com/goodbye-harold-ramis-you-were-a-hero-to-nerds-like-m-1529926500

    1. Malinter


      never knew he directed Groundhog Day...

  9. I agree with the banshee's, I got grabbed by them 5 rounds in a row once! Although after logging a lot of hours in MP I think the phantoms became one of my most hated enemies. With their cloak ability and their palm blaster they would rip your shields down from long range and could one hit you if they were close with their sword, that and they came is swarms! Some other enemies that annoy me to death are: Droidekas - Battlefront 2 Raid bosses - Borderlands 2 Geth Bombers - Mass Effect 1,3
  10. Bought some pajamas for my trip to Boston! Looking forward to making Doctor Who references that no one will get! Allons-y!
  11. Sounds great! Will be looking forward to here what happens.
  12. As i have the XBOX One I plan on picking up Titanfall when it comes out as a friend who was in the alpha test said it was really good. As for other games I am looking forward to Destiny and Watch Dogs a lot, also The Division looks awesome. If Halo 5 launches this year then that is guaranteed to make my list. Even with the new games I will probally still spend most of my time playing Forza 5
  13. Getting excited for my trip to Boston next week! Never been to the East coast before.

    1. Wingnut


      Boston is an amazing city. You'll have lots of fun there! :)

    2. Stick Shift

      Stick Shift

      Should be interesting the difference between my home town in Wisconsin and Boston.

  14. Alright, it’s been awhile since I posted any sort of update but I wanted to wait till I had some stuff of value to post. I created a Google Forum that has a few questions to help get the process of organizing this whole trip planned. Once I start getting people signed up and get a feel for how many will be coming I can start connecting people looking for rides with those willing to give rides. Another thing I was planning was some sort of cross-car communication, probably walkie talkies, and once I get some final numbers I can see how many we will need. I have 5 spots open in my vehicle, a newer high-top conversion van, not including me. So far no one has claimed a spot so all 5 spots are open. I am willing to pick up anyone along the route listed above or near it. I will be updating this thread as more information comes available. If you have any input, questions, or comments feel free to post them on this thread or email me at sheponyN7@gmail.com. I look forward to having an awesome trip with everyone! Fill out the forum below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Stv08PZ4P2VM7iP1TZ5J284DpbIIpDXwh9A2P72mp7s/viewform P.S. If you think there is a question that is needed or should be removed let me know, thanks!
  15. I hate accounting, I wish I didn't have to take it. It doesn't even pertain to my field ( computer support )!

  16. Most Popular Genre (Genre with most songs for): Rock (367) Most Popular Artist (Artist with most songs): Pink Floyd Longest Song: 2112 - Rush (20:33) Shortest Song: (Excluding the short Floyd songs) Black Mud - The Black Keys (2:08)
  17. I would say AJ's parents, they left to join the cult and no pony like to talk about it. In a seriousness I would have to agree with previous poster that the CMC would be most likely.
  18. Stick Shift

    movies/tv Best robot

    I forgot about the savior of the world! (In his mind)
  19. Just get the community to ban together and buy the rights to the show, then it'll never end! :comeatus: In all seriousness, it would undoubtedly suck but we have enough talented people and a huge fan base to keep the idea going. As someone mentioned earlier, it would be similar to the Star Trek fandom and how it thrived even after the show was canceled.
  20. Stick Shift

    movies/tv Best robot

    Have to agree with these two, also would have to add EDI (GLaDOS is also up there) I would add HAL to this list but HAL is just an AI and not a robot
  21. I just found this one but it is pretty amazing. I may not listen to classical music but this is song sent tingles down my spine!
  22. Here is my Sheltie Annabell. I swear she has a split personality, she can go from complete comatose laziness to full on hyper mode almost instantaneously! She reminds me of Fluttershy sometimes, she got afraid of the door once Puppy pic: Adult pic (She is 4 now):
  23. I worked on a music video show back in college and this video came up and It was just catchy, weird but catchy. And since he will be making his appearance sooner than later, he's some Weird Al
  24. Yes! a Prog rock thread I always love to sit down and listen to Rush (They got me into prog) and Pink Floyd. And some modern RUSH, still got it! I'm going to have to check out some of these bands I've never heard of before.
  25. I never told my parents as i'm unsure of how they would react. I don't think they would accept it knowing them. Don't get me wrong my parents are great but there's no need to go stirring the pot as I have 1 semester left of college left and am currently living at home. Maybe they would react this way or maybe it's just my brain going to the worst possible situation.
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