@PartyW/Pinky - Well have a good flight, I just took a trip to Boston and United kept giving us trouble on the way there! Otherwise, see you in Baltimore!
@Scootalove - I hope so too, the more the merrier!
As for everyone else, I haven't put up a whole lot of info yet as I'm still gathering interest from people. The convoy is still a go, I just have a busy semester (18 Credits and it's my final semester) so my updates from now to May might be few and far between. All I ask if if you are interested in joining please fill out the Google forum as it will help me find matches for those looking for rides with those willing to give them, also it will help me figure out where to setup meeting points along the route and plan the timing of the whole trip. Once May gets here I will post the times, meeting points, and any other essential info for the trip and at the end of June I hope to have everything all ready so we have a one month window in-case of any last minute sign-ups, drop-outs, or any other issues. I look forward top hearing from you all and it's only about 5 months till the con!
Have a fun and safe spring break!