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Princess Book Horse

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Everything posted by Princess Book Horse

  1. What if Twilight takes Starlight through the portal to meet Sunset in one of the specials? And maybe, Sunset will appear in Equestria in Season 7! I know it's a huge stretch, but a man can dream, can't he?
  2. I've never considered this before, but if after 7 seasons, they make it so AJ's parents were alive the whole time, I might have to stop watching this show.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PiratePony


      Yay! I thought it might end with the movie. I'm glad it won't.

    3. Princess Book Horse

      Princess Book Horse

      Same. If anything, the movie will just generate more hype towards the show.

    4. strongwilled_pegasus
  4. I'll add some. "Amending Fences" (S5E12.) Hands down, one of the best episodes in the show. Also, if you're going to watch the S6 finale, you may as well watch "No Second Prances" (S6E06) as you might be a bit confused with the finale if you don't.
  5. It would definitely make me more excited for Season 7. So far, there hasn't been any hype worthy news aside from the William Shatner announcement.
  6. I felt the same way. When I saw RR in theaters, it was during that huge desert of a hiatus between Season 4 and 5. The feeling only tripled when S5 finally hit us several months later.
  7. "Celestial advice" Is this the Celestia episode we've been waiting for?
  8. People think I'm a hateful jerk just because I voted for Trump. Now I'm depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      People can be so cruel sometimes...Not everyone is satisfied with the outcome.


      Don't let it get into your mind. Keep smiling and do what you like to do best.

    3. Princess Book Horse

      Princess Book Horse

      Yeah. I'm not going to let the salty liberals get to me anymore :)

    4. Starlighty


      Don't ever let someone drag you down for your poltics!


      RESEARCH more... DO alllll the research you can because that will really help you understand the difference between republicans and democrats (spoiler alert democrats are whinny sjw's who throw tantrums and say things like "rape culture and white privilege)

  9. I'm very saddened by the news of Larson not being involved for S7, it was my biggest hope that he would return. However, this doesn't mean S7 won't be enjoyable, nor does it mean that Larson is gone for good. Only time will tell if he returns to FIM one day. As for Haber, his tweet was too confusing to tell, so we don't know for sure if he's involved. Although, if he isn't, I wonder the new story editor will be. Maybe McCarthy will be more involved this time around, we will just have to see. I just don't want this to be a repeat of S6, where instead of slowly finding out who was working on it, we slowly found out who wasn't, it was like slowly pulling off a band aid. I asked Mike Vogel if he'll be involved, but I'm not sure if he can answer. Still, he is my #1 choice for Story Editor as this point.
  10. This may seem random, but I actually want another Ponytones episode. It seems silly to make two of the main characters part of a singing group and then never bring it up again. Other than that, I'd like to see a Celestia episode, a Sunset Shimmer episode, more map episodes and another episode about Twlight's Canterlot friends. P.S. I don't want Chrysalis to exact her revenge again. It would get old pretty fast, especially since she doesn't even have an army anymore. P.P.S. LARSON RETURN TO THE SHOW PLEASE!!!!!!!
  11. Changing my profile pic back to Starlight Glimmer #GlimGlamNation2016

  12. No. MLP has gotten dark before, but killing off a main character in a show created to sell toys to little girls is not going to happen.
  13. Yes I do. Although, in S1, most of the season's songs were random Pinkie Pie songs. I'm glad there's more variety now.

    1. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am


    2. Princess Book Horse

      Princess Book Horse

      This calls for a celebration!

  15. YES!!!!! The hype train stops for NOPONY!!!!!!! Now we can finally put those ridiculous theories about the movie being the finale to rest. MORE PONY FOLKS GET HYPE!!!!
  16. I'll never forget the first time I watched this episode. I was eating Clam chowder and I spilled it all over my mini laptop, which of course, destroyed it.
  17. "The Cart Before the Ponies" was pretty stale and boring, while "On You Marks" and "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" were really good episodes IMO. I feel like as long as they focus more on thier new purpose instead of having random forced episodes that feel like they never got thier marks in the first place, then the CMC should be fine. I would suggest throwing in some episodes about them going outside of Ponyville (with adult supervision of course) to help Ponies.
  18. I would definitely love it if Season 7 onward were Netflix exclusive. I hate paying for an overly expensive tv package just for Discovery Family and then having to deal with commercials. Although, I feel like Hasbro would work something out with Netflix to have them release episodes once a week instead of releasing the entire season at once.
  19. I know I've been inactive lately, but I just wanted to that that Equestria girls: Legend of Everfree was fantastic and I encourage anypony to see it if you haven't already!

  20. While I do love SoL episodes, I seriously think we should see new areas more often. With the way the map was hyped up, I figured we would be seeing around 6-8 map episodes per season and I didn't think Manehattin or Canterlot would be one of them. Not to mention, this season's theme is "Explore Equestria" and 15 episodes in, we haven't seen one new area. (I'm counting the next 3 because we know where they are taking place.)
  21. If any character ends up getting killed off, it won't be any of the mane seven or Spike. That said, it's hard for me to predict who it would be .
  22. I'd like to see it used more often. Seriously, we've only seen the map used 5 times! 1. "Our town" 2. Griffonstone 3. Manehattin 4. The Smokey mountains 5. Canterlot. Also, if you're only going to use it 3-4 times per season, please don't waste slots on reacurring areas that we've already seen a dozen times (even though I love Canterlot!)
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