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Things that used to scare you as a kid.

Mesme Rize

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When I was a little kid, I lived in an apartment on 5th floor of a building. The vents in my bathroom must have been invented by pigeons because  very often I'd hear noises coming from there. My mum always used it to scare me with it, saying that it's a ghost which will come for me if I don't go to bed early  :sunny:

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My nan used to have a giant plush fish (looked a bit like nemo) that was attached to the ceiling of her bedroom. Whenever I visited and stayed overnight in the guest bedroom I always thought it came alive and was looking for me while I was sleeping. There was also a triple headed lamp in the bedroom I stayed in that scared me a little


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Dolls (mainly baby dolls and such) used to absolutely terrify me. In fact, they still do... Especially ones that talk. But they used to scare me even more when I was little, especially when I received one from a distant relative who didn't really know what kind of stuff I liked (and so tried stereotype stuff because that usually works for most girls). It was about the size of me and it started chatting to me. I hid for the next few hours. It was pretty scary though, plastic young humans just shouldn't exist (action figures are great though tbh).


Another thing that scared me was pretty much everything that could have ended worse than it did. Like... One time I almost slipped and nearly fell off a counter when climbing up to grab a chocolate bar. But I didn't fall off... However, I couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened if I did fall for the rest of the day (it's not like the counter was high up or anything, probably just some bad bruising. But I thought, when I was younger, that everything could seriously injure me). I used to be quite the pessimist for some reason :I



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Eagles.. I dunno why I just had a huge fear that I was small enough to get picked up by one while I slept and dropped to the earth.


§I Was Born Awesome, Not Perfect§

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These, especially when I unexpectedly encountered them laying in my friends' yards...staring...trying to steal my soul...



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 Ceiling fans in dark rooms. I had a fan in my room that had exposed screws, so light would glisten off of them and make them look like eyes. It always "stared" at me whenever I was in bed as night, but if it was daytime I was fine. I even remember a nightmare where the fan unhooked itself from the ceiling, flew towards me, and cut my throat open with it's blades. Dream blood went everywhere.


 I was also afraid of pterodactyls flying through my windows and carrying me away at night, but the fan fear was worse.



I have a Tumblr for art. Clicky below if you're curious.


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I forget what it was called, but my dad had a calendar that was basically cartoon vegetables with really bad jokes near them. Like, there's a leek in the bath instead of a leak :P


I think it's funny now, but back then, it terrified me XD

They just looked so freaky

Edited by LittleMac
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I'd say being alone and darkness, but I'm still scared of those things :((If anyone has any tips for getting over that, please help... it's starting to interfere with my sleeping schedule)


As for things that I used to be afraid of, I used to be scared of pretty much any video game boss past NES :P

idk what it was, maybe I just wasn't used to better graphics, but I was too scared to even try the first boss stages in any SNES games or really anything but NES games.


I could fight the first few bosses no problem in Castlevania (I was too little to get past Medusa), but the moment you got to the derpy vulture in Donkey Kong Country 2, count me right out XD ...And although they weren't technically a boss....



Imagine you're a little Filly, you grew up with an NES, so your experiences with more modern games are limited to when you're at your grandpa's house, playing his SNES. Well, suddenly your parents let you get a gamecube and you wind up getting the Ocarina of Time port for it, so suddenly, you jump from 8-bit classic pixel art to a whole huge 3-D world to explore! Full of deku scrubs, and skullchulas, and weird, dog-looking skeleton things that appear at night.... But then you go to the grave yard in Kakariko, you open the grave, and you start exploring.... You see one of those turd-brown jerks curled up on the floor, and you approach it. It stands up slowly, and you think "I got this, it's slower than molasses".... But then you see its face, its horrible (at the time) incredibly rendered face, with hollow, black pits for eyes and an expressionless, soul-sucking mouth. You try to fight, but you can't move.... and then you hear the scream.... the horrible, ear-piercing, soul-shattering scream that gets branded straight into your psych as you're helpless to do anything but watch this thing slowly crawl up to you; time, painfully ticking away as you struggle to do anything! But you can't... it's futile, all you hear is the scream as it inches closer and closer. Every moment is agony as you helplessly await your demise! It jumps on you and tears you apart, everything turns black, as you see your lifeless corpse fall to the floor of the grave you've defiled, life sucked out of you before your very own eyes, the death music plays for the first time, and you're greeted with the burning letters "GAME OVER"


.... freaking scarred me....

Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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Dark, cos something I watch on tv show that scared me and it's about ghost. And still scared of the dark, abit. Still had fear of rats and mices and nerves of rides like in fun fair or disneyland, was scared when I was on fun fair wheel when going down cos it was shaking.

Proud British Brony

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Crocodiles. As a kid, not only did they looked rather creepy to me, but I would always have nightmares of a crocodile chasing me. Those nightmares have given me countless sleepless nights as a result. It didn't help that I lived in a country where the most dangerous of crocodiles live. :P

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A few things, largely from video games. Bowser from Super Mario 64. Not the Mario Party games, despite using the same model, but only in the Super Mario one. Those heavy footsteps as he slowly drew near you, and something about merely touching him hurt you. Could also be because he was one of the first thing to appear in the dream sequence Mario previewed if you didn't mess with the starting screen for a while. ...It now seems really silly.


Also from Super Mario 64, that big fish from Tiny Huge Island. I think Big Bertha was its name. It was scary in game, fast and swallowing you in one gulp with no hope of survival. In particular, though, for some reason I thought it hid under my bed at night and would come out and eat me if I went under there. But only at night.


This was more my brother than me, but there was also the game over screen for Banjo & Kazooie. He'd leave the room when he died, making me do all the work to resume.


Oh, and one other thing that actually doesn't have to do with video games. In my grandparent's house, there was a room where me and my brother slept. A scorpion crawled in there one day and fell from the ceiling on to my brother and stinging him. For the longest time after, I was terrified of going into that room and asked to sleep anywhere but there whenever we stayed the night.


I've outgrown all of these, though I still don't sleep in my grandparent's guest bedroom. ...Moreso because I now find the bed to be terribly uncomfortable.

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Um long bridges wait they still freak me out XD yeah I hate long bridges and I don't mean like it's 100 meters I mean like The Seven Bridge and half a mile and things like that XD. Urgh I hated heights, water, the dark, light (this one is logical I am hyper sensitive to it so maybe not scared X3) urgh HATE needles *cringe* so I there are a few things that I am now like meh on and some that still make me run a marathon when I see them XD.


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That scary ass vacuum thing on the Teletubbies, I was like the dogs who are terrified of them.






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We all had our own personal childhood fears and some seem kind of silly if we look back at them.


So what where you scared of as a kid? Can be anything, ranging from an everyday life object, to something you have seen in the movie.

Well I used to do this, if I were to watch a horror movie that isn't even scary I would not be able to sleep very good at all for about a week. Now I can not find any scary movies that affect me, they're all boring. One fear I still have is things underwater, not creatures but structures. I have no idea why but it doesn't scare me it just creeps me out a lot. That doesn't stop me from swimming, I love swimming! and rain!


And I was and still am scared of dying.

Edited by MilesTheUnicorn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Spiders, needles, the dark, being home alone, getting my throat swabbed for strep, walking around the city on my own, bugs, bees, and so on. None of these things scare me anymore.



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I remember when i was four i saw this cartoon villain who wore a gas mask, and i was scared of him until i was nine

Edited by LunatheNightmare


              "Mirrors in amber reflect my delight.Someone sang at dawnbreak, leaving her cherished home"

                                               "You will be in December again with me"


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