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How many would support the invasion of Equestria?


How many would support the invasion of Equestria?   

31 users have voted

  1. 1. How many would support the invasion of Equestria?

    • Would not care.
    • Would support it.
    • Would be against it.
  2. 2. Would they try stop them?

    • They would try stop them.
    • Do nothing.
  3. 3. Would there be a massive outcry against this?

    • No.
    • Yes.

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What if scenarios: Most nations are either neutral or have friendly relations with Equestria through the portal connecting our two universes together.  


However, one nation decide to invade Equestria to plunder it for resources and what not. They see the ponies as not being under the Geneva Conventions and therefore gives them the right to slaughter them without mercy or pity. Since they are not humans, that means they can kill them freely.


How many would support the invasion of Equestria? Not only that but killing all the ponies and these humans wish to colonize Equestria.


Would there be a massive outcry against this? Or would the vast majority of humanity support the xenocide of the entire pony race? Or would most other human nations armies mobilize to defend Equestria from them?

Edited by Bendy

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I think we'd humanize the ponies in our mind so much that there would be massive outcry, especially from any nation that values the lower class' rights to freedom, life, and happiness. Such an overtly aggressive and greedy act against a sentient race would likely smack of monstrous, unwarranted brutality.

Quite simply, that's not how most nations operate, and would likely never stoop to open genocide so easily, even if there's massive gains to be had at the cost of some human life.  :)






We'd likely just slowly steal their homeland out from under them.

  • Brohoof 1
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There wouldn't be a massive outcry, at least not at first. If military planners could successfully argue that Equestria's level of military technology was far below that of the applicable Earth country to such an extent that human and capital costs would be minimal, then I don't see there being much resistance to an invasion. If all goes well and Equestria can be taken bloodlessly, that would be even better from a public relations point of view.


The problems would fester during the occupation.


If the military starts killing ponies, either in self-defense or as part of the operation, you'd start seeing outcry from animal rights groups. Once Equestria's resources start being exploited with little regard to Equestria's nature, then the environmentalists get concerned. If Equestria mounts some kind of low- to medium-intensity but surprisingly effective counter-insurgency, then the anti-war advocates get involved.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, we can say without a doubt that bronies would be against it. Therefore i think that if you want to invade Equestria, it would be necessary to...'relocate' all bronies into 'specialized camps'...for security reasons.



Otherwise, same rules: Portray them as monsters and the like and you will have the support of the population. Which should be easy considering their current Ally (Discord) and the unstability of their rulers (Luna/Nightmare Moon).

  • Brohoof 2

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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I'd certainly be against the random mass slaughter of a friendly and intelligent race. What resources would there be to gain from doing so? Possible knowledge of magic and stockpiles of gems easily found 3-4 feet underground so I can see why someone would want to invade but on the other hand, they have magic lasers.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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I think a lot of people would be against this. There is no way that in a time of internet this could be kept a secret if humans also live in equestria thanks to the portal, and a lot of people are against needless violance

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I think a lot of people would be against this. There is no way that in a time of internet this could be kept a secret if humans also live in equestria thanks to the portal, and a lot of people are against needless violance

This right here. With the invention of the internet, nothing is secret anymore.
  • Brohoof 1

Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t

Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd

Everyday is Leg Day!

Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony

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I am against this; I would want the ponies to live in peace.

But then again, I believe that most bronies would want the ponies to live in peace as well.

I also believe that there would be a massive outcry against this, mainly because of bronies.

  • Brohoof 1

This is a WIP.

Why are you still looking at this?

Seriously. You should have looked away by now.

Congratulations. You have read the 4th line.

I can't believe you are still here. *sighs and walks away*

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I would easily try to stop them from invading since they are doing the morally wrong thing to do but the amount of supporting countries would be to hard to stop


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Yeah, I don't think there would be a case for invading Equestria unless there was some really good propaganda that the invaders were there to overthrow a tyrant and that it's completely about oil establishing democracy :P

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If there were a war between Equestria and humanity, you best believe I would swear my loyalty to Celestia and the princesses. I would hardly be the only one either, there are plenty of people sick of the way the majority of our species's governments and other social constructs decides to handle their business. 

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You would see me joining Equestria really fast :okiedokielokie: and going commando against human military forces :please:

Going commando? Ponies don't wear underwear as it is :P

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There are already far too many pointless wars of aggression so I would strongly oppose it.



There is no oil in Equestria, so it fortunately won't be invaded.

I wouldn't be sure about that, there is no oil per se that we are aware of yet still plenty of other resources. Also I am sure that the military will want to study the pony's genetics and figure out how to weaponize them. Think about it, pegasi can control the weather and unicorns can use magic, most of whom only low level magic like basic telekinesis but even that can be weaponized.

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  • 6 months later...

Equestria is amyzing.

It is land wear you could rest from all problmes and wories.But thear is a problem.If equestria is in our univers, It be a long time wean we could go thear.If it is in other univers it will take even longer time.


I have my story how invasion would play out and wath cosiqusias would be.

So like in my story thear is a massive human empire ruled by God wich was human.I rule in absolut monarchi and I have dragons body.So empire is massive.It controls desilions of UNIVERSES.It has endless army.And have weapons capibal of destroing entire universis.Tech is advanced that weapons shot ammos wich is energy and matter at the same time.I think you can imagine the power of the empire.But nomatter how strong power armor is strong solders still can be hit emotiali.Especiali in invasio to hell.

So Equestria with ponys can help solders to deall with memory from battle with aponets that target emotians and brain.Problem is that equstria is not loala to empire.


Invasio is requared to ensure that ponys could be use to recore solders that are broken.


So to the INVASION:


Sun shine in Equestria like always brite.Evryone are happy.Some ponys in ponyvile notice black dots in the skie.Suddenly sky is filled with space ships.Transport ships use drop pods to drop milions of solders that secure landind zones.In a matter of second MBTs are deploed.Hevaly armoref tanks role it to ponyviles town center.Pony are confused .Solders storm evry house and frotifue them.Thilite reports this to celetia.after sucesful landing empire begins to march to Celestias place.5 Trilion solder and 5 milion tanks are in equestria.Space ships have bloced the sun.Celestia relaiszis that this is attack and respons with offensive.Empire wins evry battle .Each battlefiled is a wastland citys are in ruins wear battles acure.Orbital bombardment is devastaiting.In few hours Half of Equstria is in ruins.In coming days empire continiu thear march.This isn't an invasion.It is more like a parade.After coqurin evrythin emperial trops stand in live wile marching to Celiatias palcace.Empiriors is leading the army.Dors are blasted from artylery shell.Solders just walk in to throne rome.Whear Celiastia is raped.


One solder had a chilid with Celiastia.That solders was forsed to marry Celiastia.He become a gowernor of Equstria and was taked to rebuild it.At firts they both didn't liked each other.But time wean by and they started to like each other and falled in love.They married second time but by thear one will.Human broth imortalaty,mass media,defeance and other tech.Peace ruled ouver 10 milion years.Untill humam rebels got in to Equestria.Massive battle have happened.With bilions of solders figthing in equestia.Empire won, but Equstria had to be left.Olny that solder now offiser was left with Celiasta and thear childeren whear left kowing the existens of empire.Offeser had to be in shadows for 12000 years.And olny alowed to live with Celiaste.

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This manner of hooliganism takes 'running roughshod' to a whole new level. I am afraid I must voice my dissent. We cannot claim to be better than animals while acting like monsters.


I can however see this as a possible ploy for an Equestria Girls movie. Not in terms of nations, and certainly not involving genocide and massive warfare but perhaps a small group of humans seeking to exploit the portal to Equestria for their own gain. It could be interesting if they were able to harness magic in the same way Twilight did in Friendship Games.

The truth is always rough.
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I'm pretty sure bronies and pegasisters would't allow.


But honestly, I can see humans trying to invade Equestria just to study the animals there, and honestly, if I somehow got to Equestria, I'd try to study everything there, but not in a aggresive way.


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I, for one would actively try and stop something like this, and by actively I mean going as far as destroying the portal even if I get shut off from my friends and family. No one attempts to slaughter my favourite pastel coloured Ponies. Also in light of the most recent pair of episodes I can safely say the Ponies would more than just attempt to stop it; there would be full blown war. However, with my knowledge of history to hand I also know that a public outcry against this would be unlikely to happen until tens of thousands lie dead. Many similar things like this have happened before, mainly through out the colonial era, and the public always had the same response; the majority did nothing and often reasoned it with "They're not like us.".


Humanity is a grim, cruel and dark beast capable of achieving many things, some great, some terrible. That is all. Good day!

  "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

- Douglass Adams​​

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The way I see it the nation in question invades, international opinion is very much against this and sanctions are instated...but the offending nation won't care and continue on its merry way while the general public is at first shocked and then indifferent while the governments continue to wag their fingers saying 'This is unacceptable' while doing ass-all to stop it. Maybe that's a bit too jaded, but that's my view on it.

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