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Discord offers you $1 million to perform an embarassing act with a pony. Would you?


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Discord says he'll pay you $1 million if you take a dare.

1) You have to approach one of the following ponies: Twilight, Rarity, Starlight, Sunset, Trixie or Luna.
2) You have to pick her up and stick a pacifier in her mouth.
3) Then you have to rock her back and forth in your arms like a baby while singing a lullaby.

No doubt, they'll each cast a spell that can hurt you in ways you can't imagine. Discord says that whatever happens, he'll undo it. BUT if you tell them or any pony that he's the one who put you up to it, the deal's off. You won't get a dime, and the magic inflicted on you will not be reversed.

Would you agree to do this for that $1 million? If so, with which pony?

Edited by KillerKingBakudan
  • Brohoof 1


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either that or just dumbfounded at what is happening :P


I probably wouldn't though



20% cooler in 10 seconds flat

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Welp... I know I would. @w@

That's a tough question. It depends on their moods, but if all were in a neutral mood, then I'd pick Luna. The only real problem is rocking Luna. 

Compared to the "Gah! Unhand me you ruffian!" Marshmallow, and Reformed Starlight... Luna would be a seemingly cakewalk to treat like an infant. x3

  • Brohoof 1


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Depends. Is this reformed Discord, or pre-reformed Discord?

If it's the latter, he'd probably give me $1 million....in pesos.

If it's in legitimate $1 million United States dollars, then yeah. I'd do it. With Trixie.

Edited by Halberd
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14 hours ago, Halberd said:

Depends. Is this reformed Discord, or pre-reformed Discord?

If it's the latter, he'd probably give me $1 million....in pesos.

If it's in legitimate $1 million United States dollars, then yeah. I'd do it. With Trixie.

He's doing this for his own amusement, really. Pre-reformed Discord would pay you to do something that causes all the ponies to lose their magic or something.


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Ha, is that all?!?... easiest money I'll ever make. As for whom I'd do it to... probably Trixie since everyone else could probably murder me instantly if I don't use my magic in defense. And Rarity would just make it impossible, I could just imagine her squirming and hitting me. Trixie's magic isn't all that strong, so she'd be the ideal target.


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I would do it for free but I would not turn the million down. rocking a pony like a baby is not really what I would consider embarassing

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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19 minutes ago, simba86 said:

I would do it for free but I would not turn the million down. rocking a pony like a baby is not really what I would consider embarassing

It is for that pony who wants to magic beam you for doing it. Hence the $1 million.


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7 minutes ago, KillerKingBakudan said:

It is for that pony who wants to magic beam you for doing it. Hence the $1 million.

my answer stands LOL

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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You did say Discord would undo any injuries that may be inflicted, so there's no repercussions if you think about it. Only thing that could happen is you could embarrass that certain pony but a good talking could solve the issue. (BTW, the rules did not state when you could tell the pony that it was Discord's doing) so by telling them out of Discord's hearing during or after the dare you could be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. 

I pick Twily

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1 hour ago, VeroxVitrus said:

You did say Discord would undo any injuries that may be inflicted, so there's no repercussions if you think about it. Only thing that could happen is you could embarrass that certain pony but a good talking could solve the issue. (BTW, the rules did not state when you could tell the pony that it was Discord's doing) so by telling them out of Discord's hearing during or after the dare you could be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. 

I pick Twily

Here's the thing nobody's taking into account. This is Discord. There will only be no repercussions IF he's not pulling your chain. Out of fairness, I wouldn't even know what to think if he made the offer to me. It's really a question of trust.

IF you decide to trust him, and he keeps his word, then yeah. There are no repercussions; that's if you don't care what ponies think. If the pony you're doing this to sees you as a creep, she'll tell every pony in town you're a creep, and they won't want you to go near them anymore.

Also, it's not a matter of when. You can't tell any pony at all. If Pinkie can keep tabs on Twilight when she's carrying a secret, Discord would most definitely keep tabs on you.

Edited by KillerKingBakudan


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I'd do anything for $1 million. Well, anything except kill, maim or seriously hurt somebody. But rocking a pony to sleep doesn't sound bad. Hopefully they could get over it. Guess I could rationalize it as a joke. ^_^

I'd actually babysit a pony for free if they want me to. It actually sounds really cute.

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Naw... I don't think I could trust Discord that much to do something like that, not to mention it would probably come with a whole host of unmentioned additional rules and limitations. Also, I think there would be too much fall out afterwards and for me personally, money is not everything.

You have to also consider how hard it would be to both approach and pick up and then afterwards rock embarrassingly any of those ponies... I am sure NONE of them would exactly sit still for that... whether I was a human or a pony. And depending upon actual size... it might prove far too challenging to actually carry through with, which would invalidate the challenge I am sure, while leaving the humiliation and awkwardness in place.

So no.


~No profound statement needed~

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7 hours ago, GrimGrimoire said:

You have to also consider how hard it would be to both approach and pick up and then afterwards rock embarrassingly any of those ponies... I am sure NONE of them would exactly sit still for that... whether I was a human or a pony. And depending upon actual size... it might prove far too challenging to actually carry through with, which would invalidate the challenge I am sure, while leaving the humiliation and awkwardness in place.

I assume Discord would give you super strength for the duration of the event, though that's not stated in the original post. 

As for the actual question, sure thing. I'm thinking I'll do Trixie--she's the least politically powerful, so my reputation would probably be harmed the least. Maybe I'll offer her a cut--Discord didn't say I couldn't give them some of the money.

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