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How "Pure" are you?

Dashy 4 Ever

How "Pure" are you?  

54 users have voted

  1. 1. How "Pure" are you?

    • I'm like a priest
    • Very pure
    • Average
    • Meh
    • I'm mest up
    • I'd rather not say
    • No clue

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I'm pretty pure in general.

I didn't know any curse words until I was 13, and nothing dirty till I was 14. :mlp_grin:

In fact, I still don't understand a lot of today's current jokes.

Edited by Sondash Studios
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14 minutes ago, shyabetes3939 said:

I'm probably not as fucked up as some other people, but I'm still pretty bad! :fabulous:

Same, but I don’t know a lot about the Umm... you know... how to make babies... *eep* Mainly because I skipped health class in 8th grade (which was easy because I only had to take it for a semester I think and it was online. But I do cuss a lot and stuff 

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I'm pretty impure by society's standards.

  • I curse quite often in private, and it's kind of spread to here. Only reason I haven't been banned yet is because I censor it now.
  • I have a collection of rule 34 at my house that's about as thick as a novel... 
  • I have a sexual obsession with somebody in real life... And it's bound to become a problem at some point...


One thing I can say is that I don't commit crime, I don't do drugs, I don't smoke, and I don't do anything else. Nonetheless, sexually I'm as pure as Satan and when it comes to cursing I may as well be a young sailor.


Edited by ~Dusky~
  • Brohoof 1
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I feel uncomfortable swearing but I do it softly when I'm especially mad. I know all about how babies are made though and everything else and I also get obvious dirty jokes and make them myself. Also... roleplaying. 

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"Pure" by what standards? In terms of cursing I'm nearly pure. At my previous job I "learned" to because it frustrated me so much, but even then, my coworkers were just so shocked when it happened, and the cursing stopped when I left the job.

I don't drink or do drugs and have absolutely no desire to, if that counts as a standard for being "pure". However, by any other standards of being "pure", I'm not going to say I am. lol.

  • Brohoof 1
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On the outside, I find myself keeping up a 'spotless record' habitually. I barely drink, have never done drugs, never smoked, never get into fights, I even hate lying, only doing it if I absolutely have to. When I'm all alone though, I swear like a sailor, chug coffee around the clock, and out of my control, think a lot of thoughts that I don't think any human being should ever think. :umad:I take it very seriously to try and improve my inner self though. I meditate daily and always try to keep myself as calm as possible. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm quite messed up deep down. :mlp_please: I may be all kind and funny IRL, and (I try to be) interesting, knowledgeable and charismatic here on the web, but on the inside... Well, after over a decade of depression and isolation, I came out quite fine. :mlp_yeehaa:

In terms of swearing? Sometimes I censor swear words online, but IRL? I'm a priest when it comes to foul language. :mlp_proud:

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I was a lot purer when I was younger; I kind of had those rose-tinted optimism glasses back then. Don't get me wrong, I have never been violent and I'm as clean as a whistle when it comes to drugs or alcohol. I won't even touch coffee. But my more realistic world view probably couldn't be fully considered pure.

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Somewhere in the middle, I guess. I'm highly against things like drugs and alcohol, but I do curse a bit and I've seen some extremely messed up things before. 

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