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How do you feel about the opposite party? (US)


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As a democrat, how do you feel about republicans and vice versa? that is, what is your general impression of the other parties goals and character?

Some people plead for unity, insisting that we shouldn't be "divided"-  Lincoln did say "A house divided against itself cannot stand" but is there any basis in reality for thinking that we could ever truly work and function together? 

We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.

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As an independent, I don't like either party personally. Both parties are filled with politicians that are corrupt, hypocritical liars. I would probably vote Green if it weren't a waste.

Edited by ~Dusky~
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As a Democrat, I think that most Republicans these days are intolerant, regressive sad sacks who have no ideas of their own and just suck up to an overweight tangerine with a toupee.

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Signature by @Mellow Mane

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Libertarian here. 

So republicans are a bunch of old fogies stuck in the past,  completely out of touch with the needs of the modern world.

Democrats are run by a vocal minority of vocal minorities, self righteous radicals uncaring of who their policies hurt. 

One is focused on controlling what is socially and by extension legally acceptable. The other doesn't trust the concept of financial and economic independence. 

Both are conovluded jokes of political ideologies and the only reason one comes to power is because people voted against the other. People in America vote out of fear, not out of support. Hence why third party victory or even representation are just pipe dreams. If it couldn't happen last election with two of the worst candidates ever, it isn't happening period. 

But I'll still vote libertarian, if only to keep my conscious clear. 


  • Brohoof 1

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I think it’s Pointless..because either way we have one president to represent the whole country despite of which party they are from. 


Edited by TBD



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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When you get the right charismatic jerk with enough power, it doesn't take much to turn reasonable people into crazy zealots. I never really had an issue with Republicans until the Tea Party started injecting their venom into it. Even Trump is actually a victim of it. The whole Obama birth certificate conspiracy theory wasn't even his idea. Just some paranoid news byte that he took and ran one yard shy of a touchdown with. Get rid of Trump and sensibility will slowly return. Unless someone just as whacko like Kanye West actually gets in there.

Really, even as far as the leaders are concerned, I never despised a Republican president even close to this degree, except maybe Nixon. I disagreed with some of their policies, but on a more personal level, I liked them. Dubya was considered the most hated President ever until recently, but I would have been happy to just sit down and chat with him, do lunch, have a beer. Trump though? I'd feel uncomfortable even being in the same room with him.


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I'm a registered Democrat and I can't lie, I have an incredibly low view of the Republican party at this point. Not that I've ever liked the Republican party or think they've ever stood up for anything right (not in the modern hyper-religious conservative form of the Republican party). It's not that Democrats are anywhere near perfect or that I'll walk perfectly in line with them. I just find everything that the Republican party stands for to be repulsive, and I don't even consider the party as a viable option to begin with. A party which clearly and proudly stands against the rights and well-being of LGBT people, women, non-white people, non-Christians, etc. is just wrong in my mind.

No, The Democrat party most certainly isn't perfect in those regards, either. but Republican politicians are proud to be hateful and pass discriminatory legislation. And I'll be blunt, it's not just Trump. Trump is a monster, but the problems that created Trump run so much deeper in the party than him. No doubt the problems also run deeper than the Republican party... But as long as the Republican party exists as it is in its current form, I only have one option to vote.

  • Brohoof 2

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I'm independent. I hate the Republican party, but I REALLY HATE the Democrat party. Both of them are mostly filled with sellout crooks who are all about "tell, don't show", but the way the Democrat party sells themselves with the lie that they are the "morally superior party that cares about minorities" to brainwash the young and impressionable into hating themselves and all those who disagree with them sickens me more than anything.

  • Brohoof 3


https://www.deviantart.com/frank3dz/art/A-day-to-remember-1140892930 (seriously guys, read this comic, it's hilarious)

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While I generally vote conservative it's usually very hard for me to ever get committed to registering as Republican because there are a ton of terrible Republican candidates. That being said, there are plenty of terrible Democrat candidates as well. Both parties have bad, hypocritical, lying politicians...though I have to admit the Republicans have more of it as of now. Now to point out, I don't hate everything about the Republican Party or Democratic Party and I do realize that the most vocal parts of them don't represent the entire party. The few Rockefeller Republicans and old conservatives don't seem to be that bad (remember that Dwight D. Eisenhower and Earl Warren were conservatives for their time and generally helped the US for the better). Neither are some Democrats like Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard. 

1 hour ago, BornAgainBrony said:

Really, even as far as the leaders are concerned, I never despised a Republican president even close to this degree, except maybe Nixon. I disagreed with some of their policies, but on a more personal level, I liked them. Dubya was considered the most hated President ever until recently, but I would have been happy to just sit down and chat with him, do lunch, have a beer. Trump though? I'd feel uncomfortable even being in the same room with him.

Nixon's more of a mixed bag. Everyone knows him for Watergate and general corruption, but a lot of his policies still remain active to this day. Believe it or not, Nixon was actually quite environmentalist and was responsible for establishing OSHA, the EPA, and Amtrak (admittedly he wanted to appease the liberals and actually wanted to kill it). He also enacted the Clean Water Act, Noise Control Act, and Endangered Species Act, and tried to cool relations with China and ended the gold standard (anyone who knows economics can arguably say that this was a good thing, and the stagflation that ensued was mostly due to the oil crisis). This is probably why not many Republicans talk about him anymore. 

Edited by Anneal
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I personally feel that anyone who is speaking ill of the other party they are not aligned to and saying how they have a low opinion of them based upon that alignment is why the political discourse in the US has become so trash and why productive conversation has basically ceased. I will not condemn you or belittle you for the party you voted for unless that party is like... The nazi party or something.

That's all I have to say on the matter. I am capable of having conversations with both sides with ease.

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I'm Republican and my opinions on the Democratic party is that they've been a bunch of thieves and are way too liberal. I know the Republicans have their faults too be be honest here, but I know that the Democrats have just not been good too much either. 


Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day?

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I'm independent as I don't approve of either of the major political parties.  I can't seem to ever find a candidate who isn't engaged in some combination of undermining people's civil liberties, running up the national debt or engaging in stupid overseas conflicts. And both parties do this all while real problems are ignored.  Where are the politicians who are willing to address the War on Drugs, the massive prison population, our aforementioned mounting debts, our bizarre militaristic foreign policy, our broken health care system (I suppose Obama at least tried, but forcing us to purchase insurance from the health cartels that likely caused the problem in the first place on pain of fine isn't how you correct the situation), our hyper-paranoid War on Terror or any other problem that actually matter?  Heck, even something as simple as reforming the TSA so I am not treated like a convicted felon whenever I want to board a plane would be nice.  The actual platforms of both parties at present just seem to be filled with so much nothing.


On 3/12/2019 at 4:49 PM, BornAgainBrony said:

Really, even as far as the leaders are concerned, I never despised a Republican president even close to this degree, except maybe Nixon. I disagreed with some of their policies, but on a more personal level, I liked them. Dubya was considered the most hated President ever until recently, but I would have been happy to just sit down and chat with him, do lunch, have a beer. Trump though? I'd feel uncomfortable even being in the same room with him.

Not to call you out specifically but this level of Trump hatred is something I just don't understand.  Trump isn't what I would consider to be a good president and many of his ideas like The Wall are absolutely asinine, but Trump has got absolutely nothing on George W. Bush when it comes horrible public policy.  Bush brought us the War in Iraq, the USA Patriot Act, "Intensive Interrogations", NSA warrantless spying, extralegal drone strikes, the concept of an "enemy combatant", military tribunals via the Military Commissions Act, the No-Fly List, the TSA and probably another dozen things I have forgotten about.  Remind me again what Trump has done that even remotely compares to this?  Shitposting on Twitter?  Honestly, the worst thing I can say about Trump is that he has run up the debt, something all of our recent Presidents have done. 


Edited by Twilight Dirac
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While I'm technically registered as a Republican, I hate everything about our party politics so allow me to shit on everyone for a moment.

Democrats: Prostrating to intersectional blue hairs at every opportunity. Green New Deal is unrealistic in numerous ways and the majority of Dems in office are too afraid to call AOC (defacto party leader that Pelosi cucks to on a regular basis) out on it. Frequently defends/ignores shit takes because someone on their side made them.

Republicans: Muh defense spending. Muh war on drugs. Muh corporate bailouts. Whines about deficit spending. Engages in deficit spending. Lindsay Graham is gay but refuses to come out of the closet like seriously it's cool man it's the current year we ain't gonna judge you for that.

Everyone: Spends money even though it will get to a point where our GDP and tax revenue can't keep up with just the interest, leading to a default which will send us into a depression leading to hunger because climate change has made it harder to grow crops and eventually we will have Weimar conditions which will lead to Weimar solutions (see Hitler) and then a fuckhuge war and everyone dies the end.


Solution: Revolution. Put all current politicians into the Hunger Games. The winner gets to manage a Dennys in East Fresno. Return to gold standard. Anyone future politician who suggests fiat currency shall be covered in gravy and thrown into a tiny cage with a honey badger who's high on bath salts. Respect liberty. Have social safety nets but respect markets.

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2 hours ago, Anneal said:

Nixon's more of a mixed bag. Everyone knows him for Watergate and general corruption, but a lot of his policies still remain active to this day. Believe it or not, Nixon was actually quite environmentalist and was responsible for establishing OSHA, the EPA, and Amtrak (admittedly he wanted to appease the liberals and actually wanted to kill it). He also enacted the Clean Water Act, Noise Control Act, and Endangered Species Act, and tried to cool relations with China and ended the gold standard (anyone who knows economics can arguably say that this was a good thing, and the stagflation that ensued was mostly due to the oil crisis). This is probably why not many Republicans talk about him anymore. 

Nixon did something good?

Nixon: 1  Trump: 0


We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.

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Abolish all political parties and install Apple Bloom as Supreme Leader!  :catface:

Joking aside:

5 minutes ago, Twiggy said:

While I'm technically registered as a Republican, I hate everything about our party politics so allow me to shit on everyone for a moment.

Democrats: Prostrating to intersectional blue hairs at every opportunity. Green New Deal is unrealistic in numerous ways and the majority of Dems in office are too afraid to call AOC (defacto party leader that Pelosi cucks to on a regular basis) out on it. Frequently defends/ignores shit takes because someone on their side made them.

Republicans: Muh defense spending. Muh war on drugs. Muh corporate bailouts. Whines about deficit spending. Engages in deficit spending. Lindsay Graham is gay but refuses to come out of the closet like seriously it's cool man it's the current year we ain't gonna judge you for that.

Everyone: Spends money even though it will get to a point where our GDP and tax revenue can't keep up with just the interest, leading to a default which will send us into a depression leading to hunger because climate change has made it harder to grow crops and eventually we will have Weimar conditions which will lead to Weimar solutions (see Hitler) and then a fuckhuge war and everyone dies the end.


Solution: Revolution. Put all current politicians into the Hunger Games. The winner gets to manage a Dennys in East Fresno. Return to gold standard. Anyone future politician who suggests fiat currency shall be covered in gravy and thrown into a tiny cage with a honey badger who's high on bath salts. Respect liberty. Have social safety nets but respect markets.

This pretty much sums up my feelings about both parties.

I still vote for Republican candidates in federal elections, but I feel like I need to shower right after voting.  :eww:

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I have a negative view of the Liberals. They are constantly complaining about the presidential election, opposing or partially disagreeing with nearly every decision Trump makes, pointing out even the small and insignificant errors about Trump, and violently attacking the Conservative party as if the Conservatives are inherently flawed and corrupted. Aside from their repulsive behavior, the Liberals also have morals that are wrong according to my religious beliefs.

Honestly though, American politics itself has become corrupted, with all parties lying about things and aggressively attacking each other.

Edited by EpicEnergy

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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15 hours ago, EpicEnergy said:

Aside from their repulsive behavior, the Democrats also have morals that are wrong according to my religious beliefs.

which morals would those be? out of curiosity 

We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.

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2 hours ago, Olly said:

which morals would those be? out of curiosity 

Primarily that they are supportive of LGBTs and abortion, both of which I believe are morally wrong. I could have worded my original statement better though, that the Liberals support groups that are morally wrong according to my religious beliefs.

I also meant to put Liberals instead of Democrats and conservatives instead of Republicans in my original post, accidentally got them confused.

Edited by EpicEnergy
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*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My opinion of anybody that is hardcore one party or the other is bad. What happened to just being humans that cared about each other not advancing our own agendas?

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The Tractor Pulling Brony

"2 years long, and still pulling strong"

Thank you to everyone! This has been the happiest 2 years of my life and I owe 90% of it to you guys:P.

Stay Awesome MLP Forums!!!

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On 3/12/2019 at 5:10 PM, CloudMistDragon said:

I'm independent. I hate the Republican party, but I REALLY HATE the Democrat party. Both of them are mostly filled with sellout crooks who are all about "tell, don't show", but the way the Democrat party sells themselves with the lie that they are the "morally superior party that cares about minorities" to brainwash the young and impressionable into hating themselves and all those who disagree with them sickens me more than anything.

Into hating themselves? How so?

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