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How often do you cry?

Akemi Homura

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I rarely if ever cried, even as a child. I didn't even cry when I was born. The only times I've ever cried was very traumatic or emotional events, and even then that was very uncommon. I bottled up my emotions and never had a very physical reaction to anything happening, whether it was bad or good.


Yet I've noticed that after I began watching MLP I've cried (and laughed) a lot more within the span of 5 months than I had in the past ten years. The show somehow is allowing me to embrace and express my emotions a lot more for some reason, and I think it's helping me relieve all that bottled up stress from my life, and is even allowing me to experience emotions I've not felt before. I've never actually "sqeed" at something until I found MLP. I feel happier now. So all in all, I'm not afraid to cry anymore. It still isn't common, but I don't hold back now.

Edited by Brisineo

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I haven't cried in a little less than a year I think. This is maybe a little weird... But the last time I cried it was because I thought to myself that I would never be able to go to ponyville... I cried all night for some reason. Alot of other shit happened too in that period, so that's also something that made my tears come I think.

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I cry more often now than I did when I was younger. The stress just builds up and I have to cry to feel better. I can't just let it out on my own though. So what I do is when I feel like I have to cry but can't, I just read a sad pony fanfic. Gets the tears going every time :(

My Little Dashie nearly destroyed me emotionally. I was a bit emotionally unstable for about three days after reading it. That is probably the most I have ever cried.

And when I saw the season 2 finale, I had a few tears of joy. That NEVER happens with me. I guess ponies have made me a softy :P

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I actually haven't cried in like 2 and a half years. Not legit cried, anyway. You know, I yawn and some tears come out, but when I'm sad I just go into depression and find nothing interesting.Posted Image

Mfw everything when depressed

This is my signature. UDig?

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I cry at pretty much everything, not gonna lie... I have a very weak constitution. Movies, sadfics, getting angry at things, people making fun of me, etc. Although, it's gotten somewhat better over the years... It used to be all the damn time, but now it doesn't happen as often


I've never really cried due to depression, however... Mostly because I'm never really depressed about anything



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I cry very easily, so it happens quite often. However in most cases it happens because of movies/videos or touching stories.


I shed manly tears yesterday when I watched this vid for instance: [media=]



I watched it again just now, and I cried again haha :lol:

Edited by Nordica


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There areonly a few occasions when I actually start to cry. I'm a very sympathetic and empathic, so Ireally tend to get teary if someone cries next to me (sometimes if some character in a movie cries, but that's bot very often).. Other occasions are


1) When I know I'm leaving someone/something for good (like a once in a lifetime experience, or saying good byes)


2) An animal (especially a dog) dies in a movie


3) When I think too much all by myself.

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I haven't cried in... a while. I don't know why, I just don't like crying over things.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I tend not to cry too much. That isn't to say that my life is a happy playpark, but I tend to bottle up most of my emotions-sadness, joy, and anger included. It's why I always seem so quiet, and why people always seem surprised when I lash out in rage (which doesn't happen very often).


Surely I can't be the only one who hides his emotions? :o


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I don't usually "cry" per se and when I do it's usually tears of joy rather than tears of sadness. However my eyes do tear up at least once a week because of something joyful or what not. I see nothing wrong with crying and I urge people to express their true feelings.

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i'm a huge cry baby so...my mom is always trying to toughing me up.



~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Umm... can't remember the last time I cried actually. I mean, I do feel like giving up sometimes, and sure, I've been sad once or twice in the last few weeks, but I haven't cried in at least half a year.


Okay, I admit the Canterlot Wedding episode brought tears to my eyes, but those were tears of joy.



I tend not to cry too much. That isn't to say that my life is a happy playpark, but I tend to bottle up most of my emotions-sadness, joy, and anger included. It's why I always seem so quiet, and why people always seem surprised when I lash out in rage (which doesn't happen very often).


Surely I can't be the only one who hides his emotions? :o


You're not the only one. I tend to bottle up my emotions a lot too, and it can make me a very unpleasant person at times.


"The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown

My OC and ponysona:  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/white-lightning-r599

(Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.)

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People have said I am soulless because I can't cry my eyes out for those moments. To be honest crying is one of those things that are hard for me to do, not because I can't but because I have other ways of handling my emotions. Can't honestly remember when was the last time I actually cried.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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