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If you had more money than you would ever need, what would you do with it?


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Hookers and Blackjack. :wub:


But in all honesty I would probably use it to get my bills caught up, pay my sister back for helping me get my car, pay my brother back for helping me pay for last semester.  Then rest would be just whatever whatever money, but knowing me it's going to miniatures. :lol:

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Well, there are many things i would use that much money for, first off..


I would convert it into a sensible currency. Sterling (£)! What an exellent idea.

Now, that comes to..  £610??


I don't think that's right



I'd become Chuck Norris

- £600


Become mayor of Ethiopia

- £5


buy some KFC

- £5

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Bronyboy42 had told me that he has a throne made of gold and diamond that he sits on while he's on the internet.  And he explained that if he was "$1,000, mmmmmmm, richer, then the funds for Operation Love and Tolerate are complete" and that his ship, that he calls the Friend Ship, sails in the morning.

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Well Spend it - 

That seem's to be the correct thing to do, If your younger you could save it as a rainy day fund or as it seems nowadays a get out the ditch and start living your life Fund.


If it was me i would spend it on building a new Tower PC so that i can play and view more games with no problems or as above use it for a rainy day fund.

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I actually just got $1000 for Christmas. Put $900 in savings (for college) and $100 for whatever I want (probably magic cards, steam sales and a few movies).


Although, if I had a better job and more money, and was handed an extra $1000, I'd put it towards building a new computer.

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 1
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Hehe, reading the people who lose it in 10 seconds flat or end up running with inflation and yes the US dollar is inflated, I would leverage it and invest in stocks and turn it into $10,000 in about 3 weeks, that's running against inflation and that's how you make money and yes I'm very good at doing stocks.

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relatively not a lot of money but it would be an extremely useful amount of money, i would use it to buy or put towards a much needed computer or i would use it to go to bronycon, as the flight, tickets and having somewhere to stay would cost quite a bit.

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Tagged is hard? Hard is a question about what would you do with a few millions...


Personally, I'd ask my mom to put it into my bank account. Then I'd still find a job close by, get my driver's liscense, and continue on through life as if I didn't have the $1K.


If you don't act like you're rich when you are, you won't end up poor.

- Me

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funny you ask.....

i had a 1000 bucks today!


i bought

a 686-6+ 357 mag

100 175smk 308 bullets to load

tank of gas

a 1915 elgin pocket watch

and dinner and a movie for the wife (thats how i got the other stuff)

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  • 6 months later...

If you were to wake up to find 92 quadrillion dollars like chris reynolds got by mistake in his papal account. What would you do, to make the choices a little more limited lets pick a more realistic number though and go with 1 Million Dollars.

I would by a city if for all o fmy League friends and basiclly move them all their and we would have either FIO's or google fiber for everyone.  Job's would be streaming and posting videos after sponsers from the companies I'd attempt to buy out with my money to keep the city funded.

Of course their would also be shops for people to work at since you can't just keep a city running on hopes and dream :P

Your turn.

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I would continue my life normally. I can use the one million dollars for emergencies. Like if I get hit by a truck.... Again. Other than that, it would just be in the bank, collecting dust.

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I only want to buy one expensive thing in my life and that is a Lamborghini Aventador. So I would buy a Lamborghini and then give some of the money to charity, buy a house and invest in gold. That's about it really, I just want a Lamborghini Aventador.

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