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Which pony would you want to live with?  

1 user has voted

  1. 1. Who would be your roommate?

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Applejack
    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Fluttershy
    • Trixie
    • Zecora
    • Derpy Hooves
    • Other

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As much as I would like to answer Rainbow Dash, Twilight would probably a better Roommate for me. Iam a bit lazy and mess up the apartment myself, so living with Dashie would probably make it worse. Altough she's the only pony who would probably enjoy the same things as I do(Sports, Gaming, Biking...).

But Twilight would look after the house and me for sure. She would encourage and help me with studying (which is really needed after I've already lost 2 semesters at university by doing way to less and doing things I don't like) and I really love her personality. I guess she would almost never annoy me and I am a bit of a bookworm myself so we would not get bored that fast. Also I guess she is a pony who really listens to you and with whom you can talk about everything ^_^

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Dang, each has advantages i like and disses that i would be annoyed by.


3 way tie between Flutter, Twi, and Miss Applejack


Twi and Applejack would keep me focused on work, but they at sometimes can shove it over the top


Flutter would be a nice roommate because she is so understanding, but all the animals.


But i'll vote twilight sparkle because (be smart!) she likes books, w00t!

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I think Pinkie Pie would be awesome, but she'd be partying all the time):


I'd have to go with Applejack, she seems like the best roommate you could get, because she is honest and nice(:


And she would call me "Sugarcube", and I love it when she calls ponies that.

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Twilight Sparkle. We can have a Math Competition and I'll TOTALLY* win!


*By totally, Espionage really means completely lose and cry like a little foal.

Brought to you by the Institute of Ruining Sarcasm :)

Edited by Espionage
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I think Rainbow Dash is the only one who wouldn't get annoyed with me. I'm pretty lazy and messy, I imagine that's what she'd be like so it would suit me perfectly. Also I could watch her practice tricks every day which would be amazing!

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The new episode shed a couple of new details on the downsides of living with Pinkie or Derpy. Pinkie can annoy you on a level that is literally hazardous to your health and Derpy can barely move without causing a disaster.

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It kind of amazes me that Trixie got a vote. I didn't include her in my in-depth analysis because I couldn't think of any positive aspects to living with her.

What? I couldn't think of any negative aspects with living with her! I mean, for one, she's great and powerful! And another is that she's Trixie! And a third is that she's the most magically talented pony in all of Equestria! Whats there negative about her?

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They're all pretty extreme in their own ways, but at the end of the day I'd probably narrow it down to Twilight Sparkle or Applejack


I love Pinkie Pie.. However, she would wear me out (I like time alone and privacy). And I'm not a partier. Her type of parties would be so much more tolerable morally for me than the IRL kind, but still... Wouldn't want to do them all of the time. lol


Between Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, I just don't know.

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I was gonna say AppleJack because she is ones of my favorites, but then I realized she would work me to death with.... work. :huh:


I say Pinkie. I play lots of video games, and I like to have parties!

Edited by TwilightRubix
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It would be between Applejack and Fluttershy.


Both Twilight and Rarity care way too much about order, and tend to get stressed over things, I couldn't live with them.


Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are the opposite, Pinkie is always partying and I wouldn't like her bringing tons of strange ponies into the appartment and messing everything up. Rainbow Dash would probably stay all day lying around and wouldn't care at all about cleaning things up.


Applejack and Fluttershy seem to be the best. Applejack is relaible and would probably keep her things in order, and wouldn't care about idiotic small things like Rarity and Twilight would, Fluttershy would also keep everything clean and perfect, and wouldn't really complain about anything.


I choose fluttershy, because I can see myself getting her to do all shores. HEHEHE IM EVIL

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hahaha twilight by far!


she wouldnt make a mess. and she's nice. i think she's easy to live with


unlike other ponies


applejack:needs a place to run and open air.

rarity:would drive me crazy if i made a bit of a mess.

raibow dash: would make more of a mess then i can possably do.

pinkie pie: fun for 3 days then she'll get on my nerves.

fluttershy: would be my second option but she loves animals and they need space.

trixy: please no she would command me all the time.

zecora: would decorate the place with all sorts of scary stuff.

derpy: would break everything "i dont know what whent wrong"

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Twilight, hands-down. I've thought to myself that if I ever met a person like her IRL, we would totally be BFF onto marriage.


We're, like, similar in so many ways. We would so discuss science and astro stuff and nerd party a lot :D


It's been awhile since I've seen an episode, though, so my memory might not be totally sharp. I think I remember thinking that heck would be having to choose one of the mane 6 to know IRL, lol. I thought that once, but right now Twi seems really obvious to me.


Rainbow Dash would be a blast, and I do love extreme and intense stuff, but I dunno if I'd have the energy for it. Sometimes I just wanna sleep, lol. On second thought, she does sleep a lot... And I think my mind would be underrused.


AJ is just awesome, Rarity is cute, but I have zero fashio sense or concern, and it's her passion, Fluttershy is too shy, kinda awkward, and Pinkie Pie would wear me out. (But if "Pinkie Pie Genius" is really true, then I might actually choose her...)


But, the huge reason I choose Twilight is it's kinda lonely being such an "egg-head", so I could totally connect with her on a whole different level.


And I'm also somewhat experienced in helping people who need it, i.e., her psycho-stressed mode...


Rarity <3

for my bad reasons


*Cue Rarity's facial expression on Brony Bolt's avatar*

That's the second time I've used that avatar for a joke.

Nice avatar, Brony Bolt :P lol.


Twilight Sparkle. We can have a Math Competition and I'll TOTALLY* win!


*By totally, Espionage really means completely lose and cry like a little foal.

Brought to you by the Institute of Ruining Sarcasm :)


Oooooh, I feel like you just challenged me. What level of calculus are you at, punk? XD

lol. I've only taken calculus 1... other than that just high school math.


Now, if you're talking about applying mathematics (How much change in velocity do you need to land on Io and return to Earth? An airliner takes off from New York to Rome, Italy, accounting for the curve of the Earth, what course should it fly?), then I'll go ahead and declare victory now. But if you're talking about doing calculations really fast... You win.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
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Oooh, this is a hard decision to make, especially after Mister Jack's thoughtful analysis of their habits. His analysis makes me reluctant to choose ANY of them for a roommate.


However, I believe I will choose Twilight, even despite the potential for long neurotic lectures. I believe we would enjoy endless conversations about all sorts of itneresting topics too much for me to want to give that up.


Applejack was a close second choice, though.

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