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Well, I'm afraid of automatic flushing toilets (only stalls). 


Yes, I know. Don't laugh! Also, as far as things nobody IRL knows, they don't know I'm a brony. I'm pretty high up the social totem pole at my school, and all the open bronies are at the very bottom. High school is a cruel institution kiddies.

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I hate dissecting poems, even though literature is one of my great loves.


I have a minor obsession with tattoos. (Would never get one, but I like seeing them on other people for some reason.)


I have a phobia of needles.


When someone compliments me, it makes my whole day - even little things like "I like your purse."


I'm terrified of saying the wrong thing to somebody, and settle for saying very little.


I have a Damsel In Distress syndrome.


I felt like I was the most powerful person in the world when I drove my mother's car without her knowing.

Edited by Earl Grey
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  • 3 months later...

I looked around but I couldn't find this topic but I doubt there isn't one (seeing as this is a common question for forums and stuff).


my facts


1. I can't smell tuna (the tuna in the can, and I don't mean just normal tuna, but basically any)

2. I am left handed

3. There's a certain sound (it's hard to explain but if you get a pencil case or a seatbelt and rub on it, thats the sound. I can't do anything that involves sifters in cooking because the one I have you have to scrape a spoon on it to get ingredients sifted and it makes the sound, which makes me want to throw up and cry)

4. Archery is my favourite sport and the only sport I'm good at.

5. I am homeschooled but I also used to go to school. 

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1. i am partially blind in my left eye.

2. i am right handed.

3. i can write with both my left and right hands.

4. my favorite sport is wakeboarding.

5. i sometimes have miniature muscle spasm in my face, making me a little twitchy sometimes. (people are very quickly weirded out by that)

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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1. I can be stubborn or just rude from time to time but I usually mean well.

2. I am right handed.

3. I'm double jointed in my thumb and therefore I can crack it.

4. I may have anger problems but I can usually be the calm person in the group.

5. I'm a vegetarian, atheist, and a democrat.

6. I hate dating and I don't plan on dating any time soon.

7. I do online schooling.

8. I'm extremely shy and have trouble making friends. I also take things way too seriously. 

9. I may have anxiety and a cleaning OCD. People think I'm a sadist and masochist as well.

10. I love video games, anime, animals, among other things.

Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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1. I love the rain and I like to sit outside when it's coming down. In fact, I am happiest any time I am in water.

2. My favourite art style is street art, which I also create.

3. I eat ice cubes all the time. It's like candy.

4. I take "busy steps"; namely, I walk very quickly with tiny steps. I am also slightly inwardly duck-footed.

5. I am a singer/songwriter and a poet; I focus on existentialism. 

6. I am a bit sadomasochistic, but only towards people.

7. I have DPD; I hallucinate, have out of bod experiences, etc.

8. I am afraid...of stairs.



  • Brohoof 1


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1. I am right handed. 

2. I love rain and thunder storms.

3. I'm double jointed in both of my elbows. 

4. I am a singer, actress, and writer. :3 

5. I hate the texture of bananas. 

6. I can pop my left thumb out of place. 

Edited by xblackrosesx
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Signature made by the amazing Kyoshi

My Deviantart | My Artwork | My Writing | Ask Me

Mischief managed. 

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1 I'll be a sophomore in college next year (not saying where) and I'm a bio major. I may or may not switch to physics.

2 Half Japanese' quarter German, quarter various, all man.

3 I do intramural wrestling

4 I am very good at math even though I hate (damn you asian genes!)

5 Left Handed

6 I give zero shits what people think about me and I have anger management issues, to an extent

7 I have many close friends since middle school.

8 Drug and alcohol free

9 Love video games, especially shooters and JRPGs (opposites, I no rite). I watch anime from time to time.

10 I grew up in Arizona, I like the heat.

11 I am a social capitalist (not a socialist. I hate socialists) as well as a supporter of meritocracy.

12 I own four guns: a Saiga 12K, an AR15 variant, a Ruger Mk III and an M1911. A pacifist I am not.

13 Teachers hate me. I once got one to throw a staple at me.

14 Have had depression, but then I changed my mind.

15 I am very existentialist, somewhere between Nietzsche and Sartre.

16 I hate Apple and everything about it. I am a bit of a Google fanboy.

Edited by Foreigner and Lover
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I'm a HVAC tech

I enjoy all genres of rock music

I broke my Fibia and tibia and ankle at the same time now i gots the Arthritis

I play a lot of video games

I enjoy shooting rifles and used to be a avid trap shooter

I do have OCD when it comes to work everything must be perfect

I hate being wrong i do my best to learn what i can so i wont be wrong

I dont fear death, i dont want it to come but i do not fear it

Edited by DaReaper
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^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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Here's a few facts about me!


I have Strabismic Amblyopia (same eye thing as Derpy),

I am right handed,

I only started watching MLP this year,

I don't eat lunch... Ever,

I absolutely hate anime,

I love to make music covers but hate writing originals,

My favourite snack food are Blueberry Muffins,

I only drink water or orange juice (nothing fizzy or alcoholic ever),

And I love building my own PC's!

  • Brohoof 1

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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1. I've done Tai kwon do for 4 years

2. I learnt how to shoot when I was 6

3. I have a heart condition

4. I'm double jointed in my pinkies

5. I play piano and studies in voice

6. I'm mad due to trauma (serious trauma)

7. 67 & 76 are my favourite numbers

8. I can't eat breakfast, I get deadly sick

9. I'm a nerd, a really smart nerd

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1. I've been doing taekwondo for 9-10 years, and am currently a 3rd degree black belt.

2. I'm 16.

3. I'm going into 11th grade.

4. I'm right handed.

5. I love the rain, storms, and just water in general.

6. I love fantasy novels.

7. I like certain kinds of melodic death metal and symphonic metal.

8. I can be shy, but I'm less shy around people I know better.

9. I want to study mathematics in college, and possibly English, philosophy, and computer science as well.

10. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is my favorite TV show by far - in fact, it's my favorite thing out of any kind of media.

  • Brohoof 1



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I looked around but I couldn't find this topic but I doubt there isn't one (seeing as this is a common question for forums and stuff).


my facts


1. I can't smell tuna (the tuna in the can, and I don't mean just normal tuna, but basically any)

2. I am left handed

3. There's a certain sound (it's hard to explain but if you get a pencil case or a seatbelt and rub on it, thats the sound. I can't do anything that involves sifters in cooking because the one I have you have to scrape a spoon on it to get ingredients sifted and it makes the sound, which makes me want to throw up and cry)

4. Archery is my favourite sport and the only sport I'm good at.

5. I am homeschooled but I also used to go to school. 


Hello! Because the content of your topic and its replies closely resemble an existing one, I've taken the liberty of merging them together. In the future, please use the search function before creating a new topic. Thanks!

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Just random facts? No theme? Okay, here's 50.

  1. I'm a shameless Nintendo fanboy.
  2. I'm also a shameless Sega fanboy.
  3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is my favorite video game of all time.
  4. Yes, I consider Sonic 3 & Knuckles to be one game.
  5. I have run through S3&K at least once per year since age 15.
  6. I'm 27 years old as of this post.
  7. My favorite composer is Nobuo Uematsu.
  8. My favorite VGM composition, however, is "Darkness of the Unknown" by Yoko Shimomura.
  9. I was rejected three times spanning about two years time before finally getting a remix onto OC ReMix.
  10. I still get tracks rejected from that site every now and then. But so do most ReMixers. :lol:
  11. I also have one of the fastest mixposts in recent OC ReMix history, with a track being direct-posted about two weeks after submission.
  12. Steak is my favorite meat.
  13. Salmon is a very close second, despite indulging in it at least once a week.
  14. I used to be able to recite the entire main script from the PSX version of Metal Gear Solid from memory.
  15. I probably still could if I tried, but I haven't played it in a very long time.
  16. I'm a Christian, despite the fact that...
  17. ...I do not believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God, and...
  18. ...I identify significantly more with atheist-dominant worldviews like humanism and naturalism than mainstream Christianity.
  19. I'm a huge supporter of transhumanism.
  20. I'm a programmer.
  21. I kinda suck at being a programmer.
  22. Guild Wars 2 is my favorite MMORPG.
  23. I played World of Warcraft almost religiously for about three years.
  24. I've been spotlighted on Equestria Daily three times, and posted to EQD's Music of the Day twice.
  25. The above fact is completely and utterly meaningless to me, as it would be to any self-respecting brony musician.
  26. I built my first PC in the summer of 2011, and still use it today.
  27. I played competitive Halo PC for about three years.
  28. I was in a top 5 Klanwars Halo PC clan.
  29. I adopted the nickname "DusK" while in that clan.
  30. I could probably destroy any of you at Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament 3, or Halo PC.
  31. My nickname is a shortening of "ItStartsAtDusK", a Gamertag I chose because I used to only game at night.
  32. Since this post, I have owned five pet rats.
  33. Grant Kirkhope, the composer for games such as GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark, challenged me to do a metal remix of a Perfect Dark track.
  34. I have yet to take him up on that challenge.
  35. Jesper Kyd, the composer for most of the Assassin's Creed and Hitman games, was one of the first people to leave a positive comment on one of my VGM remixes; a metal remix of one of his Genesis/Mega Drive-era compositions.
  36. One of my remixes can be found on official Street Fighter merchandise.
  37. I 100%'d Spyro the Dragon for the PSX.
  38. I know a little bit of capoeira.
  39. I'm getting married this December.
  40. I've been with my fiance for nearly 9 years.
  41. I know the lead singer of now-defunct Christian metalcore band Haste The Day.
  42. Haste The Day is also my favorite band.
  43. I used to be the lead vocalist in a progressive hardcore band.
  44. Before we broke up, we were slated to open for Whitechapel.
  45. I love swimming.
  46. The biggest regret of my adult life is not buying this one particular adorable guinea pig that freakin' loved me.
  47. Disney World is my favorite place on the planet.
  48. I'm a sucker for a well-executed vocal harmony.
  49. My biggest aspiration in life is to compose music for video games.
  50. I probably made a list of facts about me so long that nobody will bother to read it.
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-I was in the Navy for four years where I discovered...

-I'm afraid of the Ocean or more specifically, the things in the ocean

-Classical is my favorite type of music

-I can only stand to be around other people for limited amounts of time otherwise I get irritable.

-I keep my apartment at 66 degrees at all times

-I love oranges but can't eat them because the citric acid makes my tongue swell up and hurt very badly.

-I enjoy reading about controversies.

-Soft pretzels are my favorite food.  I like them so much that my friends use them as a kind of Scooby Snack to get me to do things I wouldn't normally do.

-I carry a pack of straws with me so I don't have to put my lips on cups or cans when I drink something.  I also just like straws for some reason.

Edited by Sylentmana
  • Brohoof 2

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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  • I hate cursing

I keep my problems to myself, mostly

I nearly drowned in my own pool when I was seven

I love video games

I like to collect pony related things

I'm very shy

I have no love for myself

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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Hello! Because the content of your topic and its replies closely resemble an existing one, I've taken the liberty of merging them together. In the future, please use the search function before creating a new topic. Thanks!


Yeah thanks, I searched the topic but after I posted, I searched something else and then realized I had it so it would search members, not actual posts. Opps

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I'm really shy and introverted, I can be a bit of a misanthrope at times.

I'm a total music snob.

I play guitar left-handed.

I'm tall and skinny.

I have trouble making friends.

I like anime.

I have no interest in dating at my age.

I don't play very many video games.

I really like cats a lot, and I wish I had one.

I hate dogs.

I've been mistaken for the wrong gender many times online.

My two favorite deserts are New York style cheesecake and pumpkin pie.

My two favorite bands are Nirvana and Carcass.

I'm an atheist.

I get nausea when I'm alone in public and I almost threw up in a record store because of this.

Edited by AtDawnTheySquee
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I was adopted by my great grandmother.


I married a guy that I've had a crush on since I was 16.


I'm 24 but I've been mistaken for a 10 year old.


I like Perry the Platypus.


I like guys with scars, especially on their faces.


I have five piercings.


I like chihuahuas.


The only bone I broke is my pinky finger.


I've made about 5 wrestlers run out of the room by scaring them.


^Why this is funny is I'm only a 5'2 petite woman.

Edited by MarbellaLotus
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I like cats :catface:

I like homestuck, and cosplaying as homestuck characters (I've been Karkat before)


I've always wanted to go to a furry rave


I love anime Cons


I'm a gamer

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I love good poetry.

I love dark stories.

I love MLP (I'm just bringing out the shockers today)

I love chocolate milk, and I drink it amazingly fast.

I love chocolate chips.

I love, love, love Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pop Tarts, except I refuse to have them because of high fructose corn syrup, because it rots your liver and is just generally bad for you.

I love forums.

I love friends.

I love butterflies.

I love pink.

I love ponies.

I love Twilight Sparkle. (Don't ask.)

I love comfy couches.

  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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I'm commonly mistaken to be much older than I actually am.

Like my OC, I have/had a scar under my right eye. It looked pretty bad before I got it fixed, and did my best to tan it out.

My OC Zero is very heavily based of of me, and my life.

I know way more about war than I should.

I love history, and science.

I listen to pretty much all kinds of music. I've been into chiptune and metal lately.

I seem to be a chick magnet. I don't really like it...

I've been drawing since I was two. No, seriously.

I plan to join the USMC, and pursue a role in EOD.

I only like certain cheeses when it's melted.

I do all my own art. Well, most of it. Artsy made my sig. o3o

I was kicked out of school for carrying a utility knife in my bookbag.

I rather enjoy reading.

Edited by Collat
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I was born with a bleeding brain.


I was born three months premature.


My first words, at four years of age, were spent complaining that my playdoh was the wrong shade of blue.


My second words were spent being a grammar Nazi.

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I had 3 near death experiences in the time of 6 years one where my sister saved me


I flew a plane when I was 9


I went to Rome at the age of 10


I like to drink Pickle juice straight from the jar


I am the only boy with 5 sisters and a mom no dad


My most important fact is... I'm a brony B)



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