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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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Before listening to 'Howard Stern Explores Bronies' on Youtube, I didn't think much of bronies, and I just enjoyed the fact that other people also loved watching the show for it's values and content. After listening to it I wouldn't have ever thought that some bronies would be so perverted about it. I feel sick now. But of course, there is a another side to everything, and Howard Stern represents most of what American News feeds do. Most American news feeds will tell you one side of the story, but not the other half, so like a 'half truth' , and I still know that there are many other bronies who watch the show for the story, the friendship, the characters, and other more positive things for the brony community other than clopping and pony porn. Here is the link if you want to listen to Howard Stern's view of bronies:



Another problem with his analysis on bronies is that it was very 'close minded', and as he admitted 'old fashioned'. His close minded views are similar to the comparison of how each gender must follow the stereotype that every women's job is to stay in the kitchen and cook, while the man brings home the money. Or how if you are a supporter gays and lesbians, that must mean that you are also gay or lez. So just because MLP was intended for a specific audience does not make it incorrect to participate in it, and support it.


And to answer Howard Stern's question, yes, I would rather go to BronyCon than bag a super model because MLP is a show that reminds us of our important values we have and should display as humans (loyalty, honesty, etc..), and by being at BronyCon, I would find such like-minded individuals. And, I am into a real committed relationship anyways, not into how many people I can bag.


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  • Brohoof 2

*goes to google.com*

*types in 'I hate it when h'*

*auto complete suggests: 'I hate it when hitler steals my nutella'*

*pokerface* ._.


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Before listening to 'Howard Stern Explores Bronies' on Youtube, I didn't think much of bronies, and I just enjoyed the fact that other people also loved watching the show for it's values and content. After listening to it I wouldn't have ever thought that some bronies would be so perverted about it. I feel sick now. But of course, there is a another side to everything, and Howard Stern represents most of what American News feeds do. Most American news feeds will tell you one side of the story, but not the other half, so like a 'half truth' , and I still know that there are many other bronies who watch the show for the story, the friendship, the characters, and other more positive things for the brony community other than clopping and pony porn. Here is the link if you want to listen to Howard Stern's view of bronies: *clip*.


Another problem with his analysis on bronies is that it was very 'close minded', and as he admitted 'old fashioned'. His close minded views are similar to the comparison of how each gender must follow the stereotype that every women's job is to stay in the kitchen and cook, while the man brings home the money. Or how if you are a supporter gays and lesbians, that must mean that you are also gay or lez. So just because MLP was intended for a specific audience does not make it incorrect to participate in it, and support it.


And to answer Howard Stern's question, yes, I would rather go to BronyCon than bag a super model because MLP is a show that reminds us of our important values we have and should display as humans (loyalty, honesty, etc..), and by being at BronyCon, I would find such like-minded individuals. And, I am into a real committed relationship anyways, not into how many people I can bag.


Posted Image

It drives me nuts when the media always tries to interview the bad side of the brony community(not like they don't do it to other groups as well). I mean, I know tons of bronys, including me, that do not do all those sick things. I am disgusted.
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It drives me nuts when the media always tries to interview the bad side of the brony community(not like they don't do it to other groups as well). I mean, I know tons of bronys, including me, that do not do all those sick things. I am disgusted.


Did you NOT just pay attention to what I said? It's Amazing, amazing that I have to drag this out just so I can get it to post.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Well in all total honesty. I try my best not to pick flaws...but Just as fluttershy did in suited for success, looks like I have to :blush:


I dislike Clopping with an intensity, and despise any perversion of the show.


I dislike it when bronies (though many don't seem to anymore) use being a brony to justify certain things, or use the Love and Tolerance bit, when they are hardly tolerating or Loving.

I don't care for bronies who spam ponies to shit in every possible crevice they can, it makes the rest of us look annoying, and that's not fair.

I don't like Fanfiction, I don't like quite a bit of fannon, and I have an issue with Grimdark.

I am an admin for Creepypasta.wikia.com so I see my fair share of fucked up writing, but when ponies are brought into it, I always hate it, as I said before I don't like to see the characters being taken out of context, and made into something like sexual deviants or Murderers.

I don't like bronies who keep bugging people to "Join the herd" when the other person doesn't like ponies, If someone doesn't like them, then that should be a sign to quit bringing it up.


Sorry if I offended anyone with this, but just answering the question :blush:

Edited by DiscordianBeats
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I don't really mind anything in particular.


Not into the clopper rule34 stuff... but it's the inevitability of the internet and as long as no one's getting hurt let them have their fun.


I do think some bronies are way too obnoxious about their fandom but it's no different from The Hunger Games or The Avengers.


And I think it's terrible when bronies take certain things way too seriously. Like Derpy's voice change. But it's like how all the Nolan fans are upset that they tweaked Bane's voice in The Dark Knight Rises.


Basically what I dislike about bronies are what I dislike about ALL fandoms.

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i really dont have problem with anyone, but when you write "OMG, I GOT A B**ER!" when you see a mlp pic, its somewhere between disturbing, gross and annoying (and no, i dont mean the erotic pics, i mean any mlp pic)

it just fudged up, what would make you feel 'attracted' like that in a picture of 6 cartoon horses standing doing nothing? >c<

  • Brohoof 1




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It's not really the bronies themselves, but how some react to others, and thats how they view us. Yes, there are some cloppers and some who argue and such, but the problem is thats what all Anti-Bronies think we are: Weirdos who clop to ponies and have no life. The bronies that argue and get into fights are mostly the ones that make the most contact with the Anti-Bronies because most of us go by "Love and Tolerate" right? I see plenty of arguing on YouTube comments when a brony makes a mild reference, and someone will usually reply by: "Oh god, not more bronies..." or something like that.


Am I the only one who thinks this?

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Just won a 4v5 game. We were losing bad; They had 6 turrets and we had one. And then, we facerolled them all the way to their base and won the damn thing. Took an hour but we won! xD


Sivir and Eve charrie ftw.


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Wrong thread, this belongs to the LoL thread. GJ Dawnpath. Too many tabs open?



I dislike the bronies that don't think Twilight Sparkle is the best pony. just became bronies for joining a fad.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


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@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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The ridiculous over abundance of rule 34 (inb4 "there's porn in every fandom" yes, but not nearly as much as there is in this one). Also the fact that a lot of us still say "love and tolerate" when no one actually adheres to it. It's a phrase that has become void of meaning.

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The ridiculous over abundance of rule 34 (inb4 "there's porn in every fandom" yes, but not nearly as much as there is in this one). Also the fact that a lot of us still say "love and tolerate" when no one actually adheres to it. It's a phrase that has become void of meaning.


Surprisingly I've seen more porn in the Dragon Quest tag than I have in the My Little Pony tag on Tumblr.
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Cloppers I am Neutral on because I accept it as a natural cause of the internet. It can't be controlled but I won't let it hate everyone that gets a turned on because something a character says or does it happens specially when teenagers are watching this show.


R34 is another thing I just accept and move on, the more hate that happens isn't going to make go away. The more you look at it or see it just makes you more angry, just place a huge ignore tag on it and have a happy day.


grimdark or pure evil or horrible art, fanfics or anything similar is something I purely hate online or anywhere.


Now for things that happen outside of the realm of the internet is something I would agree with. I normally don't say I am a brony unless the topic comes up with friends, they ask about the show and I will honestly say I watch it. I kept all my friends so far with this way. Even friends have used me as a guard in some positions with bronies that over do it.


My statement is, have a stance of respect of others, I won't tolerate any brony that over steps it even if they are entitled to their own opinion. This is where people start to hate bronies when they become pushy, I only do so far as "Have you watched the show." and they say yes and they didn't really like that I respond, "I can respect that."


i hate bronies who say everypony instead of everybody


I disagree in some contexts, because I will use 'everypony' in public when needed but using it all the time no.


The bronies who constanly shove ponies in other people's faces. Makes us look really annoying -_-


yes, I would throw a pie at their face to make them shut up.


I really don't like cloppers or R34 artists. If you tell your family and friends your a brony and when they go and search it a bunch of NSFW stuff comes up.


this is why my close family knows of its existence but don't care, they like the show, what ever someone does behind closed doors is their own thing.

Edited by Ethan Pow


I Run and Operate Alicornradio

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Ummm.....Maybe the shippings and scary fanfics. I absolutely hate them! :angry:


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I struggle to understand cloppers but they mostly do their own thing so they don't bother me much. It goes without saying that every fandom has it's dark side, and the Herd is no different in that regard. I'm not too crazy about the torture porn (AKA Cupcakes) or any other desecration of the show, but that stuff is easily ignorible and tolerable.


The only part I dislike are those who claim to follow Love and Tolerance yet make no attempt to apply it to their lives or on the internet. It's not as easy as it looks I know, but it's certainly doable. And worth it. Even if there are no bronies around you in your daily life there is benefit to being a good person which is what the philosophy of Love and Tolderance basically is.

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To be honest there isn't anything that comes to mind about Bronies that I dislike:

I don't watch R34 myself, but it doesn't bother me that others do, I don't mind some grimdark once in a while and I am not following the different brony sites enough to be bothered by overused memes.

I may dislike individual bronies, but that is more because of that individual and not because he/she is a brony.

  • Brohoof 2

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The only things I don't really like about this fandom are the R34 art/shipping/clopping etc. but most of the time I'm very tolerant of it. Also, I don't hate the cloppers as people, I just hate the idea of it.


Also I hate when other bronies try to shove opinions concerning the fandom down other bronies throats. (Like best pony arguments, clopping opinions etc.) Everyone is different, and I believe we have a right as human beings to like or dislike what we want.

  • Brohoof 1


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Don't think I can mention anything I dislike that has not been in any other fanbase and the only thing I dislike is the "shoving opinions down others throats" which is behaviour I have seen all the time sports teams, game consoles etc, I'm way to kind I guess :blink:

Edited by thelongtimemagic
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  • 3 months later...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has a wonderful community. It's generally friendly and tolerant, open minded and intelligent. Then there's the creativity. Man, is it creative. Bronies produce some of the best, most creative works of art, music, videos, and writing on the Internet. I've seen beautiful paintings worthy of the best. I've heard songs that stuck in my head for weeks. I've seen videos that made me laugh like an idiot. I've read fanfics that brought me to tears (and I'm a six-foot tall guy).


I love the community.


We're a great fandom, and we should be proud of that. But we're not perfect. While most--if not all--of us have a generally favorable view of bronies, I'm sure there are a few things about the fandom that annoys us. I've got a few, myself.


The missionaries. You know the ones--those who go everywhere spamming ponies. These are the hardcore fans who go on completely unrelated websites/threads/videos and start talking about how great ponies are, and then try to convert everybody. Guys, I like ponies, too, but isn't that going a bit overboard? There's being a fan, then there's being proud about being a fan, and then there's being annoying. Forcing ponies on others is obnoxious, and it sure isn't helping our reputation. Of all the complaints I've heard about bronies (accusations of pedophilia and homosexuality aside), this is probably the most common one.


The hypocrisy. We're all human (or are we?), and we all make mistakes, so hypocrisy is going to be inevitable. Yet, the brony fandom produces some of the biggest hypocrites around. We all know the brony slogan--love and tolerate, right? Yeah, except no. You might have seen those who go around with a victim complex, thinking that anyone who doesn't like MLP is a hater. You've probably seen cloppers around, too. And with them, the clopper haters screaming about purity or something like that. What happened to your love and tolerance? Yeah, most of us aren't like that, but it's prevalent enough that it makes a clear impact on how we're perceived by others.


The "X IS BEST/WORST PONY" people. Normally, this wouldn't be a bad thing. It's natural to have favorites. Mine is Twilight, and I'm not afraid to say it. What annoys me, however, is how some fans can't accept anyone not liking their favorites. I'm sure you've seen this one quite a few times as well. This issue ties in closely with the previous one.


Previous generation haters. I wonder how many people have actually watched the previous generations. I haven't seen them myself, but how many haters have actually tried before judging?


Misc: one thing that struck me was how many people seem to hate Gilda for making Fluttershy cry. What about when Twilight made Spike cry, or when Applejack made Twilight cry? Or when Fluttershy made the dragon cry?


Regardless of these grievances, I still love the community. It's awesome. :wub:


TL;DR: what annoys you about the fandom?


EDIT: Changed title per popular opinion.

Edited by Aquila
  • Brohoof 13
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Hate is such a strong word and should not be used in this matter.

But i find some bronies to be annoying when they say you are a hater only because you don't watch the show.

Edited by Vicke



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Interesting topic to say the least. Fighting "hate" with "hate" is not something I recommend for this though. I know you don't mean it in the literal sense. I think it is actually a good idea to look at our reflection once and awhile (on a fandom and individual level) and see if we are acting the way we say we are.


I think you hit all of the main points. Due to the nature of the forums, some become more "brave" than they would in a real "on the street" encounter. This is sometimes good, other times it makes them be unnecessarily aggressive. The best pony things seem to be where they get a little too heated.


Misc: one thing that struck me was how many people seem to hate Gilda for making Fluttershy cry. What about when Twilight made Spike cry, or when Applejack made Twilight cry? Or when Fluttershy made the dragon cry?



My answer to this (take it for what you want) is Fluttershy is the "weakest" of all of the characters, so it hits a stronger cord. I am not condoning hate, just explaining the heightened reaction. A good analogy to this is one's difference in reaction to seeing an adult male being punched versus a baby being punched.


Good topic Aquila. ;)

Edited by Party Cannon
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I think Bronies have too much pride. I think some Bronies need to just be more reserved about MLP, because if you infringe it upon someone; you're no better than those religious people that invade other people's privacy, and try to encourage them to become one of them.
  • Brohoof 3



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Most of the fandom doesn't bother me, even when they do stupid stuff like spamming sites. Not that I approve of that but it just doesn't bother me so much knowing that this is the internet and stupid stuff like that will happen.


What I dislike - I wouldn't say "hate" - is seeing how many people rely on the show and fandom for too much emotional support. Mind you, I'm not referring to people who ask for help, get cheered up from talking to bronies and like-minded people, etc.


I'm referring to those who have placed a fandom - one that will inevitably die down - at the center of their life.


It doesn't seem very safe, psychologically, to me.


Hat is such a strong word and should not be used in this matter.


Hats are pretty strong, aren't they? :huh: Edited by Lady Rarity Pony
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LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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What annoys me about the fandom? Let me see...


Haters on certain parts of the fandom (shippers, gore fic readers/writers, cloppers).

People reacting to haters instead of just ignoring them.

People trying to "convert" others, the missionaries that you mentioned.

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Other than the things Aquila mentioned on the 1st post, there are these bronies who claim that MLP:FiM is the freakin' manliest show in the world


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Denial on the highest level~♪

Edited by Star Weaver
  • Brohoof 4


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The one thing I dislike are the cloppers, those who post around what pony they wanna have sex with. It's just downright disgusting and makes the mlp fandom look bad. I seeit a lot on YouTube, I spammed this one guy who just wrote written porn.

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