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Do Ponies Find Humans as Cute as Humans see Ponies?


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If artist renderings of humans suddenly begun to appear in pony Culture...would they be as enchanted by us as we are by them?


This is pure speculation. But I know humans are hard wired to see young mammals as adorable or cute. It's a survival trait to want to cuddle, protect and nourish our own young.


Ponies are four legged...would we be too alien for them, in spite of the similarities of our two cultures?

Our faces are nearly identical, manes resemble human hair...


Would ponies watch, "My Little Human?"

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Could ponies really like a race that's greedy, intolerant of other humans, starts wars on a whim that kills millions of its own species, and is slowly killing the very planet it lives on?


That's what I thought :

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You guys are too hard on humans! I think since we look similar to them, due to their manes being like hair, their eyes like human eyes... yes, they could find us cute. Especially if a pony artist drew us in an extremely stylized way like ponies are drawn. This isn't about human nature, guys. It's solely about how humans look aesthetically. (Also, I think you're focusing too much on the negative anyway. People don't just kill, murder, or are greedy. There are also plenty of kind acts. If it wasn't for humans, ponies wouldn't even exist.)


I don't think they'd find us alien and weird either considering that there are probably other mythological creatures out there that must be bipedial. They're used to seeing odd creatures that look nothing like them. So seeing a human, a creature that does resemble them in some aspects, would probably be more comfortable for them.

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If there was a "my little human" in Equestria, it would be a universe filled with happy, mostly innocent humans, just as Equestria is full of happy, mostly innocent ponies. So horrible things done by humans are irrelevant.

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i can't help but point out that most non-domesticated animals tend to have an extreme fear reaction when encountered by humans, typically flight but sometimes fight is the chosen response. while our molar teeth are obvious indications of omnivorous diet, they are hidden behind incisors and canine teeth which are almost strictly predatory in nature. add to that forward facing eyes and forward feet (hands on our species) that are obviously designed for grasping prey,or less predatorily for grasping objects which would quickly indicate an inclination towards greed (spike demonstrated how well that goes over in equestria already) and finally legs and feet designed not for optimum speed but for endurance running required to run down much faster prey.


i don't think we'd appeal to such a peaceful (and vegetarian) culture as that of the ponies, a show about predatory animals aired to a prey species?

  • Brohoof 3
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I believe they would find us rather adorable. We're definitely different looking, but there are plenty of similarities, especially with our faces.


If they don't react to Spike with his teeth, I don't think we'd be all that more fearsome. Sure, we're taller than they are, but we're also built fairly small and wiry next to ponies.

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Considering we aren't AS colorful in both skin and hair as they are, they might find humans a bit blah design wise. However, personalities can be quite different and intriguing.


My Little Human: Friendship is Logical(?) since magic doesn't quite exist IRL.

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