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Which was your favorite gala dress?

Mia Angelle

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...Am I the only one who doesn't like RD's dress?


Anyway, in order:

  • Twilight Sparkle
  • Fluttershy
  • Applejack
  • Pinkie
  • Rarity
  • Dashie
Sure I've never really liked Dashie, but when I saw her dress I was disappointed..

Rarity's was okay.. but I've never been keen on fashion.

Pinkie suited her so much! And she was just adorable! <3

Applejack's suited her alot! Was super cute.. loved her man.

Fluttershy's dress was awesome. I loved it, as I am a nature lover it reminded me of nature!

And.. Twilight's! Hers was SO AWESOME. It was soooo cute and of course suited her!

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I liked Twilight's and Fluttershy's dress the most, I like all the dresses in the episode but I just think they're the ones that stand out.

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  • 2 years later...

My favourite Gala dress is Rainbow Dash's! The little touches such as the clouds and the Greek-inspired shoes and headband what makes me love her dress the most. Plus, I love how her mane is done up.


I'm also very fond of Twilight's Gala dress. Then again, I'm actually fond of all six of them.

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Pinkie's dress was probably my favorite. I thought the blue stripes really went with her pinkness. I also liked how hers came with a little hat.




Rainbow Dash's was also very nice. I like the style of her mane in this

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Fluttershy's dress was easily my favourite, Rarity outdid herself when she made that one.  :wub:

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