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What do you do with your problems?


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Most of the time I bottle up my problems and let them build up until I'm drowning in a sea of them. I ask for help/fix them myself when I start drowning, then I regret ignoring them and promise myself never to do so again, and the cycle continues.

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I bottle up my all of problems,I bottle it all up within me it until i makes me sad,depressed,sometimes crazy and paranoid  >_>  >_>  >_>

Edited by Princess_Moonlight




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Its taken me a while to figgure out just how shit happens and the fact that theres sometimes theres just no stopping it.


I stopped haveing problems when i stopped worrying about all the problems i had


You cant sweat the small things, dont take life serious and above all dont panic

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My anxiety usually gets the best of me and it's pretty easy to have a panic-attack.. in the middle of class. If I was to miss a homework assignment, and just remembered it, it would take all of me to not have a mental break down. I usually just hyperventilate, and it goes away after 10 sweaty and teary minutes. A lot of people take notice and there's no doubt that they question my sanity. I'm always nervous, so it's hard to just 'hide' my problems when you're in a corner trying to get your brain cells to stop scattering.

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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I have too many of those to count. I pretty much cram them in, because few people will understand. I tell more about my problems on here than to anyone in real life. I trust you ponies to tolerate me. I'll admit, I may not be bipolar or suffering Asperger's, but I have way too many problems up in this mind to count.


I couldn't possibly discuss them all.


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I (almost) never talk about them, I keep them for myself until they eventually go away...

Not the best thing to do I think.

Edited by Blobulle
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I always try to talk about them with my parents, or with my brother... Even if sometimes it's really hard, I learnt that they'll always be there to help me, and most of the time, solve my problems


"Look and you will find the Hope amidst Sparkling Raindrops in a Sun Shower"

... as you may have guessed, I didn't come up with this sentence but randomly found it on the net. But I like it.

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  • 1 month later...

I just keep my problems to myself, although if someone notices that something is wrong and asks me about it, I don't mind talking to them. I just don't seek out people to talk to because I don't believe that it would help at all.


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I talk it over with my parents, sometimes leak them here on MLP Forums, or (here's my favorite for now) leak it on the Asperger's Syndrome Awareness Facebook page.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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  • 1 month later...

It really depends what mood im in. Usually they just brush over me and I dont care about them but depending on what it is / who it is, for example relationships can be a little bit wild with me :wacko:  .    A good two exampels are, a week ago I dislocated my shoulder, had to have it in a sling (still supposed too know but oh well :ph34r: ) and told it would take 3 months to heal and may need surgery, I litreally did not care.  The other month my dad spoke too me about moving me out of the house and he worded it really badly, I went into a full 'SO YOU'VE ALWAYS HATED ME' rampage, by the end of it he was a bit white faced, we didnt talk for a day and I spent most of that day crying in my room, then my stepmum came and sorted stuff out and now me and my dad are fine again now :blush::squee:

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