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Do some Bronies hate being Human?


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I don't hate being human. I certainly don't want to be any other creature but human. I do not love nor hate our species. It is far from perfect, but I just couldn't see myself being anything else.

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I have waited so long for the opportunity to use that pic.


Anyway I personally don't hate being human, but if one were to offered to be a pony in Equestria then I would really have to think about it and consider a LOT of circumstances. (i.e. if I was to be asked this a week from today, but my life goes to shit tomorrow then I would most likely say yes, for one example out of countless) If offered now then I am not sure.

Edited by The Oneiromancer

Divinator Of Dreams

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Contrarian viewpoint:


Equestrian society is only nice and shiny if you're a pony.  There's a scene (I don't recall which episode) where Applejack, her dog, and Applebloom are herding sheep.  It's a big chase scene with a rousing score, and we see AJ bumping sheep to knock them back into the herd, etc., until they're all ran into a pen with a big "Yee-haww."  Then, as the gate is shut to lock them in, one of the sheep morosely says, "You could have just asked."  That's right: everybody's favorite down-home Suthuhn gal has slaves.  Sapient people she literally treats as livestock.  Even non-slavers are bigoted to a degree that would be shocking to most humans today.  The place names, and even the language itself ("everypony," etc.) are crafted deliberately to exclude non-pony sapients in the most pervasively in-your-face manner possible.  The closest Earth equivalent would be something like, "Welcome to Whiteyville, the most wholesome small town in all of White-opia.  Anywhite would be happy to raise their children here.  It's certainly better than San Fairskinso."  We humans don't share our world with other species that can talk to us, yet we still have more species-inclusive language than the land of love, friendship, and acceptance.


Yes, we humans definitely have our flaws in spades, but we also do some pretty cool shit.  We've walked on our Moon.  We send rovers to distant worlds and build telescopes that can detect planets orbiting other stars.  We build submersibles to explore the deepest oceans.  We create machines that make it possible for ordinary people to fly like Rainbow Dash (airplanes or wingsuits, take your pick).  We have high-bandwidth global communications that don't require some poor dragon cub to get indigestion in order to send a message.  And we make do with a much harsher and more indifferent physics, and no magic or wings.


That said, there are some things we could learn from pony society.  Their emphasis on helping each child find the career to which they are most ideally suited, and an economic system that (somehow) works to make that practical (i.e., Rainbow Dash isn't stuck working in an office cubicle because there are no flying "jobs" available) is one thing that would be nice to implement here, within the limits of the way our reality works.  Among their own kind, the ponies do seem to be more eusocial than humans, most of the time.  On the other hand, the stability and peace of their whole society is dependent almost entirely on the good will of 11 beings: Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Discord, and the Mane Six.  It does seem to work because the highest-ranked among them are actual benevolent deities.  But that doesn't really mean the ponies are superior to humans, just a lot luckier.

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I don't hate being human. I have reservations about some of what my species does, but overall...yeah, I'm cool with being human. :P


However, if I were offered the chance to be a pony, I would take it. It's a new opportunity for exploration and adventure. Especially if I could be a pegasus, because having wings of my own has been a lifelong dream of mine.


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I think its due to the fact that Equestria is made as being a very perfect world. Or close it compared to how our world is. in a kinda unrealistic way really. 


Some just want to be there to meet the ponies from the show, which I admit would be awesome, and some are curious on how be a pony and having magic would be like, which I can also agree on.


Really I can see all the points of view's for why a brony would want to go to Equestria.


Problem comes in that regardless of if the multiverse theory is real or anything there is no current way to get to any other universes. So we're stuck here regardless of how people feel here.


Also nothings to say that we're garenteed our own slice of Equestria in another universe. And even if we where it doesn't mean we'll become ponies and fit in and not look invasive.


Not to mention others could make it imperfect by being present.


So theres quite alot of flaws with going to Equestria and wanting to be there as it being somewhat unrealistic for it to be as perfect as its shown in the show, who knows what would happen with humans in Equestria, and what happens that isn't in episodes?


I personally while not in total liking of all the human race, and I have times where I just kinda hate everyone, I still think theres good, I mean theres the people here who are good people, and we're all human aren't we? So there has to be good humans, and even the bad I can see some of their reasons for what they do, even if I don't like it.


Also the world isn't perfect and really can't be. We're humans with our own free will, wherever we go with free will there will be imperfection, but that doesn't mean you can't cherish life. Despite the bad in life, theres many great things here on Earth and many great things about being human and stuff.


On a side note, what if you end up an Earth pony in Equestria? You have to pickup everything with your mouth(Just think about some things you'd have to touch with your mouth... Diapers ect.) random but yeah you don't get to pick even if you become a pony.


Not to mention it would be akward at first to learn how to be a pony, and I imagine it would be that you'd eventuelly get homesickness from not being use to Equestria, no matter how great it is.


So, to sum up my really long wall of text, theres positives and negatives to both Equestria and here, but I think overall I'm comfortable a human, even if I don't always like everyone in the human race, I still like a good bit, and still enjoy being human despite the bad. Theres still flowers in the thorn bush you know :).


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I would love to visit Equestria one day as a pony. Unfortunately, this will most likely never happen and I am completely fine with it. Why?


Well, because some bronies tend to forget how good our world is. Just because it isn't Equestria, doesn't make it evil and you shouldn't hate being a human. I love being a human and there are so many good things in this world that some bronies don't give enough credit to. You can find lots of good in this world if you look hard enough. There are many reasons to love being human and you shouldn't hate your own species just because that species isn't a pony.


Humans aren't horrible things that deserve to die.

  • Brohoof 2
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I definitely think some bronies hate the fact that we are humans quite a bit; But that isn't unique to the brony fandom hundreds of people dream of living as an animal and completely despise humanities actions it has nothing to do with the show.

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Hmmm, I don't necessarily dislike being Human, but I feel that I'd be better off as a pony in Equestria. It's just so much better than Earth, and seems like an ideal world. 

I have an extreme hatred for Human qualities, such as greed, deception, sexual promiscuity etc, but I don't hate humanity as a whole, and as I said, I'd like to think Equestria is a perfect world.

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Well humanity is ruined up those days

If I had the chance for living in equestria I'll totally take it

Humanity of today is not so good as most people think

Terrorism,rape,drugs,murder,anti bronies,racists,thieves,pedophiles,

Dictators,zionists and Many more !

Humanity today is a big shame

I actually want to be a pony but I know it will never come true :(

I really shame myself a bit for being a human

Just look one time to news and you can understand why I dont like being a Human

Earth = Hell


Equestria = Heaven

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The world MUST be repopulated by sexy cat-girls and cat boy with tails and cute furry ears. I demand it.


Then the world shall be perfect.




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I don't hate being human, opposable thumbs are awesome. However, I don't like the fact that I don't have a set of some rad wings that I could fly around everywhere with. 


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Wow, this is actually a serious topic? XD


Well, I don't exactly hate being human, however humanity itself is sorta corrupted. This world could be so much better you know? 


If I could, I would love to be a Pegasus and live in Equestria, although I think that after a while I guess I would miss being human... 

Edited by SassyPony
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I like being a human.  I like roleplaying sometimes, but if we were ponies, we probably wouldn't be able to use computers. Production would be too slow with the size of keyboards (Ponies have hooves, and hooves = need bigger keys). Because of this, computers would be a lot more expensive.

*Insert awesome picture here*

Dude, please call me Nurin instead of Nurin Insyirah.

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At times.


Sometimes I feel sorta pulled out of my world, like I'm in a different body. Its weird. Only occurs every so often though.


Being human is fine with me, but sometimes I do wish I was my OC, living in Cloudsdale. Or just some random pony. Like i said, its on and off, except for those "pulled out of my body" events.


Also, a lot of humans ARE monsters ...


And I'm not joking.

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I think I could stand being either. Human is good for thumbs and technology, plus more varients of axes. Pony even as earth pony would be stronger, pegasus well, I doubt a big guy like me would be good for flying but great for thunder. As for unicorn teleporting is all I would need.

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If I could trade my current existence for being a pony in Equestria then I would do so. Ponies are not a very good species in my opinion. Sort of inferior to other animals in my opinion. I could easily leave it as ponies in Equestria are near perfect by comparison. While "hate" is a strong word, I would easily use "Dislike" or a word of that nature.

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First off think multiverse theory. Also I notice there's quite a trend in this fandom among some fans depicting all Humans as MONSTERS, whom only exist to destroy everything and are completely and utterly evil with no redeeming qualities what's so ever.


I don't know about you, but I love being Human. Sure, I can't do magic like a unicorn, fly like a Pegasus or even be as strong as a Earth Pony, but I still want to keep my Human body and not to mention personality. I really believe in God very much, but I do care about the survival of my species.



And before anyone says but Humans are MONSTERS, then what are the Krogan from Mass Effect? I don't think Krogan are monsters either, despite the fact they almost took over the entire Milky Way Galaxy in a war.


Also if the xenocidel TCB (The Conversion Bureau) Ponies came to our universe, I would fight for the survival of my species against these zombie like minded monsters of our lovely Ponies, just like I would fight The Reapers trying to wipe us out and other sapient species. 


If I was in a losing war against the TCB Ponies I would try get the few non mind controlled Ponies fighting for Human life to make contact with canon like Ponies to save us Human from annihilation.






The hatred of humanity is abundant and it makes me so sad.  Humans are the most amazing creatures on earth.  In reality, ponies, REAL ones, are just ponies.  Like this.  


sweet lord that image is HUUUUGEEEE!!!!  Anyway...


Yes it's a beautiful animal, but it's not dreaming anything big, it doesn't have goals or dreams, it's not a shaker or a mover, it doesn't make plans, it doesn't invent games or new ways to entertain itself and it's pony brethren.  It's just a pony.  The fantastical amazing magical ideas we have of ponies?  Humans made that, a human named Lauren Faust.  It's easy to internalize the bad people do and overlook the good, but doing so adds to the bad.  Now by hating your own kind you have cut yourself off from being a source of help TO your kind.  It is the hatred of humanity that caused many genocides and terrible things.  So by saying "humans do bad things, therefore I hate humans" you are only becoming the thing you claim to hate.  


BUTTTTTTTTTT Don't misunderstand me if you are someone who does feel that way, I get you.  I dated a girl who worked at a zoo and loved animals but couldn't stand people.  It's just a response to pain.  You've been hurt, you see other people hurting, you see hurting on a global scale, you know humans are the ones who did it, therefore you resist being a part of "that world".  I totally get this and understand, I'm just saying that turning away from your species while an understandable reaction, is far from an answer or a solution.  

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Is this whether we hate being human or want to be ponies. I'd love to live in a society like Equestria but I'd miss my hands plus I wouldn't be able to get any since I wouldn't be interested in anypony around me (not attracted to ponies). Do I hate being human? No but I do hate being associated with humanity. It seems the majority of us have turned into complete idiots. I hate humanity but I don't hate being human.


Sig by [member=~TheGammy~]

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  • 2 months later...

It honestly depends, i don't hate being human at all and wouldn't trade it away but i think it would be awesome i could travel between universes (ours and MLPs) while switching from human to pony but no i wouldn't trade my humanity. 

Edited by little gamie
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Well, I am a misanthropist, so yes, I do... well not hate, hate can be an attracting force, just like love, but strongly dislike associating myself with the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But I do not know if I would like to be a pony, opposable thumbs are too useful.


Many individual members of Homo Sapiens Sapiens can be a pleasure to know, like many members on this forum, and I suspect, the brony fandom as a whole.

Edited by Questioner


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Do I hate being human? Yes. Am I angry at it? No. I'm dealing with it fairly well.


Honestly, any type of pony would fit me to the point of being OP.


Earth Pony strength and endurance combined with my natural speed, reflexes and precision.


Flight combined with my natural speed, reflexes, precision and spatial insight is even more OP.


Magic (psionic energy) would be really OP. With my adaptability and knowledge, I could nail anything in a few minutes flat, almost nothing is a contest.


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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I find misanthropy to be quite irritating if you want to me be really honest, but that's a different story. On the subject, I do kinda like the fact that I'm human, but I also find the idea of being another sentient creature or thing to be quite interesting. 


Comet's still best boi. <3

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