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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

    • Awesome pony! love her!
    • She is a great character
    • Yeah she is a good pony
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    • Ugh, not that pony
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we don't really get much of Rarity's personal life or history shown to us.. that, in turn, makes her less developed than the other ponies..i believe that she is disliked because she comes across as a rather "flat" character. but tha'ts just my own personal opinion... 


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I relate to her well enough. I think it just wasn't in the cards to have as many Rarity episodes as other characters. I mean, you have six main characters, three fillies, two/three/four princesses, and a lot of combinations of those characters. A strictly Rarity-only episode might not have been plausible in past seasons, though we are supposed to get a few marshmallowbutt-centered episodes this season.

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This topic is constantly talked about. A lot of people can't relate to her and they think her element doesn't fit her. Many people think she's too greedy to represent generosity.


But obviously, Rarity = Best Pony  :D

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Simply because this topic keeps happening.




And Over.


And Over....


Look, people don't like Rarity. Woop. I'd be a huge Rarity fan even if I was the only one out there. 


We all can like and dislike what we please, that's what's great about life.


As long as people don't go around hating her for every one of her flaws, it's cool with me, because she's my favorite, and ain't nothing gonna change that. :D

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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She has a funny and cool cute sense of fashion at the same time. For that I like her. And is a reason I don't rate ponys. I will only state my favorite. I hate jugding people or things. And or now ponies. I feel mean doing it.

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, it's because not a lot of people relate to her. 

I don't think that's a valid enough reason.

I can't relate to *ANY* of the main six on any significant level, and I am a BIG time Rarity fan. In fact, after Derpy, and Applejack, she's my third favourite pony.

 I wasn't always a Rarity fan, though. When I started watching the show back in late 2011, she was my least-favourite main cast member, and I think a lot of it, as you suggested in the latter part of your post, had to do with the writing. Well, that, and the fact that I've always sort of despised fashion and shallow people, and for the longest time, Rarity came across as extremely shallow to me.

Over time, though, she grew on me, and now, every time she's on screen, I enjoy every moment of it. She's a great comic relief, and also one of those deeply caring characters that you only begin to appreciate after you start paying attention to them.


Rarity, Darling, don't you ever dare to change ;)

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
  • Brohoof 1



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I don't think that's a valid enough reason.

I can't relate to *ANY* of the main six on any significant level, and I am a BIG time Rarity fan. In fact, after Derpy, and Applejack, she's my third favourite pony.

However, I wasn't always a Rarity fan. When I started watching the show back in late 2011, she was my least-favourite main cast member, and I think a lot of it, as you suggested in the latter part of your post, had to do with the writing. Well, that, and the fact that I've always despised fashion and shallw people, and for the longest time, Rarity came across as extremely shallow to me.

Over time, though, she grew on me, and now, every time she's on screen, I enjoy every moment of it. She's a great comic relief, and also one of those deeply caring characters that you only start to appreciate after you start paying attention to them.


Rarity, Darling, don't you ever dare to change ;)

I would never want Rarity to change either. I never understood the hate towards Rarity, maybe it's because she is sometimes greedy and selfish or it could just be the writers. We may never know, yet.

  • Brohoof 1
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we don't really get much of Rarity's personal life or history shown to us.. that, in turn, makes her less developed than the other ponies..i believe that she is disliked because she comes across as a rather "flat" character. but tha'ts just my own personal opinion... 


Maybe it's because I'm a Rarity fan, but I disagree.  If you really pay attention, she's actually very rounded.  Hell, just looking at her parents tells you everything about how she felt about her life growing up and why she felt she needed to aspire to be such a high class, refined pony.  Her collection of personality traits are a unique combination that we don't really see that often, allowing us to interpret her totally differently than otherwise.  She's prissy and vain, but also generous and kind.  She likes fashion and art not to play to her vanity, but because she believes the aesthetics of art and fashion have value on their own.  She loves her sister, but is not really in her element when being charged to take care of her.  She's also a pony who's willing to sacrifice her own comfort zone if it means doing the right thing.  There's a lot to her character if people take the time to look.

  • Brohoof 1


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I must make a post about this! I mean like seriously, what's the point of complaining about a fictional character anyway? I know she can be kinda stuck up at times but people, learn to DEAL with the fact that she is. Rarity is a generous, beautiful and caring mare and she always will be.

Edited by Cherry Changa
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I think most people hate Rarity because of her personality. She's not very generous as her element suggests.

I however find it very nice :3 

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There are so may people who ask this same question, and the answers never going to change. Like most people said, not many people can relate to her. Or a couple other reasons that were also said most likely: Her element barely makes sense for her, she can tend to be really over dramatic, and personally I tend to find her a bit annoying. (Sorry Rarity fans, but it's true)

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I know I've posted in this topic once, but I feel I can handle this in a much better sense now.


Anyway, I don't understand why Rarity gets hate; the answers are very inconsistent it seems.


But it's fine for someone to not like a character. They can feel however they want about her. It's their choice, not mine.


But I do hope people have heard the saying "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all."


Honestly, I feel the same way about Rainbow Dash as @, feels about Rarity, but, I do know Rainbow Dash has a lot of loyal fans, so therefore, I try my hardest to keep my negative opinions about her to myself, because, as a Rarity fan (A rather dedicated one, I might add), I know how much seeing pony hate can affect someone first hand; even if it's not hate, just negative opinions, it can still offend and hurt people.

So, when it comes to the topic of Rainbow Dash for me, I generally stay silent, because I see no need to go spewing my problems with a fictional character around all the time. It'd be hurtful to her fans.


Just like Rarity hate is hurtful to Rarity fans, or Fluttershy hate affects Fluttershy fans.


If you have a problem with a character, that's fine. Just respect the people who enjoy that character by either stating it politely and giving room for improvement or just remaining silent if you cannot do so.


That's my opinion on Rarity hate, and pony-hate as a whole :D

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I don't hate rarity, I just like the others more. I think it's just because I'm not one to associate with the type of person/pony rarity is IRL. 


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Honestly I don't quite understand it either. I've seen many fans treat her like utter garbage and it saddens me greatly whenever I see that, especially since Rarity has recently become my third favorite pony. I personally think she is an amazing character with really great depth. She has a great sense of creativity which is relatable to me. She also seems to be a perfectionist when it comes to her work, which is again, relatable to me(I can be OCD at times). :P


The only reasons I can think of, as to why some fans would "hate" her, would be that she appears like a stereotypical, overly-girly, and melodramatic character at first glance. It makes a lot of sense because I use to feel the same way when first seeing her on the show. But over time, after watching some of the Rarity-centered episodes, she really grew on me as quite a lovable and rather hilarious mane 6 character. :)


I don't really understand 'pony hate' in general. It's really immature in my opinion. Every pony is fallible in one way or another. Nopony is perfect. lol But sadly, there are some of those stubborn and zealous fans who will treat a certain favorite pony of there's like a freakin perfect goddess. -_-

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This may sound weird, but I actually LOVE Rarity because of her seemingly stuck-up nature and slightly elitist attitude. I guess it's the fact that although she loves being generous, the fact that she can take advantage of her friendships is what sets her apart from the rest of the mane six. Just look at the "Becoming Popular" episode. She blatantly lies to both her friends and the Canterlot elite, totally throws Twilight under the bus with a stupid looking dress, and then gets away with it! There is literally no consequence for her dishonesty. Instead, she learns that she didn't even have to go to all that trouble to become popular in Canterlot after all.


And it's not just the fact that she was dishonest, but the fact that she would be so devious as the even think of something like that, and then gets away with it without hurting anypony's feelings. Any other member of the mane six would have totally crumbled under the pressure and spilled the beans or just plain fucked up somewhere along the line, and would have had to apologize to all her friends (not to mention learning a completely different lesson). And I think that is what makes Rarity seem more developed to me than the other mane six.


Maybe that makes me a bad person, but it's just what I value most in a character.


So, yeah. Rarity is best pony. Bitches.

  • Brohoof 4


Rarity is best pony.

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A single female character living on her own, owning a successful business, and aspirations to move beyond her current standings. The thought can frighten others.

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because rarity fans don't understand love and tolerate some how doesn't mean

worshp and adore.


that's a not a joke.

My question is, why should it bother you if Rarity fans "worship and adore her"? And even if they do, that's not a good reason to dislike Rarity, being scapegoating i.e. holding the actions of the fans against the character. You could say the same of fans of any of the Mane 6. To take just one example, Rainbow Dash's fans do a fair bit of "worship and adoring" her of their own. And then, of course, there is Derpy, who also gets "worshiped and adored" by her fans.


Just curious, it doesn't really bother me if someone else doesn't like Rarity, as long as they're not saying something untrue about her.

  • Brohoof 2

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  • 4 months later...

I'm fed up with it! Yes, she can be a diva and drama queen, but at least she has flaws, the other five are so anodyne! And by the way, yes I am a fan of Rarity, but before I started to properly get into FIM, I couldn't stand her!

  • Brohoof 5


Beautiful, Stylish, Fabulous AND evil! What more could you want?
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