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How would you personally feel about killing a Pony? (Must read first post)


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In ways of killing things, I'm a 99.8% Fluttershy. I don't htink I could ever do it.I don't even like hunting....Even if it was a mindless zombie, it used to be somepony at some point.


Out biking, I have probably 6-7 near misses a day of rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, an even the odd deer and turtle. I always brake for them. I'd feel really bad if I ran something over on my bike....

Edited by Flutter Dash
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I would probably kill a pony if it was a zombie, other than that I would not be able to. A lot of people have the strength to either kill a pony or at least eat one. Pretty hardcore.

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Meh. It would be easy. I wouldn't really have a problem. In fact, an ordinary MLP pony wouldn't be a problem if I had to kill it for some strange reason. In fact, I do know that some part of me would actually enjoy it because I'm sick like that. If they all look like Fluttershy, I'm screwed though.

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I would feel horrible about killing any sapient being or perhaps former one in this case but I would do what I had to protect myself and my family.

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Personally I think I would be able to do it no problem. when something threatens your family and everything you love you don't think twice about pulling the trigger. as for being desensitized I would think of it in the same manner of fear, don't think to much on it and it won't bother you as much. As for getting over murdering something, if you have trouble pulling the trigger you are not going to get over it to easily. But if they threatened your family and you lif you have no choice, thats the way it is.

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 Killing a pony if push comes to shove who knows samething with a human I guess I honestly don't know if I have the steel I think I would have to snap in one way or another to kill something like a pony unless it was with a gun from a distance.

Edited by SkullCrusherX
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Self defense I'd pull the trigger, I'd loose sleep over it most likely, nothing different then if I killed a human, I don't ever want to be in a situation like that, and if I survive it me getting PTSD is very highly likely given that after watching the D-Day scene in Saving Private Ryan any WW2 game that has that battle I can not play or I start feeling sick and have to quit almost immediately.

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I would kill it with no mercy. Then I would proceed to devour it. Ponies taste good, I think. Like sunshine, iced tea, and rainbows.

This reminds me of this one time a person on a chatroom started talking about tearing through the flesh of a Pokemon and eating it.


But yes, I will kill a pony that is not Fluttershy.

The only animals I will not kill are dogs and cats (I have a sweet spot in my heart for dogs. Cats, not so much).

I would kill it quick and efficiently before it can make a reaction.

Maybe with a Sniper rifle or a Revolver.

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  In this case, the killing would be in self defense, so killing a pony would be more justifiable and I would do it to protect my friends, family and myself.  I'd still feel bad about it though, but if they're set on killing all humans, it doesn't seem like there would  be many other options.  Also, the ponies that want to kill all humans aren't the ponies I know and love.  Reminding myself of this could potentially lessen my guilt and make it easier to fight them. 

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If ponies came to conquer Earth then I wouldn’t have to kill anypony. I would likely join the invaders so I may go live in peace in Equestria.


So you would partake in the genocide of an entire sapient species? I must say I'm horrified.


Peace is unlikely, these monster versions of our MLP FIM Ponies would most likely move on to yet another universe to harvest yet another civilization. You now as a mindless zombie Newfoal will be used as mere cannon fodder as you try to murder men, women and children.


And at some point, you will lose due to entering the wrong universe.

Edited by Rush
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This reminds me of this one time a person on a chatroom started talking about tearing through the flesh of a Pokemon and eating it.


But yes, I will kill a pony that is not Fluttershy.

The only animals I will not kill are dogs and cats (I have a sweet spot in my heart for dogs. Cats, not so much).

I would kill it quick and efficiently before it can make a reaction.

Maybe with a Sniper rifle or a Revolver.

But bullets could ruin the good taste of pony. Then there would be no need to kill the pony if we can't eat it.  Ponies taste good.

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Heck yeah I would kill newfoals.


Everyone fails to realize that anyone that is converted; thier personality is virtually destroyed and given a new one so essentially that person is already dead. The newfoals are just ponies with the memories of a human so they're dead anyway.


In self defense we have to kill them unless you want to become a zombified creepy happy and pony. Heck... if we were so screwed with a OP Celestia then I say the rest of humanity come together and commit a mass suicide with a planet destroying nuke.



If we can't have Earth then the ponies can't either. and best of all everyone avoids Ponification which is a win in my book.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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I might be a sociopath because the moment I read the question I would be like "hell yeah I'm gonna kill the first one this side of the country and then laugh at all my friends for being too wimpy to kill any!" simply due to the fact that I for some reason have trouble realizing the more personal and emotional aspect of such issues when viewed purely as hypothetical, unless the character has undergone some intense character development, such as a character in a good fanfic.

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In short non canon, genocidal Ponies invade our universe and Earth that wish to kill all Humans/turn them into zombie Newfoals, forcing Humanity to fight a brutal war of survival.

Well, with this scenario, Pony would just be another form of alien invader. Brony or not, I would not hesitate a moment to protect myself, the people I love, and humanity.


Bottom line, they would not be ponies, they would be a genocidal enemy. Feelings of cuteness would soon be replaced by revulsion once anyone saw what they were doing.

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But bullets could ruin the good taste of pony. Then there would be no need to kill the pony if we can't eat it.  Ponies taste good.

No, SMG and Assault bullets in the body ruin the taste. I don't eat the head, so an easy shot there would kill it and make it succulent. 

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No, SMG and Assault bullets in the body ruin the taste. I don't eat the head, so an easy shot there would kill it and make it succulent. 

I do like eating whole pony though, but I guess it is ok to miss th  head sometimes. The head doesnt taste as good as the rest of pony.

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Ok, if it was a bunch of random ponies NOT from the show, I dont think I would feel too bad about it, especially if they were trying to kill me.


Now, say the Mane 6 were fighting us, I dont think I could hold back the tears if I ever heard that Applejack was Killed In Action.

Edited by ♫Floating Castle♫
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Honestly i'd feel terrible, like I really couldn't even bring myself to kill humans except in life threatening situations.(And even then i'd  feel bad). Much less ponies.


But I guess if  I had to i'd have to.


It would break my heart though.

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