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How do/did your parents discipline you?


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Oh no. She pulled my ear it and it itched for a minute. Afterwards, I started getting my gaming stuff taken from me. Usually, I didn't give a shit, because I always managed to find it again and steal it out. I then tended to play in the evenings, and hid the stuff under my pillow until the punishment wore off.


Ooooooh noooooo. (sarcasm)


Now I just get a stern talking to and "wells, off to russian army with ya if ya fuck up again :)".

Edited by Oleg

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grounding, that was about it...
and being forced to write...



If you are reading this you clearly have sometime on your hands, or you just like to read. Lets be honest they can be very related, you are on a forum dedicated to pastel colored miniature equines. Though if reading this is a waste of time, what would it say about the person who is writing it....

also The Game, Consult the Helix Fossil, /0, and other such maymays

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Nothing really. My mom never really took anything away from me for doing wrong either. She believes that hitting your kids is wrong, and I hold that same belief.

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Man, if you got my mom mad she would hit you with whatever you could find. :lol: The belt, the wooden spoon, the sandal, her hand, etc. And if you ran or something, it only got worse for you.


But later on, she started maturing and just began to ground us rather then hit us. This was around the time she became more mentally healthy, and even started teaching parenting classes.


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Well when I was really little I would get spanked... Told off and sent to my room, now I just get yelled at if I do something wrong... Or I get a lecture... With the words "responsible adult" "very disappointed" and "you know better" thrown in there... Never been grounded but my brother has! I was a good kid


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They used to push me down the stairs a lot.

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Mine would ground me from things like TV, and even drinking pop. They might have spanked me when I was really young, but I can't remember whether they actually did that or not...


So, very relatively tame compared to what has been mentioned in this topic... But that's the way my family life always has been, thankfully.

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  • 1 year later...

I didn't really misbehave too often since my father was frightening and I hated disappointing my mother, plus I don't think they really had any clue what methods to stick to if I did behave less-than-perfectly... I remember being spanked once, and possibly being told to stay in my room one time as well, but that's about all that I can remember happening.


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My dad has never ever raised his voice on me let alone slapped me. Sometimes I think he was just born without any fucks to give about anything because of how laid-back he is.


Mom is another story though. At worst she would bitch-slap me and shout at me but that's about it.


I've had it better than anyone I know. Most kids would get chased around the house by their mothers who would try to smack them with the frying pan here in Pakistan and in this country, fathers are usually incredibely short tempered and you do not want to make them angry.



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My parents were and still are pretty strict. Punishments ranged from taking away computer games to smacking me. It did me a lot of good, haven't had to be punished since I was nine. Not even a grounding or anything like that

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The bar of soap... eurgh.


I learnt to get my life sorted by the time I was 8, so that stopped.

Zeusking19 - Poniverse Developer and SysAdmin


"No DDR machines were harmed in the making of this post."

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I got belted when i was little, but the older i got, the beltings changed as well to switchings, then to slaps behind the head, then to punches.

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They know how to make me feel pretty bad about it. They can really guilt trip me, and because of that, I have a huge amount of pressure on myself whenever I do something wrong. Nowadays, I make myself feel way more horrible than my parents can. >_>


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