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gaming What kind of gamer are you? (Solo vs Multiplayer, PvE vs PvP)


How do you like to play your games?  

86 users have voted

  1. 1. Solo/Multiplayer?

    • Solo/Single Player
    • Group Multiplayer
    • Massive Multiplayer
  2. 2. Playing Against?

    • PvE/PvM (Player versus Environment/Monster/AI)
    • PvP (Player versus Player)

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Mostly I just play games by myself. About 50% of the games I play are the ones I make >_>

Whenever I play against something, it's usually just environment/AI, but it is fun to play against people when I get the chance.

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What if I'm an MMORPG player, but always hunt, and level my character alone? Solo or multi-player? XD


I do like playing in group, but my friends usually like different games. Only few of them play MMORPG that I play, so I usually solo, but when I finally reach high level, I usually get a guild and go to war with them.


I also like both PvE and PvP. I love playing Minecraft with my friends, and we usually wander the world together, but in some occasions we make our own castles and then fight each other when we're rich enough. I usually dig somewhere random and far away, and make my base there. Not in cavern, which is likely connected to other cave. My favourite weapon, in this scenario, is Flint & Steel. Mwahahahaha! Burn! BURN!!! >:D

Edited by Sky Warden
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Multiplayer is usually better than single-player, I can't entertain myself by playing through a story more than two or three times.


I generally stay away from Co-Op multiplayer and just do competitive. People need to get over that Multiplayer is just like the internet, people will always talk shit. That's why we have mute buttons.

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I'm more of a singleplayer game type of person so I only have a few games that are multiplayer. I like playing solo because when you are playing with friends you usually aren't trying to achieve a goal and with MMOs there usually isn't as much story as with singleplayer games and I really care about the story in games.

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I love gaming personally, and this question is tricky, to be perfectly honest I am not to sure, I do like playing solo games for example skyrim. But I do enjoy games where multiplayer is available. I think the best type would be Resident evil 6, as well as being able to play split you also get to play online, and play with and against in a DLC. But you also get to join games as a zombie! So I think I like options rather than just solo or just multiplayer!

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Solo, MMO, PVE


I still love Team work in MMO's  but its the PVP aspect of a lot of them I have grown to hate.

8 yrs playing WoW on a PVP server has taught me, World PVP sucks.   It was never balenced and never will be.   If I understood what Exactly was ment by world pvp I would of went to PVE insted of joining a friend on a PVP server.


On the topic of solo games,  It probly is because I enjoy more of the strategy/RPG types.  Final Fantasy's , Old sim citys, ect.

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I prefer to solo, even when I play MMOs.  I'm not closed to the idea of being support though, if some random person wants me to be the back-up in a group, I don't mind(I'm usually a healer or defensive in MMOs which is why I mention this).  In single-player games, I tend not to bring any NPCs with me if I'm not required to.  I must have rotten luck in single-player games because my companions tend to run in front of me when I'm fighting.  Ended up getting a large bounty because of it in Skyrim and Oblivion.  Ended up getting bad karma in Fallout, as well :angry:...   

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I pretty much always play solo. I never liked playing with other people because they always mess the game up for me in some way. I do play MMOs if I find one I like, but I still play from 1 to level cap solo unless I really have to group for some reason or a good friend is playing.  I NEVER play competitively against someone. To be honest, I just get tired of losing all the time. I won't even play with my friends on this issue.

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I've have played a good bit of mutiplayer games some MMO some not and I've come to the conclusion that I hate MMOs don't know why but I just can't seem to get into them Most of the time I just want to sit down and play a single player game or get a small group together and play halo or minecraft I feel that in MMOs it so easy for someone to overpower you this happens alot in free to play games were someone has dumped 100's of dollars into the game while and I've only spent like a couple of dollars or so

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I generally prefer to go solo/singleplayer, mostly because I'm shy and all, but also because it's a lot easier for me to focus on what I'm doing without other people talking into my ear all the time. Group multiplayer is something I'd like to get into as well, but unfortunately I don't really have any other friends to play with at the moment (and I'm too shy to go searching for people), aside from one but he's on Xbox, and we hardly ever play anyways.


As for PvE or PvP, it depends on what I'm playing really. I usually prefer to go up against AI in a PvE environment, but I won't mind going against other players in PvP either if the situation calls for it.


When I do participate in PvP, I almost always enjoy being a 'support' style unit, or in some sort of defensive role. :squee:

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I much prefer single player games to ones with huge multiplayer components, I very much like playing through one game and moving onto the next one(unless I don't much like the game, then it goes to the backlog). Games with multiplayer components that I do play like Pokemon and Monster Hunter tend to also have deep single player modes anyway, but the multiplayer does add to the fun sometimes for me. :)

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Tactical Multiplayer gamer signing in. I love playing with my team and winning by absolutely ravaging the enemy with our superior communication and tactics. Although I'm good enough to usually carry and win without my team, playing with a team of people you know has that special bond and feeling.


I don't like playing with randoms though, it forces me to concentrate on winning instead of enjoying the game, which I mostly get from coordinated gameplay. Randoms are stupid and don't know how to play, that's a fact. And even when good players join my team, we don't know eachother and end up doing our own thing. I almost never had a moment that I played with a random who I could really play as a team with. Most of the time I force my teammates to work with me by throwing smokes or using them as a bait (yet still keeping them alive by picking off the alternative players who seek out different routes and have a different playing style).


That and I'm usually way faster in figuring out what the enemy is doing than my random team, it's like a sixth sense for me, even up until I figure out every individual playing style, what guns they use or might start using and the way they mobilize. Which is actually more annoying because it makes me feel that my team is really slow. 


Still, playing with a group of people who're as good as you are over VOIP like Skype or TS3 is great. I love multiplayer games no matter the outcome of the match.

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Any of these types, really. 


I enjoy single player games, whether they be FPSs, RPGs, platformers, etc. Y'know, games like Mass Effect, any Mario game, old PS1 stuff like Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro...


There are also times when I play with a couple of friends. That usually happens when we play LoL, Rock Band 3, or Super Smash Bros. together.


Lastly, I do play an MMO - WoW. I vastly prefer its PvE scene over its PvP. Maybe I'm just bad at playing a DK in arenas, but I don't really like how in order to be the best in arena, I'd have to roll an entirely different class than my own. I'm sure I've posted about it somewhere else on this forum, but 2-3 days a week, my guild does the current content raid for 2.5-3.5 hours in the evenings. We try to be as serious as possible when there's actually something new to accomplish, but even if there is, we lapse into dicking around - nothing wrong with that, because if you're not having fun, what's the point?


Which amount of people do I prefer? Well, I suppose my nervousness around strangers irl extends to games in a different sort of way in that I mostly just keep to myself. I'm not afraid to get into pick up groups in WoW simply because they're strangers, because that defeats the whole purpose. But, if I can do my business by myself, I'll do it. That's why the only professions I don't have maxed out on any of my characters are blacksmithing and inscription. I do quite enjoy it when I play with friends, though - PuGs are just so...bleh.


PvP in LoL, imo, is much better than in WoW. It's a lot more balanced, and everyone starts the game on equal footing, rather than losing simply because you had worse gear than the enemy, or because you were the wrong class. Sure, your champion can get countered, but it isn't as horrifyingly crippling as it is in WoW, where you can't just switch out your class for next time.


TL;DR - all kinds, both theaters, depending on the game and how I'm feeling at the time.

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When I play multplayer games like CoD , I'm a complete try hard. I would rarely support my team in any objective what so ever. I prefer PvP compared to PvE. I feel PvP is always competetive due to the fact that there are other hardcore gamers out there. The only games I would like to support other people would be tactical shooters and RPGs. I mean, it's good enough when you play the right objective but strategy is most important to these certain type of games. You can't just bum rush like CoD (which is possible in CoD) and earn a nuclear in like 5 minutes. I feel people are more aware and smarter in these games, making it easier to talk to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I begining to like single players game a lot more than I did 2 years ago because there is more to enjoy in a SP game than in a multiplayer game.The reason for that is (no offense for anyone that is under 15) little kids kind a runied FPS Multiplayer games for me. I only play multiplayer now on Minecraft and minecraft alone.

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Solo all the way, baby. There's nothing I love more than playing through at my own pace, having an actual plot, and just being able to relax and play the game how I want to, not having constant pressure from other players. Plus, lag isn't an issue either.

The only massive multiplayer game I actually enjoy is TF2, but that's the only exception that comes to mind at present.


Maybe you're a Kirito

Speak English, pl0x. I'm sick of having to Google these weaboo terms every five seconds because otakus assume everyone else understands their animu lingo for whatever reason.

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i myself am a single player person. I prefer fighting the computer over another person. Some people in multiplayer are real jerks and it's so detrimental to morale to play a game and get owned by someone significantly younger than you...

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I'm mostly a solo gamer. Chalk it up to my youth, since I pretty much grew up with single player games (and whichever games I had that allowed 2P, I usually went it alone). Besides, it seems that a lot of the genres I enjoy, such as platformers and RPGs, tend to be best-suited for 1P anyway.


As far as multiplayer, I only really have any fun with co-op, which I guess is just a reflection of who I am as a person; I enjoy helping others more than I enjoy dicking them over. That said, I avoid online competitive multiplayer games like the plague, as it seems a grand majority of players have the mentality of spoiled 5-year-olds who scream and cry if you don't let them win. And if they do win, they're equally poor sports about it, what with the teabagging and everything. Not gonna lie, these are the type of shitstains that if I saw them IRL, I'd make sure they'd never eat solid food again.


When I do play competitive multiplayer, it's usually just in the context of Smash Bros., Star Fox, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Kart and a small handful of other classics...and only with close friends. But even then, I find that we bicker more often than not, so I don't even really enjoy it.


TL;DR - give me single player or co-op multi, plz.

  • Brohoof 1
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When I do play competitive multiplayer, it's usually just in the context of Smash Bros., Star Fox, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Kart and a small handful of other classics...and only with close friends. But even then, I find that we bicker more often than not, so I don't even really enjoy it.


TL;DR - give me single player or co-op multi, plz.


it's usually just in the context of Smash Bros., Star Fox, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Kart and a small handful of other classics...and only with close friends.


Smash Bros., Star Fox, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Kart


Jet Force Gemini

I freaking love you. That had to be one of the most underrated N64 games I've heard of or played. Completely played through single-player mode(collecting all the Tribals was absolute Hell) and unlocked most of the st00f on multiplayer. I always thought actually playing as a Drone was so awesome.

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Predominantly I'm a single player type of person. I like the storylines that only a single player game can really give. But there is the odd time I'll play online, Mass Effect 3 was one of those games I really enjoyed playing online because most the players were reasonable. Perhaps it was because the more "immature" ones were put off by the lengthy campaign of the single player game.


One type of game I can't play though is mmorpg's or any other mmo game, I just find them shallow.

Edited by Fridge
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