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The only one not diagnosed with.. something?



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  1. 1. Have you been diagnosed with something?

    • Yes, i have
    • No, not that i'm aware of

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I was diagnosed with (minor) Aspergers when I was 5 or so... The effects/symptoms have pretty much gone now, except I'm still a little shy around people I don't know. Nobody can tell I have it though, so it doesn't really affect me that much. Actually, I'm glad I have it, because I think that's why I have a lot of talents and I usually do quite well at school. It's not a disability for me, it's an ability, and it pushes me up more than it pulls me down.

Other than that, nothing else. I've never had anxieties or depression. One look at the state of my bedroom proves I don't have OCD. :P

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                                      i AM dIagnOsEd


   ePiLepTic                                       SeiZureS


u mad ocdpeeps? ;3

Edited by Arkane
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I haven't been legally diagnosed yet, but I've known for a good 5 years or so that I'm a narcoleptic. Basically, I just have to go to a sleep center and take one of those sleep tests so that I may be diagnosed with Narcolepsy. Once this happens, I can finally start taking pills for this annoying sleep disorder, which will hopefully help.


Anyways having Narcolepsy, accompanied by a little bit of Cataplexy isn't so bad. Basically narcolepsy for those of you who don't know makes you fall asleep randomly. Well, it isn't completely random. I know there are certain situations where I'm bound to nod off. Like a long, boring lecture in school. That's certain to make me fall asleep. Anyways, I also wake up at least 3, or 4 times every single night. I have some really crazy, vivid dreams. Even when I'm just nodding off for a few minutes in school, I can have these wild dreams. I don't know how common nightmares are, but I have them more than I'd like.

Also, there are sometimes that I'll fall asleep for a half an hour or so, and as I'm waking up (just to fall back asleep) a parent will try to talk to me. I usually sound like an aggressive drunk. Also, I'm generally always tired. Sometimes I feel like it's 3am and I'll get this nasty headache that won't go away unless I take a nap. Thankfully I only seem to have a slight touch of cataplexy. Like, if I get emotional, or shocked my knees give out. My entire body (muscles) get rather wonky. It's a very weird feeling. As said earlier it rarely happens, so no big deal.


Anyways, being diagnosed (even though I'm not yet) with something isn't the end of the world. A lot more people have things wrong with them than you'd think. Also, not having something isn't really good, or bad in my eyes. You're dealt a hand of cards in your life, and you get what you get. Sure, I would've preferred a life without falling asleep constantly, but meh. I've had a pretty damn good life so far, so why let some dumb sleep disorder get me down?


Also, on the topic of misdiagnoses, I've seen it happen a lot. My mom has Fibromyalgia, and it took freaking forever for a doctor to diagnos her with it. For a good few years all of the doctors said she was fine, and treated her like she was crazy. Also, when I went to the doctor a few years back to see why I was falling asleep so damn much they said I had "fatigue". Don't you hate it when you know you have something but nobody believes you?

  • Brohoof 3


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Yes I have been diagnosed with a few things, asthma, allergies, myopia also known as nearsighted and probably some other things. Probably plenty of things I haven't been diagnosed with since I don't go to a psychologist or anything like that.

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I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome and cerebral palsy in 1996, then tendinitis in my ankles in 2011 (that's been cleared) and then later in my right arm in 2012 (not clear yet.) I was also diagnosed with several food allergies in 1999. I also believe I'm a bit OCD, but that hasn't been verified yet.

Edited by ~Glorious Daring~
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4/5 of the American population suffer from some kind of mental disorder.  So yeah, I suppose you are technically the minority.  lol

I've been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety caused from prolonged childhood trauma.  I guess just be glad you're lucky enough to not have one.  :)

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I have nothing. Nothing at all. And like yourself, Zygen, while I am very thankful for being healthy, I do find myself curious about what it is like to have these conditions. Overall, however I am very content with my normalness. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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No formal diagnosis, but I'm sure I've got a minor case of trichotillomania. For those you who don't know (which I expect is most), it's basically a hair pulling disorder. It's fun stuff; you normies don't know what you're missing


Other than that, nothing that I'm aware of.

Edited by Mutemutt
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I am not diagnosed with anything, except ugliness. I am a normal guy, living a normal life.


I am ugly and I am proud! I am UGLY and I am PROUD! I AM UGLY AND I AM PROUD!  :muffins:

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I am ugly and I am proud! I am UGLY and I am PROUD! I AM UGLY AND I AM PROUD!  :muffins:

I appreciate the Spongebob reference you posted. I can't say I'm too proud of being ugly. :P

Edited by SmartyPants
  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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....Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type. Basically, I'm really friggen flexible, which causes instability in joints as well as pain. I'm on track for getting arthritis within the next few years, at least in my hands. Most recent injury, I flexed my thumb, and it tore a tendon. Anyways, here's one of my hands.




All of my joints are "double jointed" but my hands are where it's most prominent.

  • Brohoof 2


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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....Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type. Basically, I'm really friggen flexible, which causes instability in joints as well as pain. I'm on track for getting arthritis within the next few years, at least in my hands. Most recent injury, I flexed my thumb, and it tore a tendon. Anyways, here's one of my hands.




All of my joints are "double jointed" but my hands are where it's most prominent.


  • Brohoof 2

Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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I was diagnosed with pneumonia when I was 2 years old. But not one CURRENTLY.

Unless, you count self-diagnosis, then I have been diagnosed with cyclothymia, a not so major version of bipolar disorder. As well as social anxiety and OCD, but that's extremely minor.

Well, i dunno if i'd count self diagnosis, as that can be kinda inaccurate really. Infact according to an online test i took one time I'm apparently Dyslexic, and while i was suspected by my parents to be at one time, through research i've figured out that its highly unlikely i am. Very minor if it even exists.


I am not diagnosed with anything, except ugliness. I am a normal guy, living a normal life.

Guess i'm not alone then, and your not ugly. :(





...I've got heart problems; I've got a very weak myocardium (the muscle in your heart) which gives me problems daily, especially when I get stressed and my heart starts beating fast; it'll beat much harder and faster than it would have to with a person without this problem, because of a lack of strength. It causes me a lot of physical pain when it does this. It's also reduced my expected lifespan from the average to 55 years old, so, yeahh. I take meds for it, usually some sort of vitamin supplement and a blood thinner so the blood will pump easier, but gahh...I hate it.



I've also got ADHD, but that's something that's easier to keep under control, because the pill does its job :D

I have a friend who had to have her heart replaced when she was born, and now has heart problems. Shes also dyslexic. 


But i'm sorry to hear about it.


And yeah, apparently the ADHD pills work lol, but alot of kids who have it don't take it because they don't like it.


i noticed that americans tend to diagnose everything! obsessive comulsive disorders etc etc.. here in Italy they just don't care.. 99% of italians never saw a psycologist... i have been diagnosed a sickle-cell anemia, not dangerous.. i just can't get HIV, AIDS or Malaria... pretty nice isn't it?

Its true. American's do Diagnose alot of things, and many cases may be untrue. However there are plenty of people who legitemently have disorders and other things, so while there are people who are falsely diagnosed, there are plenty who aren't.


I understand your view though.


And dang, never heard of that before, but sounds pretty awesome, always nice to have i guess random immunities.


i don't i rarely goto a doctor i sense i don't any mental disorders other than minor depression.


@Doc. Volt 


ooo thats awesome 

I don't really go to a doctor much to be honest either.


I've been diagnosed with ADHD. I was also diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, but the doctor ran no tests on me. She just said that it was safe to assume that I had it because the two run hand in hand. I protested this and after about fifteen minutes of demanding I be tested for it just to be sure, she agreed. 


After about 7½ hours of testing, they decided that I definitely did not have Asperger syndrome.


They also determined my processing speed was in the 91st percentile lol

I don't think they run hand in hand necessarily, sure, its true one disorder increases chances for another one to be present, but its not like it should be assumed. Especially without good proof.

So glad to hear you avoided being falsely diagnosed.

I have Aspergers' OCD, depression and anxiety but those were relevant my entire life. :) And you can sort of tell when a baby has Asperger's or autism, because they may be a bit developmentally delayed or they will scream, scream. scream

I see.


And i guess especially for more severe cases it can be easier to notice. All depends i guess.


I've been through foster care in America.   They use foster care kids as guinea pigs (I am serious).  I was diagnosed with (drumroll) ADHD, Mood Disorder NOS,Autism Reactive Attachment Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, and that's all I can remember off hand. 

At one time, I was taking 14 pills morning, noon, and night while in foster care, and I couldn't say "no" (or else they'd force feed them).


I can agree with the Reactive Attachment Disorder and the PTSD (I've was horribly abused and neglected as a child), but the others were either forced upon me (to give me pills) or were a real problem at the time because I was so psychologically alone. There are still some things I have problems with that stem from the ones I can obviously see I have....


BUT, I'm not a 'normal' case....I've been through some severe trauma, most people on this forum don't have anywhere near the problems I have.  I will agree that America is run by pharmaceutical companies and thus in America, "there's a pill for everything" (sigh).  It's a bunch of BS if I say so myself.....


edit: I take NO prescription pills now, by choice. I do take vitamins, and sometimes St. John's Wart for my depression (if nothing else I do helps). Otherwise, I just take my life day by day, and depending on my mental strength, it suffices.

holy disorders batman...


I'd be surprised if you actually qualify for having all of those, or if they're just being stupid about it.


And wow, i feel really bad for you, foster care sounds like a terrible place.. If they tried that on me I'd shove my fist down their face faster then a bullet... And shove some pills down their throat and see how they like it...


Sorry, jerks like that make me get angry and aggressive.


I don't really like the whole pill for everything thing either, maybe for a few things, but it gets freaking excessive sometimes.


Glad to hear your not on a ridiculous amount of pills now. Hope things are much better for you atleast in comparison. Sorry to hear about your rough life. I wish foster homes weren't like that, but it seems alot are.


Yes,I have been diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy.


I am epileptic. Which is weird,cause no one in my family is epileptic.

You can read more about it here.


Basically,it means,it's easier for me to trigger seizures.


  • Drinking alcohol
  • Strobe lights
  • Sleep deprivation


Other than that,I have anxiety and depression.


But,that's all I know of.

I see, and is epilipse a genetic thing? I didn't think it was, but idk.


Sounds like it sucks though, i've never had a seizure, which makes sense i suppose considering i don't have anything to cause it. But yeah.


Sorry to hear though.


I have Dyspraxia which is listed under the umbrella known as "Autistic Spectrum Disorders" which includes Dislexia, Aspergers and ofcourse Autism itself. Not sure is ADHD or ADD are included as well.


Dyspraxia effects co-ordination, namely fine motor skills. How badly it effects your movement can range from barely able to walk unassisted to a slight gait to your walking pattern (mine is this, i'd call it mild).


Dyspraxia also effects spacial awareness so one might bump into things and other people and not even realise it


It can also effect Short-Term Logic Memory, mine is crap, i can't remember multiple things in my head for barely a few seconds and it vanishes as if you'd never even spoken them to me. On the upside my long term memory is very good.... almost too good... *shudders*


Theres no medicine for this, at most there's pyshsiotherapy which helps improve walking ability but beyond that, just have to live with it XD.

I didn't know Dyspraxia was under the autism spectrum, nor dyslexia. I actually researched Dyslexia and its related disorders a good bit to when i was on my quest to find out if i was really dyslexic as my parents though( I wasn't, or atleast i don't believe i am, technically i've never had an official test, but i doubt i have it.)


And that sounds annoying, i already bump into enough things, and i don't even have Dyspraxia or anything.


And i guess theres upsides and downsides to everything, crappy short term memory for a good long term i suppose.


That sucks, well best of luck to you then.


Well. I have somewhat mild OCD. Sorta serious ADHD. And Anxiety. This tends to really suck at times :(

Sorry to hear..


Yep. I know that to be true.


Once I got out of the foster care system, though, I started going to a different doctor, and she just took me off 9 of the 11 pills I was on 


Now I only take ADHD meds and Anti-depressants, plus my blood thinners I talked about earlier 

I can't believe the foster care system is allowed to do this, almost wanna just beat the crap out of them for this :/.


I haven't been diagnosed with anything. Truth be told, I don't think if I've ever gone to a psychologist or a councillor... Oh well, let's just keep it that way.

Well, i've not really had any times where i've been tested, but mostly due to not having any reasons to be.


Only time i ever have been to a psychologist was for an IQ test i took before going into public school(According to that i have above average IQ and then i have like average or slightly below average in English ;p, something like that i forget exactly.)


I went to a councilor once after my parents divorce, thats about it.


Never been tested though officially as i said. I was suspected Dyslexic, but never tested, and i did research as i said and found that i wasn't dyslexic, atleast from my research and self analyzation.


I am a bit bleh at English sometimes, but I'm not dyslexic.


According to my parents, I don't have ADHD or OCD, but I swear I do. Like, I literally can't think at all if something is off. I suffer especially from this imaginary thing that I call symmetrical OCD. Everything I do has to be symmetric. If I get one hand wet, I have to get the other one wet too. If I scratch one arm, I need to scratch the other. It's really, really weird. :P But I've never been diagnosed with anything, strange enough.

Well, while i do like things to be very orderly most of the time, i don't always, so that rules me out of OCD.


Plus it doesn't impair my ability to think, i just like things organized ;p. So i'm more just an organized person.


I do dig very symetrical tunnels in minecraft though... Does that count?..


I dont have anything really except for ADHD, but it doesn't  really effect me since I'm already a crazy person.

Well, i don't even have ADHD, and i'm crazy. So yeah ;p.


I have the usual Depression/Anxiety diagnosis from licensed psychologists. Other, less official sources like family, friends and the internet have diagnosed me with everything from Asperger's Syndrome to Paranoid Schizophrenia. We love to put labels on things, so if you haven't been diagnosed with anything, chances are you're just not talking to the right people.

I suppose you have a point, alot of people have just been diagnosed because and not always truely. 


However as i've said plenty of people do have the things they are diagnosed with.


You are who you are condition, diagnosis or not. The biggest mistake anyone with a condition could make is to let is consume their entire being, any condition is a part of a person but is not the whole story. I have Autism and I won't deny that my life would have turned out differently had I not had it and it presents its own challenges but it is such a broad diverse spectrum that no one person even on a similar point on the spectrum is exactly the same. I didn't learn to talk until I was 5 but some people with Autism never learn to talk yet some of them can still communicate in other ways and some of them learn to talk at a "normal" age but can have delays in other areas. I was diagnosed at age 2 but some are not diagnosed until later in childhood and some not even into well into adulthood.


The reason why it seems like you are one of the few on here who dosen't have a diagnosis is both because fandoms tend to attract introverted people many of which tend to have Autism or similar conditions and the fact that people with said diagnosis tend to stand out a bit more. It is a lot easier to remember someone who is a bit different than someone who is "normal" (I hate that word).

Yeah, i suppose you make a good point. Very good point. Back when i was researching about if i was really dyslexic or not i kinda came to that conclusion that, well it doesn't really matter in the end, as even if i have some minor form it won't change who i am realistically, and i don't have any major issues that need dealing with.


I still have that odd curiosity for what it'd be like to have something like that, but still. Very good point though.


And thats true, but really in a way you wouldn't be you if you weren't autistic, our differences make us all unique humans, which makes us all interesting. So really i guess disorders are just a complicated way to say how someone is unique.


And i guess thats a valid point to, while i'm a little more introverted most of the time, i can be kinda extroverted sometimes depending, but its true that alot of people here are introverts.


And i guess thats true as well.


And i hate the world to even if i use it on occasions, part of the reason i put quotes around it when i used it in the OP. Really who is the one who defines what is "Normal" honestly? Who knows, what if autistic people where the ones considered "Normal" and i was the "Different" one?


Point is essentially i agree, "Normal" is a very odd and subjective weird word.


I'm kind of a weird case. I began to have anxiety problems at one point, but now I take pills. However, the pills don't control my anxiety; they control the problem I had that was causing me the anxiety. So I can't say I've been diagnosed with anything; and heck, I don't technically need to take these pills - but I still take them because they sure make life a whole lot easier for me! (I would mention what the pill does, but it's kind of an awkward thing to talk about)

I see, well i guess that counts to an extent, more then what i have ;p.


And its ok, i don't wanna delve into your personally life if you choose not to, i'm not here to just find out who has what and stalk you(Or am i...?)


I haven't been diagnosed with any mental disorder, though I have never seen a doctor at any point in time, so who knows? People who are unqualified to diagnose me have given various guesses such as Asperger's Syndrome, social anxiety (which I wouldn't doubt), and even go as far as depression. And I don't have any health issues unless we can count farsightedness. 

I haven't really seen a doctor who tested me for anything.


And yeah, i mean if you count stuff thats unreliable like online tests according to one i'm dyslexic. Another i'm not.


And I don't even have any vision problems yet. Hope it stays that way for a while. I enjoy my 20/20 vision.


I'm like that as well, I think most people are in some way or another, haha.


Anyways, I do have one, so you aren't alone; mine is a (so far as I was told) trauma-based disorder called depersonalization disorder (more commonly DPD). This causes me to feel a lot of, well, depersonalization (ex. feeling like I have no control over my actions, only watching myself do things, emotional detachment, inability to identify myself in images or reflections, out of body experiences I don't WANT, etc.) and a more minor case of derealization (which basically means the world seems dream-like). It has caused a lot of issues in my life with thoughts of suicide, etc.


I tried medication but it made me really angry and caused mood spikes, so I stopped. It's not as bad as it used to be, though.


However, I'd beg to differ about a lot of people having disorders since so many are fakes; I know a girl who pretended to have schizophrenia to get attention and make people sorry for her. However, she clearly had no idea what it was. I also know a guy who literally stated he had 16 different personalities he couldn't control.

For those of us that DO have them, I think the appeal of a fandom is that people can find others like them. They don't have to see others face-to-face which makes that easier. Anonymity is half the downfall and half the upside.


Edit: grammar mistake.

Interesting, never heard about those before, but interesting. Although i'm very sorry to hear you have them, don't mean that its interesting you have them, just to hear about something i've yet to hear about.


And yeah, while some people don't have an actual disorder either via misdiagnoses or even lies, alot still do. Some never even get diagnosed.


And i suppose thats a good point. Theres bound to be people sharing something with you in fandoms. Besides liking the show or whatever.


Being in a field where I will be working with psychiatrists on a daily basis has taught me that a LOT of people are misdiagnosed. Many people aren't being treated for what they actually have and unfortunately a lot of doctors are diagnosing and prescribing things to people who don't actually have anything wrong with them. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust your doctors, but a second opinion never hurts. 

Yeah, thats probaly true, while again some may be right, alot of times doctors seem like they are just prescribing to prescribe.


I'm not diagnosed with anything...

However, I'm being tested for ADD and ADHD.

I haven't been tested for anything ever officially as i've said, but theres not been any significant signs to warrant one, i mean most tests are expensive...


I haven't been official diagnosed with anything yet, but even my family is starting to wonder if I don't have some kind of mental disability (for lack of a better word) or something. Two things that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if I ended up being diagnosed with would be either Aspergers or OCPD, if only that I seem to fit all the symptoms to a tee,  

Well, theres always a test i suppose, depending on how strongly they feel and you feel you may have it.


However like i said my parents though I was dyslexic, and some research on my own(Compared to my ignorant parents on the subject, who essentially just said, "Its when you write things backwards" when its far more complex then that.) lead me to learning, or being able to atleast judge fairly well that i wasn't.


I was diagnosed with (minor) Aspergers when I was 5 or so... The effects/symptoms have pretty much gone now, except I'm still a little shy around people I don't know. Nobody can tell I have it though, so it doesn't really affect me that much. Actually, I'm glad I have it, because I think that's why I have a lot of talents and I usually do quite well at school. It's not a disability for me, it's an ability, and it pushes me up more than it pulls me down.

Other than that, nothing else. I've never had anxieties or depression. One look at the state of my bedroom proves I don't have OCD. :P

I know some people who have much more minor forms of stuff, and i don't even know they have it until they mention it.


Like a girl who has Autism in my grade, but you really can't tell, so its not a very major case i guess.


She is still incredibly smart, one of the smartest in all of the school, and quite talented to. 


Seems like people with disorders are all insanely talented.


I have to admit i'm actually kinda jealous. Since i'm not nearly as talented as those people. Or alot of people really, i don't consider myself very talented at all infact.


I Have A Service Dog for my Anxiety and Misophonia.

What is Misophonia?


Being curious is fine, for some people it is taboo, but not all.


However, you are not missing anything. It is not like a club or something, where we bond and connect. I agree, that some people have a bogus diagnosis, but there are large swathes of people that have real, debilitating diseases.


Instead, if you have great health, use that to encourage and support those, that do have some chronic malady pinning them down.

Yeah i guess, can't stop it, its just something that is a part of me really.


And i suppose that your right, but in a sense i still am curious about how it'd be like, its hard to fathom for me. Plus it'd be kinda cool to be able to meet someone with the same disorder or something and be able to relate. 

Maybe i'm just ignorant or curious about it though.


And yeah i agree, while some diagnosis are totally wrong or lazy, many are real.


And i try my best to be uplifting to others when i can, however even in my life without any of these issues some of y'all have i still struggle alot. Which is part of the reason i have a huge amount of respect for those with disorders, who can get through what i get through, and more. Kudos to y'all.


                                      i AM dIagnOsEd


   ePiLepTic                                       SeiZureS


u mad ocdpeeps? ;3

I was really confused by this post.. in so many ways.


I haven't been legally diagnosed yet, but I've known for a good 5 years or so that I'm a narcoleptic. Basically, I just have to go to a sleep center and take one of those sleep tests so that I may be diagnosed with Narcolepsy. Once this happens, I can finally start taking pills for this annoying sleep disorder, which will hopefully help.


Anyways having Narcolepsy, accompanied by a little bit of Cataplexy isn't so bad. Basically narcolepsy for those of you who don't know makes you fall asleep randomly. Well, it isn't completely random. I know there are certain situations where I'm bound to nod off. Like a long, boring lecture in school. That's certain to make me fall asleep. Anyways, I also wake up at least 3, or 4 times every single night. I have some really crazy, vivid dreams. Even when I'm just nodding off for a few minutes in school, I can have these wild dreams. I don't know how common nightmares are, but I have them more than I'd like.

Also, there are sometimes that I'll fall asleep for a half an hour or so, and as I'm waking up (just to fall back asleep) a parent will try to talk to me. I usually sound like an aggressive drunk. Also, I'm generally always tired. Sometimes I feel like it's 3am and I'll get this nasty headache that won't go away unless I take a nap. Thankfully I only seem to have a slight touch of cataplexy. Like, if I get emotional, or shocked my knees give out. My entire body (muscles) get rather wonky. It's a very weird feeling. As said earlier it rarely happens, so no big deal.


Anyways, being diagnosed (even though I'm not yet) with something isn't the end of the world. A lot more people have things wrong with them than you'd think. Also, not having something isn't really good, or bad in my eyes. You're dealt a hand of cards in your life, and you get what you get. Sure, I would've preferred a life without falling asleep constantly, but meh. I've had a pretty damn good life so far, so why let some dumb sleep disorder get me down?


Also, on the topic of misdiagnoses, I've seen it happen a lot. My mom has Fibromyalgia, and it took freaking forever for a doctor to diagnos her with it. For a good few years all of the doctors said she was fine, and treated her like she was crazy. Also, when I went to the doctor a few years back to see why I was falling asleep so damn much they said I had "fatigue". Don't you hate it when you know you have something but nobody believes you?

I've heard of narcolepsy, but never knew quite what it was.


And falling asleep randomly sounds incredibly annoying and inconvenient. Sorry to hear about it, i hope they can atleast diagnose you maybe.


And i suppose thats a nice way to look at it, i suppose in the end we all have problems, even if they're not mental disorders or something.


And wow, i guess thats pushing the other end of the doctors who diagnose it to easy.


Yes I have been diagnosed with a few things, asthma, allergies, myopia also known as nearsighted and probably some other things. Probably plenty of things I haven't been diagnosed with since I don't go to a psychologist or anything like that.

I haven't really been a psychologist for any kind of test or analysis, besides like IQ tests so yeah.


I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome and cerebral palsy in 1996, then tendinitis in my ankles in 2011 (that's been cleared) and then later in my right arm in 2012 (not clear yet.) I was also diagnosed with several food allergies in 1999. I also believe I'm a bit OCD, but that hasn't been verified yet.

Cerebral palsy? I dunno if i know what that is.


And i actually don't even have any food alergies i'm aware of. So if i do it must be something i've never ate.


4/5 of the American population suffer from some kind of mental disorder.  So yeah, I suppose you are technically the minority.  lol

I've been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety caused from prolonged childhood trauma.  I guess just be glad you're lucky enough to not have one.   :)

Dang really? Well, not sure if i should be happy or sad to be the minority, or just indifferent. its kinda an odd mix.. Hard to explain.


And ow, sorry to hear :/. Wish i could help, i really do for everyone suffering from things here, but i feel powerless :/.


And i guess, but i'm so freaking curious i almost want one, in a weird way.


Blasted curious mind needs to stop being curios. 


I have nothing. Nothing at all. And like yourself, Zygen, while I am very thankful for being healthy, I do find myself curious about what it is like to have these conditions. Overall, however I am very content with my normalness. ;)

Yay another person to make me not feel alone :)


And yeah, don't get me wrong i'm thankfully for not having any conditions. But i'm incredibly curious, and the fact i'm curious and how i'll never experience these conditions as long as I live makes me even more curious, its kinda like the curiosity for stuff like being a girl, another thing i'll never be, its not that i'm not happy being a boy, just curious about what is essentially unknown and unreachable. If you understand what i'm saying.


Maybe i'm just crazy though.


And i guess, honestly if i had any conditions i'd probably fall apart, because i already suck at dealing with life.


No formal diagnosis, but I'm sure I've got a minor case of trichotillomania. For those you who don't know (which I expect is most), it's basically a hair pulling disorder. It's fun stuff; you normies don't know what you're missing


Other than that, nothing that I'm aware of.

Pulling hair disorder? Interesting. Does it like cause you to excessively pull hair or something? I'm confused.


....Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type. Basically, I'm really friggen flexible, which causes instability in joints as well as pain. I'm on track for getting arthritis within the next few years, at least in my hands. Most recent injury, I flexed my thumb, and it tore a tendon. Anyways, here's one of my hands.




All of my joints are "double jointed" but my hands are where it's most prominent.

Holy crap, your like, a super hero, you could be like, the elastic wasteband!


Sorry, i wasn't trying to make fun, but in an odd way thats cool, sucks that it causes pain though.


I'm not double jointed at all really, except slightly in my thumb, and only one.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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It's fine. I'm completely used to it. My genetic councilor was like is your family a bunch of carnies?


....Real sensitive there lady.


I actually thought it was kind of funny. >.>

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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No diagnosis of anything, none that i've ever heard of really. To be honest, i'm glad to be one of the ones who have nothing, but for some reason it feels, rare now.


I don't know why, it just does.


It kinda makes me sad to think about it, because you hear about a lot of these things going around often from time to time. I've made lots of friends who suffer from minor things, mostly small autism, but that's just about it. Even that though just seems crazy, and I couldn't imagine living like that.


Actually, I want to know what you guys feel now when you learned you were diagnosed with whatever you have. Hopefully somepony will read this though, I don't know..

  • Brohoof 2


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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It's fine. I'm completely used to it. My genetic councilor was like is your family a bunch of carnies?


....Real sensitive there lady.


I actually thought it was kind of funny. >.>

Oh ok, well glad to hear then.


And wow, thats kinda rude :/.


Oh, well in that case um.. Maybe you should take up being a super hero. Or maybe beat the record for being the most flexible ;p. Idk xD.


I like the super hero idea, not entirely sure how practical that is though...


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Ok, now i don't actually mean this literally(Atleast i hope not) but i just wanted to say that I feel like IRL and alot of other places i'm like the only one who isn't diagnosed with some kind of disorder or something.



Haven't been to a shrink yet have you?

Go sometime, they'll find SOMETHING.

depression, add, adhd, aspergers, anxiety... something, they always do.


Most people DO NOT suffer from anything at all, at least not out of the ordinary for any human being.

The shrinky dink world just loves to push that we're all out of our minds because they magically know what we're thinking.


I mean, I was diagnosed ADHD when I was 4.

Heres how.


In a bland boring office there were some toys, most notably one of those things with the colorful beads on tracks, and some BORING shrink with some ink splattered paper cards.

Where do you think my 4yo mind was as he was trying to administer this so called test?

Obviously on the toys and those colorful beads, and ways to tie them up on the tracks just for kicks....

Wouldn't you have been?


SOO.. yep, because I was a kid that wanted to play instead of be someones zombie pet, I got saddled with a diagnosis...

Plus ADD and ADHD were all the rage back then.

Nowadays every kid has that and/or Aspergers on top of it.


Adults all have depression or anxiety issues (can't imagine why)... etc..

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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No diagnosis of anything, none that i've ever heard of really. To be honest, i'm glad to be one of the ones who have nothing, but for some reason it feels, rare now.


I don't know why, it just does.


It kinda makes me sad to think about it, because you hear about a lot of these things going around often from time to time. I've made lots of friends who suffer from minor things, mostly small autism, but that's just about it. Even that though just seems crazy, and I couldn't imagine living like that.


Actually, I want to know what you guys feel now when you learned you were diagnosed with whatever you have. Hopefully somepony will read this though, I don't know..

Yeah i'm glad in a way, but i understand the feeling of being rare to.


I kinda almost is, most the people i know have some kind of disorder or condition as I said, either smaller and more unknown, to something more common, or something more severe. 


And here i am without any of those, and its just, idk, it almost feels excluding. Its weird. 


And yeah, i already suck at handling life currently, i don't think i could do it with a disorder, which is why again i have tons of respect for people with these many different conditions.


And i will atleast read it, i read all posts on my threads, and reply to the vast majority, i like to feel involved in threads i start.


however i as i said don't have a disorder, so i can't answer your question. Sorry :/.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Haven't been to a shrink yet have you?

Go sometime, they'll find SOMETHING.

depression, add, adhd, aspergers, anxiety... something, they always do.


Most people DO NOT suffer from anything at all, at least not out of the ordinary for any human being.

The shrinky dink world just loves to push that we're all out of our minds because they magically know what we're thinking.


I mean, I was diagnosed ADHD when I was 4.

Heres how.


In a bland boring office there were some toys, most notably one of those things with the colorful beads on tracks, and some BORING shrink with some ink splattered paper cards.

Where do you think my 4yo mind was as he was trying to administer this so called test?

Obviously on the toys and those colorful beads, and ways to tie them up on the tracks just for kicks....

Wouldn't you have been?


SOO.. yep, because I was a kid that wanted to play instead of be someones zombie pet, I got saddled with a diagnosis...

Plus ADD and ADHD were all the rage back then.

Nowadays every kid has that and/or Aspergers on top of it.


Adults all have depression or anxiety issues (can't imagine why)... etc..

Shrink? not totally sure i follow, but i assume you mean to get tested for something.


And i suppose thats true alot of times, however i feel like alot of it is just to prescribe stuff and get money. Sadly.


And sometimes putting it into the mind of someone can make them almost feel like and believe they have it.


And i think that early on is a bit early for ADHD. I think ADHD is the most common disorder that gets falsely diagnosed, just because doctors and people diagnosing it are just so fast to say someone has it.


Frankly i think its probably full of crap most of the time and just to get you to buy pills and make them money.


Kinda similar to how i went to to dentist and he said i needed braces, but people at school say i have a perfect smile, so like why would i get braces then?


So yeah, i do think that while i believe disorders are real, many of them are over diagnosed, or falsely diagnosed. Unfortunately. And many times it may simply be greed from doctors, or maybe just them not wanting to spend time on it.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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