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What's with the EG dislike?


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The movie was not as bad as it could have been, but not as good either. Pretty much every analyst in this community ever really did a good job pointing out what was really wrong with this movie, from BronyCurious to Antony C to Voice of Reason's three-way crossover video.


The number one problem for me was the fact that this had "cash grab" written all over it. To an outsider, this only makes sense in the same way it did for Disney to make Planes and all of those "Buddies" movies. To a businessman or an adman, it makes perfect sense. Also not helping its case was that 2013 was really a weak year for animated movies in general. The only one everybody liked was Frozen but I really need to get out to the theaters more.

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Humans (especially of this day and age) are horrible, horrible creatures of habit. With all our modern information and everything being just a google search away, we have grown lazy. Change is the exact oppisite of which we as a low energy people enjoy.


That all being said, EQgirls isnt "exactly" change. This is why there are two sides to the films fanbase. Those that enjoy it, and those that used to HAAAATE it but as time has gone on, accept it, and even own a copy!


I am a member of a very old animated fanbase, based around the series Disneys "Gargoyles". This show also had "change" happen. After the first series ended, the show was on the chopping block "should we make more, I dont know the shows kinda dark for kids, but it got really good ratings!! hmm ya". Hey it was the 90s, anything that involved Mother characters who flip flopped from genocide of humanity to giving her life for her Daughter (immortal as she may be) was just way to ADULT for a show ment for children. But...the show got a second run, this time being called "Gargoyles, Golith Chronicles". This second coming was...well, a horrible horrible change. Unlike our mane 6 lovelys getting a human make over, shoved into a highschool scene but still in the end being the Girls we know and love with some great call outs to the fans. GGC was a stripped down version of the first series. No longer do we see female characters pregnant. No longer do we see storylines that lead in murder or genocide. The main villianess and by far one of the single deepst developed characters in all animated history, shows up once in the very start of the series and is never heard from again. Instead of the adult like flirting (ie subtle and done with words and history, very unlike modern tween shows with 12 year olds making out and getting caught) between a human female and a gargoyle male was thrown away. Instead we are treated to pure action, no character evolution or development and horrible, horrible animations compared to the fore mentioned org series. This series..never got a second season, the fans in pure venom rejected it. To THIS DAY, the ever shrinking Gargoyles fanbase refuses to accept GGC as anything more then a vomited out fan work.


I bring this up because unlike my beloved Fanbase around Gargoyles, MLPs is more open. Yes, YES, many Bronys hated (at first) EQgirls. But, time has changed that. Many have evolved to at the very least accept that its cannon. More over, many have actually grown to enjoy it for its high quality of animation, and if silly plot, a fun scripting...and lets face it, all of us hate Flash Sentry!!! (what better thing to bring the haters and lovers together!


EQgirls might have a future, if only in comic and films (doubt a full series, Hasbro knows its cash cow is in the mane-series) and of course the rather well made dolls and toys. This future is enough for it, in my opinion. And as long as MLP doesnt suffer the fate of Gargoyles or Beast Wars (FUCK YOU BEAST MACHINES..YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!!) there will be little to dislike come the future.



Please excuse the heated response to my own mentioning of Beast Machines..the show..KILLED..the BW fanbase. Knife in the back, shotgun to the zombie face, and Freddy claws up its bum!

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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There are some faults with the movie.


The first one being that most of the characters seem to lack intellegence. They were simply fooled by Sunset Shimmer's low level tricks. Example being the Mane 5 who didn't talk to each other to sort out the problem, Luna with the fake photos, and protagonists not anticipating Sunset's wily tricks once Twilight entered the contest.


The second was that if Twilight just asked Celestia directly for the crown instead of the roundabout path with the Fall Formal, a lot of the trouble would have been averted. Especially since the crown is a dangerous magical weapon in the wrong hands and there was a time limit. If it wasn't for these two aspects, no one would care for Twilight's approach.


The third Flash Sentry.

Edited by Singe
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One reason why Equestria Girls is disliked is because a lot of fans wanted the characters to stay ponies, and not turn into humans.


Frankly, I agree.

That alone really messed up the movie for me.

  • Brohoof 1
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-the designs are bad and unoriginal. They look like brats dolls with weird skin colours. They don't even resemble the ponies they once were very well. I mean I would have NEVER pictured RD with girly flowing hair and a skirt. That doesn't suit her personality. She is totally a tomboy and her appearance should showcase that. I have the same problem with aj. Practically she would be wearing pants or overalls imo. Why couldn't they go and ask trinityinyang for her designs instead? Exibit a:




-it was set in a high school. With high school clichés and problems. Doesn't even respresent fim. No magic or mythical creatures or wonder


-one Dimensional villian and plot.


-Bad pacing


-Forgetable music for the most part (I did like the "twilight winning the crown song" for what it was but the end with the pony ears and tails almost destroyed what little interest I had in it.


-Dumb execution of interesting idea.


-i'm sure theres more but that's all I got right now.

Edited by Swoony
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Reasons I dislike the films. Non-existent plot, irrelevant one-dimensional characters, horrendous dialogue, embarassing "villain", rage-inducing songs, pointless romance and the F***ING HIGH SCHOOL SETTING!


Celestia's former student steals Twilight's crown. Why don't the security guards try to catch the thief? Twilight has to win a prom in order to obtain the crown? Why doesn't she just STEAL IT BACK?! And the romance between Twilight and Flash is just irrelevant to the plot (if the plot even exists). The songs drove me to the point of insanity, the villain is just a f***ing embarassment and the ending just made it even more embarassing!


This movie is just a holocaust of cinema! It makes films like Superman IV and Star Trek V look Oscar-worthy!

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*Generic argument for why EG actually wasn't that bad*


The first one being that most of the characters seem to lack intellegence.

That's a terrible point. Citizens of Ponyville are constantly fooled into things (take the Flim Flam brothers as an example).



Anyway, most of the points that you lot have about it being 'dumb' or a 'cash grab' are either opinion or fact that you've used in the wrong way. Yes EG was a cash grab - Hasbro is a company that has to support itself. EG wasn't dumb, it was a smart move on behalf of the company and the fact that you've all taken the time to watch it just means that they're getting money from it. Ka-ching!


But look at it this way: the production of EG keeps MLP:FiM going.


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In my humble opinion, people hated on the movie because it took the magic of the ponies away and made it have humans.  I liked it though although I missed my ponies.  :c


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That human Sweetie Belle makes me dislike it even more.


I think the main reason I don't like it is that I have a grudge against humanized ponies. Plus the movie in itself isn't that good anyway.

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One reason why Equestria Girls is disliked is because a lot of fans wanted the characters to stay ponies, and not turn into humans.


Frankly, I agree.

That alone really messed up the movie for me.


Aside from the fact, the whole "adding a relationship to the story" when it's not really fitting with the main theme, this is probably the biggest reason. Its almost like jumping the shark, when you completely change EVERYTHING about a show. That's also probably the reason its not regarded as canon.

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*Generic argument for why EG actually wasn't that bad*


That's a terrible point. Citizens of Ponyville are constantly fooled into things (take the Flim Flam brothers as an example).



It takes someone from another dimension to make five best friends realize they've been duped.

It takes a student to make the Vice Principal realize she's been duped by fake photos.

The evidence for the fake photos wasn't destroyed and tossed into the garbage.

Fall Formal got trashed and would have been canceled. Which means the crown wouldn't have been brought out and Sunset would not have been able to get her hands on it.

Rarity is an expert on Sunset Shimmer's playbook. She doesn't anticipate that Sunset will try to go after Twilight Sparkle; again, again, and again.

Some characters like Luna are just ruined by such stupidity.


It makes Sunset Shimmer a lame villian using lame tricks. She can't even cover her own tracks.

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My main dislike was that Luna and celestial didn't look as good as I thought they'd be. Oh and spike being a dog. Sorry could've made him human for things to be a little more interesting between Rarity and him.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm not that serious about the my dislike it's just a little bit pick lol. I really enjoyed equestrian girls. That much I promise XD

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wrong place.wrong time.wrong uniform.

EqG just made the biggest mistakes it could, at the worst time to fuck up. The fandom at large was still throwing a shit storm over the finale to season 3. They were also throwing a shitstorm because of the shortened season 3. And then EqG comes along at the worst time possible for the fandom. Rage already boiling over, Hasbro presented a movie that was set in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and the characters were wearing the wrong uniform. The movie itself was about as cliche as you can expect from any marketability based kids show these days, so while it was My little pony:Bratz is magic, other than being as cliche a girls movie as possible, it was released at a time when the fandom was already foaming at the mouth with rage (for the most part). I am willing to bet that if it was released at a more favorable time, or if it was a movie about ponies, rather than bratz 2.0, it would have seen far more favorable attention. 

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I mean, come on dudes, it had some of the best music in the series. ^^


I would help Twilight Sparkle Win the Crown all day. ^^


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The writing wasn't top notch like it could have been for a movie as the entire movie plot works around the protagonist, antagonist, support cast, and administration to have moments of absent mindedness for the story to get to its point.

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I think Hasbro just wanted to put the classical high-school ambient. Unfortunately that took us a lot of the ponie culture we make with the originally series. It's just in a few words, Hasbro.

Besides it doesn't make sense with the originally series.

Interesting facts (that make it more weird XD)


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I mean, come on dudes, it had some of the best music in the series. ^^


I would help Twilight Sparkle Win the Crown all day. ^^

Best music in the series? Eh, that's debatable. Only the Cafeteria Song was memorable to me.

The movie itself was merely decent to me. Not too bad, but certainly not too good.

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Best music in the series? Eh, that's debatable. Only the Cafeteria Song was memorable to me.

The movie itself was merely decent to me. Not too bad, but certainly not too good.


If you're a die-hard Twilight Sparkle fan, it literally screams in your face. xD


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In the show, the mane 6 face mythical beasts, armies of emotion-eating monsters, tyrannical dictators, deities, and all sorts of other hazards.


In EG, the entire thing is reduced to a stereotypical high school scenario with poorly written plot devices that resolve themselves seconds after they're introduced and f*cking Flash Sentry, the infamously forced love interest that was invented only to push the horrid plot forward.


So yeah...I didn't like it. x)

Edited by Dattebayo


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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