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Have You Ever Had Surgery?


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Cleft Palate surgery (when I was little).

I had few teeth pulled around 10 or 11 (big teeth for a small mouth). I wasn't blessed with perfect teeth.

Surgery for my broken arm and dislocated shoulder (after falling off of a swing). My brother rushed in the house and saying, "I didn't do it!" I was screaming bloody murder. lol I even had the neighbors calling my mom.

Both of my bottom wisdom teeth removed (I think I was in my 20s).


That was it! No more.

Edited by MontanaDash
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So far I haven't. There's no telling what could happen that would require surgery. Whether it be a small minor operation, or if my life is on the line.

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ive had minor surgery before a few times. mostly it was for getting parts of moles out cookie cutter style to test is there cancerour. one was precancorious so they had to take a chunk of skin out...i was awake the whole time this happened and since i have so many im not out of the woods at all... so ill have a scarred back before i know it but things happen*shrugs*  it was painful ad had to get stiches.

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Twice, assuming these actually count as surgery.


One when I was an infant, I had to get my head stitched back together after something fell on it.


One when I was like four, my finger got slammed in a door and the tip of it got practically torn off, it was hanging by a little flap of skin, so they just tore it the rest of the way off and then stitched it back on.


I don't remember either of these, the first I was too young to remember, but I remember things that happened well before the finger incident, I guess that's a result of the fact that your brain tries to block out traumatic experiences from your memory.


I may not remember either, but to this day I have scars to show for both of them, and my left index finger is a bit less sensitive than it used to be.

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February 18th I had double jaw surgery and wisdom teeth removal done. Normally it's not done at the same time, but I didn't have an option since my dad was retiring. plus since the teeth were removed during the surgery they were all free of charge to remove it was the worst thing ever. I prayed for someone to shoot me in the brains for like three weeks straight. I had to have my over and open bite fixed, a 9mm overbite and -3mm open bite to be exact. The 6 week no chew diet was awful. I survived on ensure and milkshakes, although I started getting desperate towards the end and blended things like Rice Krispies and goldfish with ice cream and other stuff.


It was horrible, I had a jaw bra on my head at all times for a week, I'd only get like 3 hours of sleep before the ice melted and weighed my head down. Worst sleep ever. I was running a fever for what felt like forever. Even worse than the diet was throwing up blood, which happened four times in the first couple days. It was terrifying, I mean of course if you can drink liquid then it'll come back out, but when your jaw is banded shut it's absolutely mortifying. Everything was a challenge; eating, showering, brushing my teeth, talking, taking the medicine, hell even walking. I had to go back to school after 3 weeks, needless to say I definitely didn't pay attention because I still felt like complete crap. The worst part was that I had so much feeling back in my nerves after only a couple weeks where as a majority of the time people don't get feeling back for like a month up to a year

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I've had a few. A few years ago I had sinus surgery. It has helped a LOT. Have had wisdom teeth out. A nerve in my hand had to be reattached.

A few non-surgeries of note: I once cut my thumb half off, fortunately it was a nice clean cut, so I was just able to tape it back together. Another time I got hit with an ax :lol: That story went to England and back before my mom, who was at the hospital, found out about it. That's actually the reason I taped my thumb together, the guy who did my arm stitches did a bad job. Thumb + tape = no scar, stitches =  scar... twit... And then there was the time I got my foot slammed in a door and had to get a hole drilled in the nail to release the pressure. All in all, surgery has a longer recovery time, but is less painful in my experience.


I noticed many people with plates, so this is worth sharing:

My brother, or the guy who broke his arm playing golf. He had broken his arm in a car accident and need plates. A few weeks later, he gets a great idea. "Let's play golf!" So off he went. Played pretty well until one hole. Took a swing and *SNAP* broke the plates. Time for more surgery!

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I have had surgery, actually. Almost died in it too.

I was 7 years old, and I had this problem in my throat, close to my salivary glands, which basically made the skin there bulge, and it made it hard for me to eat things easily. So when I got it checked out, the doctors determined that there was some major blockage there that was also affecting my breathing problems. I ended up staying in the hospital overnight, after taking some numbing medication (that apparently takes hours to go in effect.) Then the operation happened at 6 in the morning, and I was still knocked out... but when the doctors were making the incision, they cut just a little too far, and ended up cutting open my windpipe. I can't remember the rest, to be honest...

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I have not had any surgery, or stitches or anything of that nature really.


I'm actually kinda scared for if I had to have one, I guess since i've never had it, but being knocked out to have myself be cut open sounds pretty scary... Not to mention painful.


It just doesn't sound like something i'd be comfortable with, but i'll probably have to get one eventually regardless.


Never had stitches either, sounds like that would be painful as well.

I had several major surgeries to my femurs. I now have a steel bar in each femur, where the bone marrow would be. I have a genetic disease called NF1. I have a rare version of it, where the tumors grow on the organs, instead of the nerves. my left leg refused to heal, so I had four more surgeries. now I have 9 scars, one Is two inches thick, one is a foot long... yeah.

Holy crap, that sounds like a lot of pain, and a lot of scars.. Not to mention the size.


Sorry to hear :(

Well almost every guy has had surgery as soon as he is born. :P

I myself had surgery on my to when I was 4. My stepdad and I were on out way to the pool and when he opened the door it sliced through mt big toe. I was taken to the hospital but here's the reason I still hate that hospital, They're SUPPOSED to put small children under for surgery. Literally, they are required to. But guess what? No numbing, no putting me under, just 12 doctors holding me down while they out stitches in my toe. I screamed so loud one of the doctors tried to cover my mouth. So yeah, I honestly hate surgery.


I'm sorry for my ignorance, but i'm entirely sure I'm aware of the surgery you are referring to? I didn't know male babies had surgery at birth, atleast not anything i'm aware of...

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I'm sorry for my ignorance, but i'm entirely sure I'm aware of the surgery you are referring to? I didn't know male babies had surgery at birth, at least not anything i'm aware of...

It's called a Circumcision. When a male baby is born, if the parents wish, they have the flab of skin on the baby's...Well you know where.. removed.It's a thing almost all parents choose, but some don't.
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I've had a bad baby tooth pulled before.Five months of hard rehab later I made a full recovery :).



It's called a Circumcision. When a male baby is born, if the parents wish, they have the flab of skin on the baby's...Well you know where.. removed.It's a thing almost all parents choose, but some don't.

I thought that it depended on culture,and that most western parents didn't do it.

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I've had a bad baby tooth pulled before.Five months of hard rehab later I made a full recovery :).



I thought that it depended on culture,and that most western parents didn't do it.

Not what I've been told. I've been taught that most parents have their boys circumcised.

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Not what I've been told. I've been taught that most parents have their boys circumcised.

Oh,I'm from Australia so I may not know as much about how the culture is over there.

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Does getting your wisdom teeth count as surgery? if so then yes.

That DOES count ^_^

Wisdom teeth and Appendix extractions seem to be the most reoccurring surgeries on here.

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