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Everything posted by GhostPony750

  1. I got quite lucky this year. I got a driving license and new headphones, and my sister gave me her bass guitar.
  2. Yep, INFJ are rare. I've met only one, and it was my french teacher. Probably my favorite individuals. I also have another friend on the internet who is INFJ. I can understand why everyone hate you, but I get along well. For me, I am INFP.
  3. My first language is french, being born in this french area at the east side of Canada, Quebec. While this language is wonderful, I had to learn english in order to communicate, but I still prefer french. (I actually won a writing contest) What I like: This language is rich, wonderful, and much less awkward to speak than english. By far the best language for books. What I dislike: Ermagherd dat grammar. It's soooo difficult, even after 16 years I still do mistakes, and I'm way above average. The difficulty make your its/it's rule look easy. o_O
  4. While my family don't care at all about religion, actually they hate it, I love the values christianity shares. But I've been kept away from this all my life. Maybe when I'll be an adult I'll start to go to church and some stuff.
  5. As long as you have reasons that sticks to your personal feelings, go on. Some people just get tattoos for fun, and then regret it. If it's not your case, it's all right. Nice tribals also!
  6. I hated "It's hard being breezies". What an horrifying episode. o_O But there's also Equestria Games, where the Spike scenes were just painful to watch.
  7. I don't know if you guys ever tried writing with a dip pen/quill, but it writes so well! I usually write like a duck with pencils and stuff, but I tried this and my writting was glorious. o_O
  8. It got better since my epilepsy stopped. Every time I was about to fall asleep, my brain would mess up. I couldn't sleep at all. Now it's all right.
  9. Wew, I drifted away! Time to catch up...

  10. Not only he is boring, but he also plagiated another band:
  11. "cough" Prog Rock "cough" I think Marillion is a great exemple of great lyrics. For the topic, I would gladly live in a world without pop, dubstep, and mostly this horror called japanese pop which is a mix of these two. Edit: omg, peeps are talking about prog rock!!! I'm a huge fan
  12. I currently speak french perfectly... And it's the language with the most complex grammar ever. While speaking it correctly is fairly impossible, you will suffer when you are going to study the written grammar. If you are a masochist, I'd strongly suggest this language. But it's worth it; this language is rich.
  13. I guess you mean about personality... some friends told me that I look like this guy from South Park: Pip. And yep, I agree with them, we also share tons of things in common, well, everything except dead parents. o_O (Yea, that much, it's crazy.)
  14. Yes... in that forums I used to go, if someone makes a thread about something that have been discussed, it's locked and the mods bash the guy. If someone necro a thread, even if the post is very relevant, they will lock the old post, and bash the guy. It's better to be able to necro old threads really, so it won't become like that terrible forums I used to go. Also, most of the best threads are currently dead. Someone, one day, will dig one up and people are going to post in it. While your idea is not bad (it could be used for locked posts), I think there's too many people in this forums for this kind of section... it would be flooded so quickly. o_O
  15. I first visited the forums in early-2012, but I made my account one year and a half later. At that time, I was too busy for another forum.
  16. I had some pills before because I couldn't sleep, and I developped an addiction. I usually forget to take them, but this time not. And after some time, I felt the need to take them earlier, so I did. Then I realized and stopped. The most important thing is to fix a time where you take your pill, so you won't take it early or even twice. And if you feel an urge to take it early, well, stop, and contact your doctor.
  17. Same the thing with the "Wii", and the later added "U". It's awful. It looks like Nintendo never managed to get a good name for their consoles. For the topic, this console looks great, as usual, But I'm not sure about the cartridge on the bottom... you know, when you smash your DS on the corner of a desk.
  18. Yep, and this year I'm the only one who can play the bass guitar. So well, I'll do tons of show of every possible styles: Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classic. I'll be busy. o_O (But I love it.)
  19. I don't play boardgames often now, but I love checkers, and I'm such a beast at it! The rules are simple, and you need food strategy, this is awesome. There is also stratego that I like, but I prefer games with simpler rules. I also like these games where you pick a card and everyone needs to find the object on a picture. And I'm curious, maybe you can tell me a game that I'll like... Movie: Gran Torino and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Book: 1984, Animal Farm, Les Miserables. Video Game: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team. Mostly, the biggest problem is to find someone to play with... And remember, you need food strategy.
  20. I bought this game for my sister's birthday this summer, and omg it is absolutely awesome! I was slightly uncomfortable in the more distractive scenes, but the rest was very great. I took a thief, as usual, and it ended up being overpowered. This game has tons of references from the show, it's amazing. I even saw my favorite character, Pip, in the Hall of Honor at school. (I know tons of people dislike this character and its episode, but I think they were both the best South Park offered.)
  21. Anime means animation. Meaning animating images. Simply, anything that is animated pictures could be defined as anime. But due to japanese fanboyism, and cultural differences from Japan, everything that is japanese is worth its own name. It's the same thing that happened to pop music, the meaning of "pop" got kinda lost due to popularity. Pop is now a style, so is "anime".
  22. Oh okay, I wondered why my post was so offensive. xD @, Of course, it's important to try to prevent it, but most of the time everyone do it the wrong way. They either only work with the victims or brutally bash the bullies. It's important to realize that the bullies are often the ones who needs help the most. They often have problems at homes, and stuff. And for me, the only scars left are on my skin, so I found more positive stuff in this experience.
  23. ...Okay, mind explaining your reasoning?
  24. Like it or not, bullying exist, and it certainly cannot be stopped. To stop bullying, it is something we cannot achieve, like freedom. We can try to get close tho. I've received my load of rocks in the face, I almost lost an eye, I was pushed, punched, bullied because of my accent and my slight parry-romberg syndrome. I've been bullied by my 5th grade teacher because my familiy couldn't afford glasses. (etc) Yet I went through this, I'm alive, and it's my last year of school, I'm happy. I was shy, I would rather read on the side of the school instead of playing with people. Bullying got me friends, increased my social skills, and boosted my self-esteem when I first stood to myself, I'm always ready to help, but I'm not naïve anymore. If all of this never happened, I would have gained nothing. I'd still be reading alone, and I probably wouldn't even be able to get a job. Bullies should get help to solve their problems, and victims should get help to learn to stand for themselves. Edit: I know it's harsh, but in a way, it has positive sides.
  25. In a way, we need bullying, it's been part of society for a long time, and after almost losing an eye to bullying, I can say that in the end it was helpful for me. I learned to stand for myself and now have better self-esteem. But peeps must also watch out for when it comes out of control. What a better way to fit in the group than picking the outcast? When everyone is after a guy because he still didn't stand for himself, we need to get him out of here. Yep, suicide is a sad alternative. Well, the ones who bullies are the ones with lots of problems, then everyone follow this guy because he seems cool. It's not really their fault, it's the only way for them to fit in the group, and most of the time you do it unintentionally. I'm pretty sure you have bullied before too, kinda everyone did once.
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