When we’re young, we’re taught by society that boys are supposed to enjoy masculine things only and vice versa. We are expected to follow such gender stereotypes throughout our lives without exceptions. Therefore, when someone encounters a man who likes My Little Pony, they may assume that there is something wrong with him and they might feel that he is a threat to their worldview of toxic masculinity. Their natural reaction is to attack them and attempt to get them to embrace traditional gender roles again.
I think female fans are often overlooked by the media because females liking something made for their gender is not surprising. On the other hand, in society’s eyes, male fans of a girls’ cartoon are quite a sensation. However, the fact remains that anyone of any gender can like MLP.
Since bronies are teenagers and adults that enjoy a show made primarily for little girls, and that it is the norm to look down on things that are feminine in our society (especially for guys), it is expected that there would be brony haters. But do I care if they hate it so much? No! Anything they do to try to put me down is in vain because in the end, nothing they say will matter. What matters is what gives us joy and confidence to live our lives day by day.
So true! Regarding the gay pedophile stereotype, if that were true we would be making clop material of young colts rather than the Mane Six and other adult female characters.
It’s likely because Pinkie appears in a lot of merch and she is pink. Pink is associated with femininity so it’s natural that haters would use Pinkie to show how “girly” MLP is.
No. Not every person that hates bronies are immature, disagreeable party-poopers just like how not all bronies are fat, smelly, man children that live in their mother’s basement, are unemployed, and watch ponies all day long.
I had a rather negative opinion of bronies when I first heard about them. I was wondering why an adult, especially a guy, would watch a show that was “so girly”. I didn’t think they were dangerous or anything like that but I just thought they were a little weird.