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Everything posted by Fridge

  1. Personally I think it's because of sentimental value and how much you enjoyed certain games (particularly exclusives). For example those who loved Halo and it's affiliated games they side with the xbox and the 360 and will defend it vemenantly. For the PS3 I think it was Killzone and Heavy Rain. They also fight over the networks (Xbox live and the ps network), I can't comment about the ps network because I've never had a Ps, but I've been told good and bad thing about it. I've got a 360 myself, but I don't care about the whole arguement because I take the 4th side that everyone ignores (the 3rd being nintendo). I am a member of the PC gaming master race Sadly what the people involved in the 'console wars' fail to realise is that to be honest there really isn't much difference between Microsoft and Sony, not when you get down to it. At the end of the day graphics are pointless if there isn't a narrative to hook you or good gameplay, and to be honest all consoles, and yes the even pc, often fail that trial. Anyway soon enough the whole thing will be moot if you want to understand what I mean watch this (they explain it far better than I could); http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/why-console-specs-dont-matter
  2. Well the fish thing, bare in mind that Fluttershy isn't the one eating the fish. She caught them for her animal friends, just as a dog owner has to feed his dog. A vegetarian may not eat meat, but if they own a dog they certainly have to handle animal products. Now on to animal products... Yes the show depicts that the ponies are using eggs, milk, butter etc but it doesn't actually show where they come from. What I mean by that is for all we know the milk etc could have come by some sort of mutual agreement. It doesn't have to be through exploitation. As regard Fluttershys treatment of her chickens, what part of staring at her chickens is unkind? She's not cruel, she doesn't abuse them in anyway or even threaten them. She just stares. It might be intimidating but it's not unkind, in fact I argue at she was just instilling discipline rather than being mean. Let us also not forget that most members of he cast have not always lived up to their element. For Fluttershy the Iron Will episode also betrays type. I'm not going to try and argue the sheep and mules poi t other than to say.... It was a joke. Nothing more.
  3. I think everyone's just about put all the things I dislike about many OC's. Tragic pasts aren't necessarily a bad thing but many go really overkill on it. I personally try to make the characters I create work within canon (while fixing plot holes etc) but without having them interact or be related in anyway to the main casts characters. I'll admit it my first OC was an Alicorn, admittedly it was only my profile picture and I never gave him a personality etc.
  4. To quote one of my favourite games; "balance in all things" I take the same view with alcohol as i do with majuana (though I don't personally partake in that myself). Nothing wrong with imbiding alcohol itself but its all about moderation. A pint after work fine, but many people don't understand what heavy drinking actually is. They think it's when you go and get pissed and it really isn't... Well it is, BUT I'm not meaning that. What I mean is the definition of a heavy drinker is someone who drinks more than the daily recommended amount, which is basically a pint. That's it. Most men in the uk drink on average 3 to 4 pints and think that's normal, it is because most men do it but that's why most of Europe (and the rest of the world) see us as a nation of drinkers. As OP said, alcohol can lead to a multitude of alements, it also helps ward off a few but only if the correct amount is consumed... Like with most things. Actually caffeine is highly addictive, the funny thing with coffee is that a regular coffee drinker has to drink a coffee and keep a regular intake in order to make his system work at the same level as someone who doesn't partake in coffee.
  5. I have to say as much as I love Pinkie (being my favourite and all), Fluttershy is cuter even if she's my second least favourite of the main six.
  6. I think your missing the point. Trixie isn't just a show pony, that's not her profession. She honestly believes she is the most powerful unicorn in Equestria. She boasted, bragged and was generally rude. She was then called out for being a boaster and then was even proven to be a liar when Snips and Snails got the Ursa Minor and she couldn't defeat it. She was called out because she was boasting bragging and was generally rude, then finally when it came to live up to her claims... She failed. It doesn't matter that she didn't get the Ursa Minor on purpose, it was brought to her because she lied! In the end everything that happened she brought on herself. Thus why the episode is called Boast Busters. Because boasting is bad. She's a great character, one I'd love to see a little more of since they've progressed her character but in that episode she was totally in the wrong.
  7. Not even a little bit. It's not that I dislike him, and congrats to the parents etc but its yet another parasite that will eventually be king. Even though the King has no real power. Then again it'll bring money into the country because so many people will be attracted by the royals again. In short no I truely don't give a rats ass. Just to throw this out there I'm a Brit.
  8. Perturbed I think would be the best word for it. Wouldn't matter which one it was because all 6 make a greater whole and it would leave a gaping hole in how to use the elements of harmony. It wouldn't upset me, but it would bother me.
  9. Most certainly yes! When the Internet goes down for a few hours (let alone a few days) most people end up getting bored no knowing what to do. Beyond that I personally think that the Internet has made people lazy, they don't learn how to do something so much as remember where to find the information. That's not very useful when the powers out.
  10. I think what I'm about to say here has been pretty much covered but I'll throw my bit in. Does it really matter? If it offends you report it and move on otherwise why bother? There are pockets of people who just dislike bronies because we exist, nothing can be done about this. So leave them be and enjoy your corner (corners maybe) of the Internet.
  11. Well the Canterlot ponies consider themselves above others but they aren't actually rude really. Snobby but not actually rude. Prince Blueblood though was actually rude but not only that spoilt and totally unchivalrous. That is one thing that can't be said about the Canterlot ponies. The elite can't afford to act like that, but a prince... Well there's nothing short of a coup or assassination that will remove him or his position.
  12. If Bethesda have made it, then I've basically dropped at least a hundred hours in it, and that's only the recent stuff (from Morrowind on). If you go further back like baldurs gate, planescape torment etc then make it another few hundred. But I do think that the old strategy game of Master of Magic has claimed over 500 hours over time.
  13. Well I've been kind of collecting game systems over the years; Nes Xbox Ps2 slim Xbox 360 slim Sega Game gear Sega Megadrive And of course my pc and the old commedore amiga
  14. I'm engaged with a lovely lady who happens to be a member of this board (although she's not very active on here). It's been about 2 years in the making lol.
  15. Console gaming has always been inferior to pc gaming in every way, and the unveiling of all 3 major consoles newest models has more than proved that. Call of duty: ghosts - hohum, more of the same. It was better when it was ww2. Mass effect 3's ending was actually very good, and extremely clever if you were femshep and chose green. La noire is a great game, you just have to NOT treat it like mafia or GTA. Dead space isn't scary... At all. Never has been.
  16. There are pros and cons to being an older Brony. Just because you're older doesn't gaurentee that you'll have the spare income (or even time) to go to a convention like Bronycon. Sure we have the freedom to do as we wish, but that freedom comes with a price. That price being responsibilities, bills, rent, etc. that's assuming that your one of the fortunate ones with a job and spare income. Me I'd love to go to Bronycon but I can't justify the money or time as I run my own business and as much leeway and freedom as that gives me I still have to make a crust at the end of the day. True, the fandom may have died off a little. But it's also possible that it will have strengthened. Besides if it has died off a bit then that means that all the people there will be "hardcore"... Make of that what you will.
  17. The last game I beat was Metro: Last Light (both endings), I'm still working on getting some of the achievements for it though. I love the fact that there are only two difficulty settings, normal and ranger. Also the story is very good, not as good as the original but hey no ones perfect. When you say that do you mean you beat the original Call Of Duty's or do you mean the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare series and World At War? Because there were, I think, four Call Of Duty's all set in WW2 before the Modern Warfare series.
  18. That's fair enough, I did notice that you had a bit of a back log, sadly my powers of observation failed me on noticing that you'd closed the thread lol. So many of my friends have asked who drew them, I have them saved on my tablet and your initial sketch is actually my screensaver on it. To be honest I can't think of another artist I'd rather have draw them, you have a great style
  19. Heya it's me again, I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in doing another of my characters (when you can of course). I really loved the style of the last one you did and so far those who have seen it have only given it praise Which I of course tell them who the real artist was. Anyway... If you are interested; http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/scarlet-star-r2707 And thank you again for the last one, my writing has improved massively since I got those drawings
  20. Agreed, ponymaker does make her look like her heads shaved on one side, truly not what I was going for. I just need to ask someone to draw her properly for me. Thank you, I had felt she seemed too similar but wasn't sure exactly what it was that made me think that, I'll get on changing the eye colour, as for the cutie mark... Well it's a placeholder just to illustrate it. The cons will be listed eventually she's going to be in a series I'm writing so they'll become apparent. Anyway as I said a moment ago thank you you've helped me iron out the kinks in her character.
  21. Just to let you know you added me as a quote in this post but never actually said anything, just thought you should know.
  22. I really have no problem with the fans or fandom other than its penchant to complain, but that goes on in all fandoms. To be honest, I love the show but there are things that the fandom has created that appeal to me on a deeper level. That's not disparaging the original work and by no means does that make the fan works better but it means that some works hold more significance to me personally. I still watch the show regularly from the episodes I've downloaded (yes downloaded because I can't get them any other way yet). And when new ones are around I watch them every Sunday (or whenever someone's nice enough to upload them).
  23. Fridge

    visual art Cost of Living

    I really like it, the dark tones work well with the aged looking background. I may just log in to deviantart and favourite that one.
  24. I have a sneaking suspicion that this guy is actually not her love interest, maybe Twilight will be his but that doesn't mean he'll 'get the girl' so to speak. As for who he is, I think it's not Shining Armor, the mark on this t shirt is wrong and that would be... Well weird. It might be a Wonderbolt we've not met yet. You have no idea how much I want that to be the case lol. But maybe it's because I want more of Sombra damnit! *sigh* I can only dream.
  25. I've watched all the episodes and I've bought a few blind bag toys. I've got a few other miscellaneous things too, like a badge and a poster scroll thing (although that was a birthday present). Any t shirts I have tend to be subtle references like a t shirt that advertises Sweet Apple Acres cider in the style of JD. So I guess I'm an avid fan, but not a zealot lol.
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