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Are Rarity and Applejack closer than best friends?

Rarity Paige Belle

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No, I'm not talking about Rarijack, but I think they act like sisters. They sometimes disagree and argue, but deep down they care for each other deeply. Just look at AJ and Rarity in sisterhooves social!

Edited by Rarity Paige Belle
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No, I'm not talking about Rarijack, but I think they act like sisters. They sometimes disagree and argue, but deep down they care for each other deeply. Just look at AJ and Rarity in sisterhooves social!


It depends how you look at it. But yeah, Rarity and AJ share a close connection, very specific one. I think it's because of how different they are, and yet how similar. They both had to became less stuborn and see the world the way the other one sees it. And it changed them. Just look how different their relationship is in Simple Ways or Trade Ya!, compared to Sisterhooves Social or Look Before You Sleep. They became more mature, more understanding and learned to not only tolerate each other, but also like and care about each other. They learned that they have more in common than they thought and accepted their differences. It was a huge step for them, because they both needed to learn that their lifestyle isn't the only proper.   

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No, I'm not talking about Rarijack, but I think they act like sisters. They sometimes disagree and argue, but deep down they care for each other deeply. Just look at AJ and Rarity in sisterhooves social!


I'd probably be inclined to agree with that sentiment.  Out of every pair of friends in the Mane 6, Rarity and Applejack are not only my favorite, but honestly, I truly do think they are the closest pair of friends in the whole group.  Definitely a classic case of opposites attract, in a platonic sense of course, and their friendship is always a delight to watch.  :D



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Rarity and AJ's friendship is one of my favorite things in the whole show :D They have a very close bond and I honestly believe them to be best friends with each other - they have copious amounts of chemistry and the dynamic they possess is just beyond belief :D Whenever they're on-screen together, I find it hard not to be totally engulfed in what they're doing - they've got the perfect balance and I just get a feeling of realistic friendship in all of its purity from them - in a world where it feels like friendships are formed based on similarities, Rarity and Applejack are proof that the strongest of friendships can be born no matter who's involved :D 

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I personally think Twilight and Rarity or Fluttershy and Rarity are much closer.


Heck, Fluttershy and Rarity get together a few times a week as shown in Green Isn't Your Color.

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Applejack/Rarity is one of my favorite friendships! I definitely think they started out on the wrong hoof, but they have come a long way during the last couple seasons. This friendship of theirs is still developing, but I could definitely see them becoming the bestest of buds.
They have the kookiest ways of showing that they care for each other, which I think is delightful. It suits their personalities. For example, when Applejack got all dolled in "Simple Ways" to show Rarity how crazy she was being. This is one of my favorite scenes in the entire world:

Edited by Jennabun
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Applejack/Rarity is one of my favorite friendships! I definitely think they started out on the wrong hoof, but they have come a long way during the last couple seasons. This friendship of theirs is still developing, but I could definitely see them becoming the bestest of buds.


They have the kookiest ways of showing that they care for each other, which I think is delightful. It suits their personalities. For example, when Applejack got all dolled in "Simple Ways" to show Rarity how crazy she was being. This is one of my favorite scenes in the entire world:


That was one of my favorite scenes, too :D It really displayed their friendship perfectly, in my opinion :D




Heck, Fluttershy and Rarity get together a few times a week as shown in Green Isn't Your Color.

Yeahh, I think Fluttershy and Rares are pretty close as well, but knowing what a social pony Rarebear is, I wouldn't put it past her to get together with AJ a few times a week, too - somehow, she'd do it. She's such a social extrovert :wub:

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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I think they seem more like friendly rivals, no?


From every time they bicker, it's seems clear as day.

Well, just because they "bicker" does not make them rivals, i actually would describe Apples and Rainbows friendship more as a friendly rivality. Rares and Apples just tease each other in a friendly way.


The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.

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The more I watch this scene the more I like it. I can't believe I considered Simple Ways as my least favorite episode from the season 4, I guess I really didn't like Trenderhoof. :huh:


I've always thought they're just good friends, but rewatching this scene (+reading the posts of this topic) makes me wonder if they're more than that after all. Sisters? Maybe, I need more Rarijack episodes to be completely sure... In the seasons 5+ maybe?

Edited by Blobulle
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really happy to see this topic, I wholeheartedly agree. Their friendship is one of my favourite things about FIM. Taking into account her wonderful personality, another main reason Rarity shot up to #2 of my Mane 6 list is because of her relationship with AJ. Its very much like my sister and I, I'm the AJ to her Rarity and vice versa. Despite our obvious differences, which make people question if we're even related, we love each other very much. This is probably why I really enjoy seeing these two interact. 


I find this adorable, silly ponies :wub:

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They are polar opposites of each other. They'd have probably never became friends if it weren't for Twilight, she bridged the gap for too people who socially would probably have never met.


There's also the fact that Applejack once desired to be like Rarity, they'd probably be a thick as thieves had they met as fillies. Applejack gave that dream up for the sake of family and the farm but Rarity is probably like looking at a what if mirror for AJ and Rarity shows her the ups and downs of what her life would have been had she stayed on that path.


For Rarity, she gave up on being as close nit with her family to be a fashionista and afraid of getting her hooves muddy if that  is what it takes to overcome an task she can't over come alone. AJ has helped her reconnect her sister and probably reminds Rarity that no matter how high she rises as a fashionista to never forget where you come from.

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ok maybe that is a bit harsh.


Yes they are best friends and very close but I do doubt that Hasbro are going to be hinting at something even more between them, to be honest with a lot of the stupid reactions parents gave them when Derpy was first about, Image the flack they would receive from even more ignorant parents, Hasbro would not want to put up with it.

Also Friendship is magic :P

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ok maybe that is a bit harsh.


Yes they are best friends and very close but I do doubt that Hasbro are going to be hinting at something even more between them, to be honest with a lot of the stupid reactions parents gave them when Derpy was first about, Image the flack they would receive from even more ignorant parents, Hasbro would not want to put up with it.

Also Friendship is magic :P

I actually made clear that I wasn't talking about Rarijack! In fact I think of them as bloodsisters!

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They're pretty close, but the closest of the mane 6? Ehhhhhhhhhhh......


I think they argue too much for them to be that close. Personally I have a love-hate feel with this pair

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RariJack episodes are my favorite, because they're so much fun to watch. They foil to each other perfectly. I think that's why they get paired up in episodes so often. They create great moments with ease and the writers know it. It's cool to watch how their friendship grows. They bicker a lot, but at the end of the day you can always see how much they care about each other.


I wonder if they would be friends if it weren't for Twilight, though. Since they don't have that much in common, I don't know if they would have seen a lot of each other before Twilight made them bearers of the elements.






P.s. *yells*


*quickly runs away*

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I think yes because rarity's parents are country side and her style is modern applejack's uncle and aunt (because we never saw her real parents)  are modern and applejack style is country side anyone see the connection? they're like two halfs that complete each other

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"Closer than best friends"?  What does that even mean?


No homo


Well, they do (did?) hold the elements of harmony and were two of the guardians of the sanity of Equestria. You'd expect them to be pretty close despite their differences. To be honest, I doubt it's anything beyond the relationships they have with the rest of the mane six.

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This is ridiculous.  "Closer than best friends"?  What does that even mean?

As I've explained before, I think they're almost like Blood brothers/sisters and would do anything for each other. Why can't some people read my opening post!

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AJ and Rarity may equal Guinan and Picard!


I hope season 5 brings us an episode where Rarity can be the sage for Applejack.

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I'm betting Applejack and Rarity are so close because the two of them have been friends the longest. They are, after all, the only two of the Mane Six to have grown up in Ponyville, so they would have known each other before meeting any of the others. Sure, Rarity and Fluttershy are easy to see as friends as they share some more common interests, but Rarity's still known Applejack longer.


I hope they do an epusode about the two of them as fillies, similar to what we saw for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in Cutie Mark Chronicles.

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