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Do you love or hate your parents?



174 users have voted

  1. 1. I...

    • love my parents.
    • hate my parents.
    • Other (please explain in the comments)

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Hate my dead beat father (who I haven't seen in like a year) but my mom is great



I love my mother. She doesn't deserve the problems she's had.

My father on the other hand, is a selfish, lying, controlling, irresponsible, sexist, money-wasting, delusional, alcoholic, who blames his self-inflicted problems other people, and lives in the past, unwilling to accept change.

Despite him claiming to still love me, he doesn't seem to be making any changes in his behaviour, and he hasn't contributed money for my college fees. Don't get me wrong, I don't normally ask for money from others. Hell, I wouldn't be that upset about this if it weren't for the fact that he paid for his girlfriend's (now ex-girlfriend's) son's entire tuition.

Thank god I don't live with him anymore, or have an obligation to love him.

Wow your dad's just like mine. Replace alcoholic with gambling addict and it's a match :D



Edited by LZRD WZRD

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well my mom was a whore and a horrible one (glad she died before I was old enough to have much memories) from what my older brother says aperntly she would verbally abuse him and would constantly be drinking.

my dad on the other hand is the best dad you'll meet. he paid money to see a proofessional to get over his drinking problem when he heard my mom was pregnat with me and my sis. Guess what my mom does, dumps him because he was "no fun". even though I don't see him very much (He couldn't take me and my sis into custody because of his past. As for modern day he does what all dads are susposed to do but way better.

So I guess since I hate one so much and love the other one Ill put other.

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Not sure....I don't hate them, but I certainly don't love them. My birth father passed away in '06, and my birth mother abandoned me to the foster care system. I went through extreme abuse and neglect until I was 10 years old....I hated them for the longest time, but maybe I am just numb....I can't really even call them my parents though, haven't in years.


"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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Looooove~ <3 ¤OuO¤


They are so sweet. Divorced now and moved on separately. I haven't seen my dad in a while, but facebook reminds me he's a kewl dude :3  Not too long ago since I chatted with him either.



My mom is like an angel basically xD Except she's an angel that overworks herself o.o

  • Brohoof 1

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I might get annoyed sometimes but I love my parents to no end. Their both really loving, especially my mom. And they're soooo lenient, I could totally get away with tons of shit and abuse how chill they are but I don't. I remember coming home waaaay late and my dad didn't even acknowledge me coming in. I thought to myself "wtf I had everything I was going to say down, thought of it the whole way home and you don't even say hey son when I walk in the door?"


But yeah my parents are awesome. And I'm super glad my mom moved closer (cuz my parents are separated). She use to be 7 hours away but now it's like a 20 minute drive across the bay!


/end blog

  • Brohoof 1
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alright I wrote quite a bit about both parents it is a bit personal


my father is a great man I would rather die then say I hate him he can get a bit stubborn but I will always love him he has been my idol since I was born, he joined the Army and he missed out on most of my life, I had gone years without seeing his face and most people would hate their parents for that but no my desire to see him only got stronger and now I live with him but I will be moving out within a few years and he is trying to convince me not to leave Arizona and the day I actually do move out will be the hardest day in my life


as for my mother I couldn't care less about her in my eyes I don't have a mother hate isn't even close to describing how much I dislike her she cheated on my dad several times, she drugged me and my sister so she could go partying, she lies about everything to gain your sympathy, she stole from a priest (that irks the hell out of me),she was very abusive to my younger sister, she would constantly get drunk, also on my 15th birthday when I was living with her she spent the entire day drinking with her friends while I was home waiting for her, and on my 17th birthday when I was living with my father she got arrested in the same day and the one thing I hated most about her is back when my dad got full custody of my sister and I my moms response to that was "oh well I will see them when they are 18" so she could drop dead and I wouldn't give a damn I wouldn't even attend her funeral

Listen Frosty. When your mom grows old and sick she'll turn to her loved ones and ask for help and they'll turn her down. Then and only then will she see the error of her ways.
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Listen Frosty. When your mom grows old and sick she'll turn to her loved ones and ask for help and they'll turn her down. Then and only then will she see the error of her ways.

no not at all my family and I were discussing this very thing a while back


she didn't see the error of her ways when my sister gave birth to my nephew and my sister refused to let her see him

she didn't see the error of her ways when my father came and took us from her

and she sure as hell won't see the error of her ways when I talk to her for the final time when I'm 18... I'm actually writing everything I'm going to say to her on a piece of paper


she is so many things no one should have to have a mother like her.....


but I'm not the only one with problems so if you want to continue this discussion PM me


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I like them


My dad is really short tempered, but he's had knee problems for many years, so I can see why he's pretty grumpy. My mom is kind of annoying sometimes, but I suppose that just comes with me being a teenager.


Also we have different political and religious views (They are very religious and conservative, while I'm atheist and very liberal, though they don't know it) so I always feel like I can't really speak my mind when I'm around them.


Other than that, they're good people. They provide me with food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, etc. I've never had any problems with abuse, though they disciplined me thoroughly as a child.

...But that's just my opinion.

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I love my parents. They're good, hardworking people who care for me, and I care for them. I think the fact that I'm close to them allows me to get away with cursing or telling them I want kick their ass sometimes. They do piss me off sometimes, and I've let them know that, but we're on good terms.

  • Brohoof 1


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Difficult to answer, hate is such a strong word. I do love them, they annoy me from time to time but so does a lot of things. I'd say that I love them but while I may not be on the best terms with them as they often seem annoyed by what I do. I think they have good intentions and while they may not always understand me I know they would try to support me in whatever ways they can. So if we wanted to choose between such polar opposites I'd choose love.

  • Brohoof 1
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My parents are pretty awesome and can beat up yer parents! XD

We've had our dark times and my autism growing up caused a lot of needless BS imho, but we are still together as a family and now that I've grown up, even more so. If you asked me as a teen I would probably give a different, less-thought-out answer, but today they spend a lot of time with my daughter and we all get along well. I am actually pretty damn happy in my life :D


I cant vote on the pole, cause I'm not a cool enough member yet lol XP

Edited by pwny
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They are wonderful, hardworking, kind people but they are extremely strict xD

I love them though :P


Although, with my dads maturity, sometimes he seems more like a brother than a father :P Probably helps we share our hobbys, height, humor and a whole load more, and we have the strangest conversations. Going from skyrim to particle physics in a few sentences xD

Gamer Dad is best dad

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

I moved away from my mom 3 years ago. Since my parents got divorced, my mom hasn't treated me or my brother like she should. 


Right now I live with my dad. Although I find it hard to talk to him, and he can overreact (angrily) to some situations, I still love him, and I know he loves me back. Although nowadays we don't really do that much with each other (which I am starting to work on). 

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I really do love my parents and all of my family, no matter what stupid decisions they make.

Sometimes it's hard to come to terms with love when people do bad things to you.

To love unconditionally is hard in itself in some cases.


As for me, I am truly lucky to have such a loving family, I don't know where I'd be without em'. And honestly they've pulled me through difficult times and support my decisions, even if they don't necessarily agree with them.


We have our fair share of arguments, and I hardly see my father thesedays but I still love them regardless no matter what, because that's what families do.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 month later...

It's a love/hate relationship... 


I do love my parents to some degree, though they don't like me at all.  :o


We're polar opposites, and they hate that they were never able to make me into another version of themselves. So they were mean to me and punished me my whole life for being something they didn't want but got stuck with. 


I no longer try to please them. But even when I wanna get away from them and have nothing to do with them, something inside me would rather stay near them anyway. It's... a bit odd, I suppose. 


Me in a nutshell.

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My biological parents, I don't have feelings for them. They're both childish, they do drugs/drink, and neither one of them take priority for taking care of their own children. I don't want to be anything like them. I've never called them Mom or Dad. I've only called them by their first name, even through childhood.


My grandmother is my real parent :3

She's so selfless and she'll stick up for anyone. She can be stubborn at times, but it's always out of care. "Are you wearing a hat out at the bus stop?" "You need to wear tights under your jeans to stay warm." "You need to layer up out there."


"Mom, I'm alright." (I overheat easily :P)

  • Brohoof 1



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I love my parents to death. Not gonna brag here, but mine are AMAZING. They are fun, amazing, and love me to death. I mean, sure they can be jerks and piss me off to where i'd love to strangle them, but....thats parent. My mom can be grumpy a lot more often than my dad, but she has reasons. She has a bad back, menopause, and arthritis.... so sometimes I don't blame her for being crabby. 


My dad can also annoy me a lot, because sometimes he can just be overly in a good mood and try to joke with me a lot, but...at least he isnt a jerk. He can have his days, but I love him. He's cool.

  • Brohoof 1

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I love my mother.  She's accepting and supportive of who I am, and I've thrown her some interesting curve balls. xD  She always put my brother and myself first when we were growing up, and we always knew that we were loved.  Although we struggled financially, she taught us to value things other than money.


I never met my father.  He quickly moved on and had other children, and - in a letter he sent addressed to me - he seemingly expected me to seek him out once I came of age.


So f*** that guy.

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I love my parents for whom and how they raised me to be, but there are gripes that I have with them.


They were raised in Communist Ex-Yugoslavia (the communism at that time was actually the best and positive example of communism ever in world history imo) during the late 60s 'til the late 80s, and because of whom they are right now, there are only a few things that I can relate to them. Because of this, my interests are vastly different from theirs.


It's hard to relate to them nowadays because of the differences of interests and such.


Therefore, I do mostly love my parents for who they are, but I also don't and can't agree with them and I sometimes do question their logic and authority behind the things that they've barely heard of or never bothered to know or try because they are so conservative in every way, it gets pretty nerve-wracking!


Sorry about the short rant.

Edited by Jonny Music
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