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Im in a depressing state rn about the brony fandom never being popular again


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Please help im in need of assistance i have been apart of this fandom since 2011 but there are some issues i did not get to do everything i wanted when it was popular i miss those days and it bothers me so much inside to know our fandom will never be a trend or popular again i liked when i could goto the store and see my little pony all the time here are my regrets and they bother me so much 1. Telling My Family i was a brony sooner 2. Telling my school 3. Buying merch when it was. Popular and being more envolved sorry it just really bothers me i goto sleep everynight just thinking about how much i missed all because i let fear get the better of me just please somepony help me thanks i really need it (\

  • Brohoof 4
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There really isn't much to say...


you wasted a time that you will never ever get back.

the "good old days' are gone, and it will only get worse with time... the fandom is dying.

2017 will be the last year where its still somewhat popular, because like 80%-90% of the ppl will leave it after the movie.


On the bright side, it was nice while it lasted.

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't let all the depression get into you. The fandom is still around even to this day.

  • Brohoof 14

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


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I had the same feelings when I first joined the fandom and that was early 2016, so I was really late to when it was trending. It is kind of sad knowing that I missed all of that, but there's nothing you can do to change the past. However, the fandom is still very much alive today and has seemed to stayed pretty consistent in numbers since 2014/2015, after the initial hype for it died down. There's also things to look forward to fairly soon, such as the movie and season 7. I just enjoy the fandom for what it is currently and not for what it was when it was new.

  • Brohoof 4


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There certainly was an energy that is hard to artificially create. Its really remarkable that even though the hight of the pony fandom is over, we still are the most active fanbase around.


The fandom isn't dead, its just moving into territory of things like pokemon or transformers, huge fandoms that once were all powerful, but still fairly active. I don't know whitch was bigger, pokemon in the late 90s or MLP in its 2nd season.


There will still be MLP fans following the show into the next generation.

  • Brohoof 3
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Please help im in need of assistance i have been apart of this fandom since 2011 but there are some issues i did not get to do everything i wanted when it was popular i miss those days and it bothers me so much inside to know our fandom will never be a trend or popular again i liked when i could goto the store and see my little pony all the time here are my regrets and they bother me so much 1. Telling My Family i was a brony sooner 2. Telling my school 3. Buying merch when it was. Popular and being more envolved sorry it just really bothers me i goto sleep everynight just thinking about how much i missed all because i let fear get the better of me just please somepony help me thanks i really need it (\

The fandom is not dying. Ugh its so sad that a doom and gloom pony got the first post in this thread. This just annoys me so much, people saying that its dying, because  it's not even true, and it depresses people. We still got TONS of new fans coming in to the welcoming plaza, every day, and the amount of people online at the same time on this site alone is over 300, and this isn't the only one. I just joined a couple months ago, and am really into it now. 


There really isn't much to say...


you wasted a time that you will never ever get back.

the "good old days' are gone, and it will only get worse with time... the fandom is dying.

2017 will be the last year where its still somewhat popular, because like 80%-90% of the ppl will leave it after the movie.


On the bright side, it was nice while it lasted.

What the hell? at the start of 2018 there will be more pony fans than now. The movie is going to bring a lot more people in, and season 7 is going to be much better than season 6. Why are you spreading these lies? ugh... It's like new fans coming in don't even matter to you, only the ones leaving. 


I just joined this fandom, im not going anywhere. I got pony merch, I got my ticket to everfree northwest! It's a great time to be a pony!!

Edited by trademark2
  • Brohoof 13

Feel free to message or add me everypony!

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The fandom isn't dying even though you and many others assume that it is. I'd say that it has reached a state where it won't get any bigger or any smaller. For every fan who leaves of their own volition, a new fan will come along and fill the void. It's this kind of cycle that will remain the standard until the movie comes out at the end of the year. It's impact--whatever it may be--will no doubt change thefandom's dynamic, yet either way it shall persevere.

  • Brohoof 8


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There really isn't much to say...


you wasted a time that you will never ever get back.

the "good old days' are gone, and it will only get worse with time... the fandom is dying.

2017 will be the last year where its still somewhat popular, because like 80%-90% of the ppl will leave it after the movie.


On the bright side, it was nice while it lasted.


Just a fyi your answer did not help it made me feel 10 times worse 2. I have been in the fandom since 2013 at least maybe even 2012 what i was tryingg to say is i did bot getto do everythung i wanted but that answer the one you put about you will never get it back that hurts so much inside rn you have no idea i didnt just join for the fad i joined for the family and friendship honestly ive been in the fandom since 2010 i just was not as active i cant remember 2010 at all but i do know it was when i got on xbox and someone was telling me

About it and i got happy and even changed my avatar and things like that so pls dont say things like that i may have not been as active but that is no reason to make people feel like crapp

  • Brohoof 1
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Alot of people say the brony fandom is dying but I highly doubt that. More and more fans come in as ones leave. Pony has been hella in the media recently and been apart of so many things still. Conventions continue to be created. Celebrities continue to acknowledge pony.


I wouldn't say it was as big as it was even though when it was I never saw anything pony related anywhere even though supposedly pony was inescapable. Most people I know and meet have never heard of bronies still or MLP:FIM  fiasco until I told them I was one.


Also a movie wasn't coming out back in 2012-2013 or 2011-2012 or whatever. Theatrical film is coming out now! Also ratings on TV are going down because most people are using Netflix or other online streaming source and because Discovery Family kinda sucks and is inaccessible to many people who have cable. 


Is the fandom smaller? possibly. Are people tired of making a big deal out of bronies like they did three/four years ago? Yes. It's all sailed and past. If anything I would say one of the reasons pony was so popular back in the day was because people were ostracizing it. Now I feel like people just ignore it now or see it in a positive light. The brony fandom will never die.

  • Brohoof 4


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It comes and goes like most fandoms, lots of the original folks are long gone at this point but there's always new ones coming into it. From my own experience it seems to be a bit more toxic over the past year but I'm sure that'll fade.

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I wouldn't say it's dying at all! I would say that it's levelling off and becoming a more stable fandom since most of the hype is gone now. I have been in the fandom since June 2012 so I have experienced all of that and sometimes wish it was still around but then I go to a con and realize that the fandom is still very strong and very much alive! Just need to take it in stride and maintain that love of Pony! :D

  • Brohoof 3

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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The fandom is not going anywhere. Quit being melodramatic.


Even if the show ends after the movie (which it most likely won't) the fandom will be around for years. Who cares how popular it is.... does the popularity of something dictate how much you are able to enjoy it? That leads me to believe you are less interested in pursuing something you truly enjoy and are just riding a fad.



The movie is going to bring a lot more people in, and season 7 is going to be much better than season 6.



We don't actually know this. The movie has the potential to bring in more people, and I am sure it will bring in quite a few, but just as my statements in other threads, the movie will most likely appeal mostly to those already within the fandom itself. The cartoon has the BEST chance overall for bringing in new fans. As for S7 being better than 6, well time will tell won't it? I certainly hope so, and the potential is there, but it will depend on the writers delivering.



Whatever happens the fandom is not going anywhere for quite a while. Anyone thinking it is just going to dry up overnight is fooling themselves.

  • Brohoof 4


~No profound statement needed~

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Not Popular =/= Dying


Now that we’ve cleared that up: pony has become just another stale piece of pop culture nestled among the dank memes from seasons past. It had its days of glory. Now it needs to find its way or be cast back whence it came: the toy abyss, its darkness alive with the echoes of whispering Furbies and countless other plastic abominations. And in its deepest pit, buried under the weight of innumerable shekels, lies the Merchant.


Nonetheless, you should rejoice. Fandom or no fandom, there will always be MLP.

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Calm down,

The fandom is not dying by any mean.

Just look at Derpibooru, their stats are crazy, 4chan still has loads of posts and replys everyday,FiMfiction still has loads new stories and blog entries everyday and there are still a LOT of artists doing pony content.

Yes, some people left the fandom, but that is normal.

Some people will say that the fandom is dying, but to be honest, I've heard that since 2013, and we are still here at large

So PLEASE, do a favor for yourself and enjoy the fandom now,

If you are really REALLY worried about it you should watch Tootsie4ever's videos he made a few months ago.

the fandom is in a down time right now, but that is not even close of what it would be if we where dying.

  • Brohoof 1
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I just looked at the welcoming palace, and people who say that the fandom is dying kinda have a point. If you look at the last page, there are about 2 to 3 people joining every day, but if you look as page 100 there were about 7 to 10 people joining daily, and all the people from the last page are pretty much from the same day. I wouldn't really say that it's dying, but it's clearly going in the underground slowly, where the a bit more hardcore fans will remain. 

But I really don't think that's a reason to be depressed, this fandom probably looks to a lof of people like the only thing they could ever enjoy, but the truth is that if you got into that, you also will get into other things in the future and enjoy them just as much, there is much more in this world than this fandom <3

Edited by Br O N Y (2)


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I don't think that you need to worry very much about the future of the fandom.

Just at look the passion that groups such as the Invader Zim fandom and the Young Justice fandom have.

They were able to manage just fine and stay strong despite going several years without any sort of new content.

This fandom has had a lot more content than either of they did, so even when the show inevitably end, I am sure that the fandom can still manage to keep on going.

  • Brohoof 2


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I just looked at the welcoming palace, and people who say that the fandom is dying kinda have a point. If you look at the last page, there are about 2 to 3 people joining every day, but if you look as page 100 there were about 7 to 10 people joining daily, and all the people from the last page are pretty much from the same day. I wouldn't really say that it's dying, but it's clearly going in the underground slowly, where the a bit more hardcore fans will remain. 

But I really don't think that's a reason to be depressed, this fandom probably looks to a lof of people like the only thing they could ever enjoy, but the truth is that if you got into that, you also will get into other things in the future and enjoy them just as much, there is much more in this world than this fandom <3

more people join when the show is going and less join between seasons. thats why, it will go back up soon 

Feel free to message or add me everypony!

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more people join when the show is going and less join between seasons. thats why, it will go back up soon 

Maybe, but I still think it's really slowind down, because everything does after a while. And I also saw a survey once on this forum which asked in which year people started watching MLP, there were like only 2% in 2016, and this was in september.

But my point was that you shoudln't think that this is the only thing that you will ever enjoy, you will find something that you will enjoy just as much, everything has to end at some point.


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How about yal that wanna say the fandom is ending keep it to yourself pls thiis show means alot to me it helped me get through the bad times in high school so yeah dont tell me to move on this show is meant to be here forever it teaches life lessons that even jesus himself would love to see more of in this world no other fandom of show teaches those values in friendship

  • Brohoof 1
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no other fandom of show teaches those values in friendship

What on earth are you talking about? Almost every other kids show I've watched teaches the exact thing that MLP does.  

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