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mega thread What is your sexuality ?


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Why are more people not attracted to anything than attracted the same sex


probably because they're young and some modicum of suffering in ones life tends to shut down emotions, including the sexual ones.


In addition being on things like bi-polar and depression and anxiety medication will completely obliterate any sexual desire.

Edited by Chronamut
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I don't even know anymore. I've been bi-curious more than once but I always come back to the conclusion that I'm probably just straight. I think I'll just stop wondering about it for now.

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also a great deal of the people here are below an age where they SHOULD be having sex methinks.. so.. probably lots of virgins.. and imo you need a bit of sexual experience to really determine what you are.


Being attracted to someones kindness imo is not a sexual attraction, and thus not a SEXuality.


But that's just me. Mind you I've never done women but they just don't get a "rise" out of me.. at least not in that way.. they do in that they miff me hahaha :P

Edited by Chronamut
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I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky bombs on the enemy. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is impossible and I'm fucking stupid but I don't care. I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AGM-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Edited by Twiggy
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Previously, I voted hetero, because I just kinda assumed that I was 'normal' in that regard without actually thinking about it. Now I'm questioning but I'm pretty sure that I'm asexual. *TMI* though I do have a libido, I've never looked at anyone and become 'turned on' because of the way they look; whilst I do appreciate how aesthetically appealing some people look and that makes me excited. Not excited in a sexual way, excited in a 'I have autism and I'm visually stimming because of your facial symmetry and balanced proportions' way. 

Probably ace, but being only fifteen, it's hard to say. I'll work it out.

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First note: I am male.

I look at hot girls. Nothing. So I thought I might be homosexual.

I look at hot boys. Slightly, but nothing. 

I am not sure, but I might be asexual. I don't have feelings towards any gender for a decade now, rather I like being alone lately. And I am fine with it.

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I'm once again coming back because my sexuality just isn't set into stone but a lot more fluid and having never been in any kind of relationship it's very much open to change, I guess. 


I just found out that the definition of sexual orientation doesn't necessarily link emotional and sexual attraction; I honestly didn't know that :S It can be either or both combined which I think is necessary for having a healthy relationship unless the other person is aromantic or asexual.


I've mostly considered myself to be heterosexual because I'm simply not sexually attracted towards the majority of human males with some exceptions. Now I will go with bisexual because I can be emotionally attracted to both genders; I don't see how gender would make a difference in this one.

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I was bi-curious for a few months, but a couple of months ago I finally realized that, yeah girls are super cute too, I'm bisexual. c:

Edited by PrincessWubsy
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I am a straight male.


There's nothing wrong with being a bisexual or a homosexual. It's absolutely fine. Just please, don't be like those idiots from Westboro Church saying that "God hates gays" or something like that. I'm pretty sure God hates no-one.

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Even though I've already posted on this thread about my sexuality I'm going to again as this thread keeps appearing on my front page.


I'm still Heterosexual last time I checked, I've previously had Bi thoughts but I'm never going there again. xD

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It's an obscure one


One the few Straight People left in 2015


Yep, one of the few 52.6%

Or somewhere around 95% if we're talking about the demographics of your country

Edited by Kitty~
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