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Do you watch MLP with your family?


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Do you watch MLP with any of your family members, like parents, siblings, cousins, or maybe even your friends, or relationship partners? What do they think of the show, and what are their points of view on it?

I watch MLP with my mom, and even though she's not in the fandom cause she doesn't follow anything, she doesn't read fanfics, she doesn't listen to music, or look at the art. She just watches the show, and enjoys it! She doesn't make a big deal over it, but she gets pissed when I watch an episode without her! XD She has some opinions of the show that are common with mine, and some that are different! Fluttershy is her favorite! She also really likes Rainbow and AJ! She doesn't like Pinkie cause she's too hyper. She has mixed feelings with Twilight, and she's okay with Starlight. She doesn't like Discord. She likes all the CMCs, and she likes Scootaloo best mainly cause she pities her and thinks she's an orphan cause her parents never showed up on the show. She likes Spike as well! She doesn't like Rarity though cause she's a drama-queen, and she doesn't like how she treats Spike, much like my opinion of Rarity. I DO like Rarity! I think she's a good character, and her drama queen moments are funny! But I agree that I don't like how Rarity uses Spike's crush on her to get him to do stuff she wants, which is pretty much why I want the crush to end. My mom does although like Flurry Heart, and the entire Apple family, and all of the princesses! She likes Celestia best because she's colorful!

How about anybody you know? What are their opinions of the show?

  • Brohoof 2
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Sometimes I watch alone, and sometimes I watch with my husband. He claims he's not a brony, but he pays attention. He was all "OMG, Celestia laughed at Twilight!" during "Celestial Advice". He's paid attention enough to know that this was a ground breaking event!

  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Nope, though I did show my brothers a while back the pony.mov series and they thought it was funny. They think it's funny that I like the show so I don't even mention it anymore :L .


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I do not watch MLP:FiM with my family and the reason for this is because they are not interested in it. Everyone who lives in our home has their own unique set of tastes when it comes to television. My family also does not watch anime with me for the same reason- they tried to watch it but did not like it. 


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I've watched it with my mom before while I was at her place one time, but other than that, I am a loner when it comes to that. None of my family is interested in it whatsoever so there is that, but I also like my alone time when watching the episodes. Just helps me focus on it more.


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Not really.

Although my mom did walk in when I was watching Friendship Games during the CHS Rally song, and seeing Rainbow, asked if the ponies mated with humans, and it was super awkward.



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I use to watch it with my younger sister, but she grew out of it very quickly (which is why she never comes on MLPF anymore). I also had a chance to sit down and watch it with my father so he could finally see why I like the show so much... but I passed on the opportunity. Doubt things would of been different if I did watch it with him, but maybe he'd understand just a bit more why I practically worship these colorful horses as much as I do Star Wars or World of Warcraft if I did sit down and explain the show to him.


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I watch with me mum.  She's definitely a pegasister.

On 4/27/2017 at 5:49 PM, MegaSean45 said:

I watch MLP with my mom, and even though she's not in the fandom cause she doesn't follow anything, she doesn't read fanfics, she doesn't listen to music, or look at the art. She just watches the show, and enjoys it! She doesn't make a big deal over it, but she gets pissed when I watch an episode without her!

Sounds like she's a fan, so I'd say she's in the fandom.  The fandom requires no community participation, and no involvement in fan-made works.  Being a fan of the show is the only requirement!

On 4/27/2017 at 6:01 PM, cuteycindyhoney said:

sometimes I watch with my husband. He claims he's not a brony, but he pays attention. He was all "OMG, Celestia laughed at Twilight!" during "Celestial Advice". He's paid attention enough to know that this was a ground breaking event!

That's adorable.  I hope you teased him about it.

  • Brohoof 1


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My mom stayed for a few episodes. All I remember is that she doesn't like AJ. My bro watches, but I don't wait for him anymore. That's how i fell behind, only to learn he watches w/ out me. 

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On 28.04.2017 at 3:01 AM, cuteycindyhoney said:

Sometimes I watch alone, and sometimes I watch with my husband. He claims he's not a brony, but he pays attention.

We are the same age. I have very similar situations with my wife.:D

  • Brohoof 1


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5 hours ago, Justin_Case001 said:

That's adorable.  I hope you teased him about it.

Yeah, I do. I suspect he rather likes Rarity. He runs his own business, so I guess they have something in common.


  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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As I mentioned in another thread just a little while ago, I regularly watch new episodes with my dad. My mom has seen multiple episodes all the way through, too.

Neither of them considers themselves bronies but both of them seem to understand why I love the show - and they don't object to my desk being covered in merchandise for a little girl's TV show, which is good enough for me.

"In season seven! I feel like I'm eleven! I've been too long with the pon'es! And I can't complain at all! ... No treehouse, changelings or the harmony stones! In season seven!"

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Other than my younger sister, no one else does. Sometimes I watch it if she is, but other than that, not much I guess.                She does try to steal my plushies though.:okiedokieloki:


She likes Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, while I like Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash/Twilight Sparkle. Not sure about her other favorites. 

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I've never even brought up the show in casual conversation with my family, so obviously we've never watched it together. I'm used to watching it alone or occasionally with one of my best friends who is a fan. Once she hooked up Netflix on the dorm lobby TV around midnight during a weekend and we watched Equestria Girls. No shame. No way I'm ever doing that at home with family around. :lol:


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I watch it with my 16 and 17 year old kids. Back in 2011 I accidentally got them into the show and didn't become a fan myself. In 2014 they convinced me to give it another try. Since then it's become a ritual. I even took them to San Fran for their first Pony Con last year. 

So yes. :D

  • Brohoof 1



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I watch it with my 5 year old niece. She's absolutely in love with the show and won't miss an episode. I don't usually watch it with anyone else, even though I do have some family who like the show. My niece pretty much has a monopoly on being my MLP watching partner. 

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