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What rustles your jimmies?

Boxxi The Brony

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What really just plain rustles your jimmies, it could be the smallest thing, like, mosquitoes ... Or something big like, bacon destroying entire cities with party cannons, for me I get annoyed by people who are CONSTANTLY like well ... This ... Dang it, my images are all gone, WHY!So tell me what rustles your jimmies, SO I CAN RUSTLE THEM MORE HUEHEUEHEUE! 

Edited by Boxxi The Brony
  • Brohoof 8



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My jimmies are rustled by people who think vaccines are poisonous and cause autism. How much stupider can humans be? You get over one thousand times more mercury in a tuna fish sandwich.


Also to say more on the subject, the doctor who originally published the paper stating vaccines caused Autism was arrested for malpractice. You know why? A lawyer who wanted to sue vaccine companies BRIBED him to report that they caused Autism. It's mass deleria at it's worst. Vaccines are powerful and important medical tools.

Edited by Suprememessage
  • Brohoof 19


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My jimmies get rustled when someone asks how my jimmies get rustled....safe to say they are extremely rustled right now!



But in all seriousness, mine get rustled when I see/hear about bullying, just makes my blood boil when I hear about it.

  • Brohoof 5

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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My jimmies are rustled by people who think vaccines are poisonous and cause autism.


Silly people. You can't "get" autism. You're born wit it!


As for what justles my rimmies, rustles my jimmies, that's kind of a hard question. Not much gets me all grrrr'd.


Um... people who think Linkin Park is for 12-year-olds. Lolno. I'd say they're more of a teenage angsty-type thing, not preteen angsty-type thing.


Trolls. Yes. They just anger me with their troll logics.


The Water Temple


My brother.


That's all I can think of right now.

  • Brohoof 5

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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My jimmies are rustled when people don't know the difference between metalcore and screamo. Asking Alexandria is not a screamo band. Pg. 99 is. It's not a difficult concept. I'm like rustling my own jimmies right now.


My jimmies are rustled when my friends make fim of me for being a brony too. Only the dead can know peace from that rustling.

  • Brohoof 2

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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1. Any character in any roleplay that can magically spawn any powerful trinkets and have seemingly limitless tricks up their non-existent sleeves.


2. A group of yes-men that exists only to agree with whatever someone's popular said about things.


3. People who can't differentiate trolls and ogres.


There is a whole lot more, but these three are the worst.

  • Brohoof 2


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The fact that someone will completely reject someone because of a television show. (Yes, there's a story behind that. No, it's not about me. No, I won't tell you [unless you ask].)


When people put text in avatars that's too small to read.


When I run out of soda.


When I knock over my soda can pyramid.


When I'm bocking and I make a wrong jump, resulting in me feeling like I just broke my back.


The shopping aisle sidestep. (You know what I'm talking about. When two people are approaching each other in an aisle at a store, and they both shuffle back and forth, trying to avoid the other, but they just so happen to both sidestep in the same direction.)


Customers who tell me the price of the item they're ordering: "I'll have a dollar drink and a dollar burrito." First off, all drinks are a dollar. Be more specific. One of these days, when someone orders a "dollar drink", I'll just give 'em a Happy Meal-sized cup to spite them. Second, I don't give a shit what the price of the item is. PC-POS does not incorporate the price of the item into the order taking process AT ALL. Just tell me that you want "a burrito". Trust me, I'll figure out the rest.

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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People that keep saying that PCs will be obsolete in 10 years because the iPad is selling more than PC companies are.


When people keep saying CoD is the greatest game of all time


When people shit their pants in disappointment and refuse to talk when I tell them I hate Gravity Falls and Homestuck.

  • Brohoof 4
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When people treat the left wing like they're the scum of the earth.


Also when people say Obama wasn't born in the US.


It just...rustles my jimmies.

  • Brohoof 2



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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People that keep saying that PCs will be obsolete in 10 years because the iPad is selling more than PC companies are.

Or when people say that tablets in general will replace PCs.


I don't know whether that's the truth or not, but I really hope not. I really do not care for touch screen technology. PCs are perfect just the way they are!

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 9

Everything needs more woodwind!

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People on the internet who complain about being bored, then when you tell them about the endless amount of stuff they can do just 'cause they have the internet, they say they don't want to do any of it, then they complain about being bored




People who actually take labels seriously (I use mine strictly for making points)

Ppl who typee lyke diss nd use qs insteadd of gs

People who don't understand that I have a personal bubble and only close friends are allowed in it at any given time

Not being able to be shirtless in public

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People who argue and complain about things for which they have no idea what they are talking about.


For example pretty much anything computer related...

Edited by superponylinux
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Or when people say that tablets in general will replace PCs.


I don't know whether that's the truth or not, but I really hope not. I really do not care for touch screen technology. PCs are perfect just the way they are!


I'm really getting sick of hearing about about tablets, smartphones, etc. It's so pointless. They make a new model like every 3 months. And it's practically the same thing, just the speed's different. And yet, people still buy them. Why? It's stupid!
  • Brohoof 6



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Stupid drivers! People who just don't seem to remember anything they "learned" when the were studying for their license.

They drive in your (and worse still truck drivers) blind spot. They speed up so you can't get into the lane ahead of them,

They drive extremely slow until they realize you are about to pass them, then speed up, and the list goes on and on.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Absolutely nothing! Except when a peer talks down to me and orders me around. I hate that so much! I mean, it's great all the stuff he's doing for Africa, I just would appreciate some respect during science class!

Also when I want my brother to quit rambling and he stops only to pick it back up again in ten seconds flat. I've timed it.

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-People who use the word "Gay" in the wrong context. Like for example if someone here said "That show is so gay" or "My comp is acting really gay right now/" That would get my Jimmies ruffled quite quickly.


- People who don't thank you, or even acknowledge you when you hold a door open for them.


- Homophobes


- Haters


- People who play their car Stereo's too loud.

  • Brohoof 4

Facebook: Josh B.

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-People who use the word "Gay" in the wrong context. Like for example if someone here said "That show is so gay" or "My comp is acting really gay right now/" That would get my Jimmies ruffled quite quickly.


yeah, i know right? i never use gay in that way, even though i used to. but now i don't, since it's kind of dumb anyway and really immature and hateful.
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The servers that host this forum are not big enough to host the list of things that rustles my jimmy's so ill quickly list a few

1. baby on board sines in cars (because they make no difference to anybody and just piss me off

2. people who chew with their mouth open

3. children who are aloud to use facebook and youtube even though the age limit on both websites is 13

im going to have to stop there as Im gona be late for work but this list could go on till the end of time.

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Here's something that's been rustling my jimmies for a while: The state of the music scene in this fandom. Watching the hordes eat up badly-composed, under-produced music while good music goes largely unnoticed. Watching the obvious genre and name-drop biases of Equestria Daily and EverFree Radio.

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Disney wanting to make more Star Wars films.


Robert Pattinson wanting to be in the new Star Wars films, even if he really wants to be Jar Jar Binks.


That bug smear on your windshield that won't go away.

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