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movies/tv Do you like Star Wars?

The Cynical Lone Wolf

Do you like Star Wars?  

97 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Star Wars?

    • Yes; Star Wars rulez
    • Yes; It's Okay
    • In between (please clarify)
    • No, but if it gets better with the new stuff coming up I might be fan of it (again)
    • No, I hate it and forever will
    • No opinion/Neutral

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I still love it.


The films, the battlefront series, the characters, most of it.


As of now, I despise the new generation of star wars, kinect star wars with the infamous han solo, disney owning the franchise, and more.


I'm still a general fan of it either way.

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I don't, actually. I first watched the third one of the series (forgot the title) and was vaguely interested by that arena full of sand that they were in, but it never caught my fascination beyond that. But when I can, I'll go and see the new Disney-produced Star Wars film; it seems like a good grounds to start building up a new interest in it.


I guess one thing I like about Star Wars is that Yoda is a kick-ass character in Soul Calibur :D

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Oh man, I love star wars! I have ever since I was a kid. I remember growing up playing pod racer games, Yoda's Challenge, Jar Jars Journey, the lego games, Battlefront 1 and 2. I also loved Star Wars toys too when I was younger. I remember I had a tie fighter and one of those yellow naboo fighters. I loved all of the movies, like a lot, when I was younger and I still do today! I can't wait for Dice's Battlefront game to come out, it'll be pretty awesome all right!

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Star Wars was my obsession when I was younger but it's been a long time since I've seen any of the films. I have no idea how I'd respond to them now. I'm going to wait till I re-watch the whole saga sometime soon before I formulate an opinion on it.

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Believe it or not...but I have never seen ANY of the Star Wars movies. They don't really grab my attention, so I never watched them.


The only character that has caught my interest is actually Darth Vader...and I'll only watch the movies for him, probably.


So, until I have a chance to actually sit down and watch them all, I have no real opinion on said franchise. 

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I love Star Wars! They're some of my favorite films and I like all of them! Especially The very last one, Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. But all of them are amazing. I remember that the older ones (ep IV-VI) were my favorite movies when I was very young. My favorite characters are Darth Sidious (The Emperor), C3PO and a character many people hate: Jar Jar Binks. I really love the movies cause I'm a fan of sci-fi and the movies has amazing music. But I think that the biggest reason is because it is a long adventure that continues through 6 movies, and I love to watch things like that.


I'm excited to see what Disney will make in the new 3 ones. Hopefully they aren't trash


And yeah I got Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 for the PS2 which I used to play when I was younger, and I got the Lego Star Wars games too.


PS. I don't like the "Clone Wars" tv show.

Edited by DashForever
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I used to love Star Wars when it came to the movies and video games but, since Disney bought it I'm losing faith now. Darth Vader was pretty much my favorite character but, the Star Wars Christmas Special almost killed the franchise including having a kid in one of the movies.

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I absolutely love it; can't you tell? :3'


As for your point, I think it may or may not be going downhill.  Even if it is though, thats not a reason to dislike the whole thing.  The Clone Wars was a major black eye, and Disney acquiring Star Wars might be another one.  However, I defend my position with the fact that Lucas is still on the storyboard.


Also, Star Wars games are the best (COUGH COUGH BATTLEFRONT COUGH COUGH)

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Lifelong fan of Star Wars! I have seen all the episodes multiple times and have Battlefront 2 on my PS2, I'm also pretty excited for the new Battlefront coming out soon, I care less if EA is making it, it's using Battlefield's engine, which is a plus! :D


I do love the prequels, go ahead, shoot me, I love them as much as the original trilogy. I like Jar Jar Binks too, go ahead, shoot me again, although I didn't like the 2nd episode as much as 1 and 3. I also despise the Clone Wars series and Era and prefer the Galactic Civil War, which is the original trilogy.


Also with Disney owning Star Wars, I care less, plus whenever something happens with Star Wars that pisses fanboys off, they could blame Disney instead of Lucas.




PS. I don't like the "Clone Wars" tv show.

I knew I wasn't alone, the series nearly ruined Star Wars for me and I felt it took a big turn away from the series, so I consider it non-canon at all. I mean, c'mon, Anakin having a Padawan, who is an annoying, snobby bitch? Hell no.

Edited by (ECSC) Chickenism
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I love Starwars. Loved it ever since I was a kid. Granted I don't invest too much time into it right now but whenever I think about it's always in good memory.

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I think that I like the expanded universe more than I like the actual series. Battlefront is one of my favorite games/series, I felt in love with KOTOR, and I even liked the second. I absolutely loved Republic Commando. I'm capable of completely shutting down the critical part of my brain and dumbly enjoy the two trilogies completely oblivious to the problems they have. And I have a picture of a stormtrooper tackling a gungan that I love.


Darth Vader is one of my favorite villains of all time. Shaak'Ti and Ayla Secura are some of my favorite aliens. The Ravager is one of my favorite ships in science fiction.

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Star Wars is far from decline. In fact I think this new resurgence could in fact be the start of a new great era for Star Wars. Just look at what they did with the Clone Wars! 


And with Rebellion following in it's footsteps, we're only gonna get better Star Wars animated series. 


J.J. Abrams is an avid Star Wars fan himself and I feel fairly confident that he will make the new films truly Star Wars. He already proved himself with Star Trek.


And even if all of that falls through, we can at least look forward to a new Star Wars soundtrack composed by John Williams.


If anything, this thing with Disney is what might give Star Wars the chance to really shine and bring about some of the greatest Star Wars media that we have ever seen. 


Or it could be a bunch of garbage. Even then, it can never tarnish what Star Wars was and has been for many of us. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what Disney does, because it will live in the hearts of fans forever. As Yoda puts it perfectly...


"Its energy surrounds us and binds us...here, between you, me...everywhere..."


Play us out John Williams!


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I still love star wars both video games and movies. Can't wait for the next battle front and trying my hardest to be cautiously optimistic about Abrams' star wars. I believe he will do well writing it but won't stop a terrible cast ruining it. Not at all happy about the casting rumours and hope that's all they are

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I hate all the cartoon star wars but the one where they got real actors i find is the best


Also me and my friend a lot time ago had these toy lightlabers and we had a lightlaber battle with them and it was like a true lightlaber battle what you see on the movie,Just blocking attacks,Spinning and stuff like that


It was so Awesome :D

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Star Wars is the greatest thing ever.


Like... ever.


I grew up on the movies, the games, and the toys. I was positively obsessed with Battlefront 2 back in the day. I have logged hundreds of hours into the original KOTOR. I still have a whole bunch of Star Wars action figures scattered around my room. I still look at the original trilogy as being among the greatest movies ever made. Hell, I even enjoyed the first and third prequel movies, and the Clone Wars TV series prior to the abysmal 5th season.


And to top it all off, my name and avatar are both based on a Star Wars crossover fic.


I think it would be accurate to say I'm something of a fan. ;)

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I like it but I'm not fanboy.


I've played most of the games, watched the movies and even some of the animated series (not the new ones though I mean like Droids and Ewoks). I'm the same with the LotR series, it's good and fun but not amazing.

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The old generation of Star Wars exceeded the very definition of amazing. It had originality, it had great and believable characters, a compelling story and very intense fight scenes, and by intense I mean not with regards to how fast paced it was, but rather how emotionally powerful the confrontations where particularly between Vader and Ben, Luke and Vader and even all the way to Palpatine who until the final film in the OT, was a figure shrouded in complete mystery. I loved that about the films.


I haven't looked much into the expanded universe sadly, and that's mainly due to how much there is to cover.


I don't, actually. I first watched the third one of the series (forgot the title) and was vaguely interested by that arena full of sand that they were in, but it never caught my fascination beyond that. But when I can, I'll go and see the new Disney-produced Star Wars film; it seems like a good grounds to start building up a new interest in it.


Sand arena? The only movie which includes that is actually the second one with the prequels which is by far one of the worst movies in the series made (only preceded by the first one in the prequels in terms of how bad it is).

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the original trilogy are ace, with possibly the exception of the cop-out good ending on the 6th episode, and some of the questionable choices it makes (why is Yoda's death so unwrought and pointless, in terms of emotional attachment and execution? where'd the second Death Star come from? why Ewoks, and not a planet of Wookies? did we really need more furry fluff? and so on and so forth). the prequel trilogy are flawed, but they're at least enjoyable in their own right. the 3rd one have good action parts, the 1st one has an okay plotline, the 2nd one something inbetween.


the games range from great to good to just plain average and bad. Dark Forces 1 and 2 are great, the second moreso. the Jedi Knight games that came afterwards are not as great, but they have a decent amount of exploration and gameplay. Knights of the Old Republis is brilliant. i own the second KOTOR, but i haven't played it throughout, and since it's an Xbox copy, i apparently can't fix the flaws and cut content it has.

that's about as much as i know about the games though. there's way too many Star Wars games for me to have any good say about. i only know, and have played, the KOTOR RPGs and the Dark Forces FPS'.


as a whole, Star Wars is pretty damn okay actually. i've faith in the new Star Wars films because they'll be developed by people who love the series for what it was (an attempt to blend the spaghetti-western style films in a hi-tech, space environment, i believe), NOT because it's Star Wars. something being Star Wars isn't an acceptable trait of quality, it's the essence behind what made it Star Wars that is.

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I've never cared for Star Wars. Not that I'm saying I dislike it, I've just never been given a reason to think I really enjoy it. But I can say I am a bit tired of always hearing about it.

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I love Star Wars, it's been in my life from the start. I have a big preference for the original trilogy (which I saw first looong before episode 1), and though it feels the prequel trilogy made things go downhill, I still like it because it's Star Wars.


I also loved the games, like the Rogue Squadron games for N64 and Gamecube, Bounty Hunter for Gamecube (playable on Wii) and Battlefront games for the Xbox (playable on xbox 360).


Looking forward to Episode 7 and the new Battlefront game being done by the Battlefield folks (love Battlefield 3, so this couldn't possibly go wrong).


I haven't really followed the cartoon, but I don't dislike it either.

Edited by Iron Shield
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